回复 185楼yurik的帖子 Yes, trump is an existential threat to the swamp....they were in panic mode....unfortunately not many people in this thread get it, maybe they never will, as...............LOL
You forgot about the silent majority. In this thread, only a few handful trump hater jump up and down. From what they said, they know nearly nothing about american politics. If you stay away from MSM, you may draw a different conclusion, what does that tell you?
You forgot about the silent majority. In this thread, only a few handful trump hater jump up and down. From what they said, they know nearly nothing about american politics. If you stay away from MSM, you may draw a different conclusion, what does that tell you? monofaye 发表于 2022-07-23 08:54
整的越狠她越开心~~neoconservatism 正缺个领军人物,她正好竖起大旗~~ 10年前,她要靠老爸余荫才能在wyoming这种鸟不拉屎跟她八竿子打不着的地方选上个众议院, 现在羽翼丰满,目光已经放在全国了,完全不在乎今年的选情了,目标在24,28年的总统。 未来20年,她至少是GOP里面的bernie sanders~~
同理你当年也认为懂王一下台疫情就会立马消失 对吧
Yes, trump is an existential threat to the swamp....they were in panic mode....unfortunately not many people in this thread get it, maybe they never will, as...............LOL
很难很难,至少她很难再hold public office了。 她是彻彻底底的保守主义,在反堕胎等事情上立场坚定,民主党选民会对她表示敬意,但很难在正式选举中选她。共和党base肯定不会选她,除非彻底清除Trumpism.美国政治就这样,不依附两党就很难坐大。
You forgot about the silent majority. In this thread, only a few handful trump hater jump up and down. From what they said, they know nearly nothing about american politics. If you stay away from MSM, you may draw a different conclusion, what does that tell you?
在华人黄右眼里 正常人就是极左 跪舔白左
知道了 你们黄右厉害 是大多数 还不蹦哒
Do you research before responding 🤔
trumpism还能蹦几天?24年可能还会有影响,28年呢? 川普上蹿下跳折腾几年,又是高院又是重划选区, 长远来看,没准就是在为gop的establishment火中取栗啊。 别的不说,她要跟川普官司打到高院, 那仨川普提名的法官,眼睛都不眨就会占她这边~~
cannot agree more.
挑动群众斗群众,然后从中渔利。 这个不新鲜。