特别羡慕印度和白人那张嘴,黑的可以说成白的,丧事可以变喜事。明明是职场失误,修补漏洞,变成了及时发现问题,防止重大损失。羡慕归羡慕,往往事到临头,脑子一片空白。 在网上找来一些Weasel Words。 大家可以牢记下来,背得管瓜烂熟,到时可以优雅的开撕 I’m sorry for being lateThanks for your patienceI’m sorry you are stressedI noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a breakDid you just take credit for my work?It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery.Google that yourselfThe internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online.I’m not doing your job for youI do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.Stop trying to make me do your work!I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload.I told you so and now this is your problemI did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this? 更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。
特别羡慕印度和白人那张嘴,黑的可以说成白的,丧事可以变喜事。明明是职场失误,修补漏洞,变成了及时发现问题,防止重大损失。羡慕归羡慕,往往事到临头,脑子一片空白。 在网上找来一些Weasel Words。 大家可以牢记下来,背得管瓜烂熟,到时可以优雅的开撕 I’m sorry for being lateThanks for your patienceI’m sorry you are stressedI noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a breakDid you just take credit for my work?It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery.Google that yourselfThe internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online.I’m not doing your job for youI do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.Stop trying to make me do your work!I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload.I told you so and now this is your problemI did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this? 更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。 redpill 发表于 2022-07-21 13:51
I don't know why you are so grumpy.I can see that you are upset. I am sorry that you feel this way. Let me know if there is anything that I can help with.解释:I am sorry "that you feel this" not that I am sorry "to make you feel this way". 本质区别:我没有惹你,你自己生气干啥?
特别羡慕印度和白人那张嘴,黑的可以说成白的,丧事可以变喜事。明明是职场失误,修补漏洞,变成了及时发现问题,防止重大损失。羡慕归羡慕,往往事到临头,脑子一片空白。 在网上找来一些Weasel Words。 大家可以牢记下来,背得管瓜烂熟,到时可以优雅的开撕 I’m sorry for being lateThanks for your patienceI’m sorry you are stressedI noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a breakDid you just take credit for my work?It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery.Google that yourselfThe internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online.I’m not doing your job for youI do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.Stop trying to make me do your work!I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload.I told you so and now this is your problemI did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this? 更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。 redpill 发表于 2022-07-21 13:51
特别羡慕印度和白人那张嘴,黑的可以说成白的,丧事可以变喜事。明明是职场失误,修补漏洞,变成了及时发现问题,防止重大损失。羡慕归羡慕,往往事到临头,脑子一片空白。 在网上找来一些Weasel Words。 大家可以牢记下来,背得管瓜烂熟,到时可以优雅的开撕 I’m sorry for being lateThanks for your patienceI’m sorry you are stressedI noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a breakDid you just take credit for my work?It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery.Google that yourselfThe internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online.I’m not doing your job for youI do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.Stop trying to make me do your work!I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload.I told you so and now this is your problemI did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this? 更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。 redpill 发表于 2022-07-21 13:51
特别羡慕印度和白人那张嘴,黑的可以说成白的,丧事可以变喜事。明明是职场失误,修补漏洞,变成了及时发现问题,防止重大损失。羡慕归羡慕,往往事到临头,脑子一片空白。 在网上找来一些Weasel Words。 大家可以牢记下来,背得管瓜烂熟,到时可以优雅的开撕 I’m sorry for being lateThanks for your patienceI’m sorry you are stressedI noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a breakDid you just take credit for my work?It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery.Google that yourselfThe internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online.I’m not doing your job for youI do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense.Stop trying to make me do your work!I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload.I told you so and now this is your problemI did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this? 更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。 redpill 发表于 2022-07-21 13:51
撕需要分几个tier 那种没有任何底线的烙印 就不要客气。但是如果他很有靠山,大概率是赢不了的。或者蛰伏等待时机,或者马上离开找个更友善的环境 如果有的人,已经是人人喊打的老鼠,或者渣人一个,渣得人尽皆知,那最好不要和这种人撕。you fight with a pig , you are a pig 如果是绿茶男女,那需要优雅的撕,撕的不动声色,不然对方装白莲花,会造成有苦说不出的局面
I’m sorry for being late Thanks for your patience I’m sorry you are stressed I noticed you have a lot on your plate. Can I help you? Do you need a break Did you just take credit for my work? It is great to see my ideas being exposed to a wider audience and I would have appreciated the opportunity to have been included in the delivery. Google that yourself The internet is a great resource for these types of questions and I am available to clarify elements that you are not able to find online. I’m not doing your job for you I do not have the capacity to take this on in addition to my own workload but I’m happy to support where it makes sense. Stop trying to make me do your work! I am not able to offer you additional support in completing your workload. I told you so and now this is your problem I did previously note that this was a likely outcome. How do you plan to resolve this?
更多的在这里。 欢迎在楼里补充,集思广益。
很棒啊, 还有有些人经常的套路,邮件没发, 转而问你为什么不回复她的邮件。
Mark. Thanks for sharing!
不行啊,中国大妈式撕法是伤敌一千 自损八百 名声都搞臭了 好要学欧美那一套,面带笑容,私下递刀子
good. mark
对呀 这不是撕吧 就是native speakers惯用的表达方式
Weasel words. ; )
外部公司,我们是甲方得情况,得看领导得态度,是否总觉得外面公司得都是专家, 是否他们说话力度比你高,在开撕之前必须弄明白领导想法。我经理(白人) 就是因为搞不明白,没等撕就被外包得技术人员干掉了。 默哀一下,还挺喜欢跟这个经理干活的, 可以打配合,一个人撕架一个人和事佬。 原则是把活顺利干成。而且他英语在母语中算厉害的,能说会说。 在这么被动的情况下,没有上层领导挺,只能联合群众,靠群众的力量撕。 必须有耐心,逮着机会联合大家的意见撕破脸。 曾经跟白人大叔大吵一架,把几级领导全部呼过来,各个部门主管以及施工方老板给我背书。 该技术人员差点被请走,是乙方公司拿一些东西要挟才留下。但此人收敛很多很多。 我用的招数就是农村包围城市,领导不可能把干活的几大部门全部干掉的。而且充分利用信息不对等,白人大叔不明白里面的利害关系,动了别人的蛋糕。
同部门的同事,这个太难了,有次邮件撕, 最后director 给我当面道歉的。 打那儿以后,我用的招数就是走哪儿都说这个同事的好话,吃准这人drama 和挖坑的本性难移,让其自我暴露。果然已经有同事吃了亏。 这个人只要不延迟项目,我不会化力气撕得,不值得啊。
这边人真是跟电视剧演的那么drama, 啥都遇到过。 特别是压力大得项目,甩锅是必然得事情,被坑得次数也很多得。 撕不撕看影不影响项目已经领导态度和方向。
Me too.
mark mark
mark mark
我觉得撕的时候得看对象看场合,另外得抓重点,不能啰嗦。 主楼的后三个其实挺直接了当的不爽了。
喜欢这样的内容。 对于一个不懂怎么在办公室撕的人,真是有用。希望有更多的这样的办公室生存智慧的帖子。