KNOWLEDGE ARTICLE The United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service inspects only meat, poultry and egg products. The United States Food and Drug Administration inspects other foods. Yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator (40 ºF) one to two weeks or frozen (0 ºF) for one to two months. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, ricotta or Brie can be refrigerated one week but they don't freeze well. Hard cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss and Parmesan can be stored in the refrigerator six months before opening the package and three to four weeks after opening. It can also be frozen six months. Processed cheese slices don't freeze well but can be kept in the refrigerator one to two months. Milk can be refrigerated seven days; buttermilk, about two weeks. Milk or buttermilk may be frozen for about three months. Sour cream is safe in the refrigerator about one to three weeks but doesn't freeze well. For more information, you may call the FDA toll-free at 888-723-3366 or go to FDA's website. The Meat and Poultry Hotline can be reached at 888-674-6854.
冰箱里赫然发现一些酸奶和cottage cheese, 好几个月了,当然早过了印着的“best before” date, 打开闻了闻尝了尝,发现和以前没差。太蹊跷了, 难道不会坏吗? 还是因为美弟的东西防腐剂太多了?
The United States Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service inspects only meat, poultry and egg products. The United States Food and Drug Administration inspects other foods. Yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator (40 ºF) one to two weeks or frozen (0 ºF) for one to two months. Soft cheeses such as cottage cheese, ricotta or Brie can be refrigerated one week but they don't freeze well. Hard cheeses such as cheddar, Swiss and Parmesan can be stored in the refrigerator six months before opening the package and three to four weeks after opening. It can also be frozen six months.
Processed cheese slices don't freeze well but can be kept in the refrigerator one to two months. Milk can be refrigerated seven days; buttermilk, about two weeks. Milk or buttermilk may be frozen for about three months. Sour cream is safe in the refrigerator about one to three weeks but doesn't freeze well. For more information, you may call the FDA toll-free at 888-723-3366 or go to FDA's website. The Meat and Poultry Hotline can be reached at 888-674-6854.
谢谢。 要是过期一两礼拜我都是眉也不皱地吃的哈
这次是有好几个月了。。 哈哈,保险起见我还是扔了算了。