Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) is ranked #34 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. The School for the Talented and Gifted (TAG) is ranked #8 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) 2022 Rankings Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) is ranked #22 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.
Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) is ranked #34 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. The School for the Talented and Gifted (TAG) is ranked #8 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) 2022 Rankings Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) is ranked #22 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.
No, The Blackouts In Texas Weren't Caused By Renewables. Here's What Really Happened
No, The Blackouts In Texas Weren't Caused By Renewables. Here's What Really Happened
左右说法不一,哈哈. 不过这次全球的能源危机确实证明了绿能不可靠 Favoring renewable energy over natural gas investment has led to the mess in Texas Texas’s energy scarcity is largely artificial: The state produces an extraordinary amount of natural gas, but there has been a woeful underinvestment in infrastructure ranging from pipelines to winterizing equipment at utilities. You may as well not have the fuel at all if you can’t get it to where it’s needed or use it once it’s there. What Texas has invested in is renewables, especially wind. These have performed especially poorly: The state’s electric-grid regulator reports that though wind and solar still make up a relatively small share of the state’s overall energy mix, they accounted for 40 percent of the capacity shut down by the storm: Out of the 45 gigawatts that went dark, 18 gigawatts were from wind and solar. Wind is in many ways a good bet for Texas, especially in the western and northern parts of the state, the Saudi Arabia of gales. The sunny parts of the state also generate a fair bit of solar power, which also is welcome. The problem is that these power sources are unreliable. Solar panels don’t work with a couple of inches of snow on top of them, and an icy storm can cause those massive wind turbines to freeze up and stop working. As of right now, most of those Texas turbines are not functioning power sources — they are modern art. We have a great deal of natural gas in the United States, but we have an infrastructure that is inadequate, which makes much of that fuel useless in a situation such as this one. We need more oil-and-gas pipeline capacity rather than less — an issue the Biden administration is on the wrong side of. Gas-fired electricity plants are much cleaner than coal-fired plants, and they rely on a fuel that we have in abundance. We should be adding gas-fired generating capacity on a large scale. And rather than try to figure out how to run a modern industrial economy on pixie dust and unicorn power, we might invest some of that money in making sure the infrastructure we already have will function in the conditions we can expect.
By Blake Ellis, Staff Contributor
In February 2021, the state of Texas experienced unprecedented power outages caused by severe winter storms. Conservative politicians and media were quick to blame the use of renewable energy as the culprit of the outages. The facts present a different explanation. Fact Checking According to the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), while approximately 45,000 megawatts of power went offline, only 16,000 were from renewable sources.[4] The other 30,000 megawatts went offline as a result of failures from thermal sources such as natural gas, coal, and nuclear plants.[5] Texas relies on wind energy for less than one-fifth of its total generating capacity,[6] and ERCOT confirmed that wellhead freeze-offs and other issues curtailing supply in natural gas systems were primarily to blame for the outages.[7] “All types of generation have had issues,” said Joshua Rhodes, a research assistant at the University of Texas at Austin’s Webber Energy Group.[8] Rhodes emphasized that the entire Texas power grid is designed to meet peak demand in the summer, when air conditioners all kick in at once – it is not designed for high demand in winter.[9] Republicans’ claims that renewable energy is less reliable than other energy sources are unsubstantiated.
Texas Wind Power Is Failing Right When the State Needs It Most Turbines are generating 8% of installed available capacity High-pressure system brings heat wave while depressing winds
德州升学上非常卷的。 外地的好学校名额绝大多数都去了私校。本地好学校相对于人口来说名额很少然后UT 75%的名额直接AA了。然后德州其实也有大量的受过好教育的家庭在竞争。
码农当然去加州。德州对于传统行业的家庭吸引还是很大的。日常生活比较容易。教育也很好(是的! 这一点很难想象但是确实如此。原因就是田忌赛马)。
进不去有啥用?UC的前几所越来越不待见小中了. UC完全不看SAT,UCSF的医学院都把MCAD的考试分数换算成pass和fail了, 有些高中也开始这么做以降低亚裔的排名,就是要打压会考试的中印。加州的脑残华人政客,就知道坑华人孩子
我是想表达说有些州虽然总体教育很强,但是第二档的K-12就未见得比德州第一档的K-12强了。 德州大城市里面受过很好教育的家庭非常多,大量的老钱不说了,中产里面的法医商工程师小生意人家庭也都很重视教育,和深蓝州的家长并无区别。不存在说工程师家庭的孩子就怎么有优势了。
都是假的,加州很多割喉高中都上了UCB, UCLA的黑名单了, AMO金牌, USACO Platinum, GPA top 1% 的加州小中男都被UC全拒, 最后进了UT。 今年加州小中录取,尤为惨烈。UT top 6%没有AA的,top 6%以后AA。Texas A&M 没有AA
UT6%那一部分就是名额到校的准AA的操作,占75%名额。只有 25% 是holistic review。。UC的9%也是准AA操作,但是三大UC是完全不参加的,中档UC实际上也不参加。
感觉UT比UC还是好些。那个AMO, USACO的加州牛娃,被UC全据,被UT录了 UC 完全不看SAT,连Test Optional都没有,太过分, 结果SAT 900 的小墨还进了UC Irvine, 还上了新闻,证明取消sat多么正确
因为工作机会比较多,房子比加州便宜太多啊。德州和加州比,虽然有不太好的地方,也有自己的优点。 乌泱泱去德州的,也不全是加州搬过去的,也有很多其他州的,其他州很多确实不如德州呢。
这个不可能是apple to apple的比法吧,这个中国娃肯定只申请了中档以上UC的CS吧? SAT900的进的是CS吗?
这个帖子在文学城上当时都轰动了,各个升学群都热烈讨论。华人前不久也都讨论不少,都是加州CS娃的case。牛人总结是UC改了录取规则,大幅增加 URM 比例,导致小中异常惨烈。SAT900的是小墨女,不知道进的是不是CS
好像有道理,感觉德州和加州孩子最容易的出路就是直接报私立,不考虑州立就行了。 如果是这样的话,还是加州孩子有优势吧。毕竟双马家庭收入不少的,真到拼家庭条件的话,感觉加州优势大吧
说实话我觉得10年前南加sd最适合居住,科罗拉多也不错,德州排第三。不喜欢纽约和东北,电线杆子到处飞。 没去过乔治亚和北卡,可能工作机会少,其他也许可以排前面
学校,德州公校的小学初中甚至到高中的公立是好的,不像加州要去私立或者课后班拼命补,但是好大学数量和质量不行 德州的天气是非常的热,最热超过40摄氏度的天气会持续2个月,冬天达拉斯也不见得就暖和也挺冷会有冰雨 蜘蛛蚂蚁蚊子有是有但可以雇人或者自己做pet control,半年一次倒也不麻烦,基本家里见不到,后院漂亮的party直接泳池周围插火炬一点就没有蚊子苍蝇了 德州主要是发展很快,城市建设都比较新所以看上去就比老旧的城市有活力,眼见着周围各种各样的居民区店铺学校日新月异,坏处是新绿化的树没有长起来 还有就是没有州税,房子便宜,但这个优势这两年越来越不明显,房价已经不再亲民 夏天出门玩真的需要买机票去北面,风景贫瘠,确实适合宅男宅女养家,不适合室外 德州其他吃的用的肯定比华州便宜,跟加州应该差不太多可能稍稍便宜一点 工作机会越来越多得益于公司多,坏处是交通拥堵情况越来越严重 就居住环境来说德州的小区规划都还不错,绿化,人工湖,各种泳池,gym, 网球场,小孩子的playground, club house挺多
楼主没事吧? 是个正常人都会认为有文化有素质的lgbt 比满街红脖子和枪手强吧 人家lgbt碍着你啥事儿了? 红脖子那是真的骂你歧视你拿枪突突你
还真没有,这么多年德州红脖子都还挺友好,这么多年洪水人家救水帮你清淤扔垃圾救人。 车陷在沙子里人家二话不说拉起铲子就帮挖
德州Dallas 现在最高109度,佛罗里达Tampa现在最高92度,怎么说德州气候比佛罗里达还好?
red neck: a working-class white person, especially a politically reactionary one from a rural area.
我带娃从家里进入车库, 107度的高温, 当时就想我一定要离开这儿! 哈哈
太热了, 很多植物无法生存, 树也长不高。
很多人之前认为乡下的白人工人之前是贬义词,至少在南方现在不是了 人家就是开着皮卡,真有事儿很热心的,比虚伪的动不动背地里搞小动作的强多了
蟑螂?你是不是没有用对防虫剂?雇佣pet control吧
还是很保守的, 哪怕是白领也不例外,希望现在随着外来人口的增多有所改观。
对我们来说新旧很重要,旧了就感觉住在历史文物里,维护维修都搞不过来,有着时间干啥不好。 你说的教育太主观,德州小初高学区好的地方很多以前房价也相对便宜,公立学校因为地税高所以有钱,很多有名的要考试进的charter school在全国都是很靠前的。 不可否认大学肯定不如加州东北,大不了申请外州学校嘛
说的是普遍水平,比如达拉斯那几个好学区的公立学校,排名太低了。你要是连chater school都拿来说,那东北也不是没新房😂
Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) is ranked #34 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.
The School for the Talented and Gifted (TAG) is ranked #8 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college.
Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) 2022 Rankings Science and Engineering Magnet School (SEM) is ranked #22 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.
土生土长的的德州人喜欢吧, 沃尔玛家和布什家都住那儿, 有钱也不搬, 人家就是喜欢德州的style, 哈哈。人都是喜欢自己成长起来的地方。
我知道一个很有名的做葡萄酒的, 在德州只住最低天数, 因为税的优惠。 一旦住满了那个要求就回加州住了。
华人上看的是上名校。 比如你列得这三个, 在 polarislist 上。 LASA 在 68 其它两个 300 多名后了。 跟东北的没得比。
我用的us news排名,你这是东北自己的排名吧
德州的房子跌的绝对数目比加州少。 德州终于打败了加州!
2008年崩盘的时候,加州腰斩,FL 5万美元买海边豪宅,德州降了10%
老布什麻省出生,小布什CT出生,为了石油去的tx。 但是夏天都在缅因z
No, The Blackouts In Texas Weren't Caused By Renewables. Here's What Really Happened
德州州长当时就是不顾事实的出来甩锅给新能源 其实德州主要靠天然气
Favoring renewable energy over natural gas investment has led to the mess in Texas
Texas’s energy scarcity is largely artificial: The state produces an extraordinary amount of natural gas, but there has been a woeful underinvestment in infrastructure ranging from pipelines to winterizing equipment at utilities. You may as well not have the fuel at all if you can’t get it to where it’s needed or use it once it’s there.
What Texas has invested in is renewables, especially wind. These have performed especially poorly: The state’s electric-grid regulator reports that though wind and solar still make up a relatively small share of the state’s overall energy mix, they accounted for 40 percent of the capacity shut down by the storm: Out of the 45 gigawatts that went dark, 18 gigawatts were from wind and solar.
Wind is in many ways a good bet for Texas, especially in the western and northern parts of the state, the Saudi Arabia of gales. The sunny parts of the state also generate a fair bit of solar power, which also is welcome. The problem is that these power sources are unreliable. Solar panels don’t work with a couple of inches of snow on top of them, and an icy storm can cause those massive wind turbines to freeze up and stop working. As of right now, most of those Texas turbines are not functioning power sources — they are modern art.
We have a great deal of natural gas in the United States, but we have an infrastructure that is inadequate, which makes much of that fuel useless in a situation such as this one. We need more oil-and-gas pipeline capacity rather than less — an issue the Biden administration is on the wrong side of. Gas-fired electricity plants are much cleaner than coal-fired plants, and they rely on a fuel that we have in abundance. We should be adding gas-fired generating capacity on a large scale. And rather than try to figure out how to run a modern industrial economy on pixie dust and unicorn power, we might invest some of that money in making sure the infrastructure we already have will function in the conditions we can expect.
In February 2021, the state of Texas experienced unprecedented power outages caused by severe winter storms. Conservative politicians and media were quick to blame the use of renewable energy as the culprit of the outages. The facts present a different explanation. Fact Checking According to the Electrical Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT), while approximately 45,000 megawatts of power went offline, only 16,000 were from renewable sources.[4] The other 30,000 megawatts went offline as a result of failures from thermal sources such as natural gas, coal, and nuclear plants.[5] Texas relies on wind energy for less than one-fifth of its total generating capacity,[6] and ERCOT confirmed that wellhead freeze-offs and other issues curtailing supply in natural gas systems were primarily to blame for the outages.[7] “All types of generation have had issues,” said Joshua Rhodes, a research assistant at the University of Texas at Austin’s Webber Energy Group.[8] Rhodes emphasized that the entire Texas power grid is designed to meet peak demand in the summer, when air conditioners all kick in at once – it is not designed for high demand in winter.[9] Republicans’ claims that renewable energy is less reliable than other energy sources are unsubstantiated.
Texas Wind Power Is Failing Right When the State Needs It Most
Turbines are generating 8% of installed available capacity High-pressure system brings heat wave while depressing winds
而且说热,那也比什么亚利桑那佛罗里达好多了吧 ………………………… 别的地方不了解 实话实说,Florida没德州热,毕竟靠海,湿热倒是会