A hospital in Central Texas told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy—which is not viable—until it ruptured. https://t.co/2dchhnJFtT — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) July 17, 2022
回复 90楼baicaiye的帖子 Because you can die any moment. Should you drive to New.Mexico and the hopes your ectopic pregnancy doesn't blow up in the next 14 hours?
At least three medical facilities in Texas have counseled doctors that they should not treat pregnant women with certain complications because they might run afoul of the state’s abortion ban, according to the Texas Medical Association. The group says a hospital in Central Texas told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy—which is not viable—until it ruptured. “Delayed or prevented care in this scenario creates a substantial risk for the patient’s future reproductive ability and poses serious risk to the patient’s immediate physical wellbeing,” the association said in a letter to regulators, according to the Dallas Morning News. Two other hospitals are reportedly telling doctors that if a woman’s water breaks too soon in the pregnancy they should just send her home to wait for the fetus to come out. source:https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/07/14/texas-hospitals-fearing-abortion-law-delay-pregnant-womens-care-medical-association-says/
很可惜,参议院通不过的。 House passes first bills to restore abortion rights post-Roe v. Wade https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/house-passes-abortion-bills-post-roe-era/#app The House voted on a pair of bills aimed at restoring abortion rights nationwide in Democrats' first legislative response to the Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade. The Women's Health Protection Act of 2022 passed the House with a vote of 219-210 and is an updated version of a bill the House passed in September to enact the right to an abortion and prohibit states from imposing limits on abortions that could make them more difficult or costly to obtain. The Senate failed to pass a version of this bill in May. The bill has little chance of becoming law because it lacks sufficient support in the 50-50 Senate. Yet voting marks the beginning of a new era in the debate as lawmakers, governors and legislatures grapple with the impact of the court's decision. The House also passed a measure to ban states from interfering with a woman's right to travel to obtain an abortion, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act. It passed 223-205 but is also likely to fail in the Senate.
At least three medical facilities in Texas have counseled doctors that they should not treat pregnant women with certain complications because they might run afoul of the state’s abortion ban, according to the Texas Medical Association. The group says a hospital in Central Texas told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy—which is not viable—until it ruptured. “Delayed or prevented care in this scenario creates a substantial risk for the patient’s future reproductive ability and poses serious risk to the patient’s immediate physical wellbeing,” the association said in a letter to regulators, according to the Dallas Morning News. Two other hospitals are reportedly telling doctors that if a woman’s water breaks too soon in the pregnancy they should just send her home to wait for the fetus to come out. source:https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2022/07/14/texas-hospitals-fearing-abortion-law-delay-pregnant-womens-care-medical-association-says/ Suess123 发表于 2022-07-17 14:19
https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/15/texas-hospitals-abortion-laws/ The request comes as confusion and concerns abound among Texas medical professionals over what they can and cannot do under Texas’ abortion ban. Beyond elective abortions, there are several situations in which a doctor might advise an abortion for the safety of the patient — including ectopic pregnancies, in which a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus, making it unviable — or provide other stabilizing treatments during hypertension and preeclampsia. Delays in treatment can cause serious health complications. But in a post-Roe world, physicians in states where abortion has been banned have to weigh the legal implications of their actions, instead of making decisions based on what prevailing medical literature recommends. In Texas, doctors can face six-figure fines and be put in jail for any disallowed abortions. According to the Morning News, the TMA included in its letter examples of some cases in which treatment was denied or delayed but did not name specific hospitals. In Central Texas, a physician was allegedly instructed to not treat an ectopic pregnancy until a rupture occurred, which puts patient health at serious risk, the letter says.
A hospital in Central Texas told a physician not to treat an ectopic pregnancy—which is not viable—until it ruptured. https://t.co/2dchhnJFtT — The Daily Beast (@thedailybeast) July 17, 2022
德州孕产妇因为怀孕相关的死亡率是加州的7倍 https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state California has the lowest maternal mortality rate of 4.0 deaths per 100,000 births. Texas (34.5 per 100k) 在美国是倒数的。 美国这个maternal mortality 在发达国家是倒数的。发达国家基本都和加州差不多是个位数。美国只有不多的几个州是个位数 美国最糟的就是最黑暗的路易斯安那。 那比德州还黑。Louisiana (58.1 per 100k) 死亡率是加州十倍。
🔥 最新回帖
你能证实这个是谣言你就发一下证据 不要老让别人帮你取证 别人没那么义务懂吗
认真的看了两遍。没有看懂你在说啥。。。 你的意思是说,你是和党但是你反对和党那种极端反堕胎的policy 吗?而且大部分和党其实也都是这个想法?
Because you can die any moment. Should you drive to New.Mexico and the hopes your ectopic pregnancy doesn't blow up in the next 14 hours?
Doctors talk to each other. It has happened.
黄右: 只要还没轮到自己都是fake news
🛋️ 沙发板凳
哦,对了,Ohio的一个法律快要生效了,内容是,医生必须把宫外孕的胎儿给移植到子宫里, 不然以杀人罪论处。据权威医生说,这样的手术还没有成功的案例。
简直是回到一千年前了 愚昧无知还邪恶。
第一这不是谣言,消息来源是TMA,比你家川总的true media可靠多了
第二,为什么黄右看到自己不喜欢的新闻就激发“独立思考”, 却连个国会暴乱的hearing都不愿意去听呢?
狗屁党搞出来的法案经常侮辱智商 只不过gop base看不出来而已
The House voted on a pair of bills aimed at restoring abortion rights nationwide in Democrats' first legislative response to the Supreme Court's landmark decision overturning Roe v. Wade.
The Women's Health Protection Act of 2022 passed the House with a vote of 219-210 and is an updated version of a bill the House passed in September to enact the right to an abortion and prohibit states from imposing limits on abortions that could make them more difficult or costly to obtain. The Senate failed to pass a version of this bill in May. The bill has little chance of becoming law because it lacks sufficient support in the 50-50 Senate. Yet voting marks the beginning of a new era in the debate as lawmakers, governors and legislatures grapple with the impact of the court's decision. The House also passed a measure to ban states from interfering with a woman's right to travel to obtain an abortion, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act. It passed 223-205 but is also likely to fail in the Senate.
有些base就坚持极左更可怕 厕所lgbtq……
他们会坚定地告诉你俩字 厕所!
我觉得这种文章没有很大的可信度,首先,certain complications 没有明确。其次,哪一个医院哪一个医生干的不给宫外孕治疗?脱离上下文的语句我个人不会轻易相信。
你可以给出是哪家医院和更多地信息? A hospital, A doctor, an organization, 这个操作的空间就很大了。
别人给的信息你不信 就自己去调查研究呗 支持你去联系TMA和德州媒体
并没有给出什么具体信息,全是a hospital 不拉布拉....
没有必要说出来是哪个医院 因为哪个医院的法律顾问都会是同一个意见。 Texas medica association是五六万个医生的大协会,不会捏造事实的。
这个估计孕妇救回来也不能再生育了。 胎心降到一定数值以下孩子就会出大问题,非要等到胎心绝对测不到了再干预,不光是孕妇生理上的巨大风险,心理上也是巨大trauma啊。
厕所文学看多了 脑子不好使了
excuse me? 现在是哪个世纪啊?号称地球是圆的人不会被马上拉到广场烧死了吧?
私人飞机么? 随时候着 不是每个人都有财力可以这么做的。 何况gop的目标就是全国禁。 等他们拿到2院多数,废弃filibuster,就可以立法了。就跟当年简单大多数就要废除affordable care一样。
真的是难以置信,我自己有过一次宫外孕,发现得早,打针就好了,但是整个过程还是非常难受和焦虑,因为第一针下去,数值降不下来,还在长,每天测,又打了第二针,幸好没有需要做手术,整个过程担惊受怕,还加上严重孕反应,有没有迎接新生命的喜悦,几乎半年才缓过来 我难以想象确诊了宫外孕,不在最早的时候干预,把伤害降到最低,还有等到孕妇快死了,这是真的吗,真的吗,投票的人有一点点良知吗
Ohio 这谁提议的,这么猪脑子。我不喜欢Ohio,这下又多一个理由了。
RE 当年我宫外孕的时候医生明确说不让travel,因为不知道哪一分钟会爆 而且根据处理方式和时间,结果有可能大不同,比如说本来打针可以治疗的,拖延之后搞不好不仅要手术还要切除输卵管
怎么也没让哈佛收50%华裔呢? 怎么也没人管厕所呢? 大妈的智慧
前两天新闻指名道姓被谴责,现在不指名道姓又被说是假的 掩耳盗铃
The request comes as confusion and concerns abound among Texas medical professionals over what they can and cannot do under Texas’ abortion ban. Beyond elective abortions, there are several situations in which a doctor might advise an abortion for the safety of the patient — including ectopic pregnancies, in which a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus, making it unviable — or provide other stabilizing treatments during hypertension and preeclampsia. Delays in treatment can cause serious health complications. But in a post-Roe world, physicians in states where abortion has been banned have to weigh the legal implications of their actions, instead of making decisions based on what prevailing medical literature recommends. In Texas, doctors can face six-figure fines and be put in jail for any disallowed abortions. According to the Morning News, the TMA included in its letter examples of some cases in which treatment was denied or delayed but did not name specific hospitals. In Central Texas, a physician was allegedly instructed to not treat an ectopic pregnancy until a rupture occurred, which puts patient health at serious risk, the letter says.
感觉美国要完蛋了,一个疯子川一个傻子拜 你说你选哪个
California has the lowest maternal mortality rate of 4.0 deaths per 100,000 births. Texas (34.5 per 100k) 在美国是倒数的。
美国这个maternal mortality 在发达国家是倒数的。发达国家基本都和加州差不多是个位数。美国只有不多的几个州是个位数
美国最糟的就是最黑暗的路易斯安那。 那比德州还黑。Louisiana (58.1 per 100k) 死亡率是加州十倍。
宫外孕还是很多的,每100个怀孕就会有两个, 我朋友亲人都遇到过, 都是很紧急立刻做的手术, 很难想象还要找飞机飞到其他州, 太危险了。