medical insurance coverage is up to 65 years old, not lifetime. cable 发表于 2022-07-11 12:11
Who told you it is not life time? After 65, Medicare kick in, but some agencies still offer group private insurance to supplement, they have dual coverage.
Who told you it is not life time? After 65, Medicare kick in, but some agencies still offer group private insurance to supplement, they have dual coverage. 潜水龙 发表于 2022-07-11 12:18
我也以为加州政府是 lifetime medical insurance? Medicare是不是coverage没那么好啊
我也以为加州政府是 lifetime medical insurance? Medicare是不是coverage没那么好啊 pink_rabbit 发表于 2022-07-11 13:36
Medicare 只cover80%,没有out of pocket maximum,一般人退休后还要再买私人保险,但保费较高。很多人的全部积蓄都是在生命的最后半年内全部用在医疗上面,经常还不够,往往还要抵押房产,甚至破产。政府工最大的好处除了有life time的pension,就是退休后仍然有原单位的保险,而且带配偶 Medical bills are reported to be the number-one cause of U.S. bankruptcies. One study has claimed that 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues. Another claims that over two million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses.
Medicare 只cover80%,没有out of pocket maximum,一般人退休后还要再买私人保险,但保费较高。很多人的全部积蓄都是在生命的最后半年内全部用在医疗上面,经常还不够,往往还要抵押房产,甚至破产。政府工最大的好处除了有life time的pension,就是退休后仍然有原单位的保险,而且带配偶 Medical bills are reported to be the number-one cause of U.S. bankruptcies. One study has claimed that 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues. Another claims that over two million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses. xiaohaot 发表于 2022-07-11 14:32
Part A provides inpatient/hospital coverage. Part B provides outpatient/medical coverage. Part C offers an alternate way to receive your Medicare benefits (see below for more information). Part D provides prescription drug coverage. Original Medicare only covers 80% of Part B services, which can include everything from preventive care to clinical research, ambulance services, durable medical equipment, surgical second opinions, mental health services and limited outpatient prescription drugs. You''''ll usually pay 20% of the cost for each Medicare-covered service or item after you''''ve paid your deductible. If you have limited income and resources, you may be able to get help from your state to pay your premiums and other costs, like deductibles, coinsurance, and copays.
有一个公式。通常 Age + Service years = 75 or 80, 不同的Agency 有不同的规定 通常 You have to complete at least 10 or 15 years of service to be eligible for the insurance including your spouse''s. 不同的Agency 有不同的规定 You still get social security benefits since you paid the tax, you may not get the full amount of it if you have pension
Medicare 只cover80%,没有out of pocket maximum,一般人退休后还要再买私人保险,但保费较高。很多人的全部积蓄都是在生命的最后半年内全部用在医疗上面,经常还不够,往往还要抵押房产,甚至破产。政府工最大的好处除了有life time的pension,就是退休后仍然有原单位的保险,而且带配偶 Medical bills are reported to be the number-one cause of U.S. bankruptcies. One study has claimed that 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues. Another claims that over two million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses. xiaohaot 发表于 2022-07-11 14:32
那如果老了之后去政府比如工作个两三年退休也能拿 lifetime medical insurance 吗?这听起来是个好deal啊
有一个公式。通常 Age + Service years = 75 or 80, 不同的Agency 有不同的规定 通常 You have to complete at least 10 or 15 years of service to be eligible for the insurance including your spouse''s. 不同的Agency 有不同的规定 You still get social security benefits since you paid the tax, you may not get the full amount of it if you have pension xiaohaot 发表于 2022-07-11 15:21
Part A provides inpatient/hospital coverage. Part B provides outpatient/medical coverage. Part C offers an alternate way to receive your Medicare benefits (see below for more information). Part D provides prescription drug coverage. Original Medicare only covers 80% of Part B services, which can include everything from preventive care to clinical research, ambulance services, durable medical equipment, surgical second opinions, mental health services and limited outpatient prescription drugs. You''''ll usually pay 20% of the cost for each Medicare-covered service or item after you''''ve paid your deductible. If you have limited income and resources, you may be able to get help from your state to pay your premiums and other costs, like deductibles, coinsurance, and copays. xiaohaot 发表于 2022-07-11 14:44
Plan b的deductible coinsurance 完全可以买medigap.一个月才200。
🔥 最新回帖
这个结论相当粗暴和武断啊。Supreme Court, police station,fire station,FBI, CIA, NASA,各种国家实验室….里面的各种专业人士全是losers?被骂和嘲讽的对象?
我的工作也是差不多. 我觉得这样的工作很有意义对自己非常自豪.
人生在世, 并不是唯钱为上的.
🛋️ 沙发板凳
理论上马工也可以 不过很少有不跳槽不换赛道的马工
鱼不过塘不会肥 这句话适用于任何职场人.
无论是给中小企、科技大公司、大学还是给政府打工, 都会因职位、工薪待遇、升迁机会而流动的.
多数人不就是你说的那样吗? 况且, 政府工作也有很高的职位啊, 比如富其
顺着说……就知道被动收入有多重要了 中年还在靠工作主动收入压力太大退休无望啊
Re, 都是用命换钱为啥不换多点?
举例不当 打回去重来
就算是富齐 他也是MD PHD. 你看看private sector哪个MD PHD发展的不好?又不是你做了公务员就自动做了MD…
Vsfan 这个ID 发现经常信誓旦旦说一些看似fact的话 但是仔细一看 就是在bullshit , Fauci 是MD 不是phd md. 然后他肯定又会跳出来说 你是杠精 或者 MD又怎么怎么样。 反正就是胡搅蛮缠
一方工作忙, 另一方十几万的政府工多接送孩子这样的组合最好了
这口气大的,看看版上多少人中年就能退休完全靠被动收入生活了?对于大多数中年人找一份稳定轻松的工作难道不是最佳选择? 如果有轻松稳定的工作,好多人还不愿意退休呢,看看政府的坑多么少就知道了
混饭吃还有十几万美元一年呢。 现在国内考公务员最热门了, 公务员赚60万人民币也是凤毛麟角了。
考G考托费了老鼻子力气吗? 同样的说法,费老鼻子力气高考,就为了毕业到政府混吃等死,为什么?
公务员不能自动成MD,不恰恰说明公务员也不是一眼望到退休么。有追求的可以追求,躺平的可以躺平。 其实private sector也这样。
是Sri Lanka 吗?很多时候有多少时候?比其他的还可以,和政府工作比稳定比不裁员怎么比,不要说一个小地方的小政府,统计看一下。
联邦政府最差,动不动就没钱,千万别去。最好的就是找有钱的city county 政府,大州州政府也不错。
我的天啊,你难道不知道强制休假之后工资都要补回来的吗?0809年企业裁了多少人?政府裁了多少人? 政府工工资低,无聊,这些都是共识,非要说政府工不稳定,真是张口就来啊
政府招很多临时工,经济危机的时候裁临时工,正式工确实很少裁,尤其是技术工种,只要部门不倒,一般不会裁正式工的. 工资确实低,但假期多,压力小,最主要的就是pension和带配偶的终身医保,属于低配版的财务自由
medical insurance coverage is up to 65 years old, not lifetime.
Who told you it is not life time? After 65, Medicare kick in, but some agencies still offer group private insurance to supplement, they have dual coverage.
If you are eligible for full benefits when you retire, you and your spouse have government''s medical insurance which is much better than medicare
地方政府(State, County, City) 的工资比联邦政府低,但福利比联邦政府好, 也都有pension和retirement insurance
政府里IT拿到12万以上的,我知道的都是team leader或是一些头了,年纪也都40朝上了。小厂也不会只有150k的。
我也以为加州政府是 lifetime medical insurance? Medicare是不是coverage没那么好啊
Medicare 只cover80%,没有out of pocket maximum,一般人退休后还要再买私人保险,但保费较高。很多人的全部积蓄都是在生命的最后半年内全部用在医疗上面,经常还不够,往往还要抵押房产,甚至破产。政府工最大的好处除了有life time的pension,就是退休后仍然有原单位的保险,而且带配偶
Medical bills are reported to be the number-one cause of U.S. bankruptcies. One study has claimed that 62.1% of bankruptcies were caused by medical issues. Another claims that over two million people are adversely affected by their medical expenses.
Medicare有Abcd plan不存在只cover 20%.
Part A provides inpatient/hospital coverage. Part B provides outpatient/medical coverage. Part C offers an alternate way to receive your Medicare benefits (see below for more information). Part D provides prescription drug coverage.
Original Medicare only covers 80% of Part B services, which can include everything from preventive care to clinical research, ambulance services, durable medical equipment, surgical second opinions, mental health services and limited outpatient prescription drugs.
You''''ll usually pay 20% of the cost for each Medicare-covered service or item after you''''ve paid your deductible. If you have limited income and resources, you may be able to get help from your state to pay your premiums and other costs, like deductibles, coinsurance, and copays.
有一个公式。通常 Age + Service years = 75 or 80, 不同的Agency 有不同的规定
通常 You have to complete at least 10 or 15 years of service to be eligible for the insurance including your spouse''s. 不同的Agency 有不同的规定
You still get social security benefits since you paid the tax, you may not get the full amount of it if you have pension
那如果老了之后去政府比如工作个两三年退休也能拿 lifetime medical insurance 吗?这听起来是个好deal啊
通常 Age + Service years = 75 or 80, 不同的Agency 有不同的规定
有工作年限的要求,通常工作满10年,才能获取退休后的Medical insurance
以前都有pension的,这几年好像新加入的员工没有了 还是早加入划算。可惜大部分人有绿卡也三十多了。 25岁工作连续25年=75,50退休去consulting firm 30岁工作连续22.5年=75, 52.5退休 35岁工作连续20=75,55退休 40进去的话要工作17.5,57.5退休
看地方财政,我们这儿新加入的都有. 一般人都40岁以后去,就图个轻松稳定,Pension 和 医保
如果能拿到 full benefits,一般是原来工资的70% 以上, 但少交很多税,如果干的时间长,可能比原来还高。如果反聘,就double 了。
Plan b的deductible coinsurance 完全可以买medigap.一个月才200。
快退休时候去个本地排名不高的大学,比如community college,CSU,之类的怎么样?他们也有tenure
经历过0809,红州政府雇员, 只会freeze new hires, freeze current employees salary,但不会layoff;联邦政府不知道,听说蓝州政府偶尔会解雇,可能大政府雇员比较多?
给子女没听说过,但政府雇员过世之后,合法spouse可以分一半的退休金,直到Ta 去世