我搜了一下,基本每个州都有类似的policy。 以加州为例: https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/taxes-and-fees/use-tax.htm#Foreign Foreign Purchases Generally, use tax applies to purchases of tangible personal property made outside the United States and brought into, or shipped into California for storage, use, or other consumption. Examples of items purchased by individuals that are brought or shipped into California for use here include artwork, antiques, furniture, jewelry, and clothing. However, there are certain exceptions (see below). 我隐约记得的$800是自己带进来的限额,超过的要申报。 其他方法运进来的,按政策好像都需要交use tax。
我隐约记得的$800是自己带进来的限额,超过的要申报。 其他方法运进来的,按政策好像都需要交use tax。