请大家avoid PetWellClinic

楼主 (北美华人网)
长话短说吧,从大黄(纯种金毛)接回家(9周),就在找vet打针,无奈,covid期间家附近的诊所要么预约爆满要不不接受新的预约... 无奈找到了这个所谓不需要预约就能打疫苗的vet- petwell clinic. 以下是我们的血泪史,希望后来的同学引以为戒!
从第一次visit开始就recommend各种需要的不需要的test。好吧我俩都当狗子是自己亲儿子 做吧 全做... 结果发现他家就是greedy.所有没必要的test全让你做一遍! 非常的unprofessional;对宠物的医疗知识匮乏到我一个门外汉查google都能指出他们无数的漏洞的地步! 不想花时间再用中文写一遍了,这是我们在google review的原文- copy如下,希望后来的宠版同学引以为戒(毕竟在这个版潜水多年,受益匪浅;希望自己的经历能帮助到养宠小白们避雷!)
===== This place is horrible!!! I would give zero star if that's an option. Don't go to this place if you really care your pet.
Please read our terrible experiences below (and we will also file a complaint to NJ Division of Consumer Affairs).
They will try to over charge you. For the physical re-check it should be only $30 (how did I know that? I had been visited here several times and that's the price on all our previous receipts) but they charged us $60 (which is the price for full physical examination) at our last visit for his last vaccine shot (and yes, we visited here 4 weeks prior of our last visit to get the series of the puppy vaccine). Well, I did let it go since we are human beings and we all make mistakes... Fine!
However, I realized today that these people are just greedy AF and completely unprofessional at all. I stopped by today to pick up the Bravecto (for tick and flee) and Interceptor (heart worm) supply. After the assistant pull out my dog records he told me that there's no heart worm test record in their system. However, the truth is our dog did the heart worm test 6mo ago here and we been getting Interceptor from them in the past (besides, right after our dog get heart worm tested here I asked the veterinarian that for how long the test is good for and she told me firmly 1 year). So I asked the assistant if he could find the history that we been provided Interceptor here before and his answer was 'yes'. Then I challenged him that it's completely not making any sense if our dog did not have the heart worm test and you could provide us the drug... Then he goes, ohh ok, I can provide you just 1 month supply and I need to bring him in next time to get tested. At the mean time, the veterinarian showed up and told me that I have to get our dog heart worm checked before she could provide the drug. And the reason she gave was our dog hadn't been checked for 6mo. I was completely outrageous at this point since the information they been providing to me are not consistent at all!!! If they didn't tell me that the test is good for 1 year at the first place then for sure I would bring my dog with me to get him checked. Besides, I told them that we've been provided our dog the drug on time the past 6mo. But she kept telling me no and making up excuses like oh, it could kill your dog (excuse me? Are you out of your mind? I'm not going to argue on this and one can google this themselves). At this point, I left the vet. I kept thinking why did they tell me the test is good for one year at the time our dog get tested and now after 6mo they ask us to get tested again. Then I googled and please read the quote from American Heartworm Society with the link: "the American Heartworm Society recommends that you “think 12:” (1) get your pet tested every 12 months for heartworm and (2) give your pet heartworm preventive 12 months a year." (https://www.heartwormsociety.org/pet-owner-resources/heartworm-basics#:~:text=For%20that%20reason%2C%20the%20American,preventive%2012%20months%20a%20year.)
I suppose we will never know their motives claiming the test result is not found but a simpler explanation is that they wanted to perform another unnecessary test on our dog (and we have to do the physical examination as well) and collect the money.
Now, I look back it all makes sense to me now why they have been trying to persuade us to do all the other unnecessary tests and asking us to buy their completely overpriced drugs. =====
最后的最后,发两张大黄萌照吧 攒人气!

中间也出现过被vet各种要求买药等等...还好大黄身体棒棒的 没出大问题到现在 真的 petwell clinic一生黑!
heartworm的药只要你有prescription可以去chewy之类的网上买,价格一般比vet clinic好
妹子,消消气,我读了你的review,在heartworm test这件事上的确12个月做血检是标准,vet说6个月一做没道理,她们吓你不做血检吃药会死狗虽然听着过奋但也是遵着protocol说的,万一狗子真的有虫直接吃防虫药的确有危险,虽然extremely rare,她们不想担责任。我看她们主要是因为说没有大黄6个月前做过的record,你有没有留底?有的话把copy甩给她看,我是把狗从小到大各种看病疫苗纪录都留着,以防万一,信别人不如信自己。另外狗子一岁前的确很多疫苗和检查要做的,也需要打booster,不清楚她们具体都让你给狗子打的啥或查的啥,过了一周岁就不需要这么频繁了。不满意换一家,能把看病纪录丢了的也靠不住, 靠谱的vet最主要是从狗子的利益出发(当然和他们贵没冲突)慢慢找吧。摸摸,别气了。大黄是我家道哥的少年版哈
回复 3楼朵朵多多的帖子
谢谢 是的我们之前也是这样,可他们根本不配合 每次chewy下单都被他们各种理由拒绝 然后我们还得去找他们。 后来我们就直接问vet要了prescription form. 期间也是各种drama 要不就给三个月的 要不拼写有小问题。我们去walmart拿药 人家pharmacy错一个字母也不给 打电话给他们也不接 我们只得跑来跑去让他改prescription form。关键这个药在walmart也不是直接就有 毕竟不是common drug 人家pharmacy也得给我们网上下单 我们再回去取。经理各种折腾后,觉得这样不值得花费这么多时间也就省了些小钱。。。所以才决定去vet那里直接拿药 贵点儿就贵点儿 以为可以省心... 本来就打算一年heartworm test有效期过了就换vet, 现在也好提前换了 免得再跟他们打交道
回复 4楼zhl629的帖子
嗯 准备换到别家了 当初用他们就是因为不用预约... 当时着急给大黄打疫苗 家附近的最短都要等一周以上...
回复 5楼风飞花的帖子
谢谢 我们留了所有的hard copy records 可都放在家里没有随身带着,以为就拿个药,而且上次去要prescription form 也就三个月前,他们一定会有电脑存档... 我们家的基本所有都打了 四针的dapp, 狗瘟,lyme disease, lepto 我们一定是要换的,本来打算他的heartworm test一年期过了就换,现在这个提前了也好,早点儿换到家附近的。当初用他们就是因为不用预约...当时着急给大黄打疫苗 家附近的最短都要等一周以上... btw 道哥很帅 很乖看起来 这些大黄长得真的都好像 还有关键是神态.

回复 6楼jaco6410的帖子
这个太无良了!必须写差评。 给狗子找个好vet非常重要。仔细看review,好评差评都看。我家当时是狗子的foster mom推荐的医生,我们一直用了十三年。他真的是从狗的利益出发,从来不试图吓人或过度治疗。这个clinic网上评价也不错(坏的主要是有时候前台态度不好什么的,也有对其他医生的compliant),但是这个医生全是好的。