做数据分析都至少要两个点才能回归一条直线。 而且楼主是搞错causality了吧。Place with more guns tend to have more gun crimes, and more gun crimes incentivize government to pass more strict gun control laws。 就像犯罪率高的城市警察也更多,你总不能说警察增加了crime吧?
来自Fox news: Crimo is the son of Bob Crimo, president at Bob''s Pantry & Deli in Highland Park. According to his Facebook account, the father ran for Highland Park mayor in 2020. The rapper released a cryptic track called "Are You Awake" on Oct. 15, 2021. The track appears to suggest that Crimo was planning a life-defining act beyond his ability to stop. The video includes drawings of a man aiming a rifle at another person. The video also includes an image of a newspaper clipping about Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and another image of a victim shot with blood spraying from the body. "Like a sleepwalker, I am unable to stop and think," he says in the track. "My actions will be valiant and my thought is unnecessary. I know what I have to do, I know what''s in it, not only for me, but for everyone else." "There is no past or future, just the now," he adds. "It is more abstract than I can ever imagine. I can feel the atmosphere pushing me in. It''s unstoppable, like a wave pulling me under, I can''t breathe without it." "I need to leave now, I need to just do it. It is my destiny, everything has led up to this," Crimo says. "Nothing can stop me, not even myself. Is there such thing as free will, or has this been planned out, like a cosmic recipe?" "It is what I''ve been waiting for in the back of my head, ready to be awakened, It is what I''ve been sent here to do, like a sleepwalker," he adds.
来自Fox news: Crimo is the son of Bob Crimo, president at Bob''s Pantry & Deli in Highland Park. According to his Facebook account, the father ran for Highland Park mayor in 2020. The rapper released a cryptic track called "Are You Awake" on Oct. 15, 2021. The track appears to suggest that Crimo was planning a life-defining act beyond his ability to stop. The video includes drawings of a man aiming a rifle at another person. The video also includes an image of a newspaper clipping about Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and another image of a victim shot with blood spraying from the body. "Like a sleepwalker, I am unable to stop and think," he says in the track. "My actions will be valiant and my thought is unnecessary. I know what I have to do, I know what''s in it, not only for me, but for everyone else." "There is no past or future, just the now," he adds. "It is more abstract than I can ever imagine. I can feel the atmosphere pushing me in. It''s unstoppable, like a wave pulling me under, I can''t breathe without it." "I need to leave now, I need to just do it. It is my destiny, everything has led up to this," Crimo says. "Nothing can stop me, not even myself. Is there such thing as free will, or has this been planned out, like a cosmic recipe?" "It is what I''ve been waiting for in the back of my head, ready to be awakened, It is what I''ve been sent here to do, like a sleepwalker," he adds.
Crimo did not frequently post about major political figures on his websites, except for two posts about former President Donald Trump. A video posted to Crimo’s YouTube page on Jan. 2, 2021, appears to show Crimo among a throng of protesters cheering for Trump’s presidential motorcade outside an airport. Crimo flips the phone’s orientation to reveal his face at the end of the video. Crimo is also seen draped in a Trump flag in a June 27, 2021, post on Twitter. The post is captioned with only the word “spam.”
Here’s Highland Park shooter Bobby Crimo attending a Trump rally last year. pic.twitter.com/OT6lcmwYpJ — unsubcribe_me_plz (@theeunfluencer) July 4, 2022
The explosions killed 3 civilians and injured an estimated 265 others, who were treated at 27 local hospitals. At least 14 people required amputations, with some suffering traumatic amputations as a direct result of the blasts.[4]
The explosions killed 3 civilians and injured an estimated 265 others, who were treated at 27 local hospitals. At least 14 people required amputations, with some suffering traumatic amputations as a direct result of the blasts.[4] bangobunny 发表于 2022-07-04 21:17
这个是说4个以上死的,而且是public space, 其他数字多的那种是4个以上伤亡包括伤,不管什么地方。
美国人啥时候有过逻辑?那些杀人犯判刑得到连续几个life sentence,有逻辑嘛?笑话
连country 和City两个单词都分不清的,还是爬回你的地下室里去吧,别出来丢人了
如果枪厂不愿意控枪,那肯定不是利润的原因,估计也是怕控了过后就禁。真正要控枪,把两方的利益和political goal align起来,所以只能是控枪而不是禁枪。
不想mean的,但是,劝人大度,天打雷劈。 希望哪天时代的一粒灰落到你头上。
这是要反转了? 很多人掩耳盗铃,认为枪击案只会发生在差区、穷人、黑帮,结果是一个脸上纹身的中上产家的小孩,在富人区报复社会?
再次证明了控枪的重要性,应该禁止这种半自动步枪出售,如果枪手只有手枪,至少无法造成这么大的杀伤力。而且有些鼓吹说好人有枪就能防止mass shooting根本不成立,这个parade本来就有不少警察在执勤维持秩序,根本来不及反应,毫无作用。
年纪这么小 能支持川普 这个家庭教育也是简直了
平民拥枪没有道理,到头来,警察也要设想每个人都有qiang q
Darren Bailey本来就是 a farmer endorsed by former President Trump. 其金句: that 12-year-old girl raped by their father has to carry their father's baby.
而且楼主是搞错causality了吧。Place with more guns tend to have more gun crimes, and more gun crimes incentivize government to pass more strict gun control laws。
Crimo is the son of Bob Crimo, president at Bob''s Pantry & Deli in Highland Park. According to his Facebook account, the father ran for Highland Park mayor in 2020.
The rapper released a cryptic track called "Are You Awake" on Oct. 15, 2021. The track appears to suggest that Crimo was planning a life-defining act beyond his ability to stop. The video includes drawings of a man aiming a rifle at another person.
The video also includes an image of a newspaper clipping about Lee Harvey Oswald, who assassinated President John F. Kennedy, and another image of a victim shot with blood spraying from the body.
"Like a sleepwalker, I am unable to stop and think," he says in the track. "My actions will be valiant and my thought is unnecessary. I know what I have to do, I know what''s in it, not only for me, but for everyone else."
"There is no past or future, just the now," he adds. "It is more abstract than I can ever imagine. I can feel the atmosphere pushing me in. It''s unstoppable, like a wave pulling me under, I can''t breathe without it."
"I need to leave now, I need to just do it. It is my destiny, everything has led up to this," Crimo says. "Nothing can stop me, not even myself. Is there such thing as free will, or has this been planned out, like a cosmic recipe?"
"It is what I''ve been waiting for in the back of my head, ready to be awakened, It is what I''ve been sent here to do, like a sleepwalker," he adds.
但是 你随时随身都带着枪吗?出门遛弯,买菜,看parade. 都带着,
你能? 表示怀疑,没枪能有什嚒一票大的?
没错 但是重点不应该放在讨论枪上 应该讨论现在年轻人中的nihilism 脑袋的问题
举个简单例子,退役的军人警察,你觉得他们可不可以持枪? 现役警察,下班的时候可不可以持枪(很多地方警察下班了要把装备留在警察局)?我认识的警察自己都买了好几把自己的枪。如果他们不能持枪,如何防止犯罪分子报复?引申一下啊,法官家里可不可以持枪?上次威斯康辛有个退休法官就是被上门寻仇的罪犯打死了
太多了 直接一个车开进去冲撞 你禁的了车? 高压锅做个炸弹 你禁的了锅? 是脑子的问题 不是工具的问题
怎么就避重就轻? 你看了视频吗?机关枪一样的突突突,十几秒就死伤了这么多人,毁了多少家庭?!不拿枪,他这个小鸡仔身板能干啥?你别告诉我他能弄个核弹出来
据报道, 2021年5月22日,辽宁大连一车牌号为辽B63NE6黑色宝马轿车在人行横道内撞击行人后逃逸,造成5死8伤,后调查得知,系报复社会畸型心理引发。 https://www.163.com/dy/article/GVP8EO1N05450VMH.html
高压锅炸弹 波士顿马拉松 也是一个小鸡崽儿身板
得了吧,应该比的是homicide by car v.s. homcide by gun。你看看哪个skyrocketing?
想想美国每年有多少mass shooting,和多少mass car homicide, 再来洗地吧。
我不是说枪没有问题 我是说更重要的问题是这些trumper都被调动起来了 不用枪 他们也有别的办法 trumper的脑子才是emergency 你们骂枪 除了骂 有什么办法没有? 民间已经这么多枪了 怎么往回收 实际一点
美国死伤最大的几起mass killing,全部都不是枪造成的,你可以research一下。
The explosions killed 3 civilians and injured an estimated 265 others, who were treated at 27 local hospitals. At least 14 people required amputations, with some suffering traumatic amputations as a direct result of the blasts.[4]
你想说明什么? 死了三个啊,受伤有很多轻伤,被铁片划到。今天没死的20几个大部分都是重伤。
do you know what "amputation" means?
没有一点逻辑。没有什么政策是可以让社会立刻路不拾遗的,但就以此为理由什么也不做了?控枪也不可能让美国枪击案到零,但目标只是让枪击案少一些(extensive background check),哪怕有死亡受伤人数低一些(比如禁大威力rifle)
感觉过去10年 美国国内种族阶层间的矛盾日益加大。媒体和两个不合作的政党 都有极大的责任。多民族国家其实很难管理。土工虽然大家不喜欢 但是管理多民族还是有点本事的。
禁枪可以,问题是如果禁枪完了,结果美国mass killing数量还是很多,死伤更多。你怎么说?是不是再恢复持枪?
我觉得你盯着某种工具是本末倒置的想法。事实早已证明持枪跟犯罪率和mass killing频率都没有什么关系。你只要看瑞士就明白了。
也不知道你说的是那几起mass killing,despite all reasons they happen,no mass shooting exists without guns。
靠, 根本原因是根本不禁, 想禁止, 有 10000 种办法好不? 拥枪派估计一种也想不出来, 这很正常。
Memorial Day parade 我们这里是全国最大的一个 我当时在外地 严肃跟老公说不准带孩子去凑热闹 果然后来听说有大批的MAGA 在booing出场的政客
你说的没错啊 就是禁枪这个政策在美国不popular 所以在这里互相攻击有什么意思呢 Popular的r v Wade都能不算数 何况一个不popular的政策
国内汉族人口占绝对多数,90+% 管理起来难度低多了