美国宪法没有说政教分离 只是说 不能只支持一个宗教 要让任何宗教 都可以自由发展 Benjamin Franklin delivered this famous speech, asking that the Convention begin each day's session with prayers, at a particularly contentious period, when it appeared that the Convention might break up over its failure to resolve the dispute between the large and small states over representation in the new government. The draft of the circular letter is in the hand of a secretary, although the signature is Washington's. Some have called this concluding paragraph "Washington's Prayer." In it, he asked God to: "dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristicks of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation."
美国宪法没有说政教分离 只是说 不能只支持一个宗教 要让任何宗教 都可以自由发展 Benjamin Franklin delivered this famous speech, asking that the Convention begin each day's session with prayers, at a particularly contentious period, when it appeared that the Convention might break up over its failure to resolve the dispute between the large and small states over representation in the new government. The draft of the circular letter is in the hand of a secretary, although the signature is Washington's. Some have called this concluding paragraph "Washington's Prayer." In it, he asked God to: "dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristicks of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation." mitbbs9 发表于 2022-06-28 01:05
Same thing. 政教合一就是有了国教,那其他宗教还自由发展什么。 所以不能只支持一个宗教就是政教分离。
回复 418楼mitbbs9的帖子 In response to widespread sentiment that to survive the United States needed a stronger federal government, a convention met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 and on September 17 adopted the Constitution of the United States. Aside from Article VI, which stated that "no religious Test shall ever be required as Qualification" for federal office holders, the Constitution said little about religion. Its reserve troubled two groups of Americans--those who wanted the new instrument of government to give faith a larger role and those who feared that it would do so. This latter group, worried that the Constitution did not prohibit the kind of state-supported religion that had flourished in some colonies, exerted pressure on the members of the First Federal Congress. In September 1789 the Congress adopted the First Amendment to the Constitution, which, when ratified by the required number of states in December 1791, forbade Congress to make any law "respecting an establishment of religion." The first two Presidents of the United States were patrons of religion--George Washington was an Episcopal vestryman, and John Adams described himself as "a church going animal." Both offered strong rhetorical support for religion. In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand." Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the third and fourth Presidents, are generally considered less hospitable to religion than their predecessors, but evidence presented in this section shows that, while in office, both offered religion powerful symbolic support.
"no religious Test shall ever be required as Qualification" for federal office holders, 信仰不是公职人员就职的前提条件,这一点到底是 政治不能干预宗教,还是宗教不得干预政治,我觉得你应该再思量一下。 Prionlike 发表于 2022-06-28 01:29
美国总统 和将军 就职前都必须用圣经 发誓 请仔细阅读 Religion and the Founding of the American Republic https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06.html In this proclamation, issued at a time when the nation appeared to be on the brink of a war with France, Adams urged the citizens to "acknowledge before God the manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation
美国总统 和将军 就职前都必须用圣经 发誓 请仔细阅读 Religion and the Founding of the American Republic https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06.html In this proclamation, issued at a time when the nation appeared to be on the brink of a war with France, Adams urged the citizens to "acknowledge before God the manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation
mitbbs9 发表于 2022-06-28 01:35
宣誓仅仅是仪式性的。美国历史上第一个穆斯林国会议员是手按古兰经宣誓的。 但写在宪法里的 Prohibition of Religious Tests 这一条是最重要的:宗教信仰并不是担任公职的条件。 这是最低限度上政教分离的基础。 我同意你说的,美国的政教分离是在一个中间地带。
NEW: The Supreme Court just ruled 6-3 that public school teachers and other staff can now lead students in prayer, significantly undermining the separation of church and state and overturning decades of established precedence. 整个故事的过程: 今天,最高法院以6:3裁决,公立学校禁止在公共场合进行宗教活动是违宪的。 华盛顿州的一个学校橄榄球教练每次赛后都要跪在球场上向上帝祈祷,从2008年开始,他的祈祷越来越浮夸,一开始无声祈祷时,学区并未对他采取限制,而且看他这么喜欢和上帝交流,还专门给他开辟了一个祈祷室供他使用。 他拒绝了祈祷室,坚持要在球场上所有学生的观看中与上帝对话。2015年开始,他改变了祈祷方式,改为大声吟诵,让学生们都听到,宣称这样做是为了让学生们“成为更好的人。” 由于这几乎已经成为了宗教仪式,公立学校是政府机构的分支,因此根据政教分离的宪法原则,学区不得不解雇了这名教练。 教练起诉了。 他认为政府违反了第一修正案,侵犯了他宗教自由的权利。 学区则认为没有违宪。 今天他胜诉了,学区只能让他回到学校,继续在球场上对着公立学校的学生们大声吟诵他对上帝的赞美和感激。 美国政教分离联盟的律师说,你试想一下,以后要是有信撒旦教的要在球场上搞同样的宗教仪式……
回复 451楼落地无声的帖子 a scientist gave a report about doing this sort of research before this clip they were discussing potential use of the research. Trump never suggested “drink bleach”
宣誓仅仅是仪式性的。美国历史上第一个穆斯林国会议员是手按古兰经宣誓的。 但写在宪法里的 Prohibition of Religious Tests 这一条是最重要的:宗教信仰并不是担任公职的条件。 这是最低限度上政教分离的基础。 我同意你说的,美国的政教分离是在一个中间地带。 Prionlike 发表于 2022-06-28 01:39
bingo,不是按着耶经宣誓的总统也有,罗斯福,adams, pierce宣誓的时候都没用经书,这是个习俗不是规定,那句help me god也是林肯就任的时候开说才成为另一个习俗的。另外法庭上也不必要用任何宗教书籍发誓,没宗教信仰的可以用I do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm.
Trump talked for hours on live television almost every day, often in front of a very critical media. He tried to explain the administration’s policies and show optimism in the crisis. media seized a few careless words, misconstrued in the worst possible way. That was very irresponsible. Trump didn’t tell people to drink bleach, the left media did. Biden hid from media and could not talk off teleprompter. You prefer someone like that?
回复 451楼落地无声的帖子 a scientist gave a report about doing this sort of research before this clip they were discussing potential use of the research. Trump never suggested “drink bleach” strawberrykiwi 发表于 2022-06-28 09:45
Trump says he was being sarcastic with comments about injecting disinfectants https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1191991 President Donald Trump said Friday that his remarks on injecting disinfectants to treat COVID-19 were sarcasm, after doctors responded with horror and disinfectant manufacturers urged people not to ingest the poisonous substances. "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you, just to see what would happen," Trump said on Friday during a bill signing for the coronavirus aid package. "I was asking a sarcastic and a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands, and it would make things much better." The president has faced widespread condemnation for his suggestions about how to treat COVID-19.
Calls To Poison Centers Spike After The President’s Comments About Using Disinfectants To Treat Coronavirus https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2020/04/25/calls-to-poison-centers-spike--after-the-presidents-comments-about-using-disinfectants-to-treat-coronavirus/amp/ Some Americans Are Tragically Still Drinking Bleach As A Coronavirus ‘Cure’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2020/08/24/some-americans-are-tragically-still-drinking-bleach-as-a-coronavirus-cure/amp/
回复 451楼落地无声的帖子 a scientist gave a report about doing this sort of research before this clip they were discussing potential use of the research. Trump never suggested “drink bleach” strawberrykiwi 发表于 2022-06-28 09:45
Trump talked for hours on live television almost every day, often in front of a very critical media. He tried to explain the administration’s policies and show optimism in the crisis. media seized a few careless words, misconstrued in the worst possible way. That was very irresponsible. Trump didn’t tell people to drink bleach, the left media did. Biden hid from media and could not talk off teleprompter. You prefer someone like that? strawberrykiwi 发表于 2022-06-28 09:57
he didn’t say bleach either strawberrykiwi 发表于 2022-06-28 11:17
我们就把原话post 一下 I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that. 客观来讲,我不认为他是主张注射消毒液。只不过这个老头对这个topic不是很熟悉,当时对这个病毒理解不够,也没有什么有效措施。所以他就是在babbling。看看原文,说得语无伦次。当然,他的追随者的确有人不理解这只不过是个老头在那里唠叨,根本不是个推荐。 在他们看来,这老头说什么都是对的。
Dissent opinion 写 publicly led prayer,指的是教练带领学生等祈祷。教练自己心里祈祷无所谓,这个没什么争议,但示范性祈祷又如何对待?邀请学生祈祷又如何对待?邀请祈祷学生去还是不去,不去会不会以后被边缘化?上司公开邀请你祈祷你怎么办?
这样问你吧。 如果你支持穆斯林老师或教练在公立学校里也可以带着学生祷告,赞美安拉, 那我只能说,我不同意你的观点,我认为学校老师不能在公立学校里promote任何宗教,基督教,佛教,穆斯林都不行。但我尊重你的想法, 你认为老师有权自己祷告,学生有权加入。 如果你不支持的话,我只能呵呵了
Dissenting opinion不是还有另一张照片他站在那里,整个球队跪着那里祈祷吗
religious exemption. 很讽刺啊
能要点脸么? https://chineseamericanlife.com/archives/1186 这里是9位大法官的任命投票记录,
铁链女tg做的是很不好,但很多官员也因此下马了。美国没有铁链女吗?有个华人姑娘被渣男抛弃想不开怀孕时候跑去自杀未遂,最后被抓起来判了好多年!你为她发声了吗?美国政府拨乱反正了吗? 科学是在发展没错,但堂堂一国总统如此蔑视科学,搞什么bleach杀病毒,说好听点是极富想象力,其实就是愚昧无知蠢到家了丢死人了! anyway,堂堂一半灯塔国快成塔利班了。真是悲从中来
美国宪法没有说政教分离 只是说 不能只支持一个宗教 要让任何宗教 都可以自由发展
Benjamin Franklin delivered this famous speech, asking that the Convention begin each day's session with prayers, at a particularly contentious period, when it appeared that the Convention might break up over its failure to resolve the dispute between the large and small states over representation in the new government.
The draft of the circular letter is in the hand of a secretary, although the signature is Washington's. Some have called this concluding paragraph "Washington's Prayer." In it, he asked God to: "dispose us all, to do Justice, to love mercy, and to demean ourselves with that Charity, humility and pacific temper of mind, which were the Characteristicks of the Divine Author of our blessed Religion, and without an humble imitation of whose example in these things, we can never hope to be a happy Nation."
你说的美国 没错。 但是铁链女就不要来洗白了。共匪不是做得很不好 是丧尽天良
算了算了,谁也说服不了谁。 有的人就是喜欢用“拿坏事以偏概全”的滤镜看发展中的中国,用“拿好事以偏概全”的滤镜来看美国。 反正美国在所有方面,无一例外,全部碾压中国就对了,别和他们争啦。
Same thing. 政教合一就是有了国教,那其他宗教还自由发展什么。 所以不能只支持一个宗教就是政教分离。
In response to widespread sentiment that to survive the United States needed a stronger federal government, a convention met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 and on September 17 adopted the Constitution of the United States. Aside from Article VI, which stated that "no religious Test shall ever be required as Qualification" for federal office holders, the Constitution said little about religion. Its reserve troubled two groups of Americans--those who wanted the new instrument of government to give faith a larger role and those who feared that it would do so. This latter group, worried that the Constitution did not prohibit the kind of state-supported religion that had flourished in some colonies, exerted pressure on the members of the First Federal Congress. In September 1789 the Congress adopted the First Amendment to the Constitution, which, when ratified by the required number of states in December 1791, forbade Congress to make any law "respecting an establishment of religion."
The first two Presidents of the United States were patrons of religion--George Washington was an Episcopal vestryman, and John Adams described himself as "a church going animal." Both offered strong rhetorical support for religion. In his Farewell Address of September 1796, Washington called religion, as the source of morality, "a necessary spring of popular government," while Adams claimed that statesmen "may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand." Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the third and fourth Presidents, are generally considered less hospitable to religion than their predecessors, but evidence presented in this section shows that, while in office, both offered religion powerful symbolic support.
政教合一是一个极端 政教分离是另外一个极端 美国的系统是 一个中间系统 是宗教自由系统 你可以信仰任何宗教 来从政 只要你不要压制其他宗教
仔细读读上面美国宪法的 Article VI.
美国的宪政系统 既不是政教合一 也不是政教分离 而是在中间 所以基督徒的美国财政部长 可以在美国钞票上 印上 “IN GOD WE TRUST“”
如佛教徒当上美国财政部长 也可以在美钞上 印上 “IN BUDDHA WE TRUST“” 在政教分离的国家 肯定不能这么做
美国国父立国时 从来没有说 宗教不得干预政治 而是说 政治不得干预宗教
"no religious Test shall ever be required as Qualification" for federal office holders, 信仰不是公职人员就职的前提条件,这一点到底是 政治不能干预宗教,还是宗教不得干预政治,我觉得你应该再思量一下。
美国总统 和将军 就职前都必须用圣经 发誓 请仔细阅读 Religion and the Founding of the American Republic https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/religion/rel06.html
In this proclamation, issued at a time when the nation appeared to be on the brink of a war with France, Adams urged the citizens to "acknowledge before God the manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation
Becaseu there is a power differential
但写在宪法里的 Prohibition of Religious Tests 这一条是最重要的:宗教信仰并不是担任公职的条件。 这是最低限度上政教分离的基础。 我同意你说的,美国的政教分离是在一个中间地带。
我不反对你说的这几点,我没有把separation of church and state 理解为公职人员不能有宗教信仰。但不能有国教,政府不能promote某一个宗教,政府必须对一切宗教包括不信宗教的一视同仁。
Grade school 应该禁止教一切意识形态的东西, 全是facts, 大学阶段自己摸索
https://www.youtube.com/embed/d57zJr82dhQ?showinfo=0 ''Disinfectants should not be injected into body'': Lyson, Dettol makers warn after Trump''s comment https://www.newindianexpress.com/world/2020/apr/24/disinfectants-should-not-be-injected-into-body-lyson-dettol-markers-warn-after-trumps-comment-2134822.amp
a scientist gave a report about doing this sort of research before this clip
they were discussing potential use of the research. Trump never suggested “drink bleach”
bingo,不是按着耶经宣誓的总统也有,罗斯福,adams, pierce宣誓的时候都没用经书,这是个习俗不是规定,那句help me god也是林肯就任的时候开说才成为另一个习俗的。另外法庭上也不必要用任何宗教书籍发誓,没宗教信仰的可以用I do solemnly and sincerely and truly declare and affirm.
media seized a few careless words, misconstrued in the worst possible way. That was very irresponsible. Trump didn’t tell people to drink bleach, the left media did.
Biden hid from media and could not talk off teleprompter. You prefer someone like that?
Trump says he was being sarcastic with comments about injecting disinfectants https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1191991 President Donald Trump said Friday that his remarks on injecting disinfectants to treat COVID-19 were sarcasm, after doctors responded with horror and disinfectant manufacturers urged people not to ingest the poisonous substances. "I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you, just to see what would happen," Trump said on Friday during a bill signing for the coronavirus aid package. "I was asking a sarcastic and a very sarcastic question to the reporters in the room about disinfectant on the inside. But it does kill it and it would kill it on the hands, and it would make things much better." The president has faced widespread condemnation for his suggestions about how to treat COVID-19.
Calls To Poison Centers Spike After The President’s Comments About Using Disinfectants To Treat Coronavirus https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertglatter/2020/04/25/calls-to-poison-centers-spike--after-the-presidents-comments-about-using-disinfectants-to-treat-coronavirus/amp/
Some Americans Are Tragically Still Drinking Bleach As A Coronavirus ‘Cure’ https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2020/08/24/some-americans-are-tragically-still-drinking-bleach-as-a-coronavirus-cure/amp/
性奴岛上玩弄没成年女孩子的美国高官巨富名单不也在被灭口后销声匿迹了,更别受惩罚了,怎么就没看到你义愤填膺呢🤔, 根据剃刀理论,这个神在现实中可以很轻松的被剃掉,你所谓的未知就好比我说那美克星上有七龙珠,本身就是个不能证明证伪的狂言,一个记录地球就几千年的经书充斥着无数和科学冲突的狂言,肿么突然又开始要求科学的肯定和尊重了,烧布鲁诺的时候怎么就没尊重了呢。另外我记得你是信李大师的,法轮功也信耶和华?还是耶和华就是李大师?
你每天用的美元上就写着In God We Trust,美国现在还是一个基督教为主的国家.. 我们来自一个无神论的国家,这就是区别..
该适可而止的是这些坟墓里爬出来的僵尸 该滚回中世纪去
he didn’t say bleach either
He never said drink bleach
难道disinfectant只有bleach? 所有的药都有外用的内服的注射的能乱用吗? 有一种治疗方法literally是移植屎,但也没让你抓一坨屎来吃呀,如果新闻报道科学家让大家吃屎,是对的吗?说Trump让人drink bleach比吃屎还离谱。左媒一贯做这样歪曲的报道,比如坚持说ivermectin是马药
我们就把原话post 一下
I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? As you see, it gets in the lungs, it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it would be interesting to check that.
客观来讲,我不认为他是主张注射消毒液。只不过这个老头对这个topic不是很熟悉,当时对这个病毒理解不够,也没有什么有效措施。所以他就是在babbling。看看原文,说得语无伦次。当然,他的追随者的确有人不理解这只不过是个老头在那里唠叨,根本不是个推荐。 在他们看来,这老头说什么都是对的。
你这就是强辩了。你说一个可以注射的disinfectant? 而且是要到达肺部的。 drink bleach 和inject disinfectant 其实是半斤八两的。
老头讲science的确out of his elements,但抓住几句话就夸张地上纲上线猛黑也是够了