网上看到的😄 觉得特别好,希望更多父母或准父母看到。 "Get comfortable in the uncomfortable." I love this picture. Two totally calm men waiting for the tantrum of the little girl to pass. The two men are the father and grandfather of the two-year-old girl, who lay on the floor and started to tantrum in the middle of the mall. Neither of the men loses patience, pisses off, or yells at her. They just wait quietly. You are not simply giving her what she wants, and you are letting her express her emotions, in this case her anger at not getting what she wants.. Nobody feels embarrassed about the show the little girl is putting on. The father's own words when posting this photo explain everything: ′′This post is about one thing and one thing only. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. There are no perfect parents, but one thing mine taught me was not being a parent depending on what others think. My dad always let me feel what I needed to feel, even if it was in public and embarrassing. I don't remember him telling me: 'You're embarrassing me! 'o' Don't cry! '. It wasn't until recently that I realized how important it was for my own emotional development. Our kids are learning and processing so much information and they don't know what to do with all these new feelings that come up." Let us learn to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. Let us learn to deal with our children's tantrums, with patience and tranquility. Children are children once in a lifetime. 💗💕 Photo: Justin Baldon's Facebook
我双胞胎两岁多的时候 去Best Buy 看洗衣机 结果没给她们买一个什么很弱智的玩具开始在推车上大哭 两个娃合唱还是很有效果的 大家都在看 有的还开玩笑 我和队友若无其事的走出去了要把她们弄上车 结果两个娃要从停车场爬回Best Buy 😂😂😂😂 说真的我不明白有的家长为什么觉得丢人 以为吼就能控制住tantrum. 是因为孩子哭了 害怕会被别人judge 没有当好父母吗? 我反倒觉得很好笑 就像帖子里说的 两岁的娃can’t process too much going on 至于看不惯的人 让他们deal with it 呗
网上看到的😄 觉得特别好,希望更多父母或准父母看到。 "Get comfortable in the uncomfortable." I love this picture. Two totally calm men waiting for the tantrum of the little girl to pass. The two men are the father and grandfather of the two-year-old girl, who lay on the floor and started to tantrum in the middle of the mall. Neither of the men loses patience, pisses off, or yells at her. They just wait quietly. You are not simply giving her what she wants, and you are letting her express her emotions, in this case her anger at not getting what she wants.. Nobody feels embarrassed about the show the little girl is putting on. The father's own words when posting this photo explain everything: ′′This post is about one thing and one thing only. Get comfortable in the uncomfortable. There are no perfect parents, but one thing mine taught me was not being a parent depending on what others think. My dad always let me feel what I needed to feel, even if it was in public and embarrassing. I don't remember him telling me: 'You're embarrassing me! 'o' Don't cry! '. It wasn't until recently that I realized how important it was for my own emotional development. Our kids are learning and processing so much information and they don't know what to do with all these new feelings that come up." Let us learn to be comfortable in the uncomfortable. Let us learn to deal with our children's tantrums, with patience and tranquility. Children are children once in a lifetime. 💗💕 Photo: Justin Baldon's Facebook
一些个人,你老公不在意你的感受,你都要发个贴评判一下,抱怨一下。 我揍问一下,汝子会上来发帖抱怨ta的父母吗?
正确的是应该用calm voice去跟娃说话,让她知道自己理解她。
意淫啥呢? 我是不是要证明自己无罪? 你现在倒是没有办法证明你是人。
天知地知我知,我不是弯弯大叔 你不知,你自己说你自己不是人。 (上下互文)
我来这里, 是在主机论坛看到有人说这里不错, 我才来的, 我连那里的号都没有, 我在那是看时事新闻的, 然后可以看主机有没有当机。 来了就看到一个人说头痛, 看症状跟我之前类似, 我要回复却要等24小时, 我就关注了她, 现在却取消不了了, 要点取消就变成关注两次。 不知道是她拉黑了我, 还是系统错误。 我要是有其他号, 我立马回她就好了。
我在别的帖子里有回复过, 回复完会退出, 我曾经有两次被系统限制登录, 因为来回登陆超过20次。 因为有的时候想回复又罢了, 退出是怕言多有失。 我要是号多,何须如此?
资料里的昵称我曾经改成子始, 我名字叫冬, 是终的意思, 不好, 所以自己起了个表字, 子始, 寓意终而复始。 后来觉得子是美男子的意思, 不合适, 就去掉了。 现在字元始。号天尊。 你会在小号里加昵称吗?
以上三点,如果后台有数据, 而你也很牛逼,可以让后台查给你看。
我所有贴都 前后照应, 严丝合缝, 表里如一, 还有一点, 我从未二次编辑过任何帖子。 因为我担心有人怼我。 你要是只看了我这一个回复, 省省吧。
我不知道, 如何的风云人物, 让你记忆深刻, 读文字就可以判读? 文字是没有语气的。 不足以判读, 我以前聊Q就有发现。 你见过只发外交文书, 而不派外交官员的吗? 那样势必会产生误会。 我小人之心, 不觉得你是误会。
你要是觉得我风云呢 谢谢 我也觉得
你要是回看我的回帖, 你会发现关于热门事件热门帖子我从不回复, 因为那样的帖子里, 人的头都是热的, 讨论不出什么东西的。 我所回复的都是我思索过很多遍的, 是一以贯之的个人的价值观, 当然你可以认为没价值。
以下我不说,你不会知道 我不知道你说的弯弯是哪个意思 我的名字是鲁冰花的意思 象征意义你可以自己查 我手机上确实有line 我的系统语言是繁体中文 地区是台湾
我打算入伏之前再发个帖子就结束这里的修行了, 原本是要从入伏才开始的, 我为了把时间让出来给其他人, 就提前开始了。 要等是因为我还在测, 不准就不了了之了。
我要离开, 不是因为你, 是因为女佣浮生录, 我看了好几遍都看不下去。 同样的心境也在这里产生。
我要是冷了, 就离开了, 不会还换个小号, 恶心你我做得到, 恶心我自己, 我做不到。
以上只为反驳你的judge, 不接受你从这里的内容产生的任何的新的攻击行为。
这样的娃是strong will的娃,有天赋,不是混吃等死的猪,需要好好引导
没用的 有些小孩就的 knock out 一次也许就老实了
看到这种满地打滚的娃能忍住不吼就很可以了,还calm voice。。。爹妈也只是人啊
声嘶力竭13小时一直没停?声带还没哑? 一飞机的人都装聋作哑?忍者神功简直练到顶级了。
大家都在看 有的还开玩笑 我和队友若无其事的走出去了要把她们弄上车 结果两个娃要从停车场爬回Best Buy 😂😂😂😂
说真的我不明白有的家长为什么觉得丢人 以为吼就能控制住tantrum. 是因为孩子哭了 害怕会被别人judge 没有当好父母吗? 我反倒觉得很好笑 就像帖子里说的 两岁的娃can’t process too much going on
至于看不惯的人 让他们deal with it 呗
好可爱哦!!! 娃娃三岁以前简直离不开她,每一秒都抱着。
不用说的这么好听,公共场合耍驴就是很难看的。 去个低档的地方,难看就难看了,反正大家都乱,也没人来找你。换个高档mall,早就有路人过来问is she okay了
我觉得这种时候你哄她 她不一定就听 不如让她先闹完了 再用平和的语气哄她
呵呵,问题是娃当众大闹的时候极少有父母能做到calm voice. 而且你calm voice娃会闹得更厉害。能做到不动声色让娃闹都是牛人