回复 2楼Ok2021的帖子 尊重劳动,没有问题,这也是社会良性发展的基础。美国现在的问题是行业之间相互挖大坑,价格严重脱离价值,最后的结果就是给社会造成了沉重的负担。目前还有国家机器先扛着,但能抗多久是个大问题。all men are created equal,剩下那一长段的解读,就仁者见仁,智者见智了。
回复 10楼huaren_ID的帖子 The practice of tipping began in Tudor England. In medieval times, tipping was a master-serf custom wherein a servant would receive extra money for having performed superbly well. -Wiki
You might not think of tipping as a legacy of slavery, but it has a far more racialized history than most Americans realize. Tipping originated in feudal Europe and was imported back to the United States by American travelers eager to seem sophisticated. The practice spread throughout the country after the Civil War as U.S. employers, largely in the hospitality sector, looked for ways to avoid paying formerly enslaved workers. One of the most notorious examples comes from the Pullman Company, which hired newly freed African American men as porters. Rather than paying them a real wage, Pullman provided the black porters with just a meager pittance, forcing them to rely on tips from their white clientele for most of their pay.
All cash and non-cash tips an received by an employee are income and are subject to Federal income taxes. All cash tips received by an employee in any calendar month are subject to social security and Medicare taxes and must be reported to the employer.
You might not think of tipping as a legacy of slavery, but it has a far more racialized history than most Americans realize. Tipping originated in feudal Europe and was imported back to the United States by American travelers eager to seem sophisticated. The practice spread throughout the country after the Civil War as U.S. employers, largely in the hospitality sector, looked for ways to avoid paying formerly enslaved workers. One of the most notorious examples comes from the Pullman Company, which hired newly freed African American men as porters. Rather than paying them a real wage, Pullman provided the black porters with just a meager pittance, forcing them to rely on tips from their white clientele for most of their pay. geneontology 发表于 2022-06-19 17:34
小费文化显然是落后的,不应该作为一种norm, 本来目的是激励服务生给顾客以最好的服务, 现在变成了不管服务好赖,不管有没有服务,都要顾客给,不给不行。 服务生变得贪婪,老板和服务生的阶级矛盾被转移到服务生和顾客之间
做为对比,华府这边有些中餐馆, 那服务员的脸我觉得没法再臭了,跟顾客欠她/他什么一样, 啥服务也没有,不要说给小费, 杯骗一次进去吃了就认栽,再也不回去
韩国馆子,日本,越南,泰国,马来西亚馆子, 从来没有遇到像中餐馆这么让人厌恶的情况,
尊重劳动,没有问题,这也是社会良性发展的基础。美国现在的问题是行业之间相互挖大坑,价格严重脱离价值,最后的结果就是给社会造成了沉重的负担。目前还有国家机器先扛着,但能抗多久是个大问题。all men are created equal,剩下那一长段的解读,就仁者见仁,智者见智了。
我有一次去吃烤肉 三个人: 一个大人和两个孩子 , 应该是39.99 ; 结账的时候我觉得服务员服务很到位 给了10 美金: 那个女孩子亲自来谢谢我
大家都高兴, 这不就够了
The practice of tipping began in Tudor England. In medieval times, tipping was a master-serf custom wherein a servant would receive extra money for having performed superbly well.
对的。我是觉得如果我自己经济能力不允许我就不出去吃我就打包 自己做; 我经济能力允许我就去享受那个服务然后大家都高兴。
有道理 我被你们说服了 好了我以后不出去吃饭了 😅
相信我,躲开中餐馆,这个小费烦心的事情可以减少很多很多! 来美国20年+, 吃饭恶心到我的事,全在中餐馆
嗯, 这个硬扣有点恶。 估计没人较真吧, 打官司应该餐馆输。
这个没有那么绝对,美餐比如cheese factory, red lobster, apple bees等以前大众喜欢的,现在服务也是一塌糊涂。
cheese cake factory 我家去年开始总吃,主要是外卖 肯定不能绝对,但是第一要躲开的就是中餐馆
我家最近慢慢开始回复疫情前的外食的状况、 最近亚洲饭主要是韩国馆子吃得多一些, 还有中东饭,服务还是和以前一样正常, 我不需要服务多么的贴心, 正常就好
美国文化给小费,说声谢谢你的服务,有的留个thank you note,然后附上小费,我觉得很温暖。
中国文化里面,过去给小费,要跑堂的高喊“某某老爷打赏多少多少”,然后所有人喊一句“谢赏”,非常awkward。。。 还有现在的网络小说,变成了作者把读者老爷伺候好了,读者老爷看得爽了以后打赏作者,真是有辱斯文。
希望那些砸雕像的 看到这个,取消陋习。
同意 但是英国没有小费制度 只有超级满意才会给小费 不给是正常的 没人甩脸子
小费是以前欧洲打发吉普赛妓女的文化。现在基本跟渣男PUA女生是一个概念的。道德绑架,让消费者feel guity,比着多出。落后,违法,垃圾的文化!
先进文化是“自由” 餐馆有收或者不收小费的自由 顾客有去或者不去餐馆的自由