回复 1楼anwenfish的帖子 https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/encyclopedia/content.aspx?contenttypeid=167&contentid=alpha_fetoprotein_tumor_marker AFP is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). An AFP level between 10 ng/mL to 20 ng/mL is normal for adults. An extremely high level of AFP in your blood—greater than 400 ng/mL—could be a sign of liver tumors.
老公年初也是体检发现肺部的一个问题,下个月也要follow up. 唉,都是提心吊胆的。人到中年了,两娃也还小。求个bless, 希望全家都健健康康的。
我是在香港体检的,选的是cancer markers 有AFP, CEA, CA125, CA19.9。我已经拿到了复查报告,9.9 ng/mL, 比一个月前降低了一些,但还没有到参考值以下。询问了我在国内的肝脏专家同学,她建议做肝脏增强核磁,如果没有问题,半年复查一次AFP,没有问题的话一年复查一次AFP。希望自己和家人健健康康,顺顺利利。
非常感谢大家的Bless, 希望大家都健健康康,生活顺心如意。
= big bless!
Big bless
我选的是AFP, CEA, CA125, CA19.9
AFP is measured in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL). An AFP level between 10 ng/mL to 20 ng/mL is normal for adults. An extremely high level of AFP in your blood—greater than 400 ng/mL—could be a sign of liver tumors.