They also assailed the small $90 million uptick in Police Department funding, which will go pay for raises guaranteed under labor contracts. All told, the NYPD netted $5.5 billion in funding for 2023. The mayor and speaker spent much of Monday batting away criticism from another corner of the city, parents and teachers, over their agreement to cut $215 million from the public schools budget following enrollment declines. The Department of Education is also set to lose roughly another $400 million from its 2023 budget due to the wind-down of federal pandemic-related aid, bringing the total cut to roughly $600 million.
嘿嘿 有些大妈们开心了 又安全了 警察蜀黍们这些不会消极怠工了吧 之前好委屈的 反正自己孩子不上公立学校呗 娃还在公立学校的 想想 为了娃上公立 买学区房的! 敲黑板了