现在还相信投票机作弊的人,我真的好奇你们是怎么说服自己不看证据只相信川普的话的。 这两天的听证会那么多证据不提,就说说你们怎么看你们的大将powell的关于投票机的证词的: Powell and her lawyers acknowledge regarding the allegedly defamatory statements regarding Dominion Voting Systems, “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” In other words, she does not consider those who believe her voter fraud claims “reasonable.” https://www.sos.ga.gov/news/kraken-cracks-under-pressure-sidney-powell-claims-no-reasonable-person-would-conclude-her
现在还相信投票机作弊的人,我真的好奇你们是怎么说服自己不看证据只相信川普的话的。 这两天的听证会那么多证据不提,就说说你们怎么看你们的大将powell的关于投票机的证词的: Powell and her lawyers acknowledge regarding the allegedly defamatory statements regarding Dominion Voting Systems, “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” In other words, she does not consider those who believe her voter fraud claims “reasonable.” https://www.sos.ga.gov/news/kraken-cracks-under-pressure-sidney-powell-claims-no-reasonable-person-would-conclude-her peang234 发表于 2022-06-14 19:14
系统提示:若遇到视频无法播放请点击下方链接 https://www.youtube.com/embed/q_DL1cdE24M?showinfo=0 The right-wing One America News Network admitted in a Monday legal statement that there was no widespread voter fraud by Georgia election officials in the 2020 presidential election after having extensively pushed the groundless claim. In a 30-second statement that aired Monday night, a voiceover stated: "Georgia officials have concluded that there was no widespread voter fraud by election workers who counted ballots at the State Farm Arena in November 2020." https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/pro-trump-oan-network-admits-there-was-no-widespread-fraud-in-georgia-in-the-2020-election-after-extensively-pushing-the-claim/amp_articleshow/91468808.cms
如果house gop上台,trump可能回来当house speaker,然后弹劾一下总统副总统,trump就又可以当总统了。 真是曲径通幽处。这次好多trump supporters竞选公职,还有各州的州务卿,这样就能确保州的大选一定是gop赢的,不管选举结果是啥。 “Senator Mastriano has made it clear that he will appoint electors based on his belief system,” Shapiro said. “He is essentially saying, ‘Sure you can go vote, but I will pick the winner’. That is incredibly dangerous.” https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/22/pennsylvania-josh-shapiro-democrat-republican-rival-doug-mastriano The GOP’s New Election Rule: Voter Fraud Is Only Real When We Lose to Democrats https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/republicans-election-fraud-rules/amp
现在还相信投票机作弊的人,我真的好奇你们是怎么说服自己不看证据只相信川普的话的。 这两天的听证会那么多证据不提,就说说你们怎么看你们的大将powell的关于投票机的证词的: Powell and her lawyers acknowledge regarding the allegedly defamatory statements regarding Dominion Voting Systems, “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” In other words, she does not consider those who believe her voter fraud claims “reasonable.” https://www.sos.ga.gov/news/kraken-cracks-under-pressure-sidney-powell-claims-no-reasonable-person-would-conclude-her peang234 发表于 2022-06-14 19:14
现在还相信投票机作弊的人,我真的好奇你们是怎么说服自己不看证据只相信川普的话的。 这两天的听证会那么多证据不提,就说说你们怎么看你们的大将powell的关于投票机的证词的: Powell and her lawyers acknowledge regarding the allegedly defamatory statements regarding Dominion Voting Systems, “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” In other words, she does not consider those who believe her voter fraud claims “reasonable.” https://www.sos.ga.gov/news/kraken-cracks-under-pressure-sidney-powell-claims-no-reasonable-person-would-conclude-her peang234 发表于 2022-06-14 19:14
到现在还扯什么投票机? 丢人打脸的还不够? 民主党如果中期选举失败、或是下届总统选举是共和党获胜,你要不要自挂东南枝?
我最想看 佩罗西大妈 和 川普斗嘴了
2个人 太有意思了
有个ID说通俄门不了了之只是法院定不了Trump罪,不代表Trump没有通俄。不知道用同样逻辑说投票有作弊存在,那个ID有意见不。 通俄门和投票作弊的不同是,通俄门从头到尾没有人阻止调查,但是投票作弊这个事情,一句“没有证据”就禁止人往下调查。
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says watching the January 6 hearings made all the trauma from the Capitol riot come 'rushing back into the body'
😄 这几天忘了在哪个电视剧还是电影里看的,说的一句话,socialist和fascist不是一条线的两个端,而是一个circle上往不同方向走,总有一天是站一起。
AOC 和 川普是一伙的?!!!!
邮寄选票的那些 LOL
如果比如只有45%出来反对,那选举当晚的结果会是共和党45% vs 33% 大胜, 然后10pm,几个重要的摇摆州同时宣布,邮寄来的选票太多、数不完,关门拉电停止直播, 第二天早上重新开数,卡在99% counted,但是票越数越多,新来的邮寄票全都是选民主党的,直到最终45% vs 55%民主党反超。
要是变天了 你们这些宣传投票机作假的直播吃翔?
中期选举大概率变天 至于两年后的总统大选,取决于GOP那边推谁出来竞选,估计又是比烂的节奏
你持什么观点不重要 别整天侮辱华人好吗?
历史上无法治理通胀的总统从来只有下台一条路 看看70-80年高通胀时期 没有一个总统能连任的
Powell and her lawyers acknowledge regarding the allegedly defamatory statements regarding Dominion Voting Systems, “no reasonable person would conclude that [her] statements were truly statements of fact.” In other words, she does not consider those who believe her voter fraud claims “reasonable.”
The right-wing One America News Network admitted in a Monday legal statement that there was no widespread voter fraud by Georgia election officials in the 2020 presidential election after having extensively pushed the groundless claim. In a 30-second statement that aired Monday night, a voiceover stated: "Georgia officials have concluded that there was no widespread voter fraud by election workers who counted ballots at the State Farm Arena in November 2020." https://www.businessinsider.in/politics/world/news/pro-trump-oan-network-admits-there-was-no-widespread-fraud-in-georgia-in-the-2020-election-after-extensively-pushing-the-claim/amp_articleshow/91468808.cms
如果house gop上台,trump可能回来当house speaker,然后弹劾一下总统副总统,trump就又可以当总统了。 真是曲径通幽处。这次好多trump supporters竞选公职,还有各州的州务卿,这样就能确保州的大选一定是gop赢的,不管选举结果是啥。
“Senator Mastriano has made it clear that he will appoint electors based on his belief system,” Shapiro said. “He is essentially saying, ‘Sure you can go vote, but I will pick the winner’. That is incredibly dangerous.”
The GOP’s New Election Rule: Voter Fraud Is Only Real When We Lose to Democrats https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/06/republicans-election-fraud-rules/amp
下次选举我可能都不会投票了, 从沙子和呆子里面选, 好像很无聊。 川枫子滚蛋了, 大概威胁我们美华生存地位的可能性也应该还好吧。
我会多多的 pray 吧。
中期选举不是选总统连任, 而是选今年到任期的一些席位, 比如参议员, 众议院, 州,县,市等各级官员。
连任?肯定不指望了, 老拜都这么老了, 这届能做得下来就烧高香了。
没办法, 脑子好使但不长, 你能怎么办?ivanka 好像都站在 Barr 一边了。 川粉太可怜了。