订了下下周的,准备明天全面取消了,目前的最新消息是 1。下周园内宾馆已经系统自动取消,接下来订园内宾馆,都会在7天内系统会自动取消,全额退款。 2。园内工作人员和宾馆的雇员疏散,未入职的暂停入职。 3。通过其他通道尽快疏散已有全部游客。 4。公园办公室强烈建议大家取消暑期旅行和尽快更改行程。 5。可见的未来,公园不会开放,秋冬季也许有可能。 6。北边完全被毁,整个夏季都不可能开放,最迟到下个周末才会有南边的评估,然后根据评估看看能够承载多少游客,园内强烈建议大家修改行程。 A summary of what''''''''s going to be happening over the next few days was issued from the Yellowstone National Park Superintendent''''''''s Office.. If you have plans to visit YNP this summer, you are encouraged to rethink them and work with Xanterra and other lodging, activities, car rentals, etc to modify those. Here are the short and long-term objectives we''''''''ve set and will be focused on as a park for recovery: • Ensure safety of employees and visitors• Implement full visitor closure of the northern loop (completed yesterday) • Implement full visitor closure of the southern loop (ongoing target completion today) • Implement full visitor closure of the backcountry (in process)• Evaluate needs for backcountry evacuations (begin today - assess how many people are in the backcountry, evacuation plan) • Improve Old Gardiner Road (work should begin on this today or tomorrow once precipitation subsides. Plan will be to use this road for admin travel and to evacuate visitors from Gardiner should Hwy 89 remain impassable) Halt and redirect any inbound employees hired to work in Mammoth or Tower who haven''''''''t arrived yet • Support employees who lost housing in Gardiner (multiple actions)• Prepare for outside teams to travel to Yellowstone and assist with damage assessments when water recedes (mixture of Federal Highways, NPS, and other) • Prepare strategy for reservation system for southern loop for remainder of the year (we will not allow full visitation into the southern loop when it reopens and are working on options to control the amount of visitors who can enter the park; southern loop will likely not open for another 5 days at minimum) • Develop long-term reconstruction strategy based on damage assessments; funding strategies TBD with region/WASO/DOI • Continue substantive communications with gateway communities, congressional and DOI/NPS leadership
订了下下周的,准备明天全面取消了,目前的最新消息是 1。下周园内宾馆已经系统自动取消,接下来订园内宾馆,都会在7天内系统会自动取消,全额退款。 2。园内工作人员和宾馆的雇员疏散,未入职的暂停入职。 3。通过其他通道尽快疏散已有全部游客。 4。公园办公室强烈建议大家取消暑期旅行和尽快更改行程。 5。可见的未来,公园不会开放,秋冬季也许有可能。 6。北边完全被毁,整个夏季都不可能开放,最迟到下个周末才会有南边的评估,然后根据评估看看能够承载多少游客,园内强烈建议大家修改行程。 A summary of what''''''''s going to be happening over the next few days was issued from the Yellowstone National Park Superintendent''''''''s Office.. If you have plans to visit YNP this summer, you are encouraged to rethink them and work with Xanterra and other lodging, activities, car rentals, etc to modify those. Here are the short and long-term objectives we''''''''ve set and will be focused on as a park for recovery: • Ensure safety of employees and visitors• Implement full visitor closure of the northern loop (completed yesterday) • Implement full visitor closure of the southern loop (ongoing target completion today) • Implement full visitor closure of the backcountry (in process)• Evaluate needs for backcountry evacuations (begin today - assess how many people are in the backcountry, evacuation plan) • Improve Old Gardiner Road (work should begin on this today or tomorrow once precipitation subsides. Plan will be to use this road for admin travel and to evacuate visitors from Gardiner should Hwy 89 remain impassable) Halt and redirect any inbound employees hired to work in Mammoth or Tower who haven''''''''t arrived yet • Support employees who lost housing in Gardiner (multiple actions)• Prepare for outside teams to travel to Yellowstone and assist with damage assessments when water recedes (mixture of Federal Highways, NPS, and other) • Prepare strategy for reservation system for southern loop for remainder of the year (we will not allow full visitation into the southern loop when it reopens and are working on options to control the amount of visitors who can enter the park; southern loop will likely not open for another 5 days at minimum) • Develop long-term reconstruction strategy based on damage assessments; funding strategies TBD with region/WASO/DOI • Continue substantive communications with gateway communities, congressional and DOI/NPS leadership
“Some of these roads may remain closed for an extended period of time,” the park reported Monday afternoon. The Northeast Entrance could take weeks to reopen due to the lost bridge. And preliminary assessments in the park show multiple sections of road in the park have been washed out between Gardiner and Cooke City, and several bridges may be affected. Crews will begin to assess damage in the southern portion of the park soon. The Beartooth Highway is also closed, said Beers.
“Some of these roads may remain closed for an extended period of time,” the park reported Monday afternoon. The Northeast Entrance could take weeks to reopen due to the lost bridge. And preliminary assessments in the park show multiple sections of road in the park have been washed out between Gardiner and Cooke City, and several bridges may be affected. Crews will begin to assess damage in the southern portion of the park soon. The Beartooth Highway is also closed, said Beers. RedCrayon 发表于 2022-06-14 21:29
我是一周前从湾区出发开车去黄石的。分享几个沿途的景点:去了twins falls看perrine bridge和shoshone瀑布,这个瀑布当时还有夜晚灯光秀;去了idaho falls,看snake river green belt是一个水利工程,吃了个叫longhorn的餐厅,牛排非常好吃;去了熊牙公路另一边red lodge一个草泥马农场,也是huaren旅游版看到的,旧地址在bozeman然后新地址搬到了red lodge;去了bozeman的museum of rockies(ASTC program可以免费去),超级推荐;bozeman和missoula还有免税lulu店。
订了下下周的,准备明天全面取消了,目前的最新消息是 1。下周园内宾馆已经系统自动取消,接下来订园内宾馆,都会在7天内系统会自动取消,全额退款。 2。园内工作人员和宾馆的雇员疏散,未入职的暂停入职。 3。通过其他通道尽快疏散已有全部游客。 4。公园办公室强烈建议大家取消暑期旅行和尽快更改行程。 5。可见的未来,公园不会开放,秋冬季也许有可能。 6。北边完全被毁,整个夏季都不可能开放,最迟到下个周末才会有南边的评估,然后根据评估看看能够承载多少游客,园内强烈建议大家修改行程。 A summary of what''''''''s going to be happening over the next few days was issued from the Yellowstone National Park Superintendent''''''''s Office.. If you have plans to visit YNP this summer, you are encouraged to rethink them and work with Xanterra and other lodging, activities, car rentals, etc to modify those. Here are the short and long-term objectives we''''''''ve set and will be focused on as a park for recovery: • Ensure safety of employees and visitors• Implement full visitor closure of the northern loop (completed yesterday) • Implement full visitor closure of the southern loop (ongoing target completion today) • Implement full visitor closure of the backcountry (in process)• Evaluate needs for backcountry evacuations (begin today - assess how many people are in the backcountry, evacuation plan) • Improve Old Gardiner Road (work should begin on this today or tomorrow once precipitation subsides. Plan will be to use this road for admin travel and to evacuate visitors from Gardiner should Hwy 89 remain impassable) Halt and redirect any inbound employees hired to work in Mammoth or Tower who haven''''''''t arrived yet • Support employees who lost housing in Gardiner (multiple actions)• Prepare for outside teams to travel to Yellowstone and assist with damage assessments when water recedes (mixture of Federal Highways, NPS, and other) • Prepare strategy for reservation system for southern loop for remainder of the year (we will not allow full visitation into the southern loop when it reopens and are working on options to control the amount of visitors who can enter the park; southern loop will likely not open for another 5 days at minimum) • Develop long-term reconstruction strategy based on damage assessments; funding strategies TBD with region/WASO/DOI • Continue substantive communications with gateway communities, congressional and DOI/NPS leadership
7月。冰川早在计划上,提前6个月刷pass 不过提前一天还有pass放出,可以试试
这什么鬼线路,光开车了。其实不如Missoula,flatheadl lake玩一玩儿,twin falls也很不错。另外到twin falls了还不如从boise飞
我原来计划跟你差不多,也是这三个地,如果黄石黄了,提顿多呆一天,冰川多呆两天.冰川里的cabin现在不指望了,今天早上赶紧又用点数订了两天whitefish hotel,到时方便取消。本来Gardiner还订了rafting,现在铁定要取消,看了下west glacier也有rafting tour,到时就打算去这个。既来之则安之吧
根本没搞清情况就鬼路线?你才是鬼 你知道我们的兴趣是啥! BTW Twin Falls机票便宜
下周才开始assess damage,我觉得周一开放可能性不大。
If you have plans to visit YNP this summer, you are encouraged to rethink them and work with Xanterra and other lodging, activities, car rentals, etc to modify those.
Here are the short and long-term objectives we''''''''ve set and will be focused on as a park for recovery:
• Ensure safety of employees and visitors• Implement full visitor closure of the northern loop (completed yesterday) • Implement full visitor closure of the southern loop (ongoing target completion today) • Implement full visitor closure of the backcountry (in process)• Evaluate needs for backcountry evacuations (begin today - assess how many people are in the backcountry, evacuation plan) • Improve Old Gardiner Road (work should begin on this today or tomorrow once precipitation subsides. Plan will be to use this road for admin travel and to evacuate visitors from Gardiner should Hwy 89 remain impassable)
Halt and redirect any inbound employees hired to work in Mammoth or Tower who haven''''''''t arrived yet • Support employees who lost housing in Gardiner (multiple actions)• Prepare for outside teams to travel to Yellowstone and assist with damage assessments when water recedes (mixture of Federal Highways, NPS, and other) • Prepare strategy for reservation system for southern loop for remainder of the year (we will not allow full visitation into the southern loop when it reopens and are working on options to control the amount of visitors who can enter the park; southern loop will likely not open for another 5 days at minimum) • Develop long-term reconstruction strategy based on damage assessments; funding strategies TBD with region/WASO/DOI • Continue substantive communications with gateway communities, congressional and DOI/NPS leadership
熊牙7月有什么问题? 我黄石去过三次了,我可进可不进黄石,但我从来没开过熊牙,要不是时间不对,要不就是时间太紧 本来美国开放后,我想去Cancun的,结果发现现在那里都是水草
回家路上听 NPR , 听着感觉是今年夏天是别想了。
“Some of these roads may remain closed for an extended period of time,” the park reported Monday afternoon.
The Northeast Entrance could take weeks to reopen due to the lost bridge. And preliminary assessments in the park show multiple sections of road in the park have been washed out between Gardiner and Cooke City, and several bridges may be affected. Crews will begin to assess damage in the southern portion of the park soon. The Beartooth Highway is also closed, said Beers.
哈哈 不鬼。
不过看你这线路你的兴趣就是开车啊. 再说twin falls这小破机场能飞哪儿?盐湖城?
弄个二维码, 感兴趣的朋友扫描进?
IDA would work too
我已经过了deny 阶段正式进入到grieve 阶段了。 早上还想碰碰运气,看了youtube, 觉得不是一个星期能弄好的。
是的, 我看到情况也是这样。我是下周行程,更容易决定取消。
希望已经在黄石的朋友能看到! 还没飞过去的就不值得了。
马克。跟我草稿alternative route差不多~~~~~~ 如果定的hotel还能住,有个Yellowstone Gateway Museum貌似也还不错
Idaho falls也只能飞盐湖城和boise吧,我以前去那儿出差都是开车…
那一路能推荐什么老少咸宜的地方吗?本来是准备twin falls,黄石和盐湖城的。现在黄石说不准这一路还能干啥
Anyway要转机, doesn’t really matter
盖不了章的non-NP/NM/NHP对于我都是lower priority。Point is, 你觉得好玩的别人也许无感,别那么主观,这事儿没有统一标准。
当然,我有6本护照,三大三小,现在每去一个地方,要盖6个章 一开始买了三个小本的,结果发现太Cheap, 一点仪式感也没有 后来就买了三本大的,但问题是,好多NP要重新去一遍盖章 准备把所有的国家公园都盖完了,一本留给儿子,一本留给女儿,做留念 另外一本留给我们夫妻自己
好说啦,不攻击你,非常easy做到了,去阿拉斯加多照点照片回来分享啊 阿拉斯加准备去哪些地方啊?
可以去Valdez住几天,那里空气好新鲜,风景也漂亮 我在北极圈小镇怀斯曼住的民宿的老板说,Valdez是他最喜欢的城市 我后来去了,也觉得不错,就是没有Walmart比较讨厌
黄石的预订可以通过live chat取消,会收到email确认。
我被Thompson Pass吓傻了,没想到穿过时候下了雪,以为要挂了😭 呆在Valdez一直想咋开出去。。。 幸运的是出去那天预报有雪实际晴天。
别想了,你没看video吗?路都断成那样了 不过你完全可以等到它家出消息,7月肯定知道能不能开了,老美那速度,那毁坏程度,我不乐观
哪里有live chat 的link? 找了十分钟没找到😅
大提顿是一晚colter bay,收了$15块手续费。
我也是delta的,只退了credit. 黄石公园是打电话退的吗? 大提顿怎么退的?电话只有留言, 留言又满了。
黄石住宿是直接在预定网站退的,登录后manage reservation。
好的,谢谢! 我的黄石有两碗在七天内了,估计还得打电话。
完全不可能啊。 你看看视频, 路被冲垮了好多段, 还有座桥也被冲掉了。 按美国修路速度, 一年内都不用想了。 我觉得就是我们中国速度三个月内要修复都够呛, 现在洪水还没退呢。
我也最喜欢阿拉斯加的VALDEZ, 那里的COLUMBIA GLACIER 和三文鱼养殖场太。。。。推荐了。都特别震撼壮美。必去!
pat pat mm 听起来好无奈的感觉,我们去过三次黄石,全家都超喜欢,每次都留下了很多惊喜