这里的很多言论,尽显华人的思维短板。 1/6 hearing is not about punishment, it is protection of the capability on system self-correction which is one of this country cornerstones. 尼克松之所以能被impeached, 是那时的gop国家人民的利益放在高于本党和个人的利益。 当下的gop则恰恰相反~这样的一群人的行为和文化,是成就第二个纳粹独裁温床。 极端危险。 木瓜瓜 发表于 2022-06-10 10:47
帮你梳理一下历史, 1 Nixon是在位的时候 2 Nixon当时和chief justice Rehnquist有关于 Article1, &3以及senate的争论。 Nixon leaves open the question of whether all challenges to impeachment are nonjusticiable political questions. For example, what if the president were impeached and convicted for an act that was completely lawful and within his constitutional powers? Or what if the Senate declared the president to be convicted on the basis of a committee''s determination or a vote of less than two-thirds of the senators? Although these events are certainly improbable, it also is unlikely that the Court would declare an impeachment unconstitutional in the absence of compelling circumstances
所以。。? “你们” 怎么不说下去了?
只有一个人一个党在干的事, 未必就是错的。 日心说是哥白尼提的, 还被烧死了。
反控枪只有狗屁党在做, 当然都是错的。
所以, 脑子是个好东西, 不要人云亦云。 有时候, 大多数是错的, 一半人是错的。 比如反控枪, 指责大选舞弊。
嗯, 美国 priority 最高的两大问题, 一个就是医保, 一个就是枪支问题。 这两点, 你不管怎么说, 都是民主党再推动。
狗屁党, 在使劲拖后腿。 不是不报, 时候未到。
当然民主党也是干了很多坏事的。 除了 AA, 危害还好。
帮你梳理一下历史, 1 Nixon是在位的时候 2 Nixon当时和chief justice Rehnquist有关于 Article1, &3以及senate的争论。
Nixon leaves open the question of whether all challenges to impeachment are nonjusticiable political questions. For example, what if the president were impeached and convicted for an act that was completely lawful and within his constitutional powers? Or what if the Senate declared the president to be convicted on the basis of a committee''s determination or a vote of less than two-thirds of the senators? Although these events are certainly improbable, it also is unlikely that the Court would declare an impeachment unconstitutional in the absence of compelling circumstances
估计大多数老百姓对意识形态没有啥兴趣 他们只对谁能给他们好日子过感兴趣 比如克林顿,老百姓已经明说了 我们不关心他oval or oral 我们只关心我们的房子车子票子孩子
你不管是啥舞弊不舞弊进白宫 只要把老百姓日子过好了 大家都没有话说得 如果你没有把经济搞好 那当然啥幺蛾子阴谋论都可以拿出来说的
Omg are you for real??