Kelly, the Salt Lake spokesman, said Gu would not travel next week to Lausanne, Switzerland, with a delegation from Salt Lake to meet IOC officials. Kelly said the head of the bid, Fraser Bullock, and American skier Lindsey Vonn would be going. 中文翻译:“申奥委员会发言人澄清说她作为一个运动员代表参与申奥过程并与我们一起工作她的最终职位还没有确认”。盐湖城发言人凯利表示,谷歌下周不会随盐湖城代表团前往瑞士洛桑会见国际奥委会官员。凯利说,竞标负责人弗雷泽布洛克和美国滑雪运动员林赛沃恩将前往。
回复 3楼chenshuise的帖子 Kelly, the Salt Lake spokesman, said Gu would not travel next week to Lausanne, Switzerland, with a delegation from Salt Lake to meet IOC officials. Kelly said the head of the bid, Fraser Bullock, and American skier Lindsey Vonn would be going.
Kelly, the Salt Lake spokesman, said Gu would not travel next week to Lausanne, Switzerland, with a delegation from Salt Lake to meet IOC officials. Kelly said the head of the bid, Fraser Bullock, and American skier Lindsey Vonn would be going.
Kelly, the Salt Lake spokesman, said Gu would not travel next week to Lausanne, Switzerland, with a delegation from Salt Lake to meet IOC officials. Kelly said the head of the bid, Fraser Bullock, and American skier Lindsey Vonn would be going.
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