Following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020, the United States continued to export more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it imported in 2021. According to our February 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect net crude oil imports to increase, making the United States a net importer of petroleum in 2022. A country is a net importer if it imports more of a commodity than it exports. Conversely, a country is a net exporter if it exports more of a commodity than it imports. Many factors affect net trade numbers because trade reflects supply and demand conditions both domestically and internationally. Historically, the United States has been a net importer of petroleum. During 2020, COVID-19 mitigation efforts caused a drop in oil demand within the United States and internationally. International petroleum prices decreased in response to less consumption, which diminished incentives for key petroleum-exporting countries to increase production. This shift allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past. Also in 2020, the difference between U.S. crude oil imports and exports fell to its lowest point since at least 1985. Net crude oil imports subsequently rose by 19% in 2021 to an average of 3.2 million barrels per day (b/d) as crude oil consumption increased in response to rising economic activity. We forecast that the United States will continue to import more crude oil than it exports in 2022, reaching an estimated annual average of 3.9 million b/d. However, we expect net imports to fall to 3.4 million b/d in 2023 as domestic crude oil production increases to an all-time high of 12.6 million b/d. Since 2010, the United States has exported more refined petroleum products, including distillate fuel oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, and motor gasoline, among others, than it has imported. Net exports of refined petroleum products grew to 3.3 million b/d in 2020 and remained about the same in 2021. We expect petroleum product net exports will reach new highs of 3.6 million b/d in 2022 and 3.8 million b/d in 2023.
回复 191楼的帖子 我把“净”看成了“纯” Historically, the United States has been a net importer of petroleum. During 2020, COVID-19 mitigation efforts caused a drop in oil demand within the United States and internationally. International petroleum prices decreased in response to less consumption, which diminished incentives for key petroleum-exporting countries to increase production. This shift allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past.
“为什么政府一点措施都没有”,想什么呢?这不正是政府希望的吗??? 不然你以为new green deal是随便唱着好听的吗??? 让你用不起油,只好用绿色新能源,少开油车,买电车。肯定不会好起来的,you get what you voted for Giovanna 发表于 2022-06-07 11:53
yahoo的新闻今天有一个说油价高不能埋怨到biden头上,下面无数的comment,居然没有一个同意的。copy一个几分钟前的 Gary I disagree. Biden cut our pipeline (and our ability to control a certain market segment) while supporting and funding foreign pipelines. He burned important bridges in Middle East. He suspended drilling in Alaska and the gulf. Then he begged OPEC to help, which only made the US look weaker. He emptied the strategic reserve. He removed all possibilities of a NAFTA play to use Mexico or Canada for oil.
yahoo的新闻今天有一个说油价高不能埋怨到biden头上,下面无数的comment,居然没有一个同意的。copy一个几分钟前的 Gary I disagree. Biden cut our pipeline (and our ability to control a certain market segment) while supporting and funding foreign pipelines. He burned important bridges in Middle East. He suspended drilling in Alaska and the gulf. Then he begged OPEC to help, which only made the US look weaker. He emptied the strategic reserve. He removed all possibilities of a NAFTA play to use Mexico or Canada for oil.
美国已经不是利益集团只手遮天的时代了。看看现在主流媒体这个收视率就知道,政府和传统媒体的信任度已经很低很低了。 美国目前的趋势看,nationalist的民意越来越高。越来越多人参与到政治投票中。家长更积极参与孩子的教育。枪支持有率极度跃升。加拿大土豆宣布要禁止枪支买卖以来,加拿大人在疯狂买枪。 人民越来越意识到,need to take the issues in their own hands。
Following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020, the United States continued to export more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it imported in 2021. According to our February 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect net crude oil imports to increase, making the United States a net importer of petroleum in 2022. A country is a net importer if it imports more of a commodity than it exports. Conversely, a country is a net exporter if it exports more of a commodity than it imports. Many factors affect net trade numbers because trade reflects supply and demand conditions both domestically and internationally. Historically, the United States has been a net importer of petroleum. During 2020, COVID-19 mitigation efforts caused a drop in oil demand within the United States and internationally. International petroleum prices decreased in response to less consumption, which diminished incentives for key petroleum-exporting countries to increase production. This shift allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past. Also in 2020, the difference between U.S. crude oil imports and exports fell to its lowest point since at least 1985. Net crude oil imports subsequently rose by 19% in 2021 to an average of 3.2 million barrels per day (b/d) as crude oil consumption increased in response to rising economic activity. We forecast that the United States will continue to import more crude oil than it exports in 2022, reaching an estimated annual average of 3.9 million b/d. However, we expect net imports to fall to 3.4 million b/d in 2023 as domestic crude oil production increases to an all-time high of 12.6 million b/d. Since 2010, the United States has exported more refined petroleum products, including distillate fuel oil, hydrocarbon gas liquids, and motor gasoline, among others, than it has imported. Net exports of refined petroleum products grew to 3.3 million b/d in 2020 and remained about the same in 2021. We expect petroleum product net exports will reach new highs of 3.6 million b/d in 2022 and 3.8 million b/d in 2023.
Historically, the United States has been a net importer of petroleum. During 2020, COVID-19 mitigation efforts caused a drop in oil demand within the United States and internationally. International petroleum prices decreased in response to less consumption, which diminished incentives for key petroleum-exporting countries to increase production. This shift allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past.
美帝现在失业率历史最低点。中国恨不得every other person都没工作了。 美帝的穷人当然受益了。你以为人家傻。
Long weekend vacation trip, 经过king city, 超过7刀。
世界的财富基本都是由犹太人控制 物价随之浮动 以适应犹太人的财富量 这是上帝与犹太人签订的旧约
其实就是民主党背后的石油财团吃相难看吧? 希望memorial day之后能有所缓解。
然后等你都不用油的时候 电费就开始涨了
其实白痴灯就是台前傀儡罢了 看不清这点 下次还会被骗
不是作茧自缚 是有意为之
trump都下去多久了还往他头上扣?这协议签的时候也是他在台上的时候,那时侯油价怎么没涨呢?那时侯原油还跌成负值,他把奥八台上释放出去空了的贮备油趁机全部加满。现在biden又把满满的贮备油拿出来 ,可惜油价还是疯了一样地涨。
yahoo的新闻今天有一个说油价高不能埋怨到biden头上,下面无数的comment,居然没有一个同意的。copy一个几分钟前的 Gary I disagree. Biden cut our pipeline (and our ability to control a certain market segment) while supporting and funding foreign pipelines. He burned important bridges in Middle East. He suspended drilling in Alaska and the gulf. Then he begged OPEC to help, which only made the US look weaker. He emptied the strategic reserve. He removed all possibilities of a NAFTA play to use Mexico or Canada for oil.
还有搞笑的是从Venezuela买油,但是以human right名义不要他们参加美洲summit,然后很多美洲国家的领导人都说那他们也不来了。。。太丢人了,这老大当的,已经没人听话了。
人民越来越意识到,need to take the issues in their own hands。
电用不完是因为政府没想限制 你以为油价贵是因为没有油吗?跟上海人饿死不是因为粮食短缺一样 有是一回事 你能不能用上是另一回事。 现在越来约理解为啥funding fathers认为政府是邪恶的 要遏制政府权力
他们就是要搞掉美国的能源独立啊 你指望他们搞出解决方案不是与虎谋皮吗?说实话 如果政府真的啥都不做 可能情况会远好于现在 就像上海政府如果真不管 不要出台各种政策 根本不会变成现在这种样子
对哦 还有 虽然他政策不好 当时decent啊 这些人是没见过伪君子啥样吗 把你吃的连骨头都不剩你怕自己骨头硌他牙了
对啊 本来就不应该干预啊 少些乱七八糟政策根本就不会到这一步 你本末倒置了
可不是吗 他们啥都不干倒好了
很多人穷是有原因的 只看眼前