
楼主 (北美华人网)
今年 英国女王伊丽莎白二世 在位已经70年 本周末英国将为其举行白金周年庆典 (Platinum Jubilee) 英国媒体收集了 她作为君主的每一年的照片
无论从1952年她在父亲去世后 从肯尼亚降落在伦敦机场 到她孩子的出生和孙子的婚礼 再到去年她丈夫葬礼上的悲痛 ...... 都展现了伊丽莎白优雅且传奇的一生 1952: Returning home as Queen. The new Queen Elizabeth II disembarks at London Airport after returning immediately from Kenya on learning of the death of her father, George VI, on February 6. She was greeted by Prime Minister Winston Churchill 1952: 以女王身份回国。新任女王伊丽莎白二世在得知她的父亲乔治六世于2月6日去世后,立即从肯尼亚返回,在伦敦机场下飞机。她受到了温斯顿-丘吉尔首相的迎接 1953: A new era begins. The coronation of Elizabeth II took place on June 2, 1953 at Westminster Abbey 1953: 一个新的时代开始了。伊丽莎白二世的加冕仪式于1953年6月2日在威斯敏斯特教堂举行。 1954: A whole new world. Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh at a state dinner on the Australian royal tour (left). 1955: Taking in the action. The Queen is pretty in a summer dress and white sandals for a day at the polo in Windsor Great Park 1954: 一个全新的世界。女王和爱丁堡公爵在澳大利亚皇室旅行的国宴上(左)。1955: 参加活动。女王身着夏装和白色凉鞋,参加温莎大公园马球比赛,非常漂亮。 1956: Young mother. In her early years on the throne, the Queen was raising Prince Charles (pictured aged seven with his mother at the polo in Windsor) and Princess Anne. Prince Andrew was born in 1960 and Prince Edward in 1964 1956: 年轻的母亲。登基早期,女王已生育查尔斯王子(图为7岁时与他的母亲在温莎的马球比赛中)和安妮公主。安德鲁王子于1960年出生,爱德华王子于1964年出生。 1957: Homecoming. Princess Anne, then aged six, squeals with joy after being reunited with her parents following a royal tour in February 1957: 归家。当时6岁的安妮公主,在2月的一次皇室旅行后与她的父母团聚后高兴地尖叫。 1958: Giddy-up! The Queen arrives with Harry Primrose, 6th Earl of Rosebery, at the Epsom Derby, Surrey in June 1958: 欢呼吧! 6月,女王与第六代罗斯伯里伯爵哈里-普里姆罗斯一起来到萨里郡的埃普森德比赛马场。 1959: Trooping the Colour. The Queen, centre, is joined by the Duke of Edinburgh, right, at Trooping the Colour in 1959 1959: 皇家阅兵盛典。1959年,女王(中间)与爱丁堡公爵(右)一起参加了皇家阅兵盛典。 1960: Capturing the memories! The Queen takes a snap of her corgis at Windsor Park in 1960 1960: 捕捉记忆! 1960年,女王在温莎公园为她的柯基犬拍了一张照片。
1961: A royal welcome. The Queen, dressed in powder blue, enjoys an elephant ride during her royal tour of India in January 1961: 皇家欢迎仪式。穿着粉蓝色衣服的女王在1月的印度皇家之旅中享受骑大象的乐趣。 1962: Another royal baby. The Queen plays with a two-year-old Prince Andrew in the grounds of a royal residence 1962: 又一个王室宝宝。女王与两岁的安德鲁王子在皇家皇家内院里玩耍。 1963: A special relationship. The Queen and Prince Philip welcome President and Mrs Kennedy to Buckingham Palace 1963: 特殊关系。女王和菲利普亲王欢迎肯尼迪总统和夫人来到白金汉宫。 1964: Prince Edward's royal debut. The Queen and Prince Philip introduce their youngest son at Trooping the Colour at Buckingham Palace 1964: 爱德华王子皇家首秀。女王和菲利普亲王在白金汉宫举行的皇家阅兵圣殿上介绍他们最小的儿子。 1965: Dazzling. The Queen leaves a state reception at Schloss Augustusburg in Bruhl, on the First State Visit to West Germany 1965: 令人眼花缭乱。在对西德的首次国事访问中,女王离开布吕尔的奥古斯图斯堡宫的国事招待会。 1966: Tragedy. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh visit Aberfan following the mining disaster that killed 116 children. 1966:悲剧。在导致116名儿童死亡的矿难发生后,女王和爱丁堡公爵访问阿伯凡。
1967: Special place in her heart. The Queen, dressed in vibrant blue, and Prince Philip dance at a state ball during a Commonwealth visit to Malta. The couple spent two years on the island as newlyweds between 1949 and 1951 1967: 心中的特殊之地。在一次英联邦访问马耳他期间,身着鲜艳蓝色衣服的女王和菲利普亲王在国宴上跳舞。1949年至1951年期间,这对夫妇作为新婚夫妇在该岛生活过两年。 1968: Lifelong passion. The Queen gets up close and personal with some of the horses at the Royal Windsor Horse Show 1968: 终生的激情。女王在温莎皇家马展上与一些马匹近距离接触。 1969: Royalty TV. The Queen and Prince Philip allowed cameras into Windsor Castle for an ill-fated BBC documentary 1969: 皇家电视。女王和菲利普亲王允许摄像机进入温莎城堡拍摄一部时运不济的BBC纪录片。 1970: Back on tour. The Queen and Prince Philip greet flag-waving schoolchildren during a visit to Mount Isa, Austral 1970: 再次出访。女王和菲利普亲王在访问澳大利亚伊萨山时向挥舞旗帜的学童致意。 1971: Hop to it! The Queen jumps ashore from a barge after disembarking from the Royal Yacht Britannia in Turkey 1971: 跳起来! 女王从土耳其的皇家游艇不列颠尼亚号上岸后,从一艘驳船上跳下。 1972: Treasured memories. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh celebrate their silver wedding anniversary at Balmoral 1972: 珍贵的回忆。女王和爱丁堡公爵在巴尔莫勒尔庆祝他们的银婚纪念日 1973: Wedding bells. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh join their daughter Princess Anne and her new husband Mark Phillips on the balcony of Buckingham Palace following their wedding. Also pictured are Edward (left), Charles and Andrew 1973: 婚礼的钟声。女王和爱丁堡公爵与他们的女儿安妮公主和她的新丈夫马克-菲利普斯婚礼后在白金汉宫的阳台上合影。图中还有爱德华(左)、查尔斯和安德鲁 1975: HM at the market. The Queen, wearing a pink dress, meets local fruit and veg traders on her first visit to Hong Kong 1975年:女王在市场上。女王身穿粉红色礼服,在她第一次访问香港时会见了当地的水果和蔬菜商人。 1976: Shall we dance? The Queen takes to the floor with President Ford during a royal visit to the White House in July 1976: 我们可以跳舞吗?女王7月对白宫的皇家访问中与福特总统共舞。 1977: Silver Jubilee. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh wave to crowds who have gathered to celebrate her time on the throne alongside Earl Mountbatten of Burma 1977年:银禧纪念日。女王和爱丁堡公爵向聚集在一起的人群挥手致意,与缅甸的蒙巴顿伯爵一起庆祝她在王位上的时间。 1978: Presenting Virgina Wade with the trophy after she won the Women's Single Final at Wimbledon in 1978 1978: 1978年维吉娜-韦德在温布尔登赢得女单决赛后,女王向其颁发奖杯 1979: Shared appreciation. The Queen drinks tea with the Emir of Bahrain on a state visit to the region in February 1979: 共同赞赏。女王在2月对巴林进行国事访问时与巴林埃米尔喝茶。 1981: A royal wedding to remember. The Queen joins Prince Charles and the new Princess of Wales following their nuptials 1981: 一场值得铭记的皇家婚礼。女王在查尔斯王子婚礼后与新婚夫妇在一起。 1982: Welcoming a future king! Four generations of the Royal Family gather for Prince William's Christening in August 1982: 迎接未来的国王! 王室四代人齐聚一堂,参加威廉王子8月的洗礼仪式 1983: Taking her favourite sport seriously! The Queen is pictured with Sir Michael Oswald, manager of the Royal Stud, at Epsom racecourse 1983年:认真对待她最喜爱的运动! 女王与皇家马场经理迈克尔-奥斯瓦尔德爵士在埃普森赛马场合影。 1984: Trooping the Colour with Prince Charles, Prince William, Prince Philip and Princess Diana 1984年:与查尔斯王子、威廉王子、菲利普王子和戴安娜王妃一起参加皇家阅兵盛典
1985: Star power! Her Majesty meets with Joan Collins at the Royal Variety Performance at the Royal Albert Hall 1985年:明星魅力!女王陛下在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行的皇家综艺演出中会见琼·柯林斯。 1986: A kiss for the Queen! Her Majesty receives a kiss from her eldest son Prince Charles at the Windsor polo ground following a match 1986年:女王之吻!一场比赛结束后,女王陛下在温莎马球场接受了长子查尔斯王子的亲吻 1987: Mother and daughter. Queen Elizabeth II wears a bright polka dot number as she celebrates her mother's 87th birthday 1987年:母女。英国女王伊丽莎白二世在庆祝母亲87岁生日时身穿一件鲜艳的圆点图案服装 1988: An educational family outing. The Queen is joined by Prince Philip, Prince Charles, Princess Diana, and her grandchildren Prince William, Prince Harry, and Peter and Zara Philips on a visit to a museum in Sandringham 1988年:一次有教育意义的家庭郊游。女王与菲利普亲王、查尔斯王子、戴安娜王妃以及她的孙子威廉王子、哈里王子以及彼得和扎拉·菲利普斯一起参观了桑德林汉姆的博物馆。 1989: A Welsh birthday. The Queen and Prince Philip were greeted by well-wishers on a walkabout in the village of Treherbert, Wales 1989: 威尔士生日。女王和菲利普亲王在威尔士的特雷赫伯特村散步时受到祝福者的欢迎。 1990: Celebrating Easter with her mother! The Queen leaves St George's Chapel in Windsor following mass 1990: 与她母亲一起庆祝复活节! 女王在弥撒后离开温莎的圣乔治教堂
1991: The Queen addresses to a joint meeting of Congress. She was the first British monarch to address Congress, and was greeted with a standing ovation 1991年:女王在国会联席会议上讲话。她是第一位在国会发表讲话的英国君主,并受到了起立鼓掌的欢迎。 1992: Annus horribilis! The Queen inspecting the ruins at Windsor castle with a firefighter. A huge blaze broke out damaging more than 100 rooms including the vast medieval St George’s Hall 1992:多灾之年!女王在一名消防员的陪同下视察温莎城堡的废墟。一场大火烧毁了100多个房间,其中包括巨大的中世纪圣乔治厅 1993: Visiting Cardiff Castle for the investiture. She is pictured leaving the castle with Captain Norman Lloyd-Edwards, HM Lord Lieutenant 1993: 访问卡迪夫城堡参加授职仪式。她被拍到与爱尔兰总督诺曼-劳埃德-爱德华兹上尉一起离开城堡。
1994: The Queen attends a state banquet with Boris Yeltsin in 1994 in Moscow, Russia, wearing her Brazilian Aquamarine tiara 1994年:在俄罗斯莫斯科,女王与鲍里斯-叶利钦一起出席国宴,佩戴巴西海蓝宝石头饰 1995: The trio! The Queen, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret on the balcony of Buckingham Palace for VE Day 1995年:三人组! 女王、太后和玛格丽特公主在白金汉宫的阳台上庆祝欧洲胜利日。 1996: Nelson Mandela visits the UK and rides in carriage with the Queen along the Mall in London. During this visit he asked her if she had lost weight 1996年:纳尔逊·曼德拉访问英国,和女王一起乘坐马车沿着伦敦林荫大道行进。在这次拜访中,他问她是否瘦了。 1997: A day the nation will never forget. The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are overwhelmed by the amount of well-wishers and floral tributes at Buckingham Palace, on the eve of the funeral of Diana Princess of Wales 1997年:全国人民永远不会忘记的一天。在威尔士王妃戴安娜的葬礼前夕,女王和爱丁堡公爵在白金汉宫被众多的祝福者和献花淹没。 1998: Running to watch Philip. The Queen is pictured jogging to ensure she sees her husband performing at the Royal Windsor Horse Show, an event she takes seriously 1998: 跑步观看菲利普。照片中的女王正在慢跑,以确保她能看到她丈夫在皇家温莎马展上的表演,她对这项活动非常重视。 1999: The Queen takes the hand of Prince Philip as they prepare to leave the House of Lords following the outlining of the Governments plan for the forthcoming Parliamentary session 1999: 女王牵着菲利普亲王的手,在政府为即将到来的议会会议制定计划后,他们准备离开上议院。 2000: Marking a new Millennium. The Princess Royal, The Duke Of Edinburgh, the Queen, Tony Blair and his wife Cherie all join for a chorus of Auld Lang Syne shortly after midnight in London 2000: 纪念新的千年。皇家公主、爱丁堡公爵、女王、托尼-布莱尔和他的妻子切丽在伦敦午夜过后不久一起合唱了《友谊地久天长》。 2001: Paying tribute to 9/11 victims: Accompanied by Prince Charles, The Queen lays a wreath on the remembrance stone outside Westminster Abbey 2001年:向9.11事件受害者致敬。在查尔斯王子的陪同下,女王在威斯敏斯特教堂外的纪念石上敬献了花圈。 2002: Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee! Celebrating 50 years on the throne, The Queen greets crowds who lined the streets of London 2002: 女王陛下的金禧纪念日! 庆祝在位50年,女王迎接在伦敦街头排队的人群。 2003: Opening Parliament: The Queen is joined by her husband the Duke of Edinburgh in Westminster (left). 2004: Having a laugh! The couple share a joke when President Alexandre Kwasniewski and his wife, Jolanta, come to the UK for an official state visit (right) 2003: 议会开幕。女王与她的丈夫爱丁堡公爵在威斯敏斯特会面(左)。2004: 开怀大笑! 当亚历山大-克瓦希涅夫斯基总统和他的妻子约兰塔来英国进行正式国事访问时,这对夫妇分享了一个笑话(右)。 2005: A royal wedding. Prince Charles marries Camilla Parker Bowles and the newlyweds are pictured with their families in an official snap (L-R back row) Prince Harry, Prince William, Prince Charles, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, Tom Parker Bowles and Laura Parker Bowles (L-R front row) Duke of Edinburgh, HM The Queen Elizabeth II and Camilla's father Major Bruce Shand. 2005: 皇家婚礼。查尔斯王子与卡米拉-帕克-鲍尔斯结婚,这对新婚夫妇与他们的家人在官方快照中合影(后排左起)哈里王子、威廉王子、查尔斯王子、康沃尔公爵夫人卡米拉、汤姆-帕克-鲍尔斯和劳拉-帕克-鲍尔斯(前排左起)爱丁堡公爵、女王陛下伊丽莎白二世和卡米拉的父亲布鲁斯-尚德少校。 2006: Out for a ride! The Queen enjoying the sunshine in Windsor, accompanied by her stud groom Terry Pendry 2006: 出去兜风! 女王在温莎享受阳光,由她的马倌泰瑞-彭德利陪同。 2007: The Queen with Prince Philip celebrating their diamond wedding anniversary at Windsor 2007: 女王与菲利普亲王在温莎庆祝他们的钻石结婚纪念日 。 2008: Meeting the future Prime Minister! The Queen shakes the hand of then-London mayor Boris Johnson ahead of the Olympics 2008: 与未来的首相见面! 女王在奥运会前与当时的伦敦市长鲍里斯-约翰逊握手。 2009: A smile for Philip. Her Majesty beams over at the Duke of Edinburgh during the Horse Guards Parade at Trooping the Colour parade 2009: 向菲利普微笑。女王陛下在皇家阅兵盛典上向爱丁堡公爵投去赞许的目光。 2010: Crowds gather to catch a glimpse of the Queen at one of her Buckingham Palace Garden Parties, which have become a tradition for the monarch
2010: 在女王的白金汉宫花园派对(已成君主传统项目)上,人群聚集在一起,想一睹女王的风采。 2011: Her Majesty meets Fish Monger Pat O'Connell at the English Market on May 20, 2011 (left) 2011: 2011年5月20日,女王陛下在英国市场会见鱼贩帕特-奥康奈尔(左)。 2012: Good evening Mr Bond! The Queen, joined by her beloved corgis, appears in a skit alongside Daniel Craig to mark the beginning of the Olympic Games in London 2012: 晚上好,邦德先生! 女王和她心爱的柯基犬一起,与丹尼尔-克雷格一起出现在伦敦奥运会的开幕式小品中。 2013: A new heir is born! The official portrait for the christening of Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge, taken in the morning room at Clarence House 2013年:新继承人诞生!剑桥王子乔治·亚历山大·路易斯受洗的官方照片,摄于克拉伦斯宫的晨室。 2014: The Queen and Prince Philip walk among ceramic red poppies in the moat at the Tower of London in London 2014年:在伦敦塔的护城河上,女王和菲利普亲王漫步在陶瓷红色罂粟花之间。 2015: Riding high! Her Majesty is accompanied by a groom out riding by the River Thames at Windsor, Berkshire 2015: 春风得意马蹄疾! 女王陛下在马倌的陪同下,在伯克郡温莎的泰晤士河边骑马。 2016: Welcoming a new President: The Queen and Prince Philip greet President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama to a private lunch at Windsor Castle 2016: 迎接新总统。女王和菲利普亲王在温莎城堡迎接奥巴马总统和第一夫人米歇尔参加私人午餐会 2017: Hospital visits: The monarch visits with the injured at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital following the bombing attack 2017: 医院探访。爆炸袭击发生后,女王在曼彻斯特皇家儿童医院看望伤者。 2018: A new family member: The Queen joins in celebrations alongside her fellow senior royals and the bridal party as Prince Harry marries Meghan Markle 2018: 新家庭成员。哈里王子与梅根-马克尔喜结连理,女王与王室高级成员和新娘亲属一起参加了庆祝活动。 2019: Welcome baby Archie! The Queen and Prince Philip are among the first people to meet Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's first son 2019:欢迎宝贝阿奇!女王和菲利普亲王是第一批见到哈里王子和梅根·马克尔第一个儿子的人 2020: Coronavirus brings the world to a stop: The Queen continues with her duties during the first lockdown as she speaks with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on the phone from Windsor Castle 2020: 新冠病毒使世界陷入停滞:女王在第一次封城期间继续履行职责,她在温莎城堡与首相鲍里斯-约翰逊通电话。 2021: The Queen in mourning: Her Majesty is seen grieving alone at the funeral for her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh 2021年:女王哀悼。女王陛下在丈夫爱丁堡公爵的葬礼上独自哀悼。 2022: Weeks ahead of her Platinum Jubilee, the Queen is beaming as she arrives at the Chelsea Flower Show in a luxury buggy 2022年:白金禧年前几周,女王乘坐一辆豪华马车抵达切尔西花展,满面春风。
今日语料库: Platinum Jubilee:白金禧年 buggy:马车 groom :马倌;马夫;新郎 ovation:鼓掌;热烈欢迎;热烈鼓掌 来源:原创 哎呀喂英语