你大爱? 你们这些黄左, 搞什么covid relief, 现在又要搞student loan forgiveness。。those who hold student loans are "middle class or upper class", then you forgive those loans, creating more inflation.. and who hurts the most with this inflation? the low class is the one who's gonna hurt the most. homeless 越来越多, 就是你们害得。。
然后前两天算了一本账: 我drive 一个truck, fill up 现在要 $150 然后fill up 后, 能开个4,5 天。。 所以每个礼拜, 我要 $200 on gas, at minimum that''s like 850 a month times 12, that is $10200 a year JUST ON FUCKING GAS!!!! 10% of my after tax salary... JUST ON FUCKING GAS! ESG。。 左派搞出来什么ESG, 还要什么制裁russia。。 结果人家china, india 把russia得油买得好好得。 russia卖出得油量, 一点都没有减少。 人家得russian ruble 还越来越值钱。。
你大爱? 你们这些黄左, 搞什么covid relief, 现在又要搞student loan forgiveness。。those who hold student loans are "middle class or upper class", then you forgive those loans, creating more inflation.. and who hurts the most with this inflation? the low class is the one who's gonna hurt the most. homeless 越来越多, 就是你们害得。。 lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 01:43
然后前两天算了一本账: 我drive 一个truck, fill up 现在要 $150 然后fill up 后, 能开个4,5 天。。 所以每个礼拜, 我要 $200 on gas, at minimum that''s like 850 a month times 12, that is $10200 a year JUST ON FUCKING GAS!!!! 10% of my after tax salary... JUST ON FUCKING GAS! ESG。。 左派搞出来什么ESG, 还要什么制裁russia。。 结果人家china, india 把russia得油买得好好得。 russia卖出得油量, 一点都没有减少。 人家得russian ruble 还越来越值钱。。
that's your choice... But america never required you to pay for bags at grocery stores until now.. It's very unamerican! If you want to live like europe, go live in europe.. We fucking fought a war to get away from europe
黄佐真是大爱啊。。 no, it's not our policies that created this mess.. you just need to get a better job... if everyone gets a "better“ job, then those "better" jobs would be basic again... Job inflation... bitches
that's your choice... But america never required you to pay for bags at grocery stores until now.. It's very unamerican! If you want to live like europe, go live in europe.. We fucking fought a war to get away from europe lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 01:55
你代表了美国? 你为美国打过战?别别人说什么就套用。 事实是这就是美国, 用你的your way or highway 说法,你不喜欢可以走。
这个没什么自恨的。。美国现在搞得越来越四不像 你去旅游, 下飞机, when you get off a flight in Japan, you know you are in Japan.. When you get off a flight in Romania, Albania, you know you are in Romania, Albania When you get off a flight in Oman, you know you are in Oman... When you get off a flight in America, where the fuck am I??!! This whole "diversity" thing sucks... You know what multi cultural means? multi cultural means there's no culture.. Take you for example, if US and china gets in a war, where does your loyalty lie?
这个没什么自恨的。。美国现在搞得越来越四不像 你去旅游, 下飞机, when you get off a flight in Japan, you know you are in Japan.. When you get off a flight in Romania, Albania, you know you are in Romania, Albania When you get off a flight in Oman, you know you are in Oman... When you get off a flight in America, where the fuck am I??!! This whole "diversity" thing sucks... You know what multi cultural means? multi cultural means there's no culture.. Take you for example, if US and china gets in a war, where does your loyalty lie? lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 02:23
黄佐真是大爱啊。。 no, it's not our policies that created this mess.. you just need to get a better job... if everyone gets a "better“ job, then those "better" jobs would be basic again... Job inflation... bitches
SANCTIONS WORKING JUST FINE !!! -- Joe biden lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 02:41
和sanction也没太大关系。Biden把释放的national reserve大都给了中国,就差没给俄罗斯了。人家一起打劫韭菜而已。 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-23/mucho-del-crudo-liberado-por-biden-terminar-an-en-china-india#xj4y7vzkg Much of Biden’s Oil Release Will Likely End Up in China, India
that's your choice... But america never required you to pay for bags at grocery stores until now.. It's very unamerican! If you want to live like europe, go live in europe.. We fucking fought a war to get away from europe lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 01:55
that's your choice... But america never required you to pay for bags at grocery stores until now.. It's very unamerican! If you want to live like europe, go live in europe.. We fucking fought a war to get away from europe lidI 发表于 2022-06-06 01:55
i don't live in america full time anymore.. I live out of country half time of the year... I used to be able to live a decent middle class life in america with my salary but not anymore.... I now have to go to places like dominican republic, albania, etc to get a decent quality of life...
https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/ Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems 以后你要吃自然牛肉? 只有elites能吃。。。 你平民要吃? 那就是损害环境! 华人大妈要骂你自私!
There is a trend that many MITBBS males are migrating to Huaren :) This is a good thing. I don''''t like Feminism Huaren is too much Feminism with more males, discussion should be more interesting
然后洗完澡, 又想大便。。 幸亏没有在洗澡的时候就想大便。。
然后搞到3pm才出去。。 好吧, 隔壁有个Starbucks, 想喝一杯coffee frap。
开到隔壁, drive through 上面贴了个paper, 说due to staffing shortage, 今天1pm就关了。。。。 这不是我第一次看见这事了。。 最近很多次, 不同的starbucks都那样。 左派一天到晚发covid relief 钱, 搞得都没人工作。。
然后现在左派, 还把seattle搞得, 去个他妈的grocery store, 还要花钱买plastic bag。。 买个外卖, 还要自己ask for utensils from restaurants, otherwise restaurants won't give you utensils by default..
Is this still AMERICA???!!!
左派一天到晚搞 “green”, it's nothing just a money grab.. tmd, 没看见obama还在海边买房子??!! 什么climate change, 以前是global warming, 现在不warming了, 就说climate change。。 他妈的, 地球一开始, climate就在change好不好?!
然后想买个pillow。。。 drop by target, 整个一个pillow aisle, 就他妈的二个pillow。。 整个aisle就基本是空得!! 这empty/sparse aisle, 搞得美国像third world一样!
想好吧,就去bed bath beyond吧。。。 然后去了附近一个, 停车走到门前, tnnd, 这个location竟然就倒闭了!!最近得要到issaquah。。
前几天, 去个另外一个store, 也是location closed。。
你大爱? 你们这些黄左, 搞什么covid relief, 现在又要搞student loan forgiveness。。those who hold student loans are "middle class or upper class", then you forgive those loans, creating more inflation.. and who hurts the most with this inflation? the low class is the one who's gonna hurt the most. homeless 越来越多, 就是你们害得。。
我drive 一个truck, fill up 现在要 $150
然后fill up 后, 能开个4,5 天。。
所以每个礼拜, 我要 $200 on gas, at minimum
that''s like 850 a month
times 12, that is $10200 a year
10% of my after tax salary... JUST ON FUCKING GAS!
ESG。。 左派搞出来什么ESG, 还要什么制裁russia。。 结果人家china, india 把russia得油买得好好得。 russia卖出得油量, 一点都没有减少。 人家得russian ruble 还越来越值钱。。
Always blame the others … 你还能干啥 你还有啥用
我加一次油也要一百多。我觉得没啥。 你的问题是穷。找个好工作, 少埋怨别人是正理。
你去twitter上面左派看看。。。 那个youtube上面, youtube sponsored news channel还说要bomb NRA。。
吐槽其他也罢。但买plastic bags,外卖 要写明需不需要餐具这两项还是非常不错的。 至少我见30%的人去买东西自带布袋。
factoria walmart 也关了? 不知道。。
that's your choice...
But america never required you to pay for bags at grocery stores until now.. It's very unamerican!
If you want to live like europe, go live in europe..
We fucking fought a war to get away from europe
no, it's not our policies that created this mess..
you just need to get a better job...
if everyone gets a "better“ job, then those "better" jobs would be basic again... Job inflation... bitches
我看看seattle 这里, 基本全是印度人和中国人了。。 这还是我以前得美国吗? 什么店,都有个中文招牌。。
如果你自己的家乡, 杭州, 重庆, 你出去几年, 回去后, 发现整个杭州, 整个重庆, 是70% 的非中国面孔了, 你会怎么想? 你回个杭州, 去的商店, 都是非洲餐馆, 南美spanish招牌的店, 你会怎么想?
你代表了美国? 你为美国打过战?别别人说什么就套用。 事实是这就是美国, 用你的your way or highway 说法,你不喜欢可以走。
现在意识形态已经不起作用了 老百姓饭饭吃不好 没有心思想这些的
不过这次选举很难说 挣钱重要了 这周发生机场戴脚链的事儿 我算是已经看透了
no, it's not america.. I've been in america for 30 years, and it's not the america anymore...
你去旅游, 下飞机, when you get off a flight in Japan, you know you are in Japan..
When you get off a flight in Romania, Albania, you know you are in Romania, Albania
When you get off a flight in Oman, you know you are in Oman...
When you get off a flight in America, where the fuck am I??!!
This whole "diversity" thing sucks... You know what multi cultural means? multi cultural means there's no culture..
Take you for example, if US and china gets in a war, where does your loyalty lie?
和左右没关系。 宣传口现在的任务就是打压抱怨通胀的,说油涨价有人跳出来说不算贵,说房价有人跳出来把矛盾转向退休老人,说生活成本越来越高有人跳出来羞辱你挣得少,一看就是组织培训才做得到这样没心没肺。
nod. 枪啊堕胎啊和老百姓生活挺远的事,这帮人慷慨激昂唾沫横飞没完没了;通胀和老百姓生活息息相关,这帮人就是各种打压不让说。
lz适合去买my pillow,时不时大减价啊
和sanction也没太大关系。Biden把释放的national reserve大都给了中国,就差没给俄罗斯了。人家一起打劫韭菜而已。
Much of Biden’s Oil Release Will Likely End Up in China, India
感觉说得没有问题啊。 现在美国就是啥都贵 啥都缺 美元没有用
plastic bags 真不行 虽然我自己也买来用 但是你看到海里到处漂的垃圾袋鱼类乌龟误食,真是要命的。plastic不会degrade
那你还住西雅图, Owsley County, ky欢迎你去,估计没几个华人
我觉得lz是她,mit cs毕业的
可以回收了做成你穿的衣服就不伤害鱼和乌龟了,你服不服? https://theveganreview.com/recycled-plastic-clothing-sustainable-fashion-microfibre-greenwashing/
因为这个站和mitbbs一样,被宣传口占据了。 组织需要的宣传,不停地嗡嗡嗡;组织不需要的不允许的话题,迅速打压。
有的是天真 乌托邦 比如学生 刚来的难民
有的是真自私 拿各种福利躺平
有的是真坏 具体怎么 自己心里清楚
从你做起。send you back。
欢迎楼主寻求帮助哦。 www.mhanational.org/get-involved/contact-us
这个涨法不影响生活的是少数, 社会环境加剧恶化肉眼可见。
who cares.... 你看看人家arnold Schwarzenegger, 来美国这么多年了, 英语也不怎么得。。 不妨碍变为真正得american一部分
i don't live in america full time anymore.. I live out of country half time of the year...
I used to be able to live a decent middle class life in america with my salary
but not anymore....
I now have to go to places like dominican republic, albania, etc to get a decent quality of life...
现在生活质量是大大得下降。。现在左派得elites, 就是要把middle class得所有take granted 得东西,全部剥夺掉。。。
现在我抱怨没有straw, 没有plastic bag,别人抱怨草地不绿了, 一群民主党的红卫兵, 就喊, 你自私!
这两年, 那些elites已经开始要我们开始习惯吃 bug了, 而不是吃牛肉了。。这个概念, 现在你觉得很荒谬, 过几年, 这些概念就会被 mainstream化, 过几年, 你抱怨没有自然的牛肉吃? 这里的大妈就会骂你自私!
Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems
以后你要吃自然牛肉? 只有elites能吃。。。
你平民要吃? 那就是损害环境! 华人大妈要骂你自私!
左左才是什么都赖老川头上。刚看来的,转送给左左们 https://twitter.com/thedebralea/status/1533997994911141888
Debra Lea @thedebralea · 1h
To the people who voted us into $6 gas,
I want to extend a genuine, from the heart, fuck you.
你才是典型mental problem吧,叫斯德哥尔摩综合症,没被cao够