有一个和我同组的同事,来得比我早所以比我高一级,但他水平很一般。我和他合作一个项目,两人各负责50%。我负责的部分已经完成了30个小feature,经理很满意。这个同事水平有限,同样的时间只完成了1个feature。他面子上过不去,就处处给我挑事。每次我做presentation,他就拼命问问题挑刺。因为他水平一般,在我技术上挑不出什么刺,就只能在我presentation的用词甚至标点符号上做文章。 最让我恶心的是今天发生的一件事。我们全小组(7个人)在和另外一个给我们干活的小公司开zoom会议,我和对方公司说“We need you to help us do ABCDE(任务)”。然后这个杠精就在我们全组的team chat里@我,说“XXX (我的全名),please don't say "We need your help"”+一个吐舌头的emoji。我都震惊了,就在群里问他为什么。他找了个特别无语的理由说“Because it's their job to work for us, not help us haha”。我就怼回去了,因为我们公司motto里也用了help, 我就说Help is embedded in our motto. It doesn't conflict with job duty。 现在我觉得一定要fight back了,不然以后要被这个人骑到头上欺负了。大家觉得怎么对付这样的杠精同事?等他做报告的时候也怼回去?或者语气更重地怼(比如I'm sorry your feeling was hurt because of the word "help"。)?还是报告给我们的HR说是workplace harrassment?或者报告给经理?但我经理和他是老乡,我特别担心经理会偏袒他而和稀泥了。
你每次都谢谢他就完了。下次开会的时候当着所有人的面感谢他:thanks for always letting me of your word choices preferences. I have learnt more about English word choice from you than from my English teacher. I hope our company is paying for this. Otherwise I feel your time can be spent in other more beneficial ways, such as more feature development. 注意全程微笑!
你每次都谢谢他就完了。下次开会的时候当着所有人的面感谢他:thanks for always letting me of your word choices preferences. I have learnt more about English word choice from you than from my English teacher. I hope our company is paying for this. Otherwise I feel your time can be spent in other more beneficial ways, such as more feature development. 注意全程微笑! semiotics 发表于 2022-06-03 00:17
你每次都谢谢他就完了。下次开会的时候当着所有人的面感谢他:thanks for always letting me of your word choices preferences. I have learnt more about English word choice from you than from my English teacher. I hope our company is paying for this. Otherwise I feel your time can be spent in other more beneficial ways, such as more feature development. 注意全程微笑! semiotics 发表于 2022-06-03 00:17
你每次都谢谢他就完了。下次开会的时候当着所有人的面感谢他:thanks for always letting me of your word choices preferences. I have learnt more about English word choice from you than from my English teacher. I hope our company is paying for this. Otherwise I feel your time can be spent in other more beneficial ways, such as more feature development. 注意全程微笑! semiotics 发表于 2022-06-03 00:17
Option 1: Thanks for letting me know your word choice. Maybe you can use ur talent somewhere else more important such as helping customers and contributing features. Option 2: ignore him.
你每次都谢谢他就完了。下次开会的时候当着所有人的面感谢他:thanks for always letting me of your word choices preferences. I have learnt more about English word choice from you than from my English teacher. I hope our company is paying for this. Otherwise I feel your time can be spent in other more beneficial ways, such as more feature development. 注意全程微笑! semiotics 发表于 2022-06-03 00:17
最让我恶心的是今天发生的一件事。我们全小组(7个人)在和另外一个给我们干活的小公司开zoom会议,我和对方公司说“We need you to help us do ABCDE(任务)”。然后这个杠精就在我们全组的team chat里@我,说“XXX (我的全名),please don't say "We need your help"”+一个吐舌头的emoji。我都震惊了,就在群里问他为什么。他找了个特别无语的理由说“Because it's their job to work for us, not help us haha”。我就怼回去了,因为我们公司motto里也用了help, 我就说Help is embedded in our motto. It doesn't conflict with job duty。
现在我觉得一定要fight back了,不然以后要被这个人骑到头上欺负了。大家觉得怎么对付这样的杠精同事?等他做报告的时候也怼回去?或者语气更重地怼(比如I'm sorry your feeling was hurt because of the word "help"。)?还是报告给我们的HR说是workplace harrassment?或者报告给经理?但我经理和他是老乡,我特别担心经理会偏袒他而和稀泥了。
他的意思是对方给我们公司干活是应该的,没必要用help这个词语。 我的意思我们公司的motto里也用了help customer这个词语,说明help和干活并不矛盾。
哦,我也觉得用help没啥不好,不过不知道你们和对方公司是啥关系。可以跟你老板确认一下吧。如果他是native speaker,跟他争这种用词没啥好处。不过他在群里这么说,是不对。应该和老板聊聊
我们甲方,对方公司是乙方。。。同事是印度人,native language是印度方言。。。
原来是印度人啊。那就直接说 It is just your opinion. You can keep it to yourself.
Option 2: ignore him.
没必要这么长篇大论吧,做presentation的时候,不管他说啥,就回一句thank you,然后就接着说你原来想说的就好了。私下和老板说