"现代社会一个人生活也不错。" that's completely bullshit.. and I am speaking as someone who's always been on her own.. when you get to my age, you would realize that being single and no family, no children are the worst thing happening to a woman... discounting all the loneliness, doing everything by yourself gets harder and harder every year you age, and the most important thing is that your money... you don't have enough money to retire by your salary alone...
"现代社会一个人生活也不错。" that's completely bullshit.. and I am speaking as someone who's always been on her own.. when you get to my age, you would realize that being single and no family, no children are the worst thing happening to a woman... discounting all the loneliness, doing everything by yourself gets harder and harder every year you age, and the most important thing is that your money... you don't have enough money to retire by your salary alone... tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:18
not just money, although money is the main issue in all of our lives.. being single, you don't build wealth as fast as being in a traditional family. it's without a relationship, with no companionship, there are a lot of small physical works that you cannot do alone, those are impractical to pay for someone to do it as soon as you need it..
not just money, although money is the main issue in all of our lives.. being single, you don't build wealth as fast as being in a traditional family. it's without a relationship, with no companionship, there are a lot of small physical works that you cannot do alone, those are impractical to pay for someone to do it as soon as you need it.. tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:33
that is completely bs! 没有拖后腿的ex影响我心情,买房子炒股票都赚翻了。自己有钱就外包所有不愿意干的体力活,专业拿钱干活的人绝对干的比ex和过去所有的男朋友强10倍,还不会跟我抱怨,各种bb。 您赚钱少,干不了体力活,不代表别的女人赚不了钱,干不了活。 祝贺楼主重获新生,好好生活,皆如所愿。
that is completely bs! 没有拖后腿的ex影响我心情,买房子炒股票都赚翻了。自己有钱就外包所有不愿意干的体力活,专业拿钱干活的人绝对干的比ex和过去所有的男朋友强10倍,还不会跟我抱怨,各种bb。 您赚钱少,干不了体力活,不代表别的女人赚不了钱,干不了活。 祝贺楼主重获新生,好好生活,皆如所愿。 MrAnderson 发表于 2022-06-02 02:45
you have a handyman that''s on your beck and call? yes, you can hire someone, but you gonna call and hire someone every time you need to lift something? let''s say you want or need to have some surgery done, who''s gonna pick you up afterwards? when most of your friends are busy at work?
在华人网潜水很久啦,没想到有一天我又会回到单身,希望所有姐妹们都能乐观面对婚姻,更要乐观面对生活。 楼主今年36,有一个三岁的宝宝,前夫比我小2岁。我25岁就结婚了,对我前夫来说可能年轻人的生活刚要开始就步入家庭了,坚持了这么多年也不容易吧。具体的事情就不细说了,抱怨婚姻中那些琐碎的事情也很没意思。只是我年轻时对自己一直很有自信,没想到有一天也会因为他出轨而结束,又一个烂俗的故事啊。 调整了大半年,感觉现在可以重新开始back to the dating game啦。不管以后能不能找到自己下一个伴侣,都希望自己能幸福,活出自己的生活。 附上一张去年去旅游的照片吧,当时还不知道他出轨的事,感觉自己笑的好傻呀。但我会重新回到这种充满阳光的状态的。 (上来放张泳衣也是想让自己勇敢点,虽然不是20出头的小姑娘了,但心态上不能老嘛,谢谢大家的鼓励!) 一千颗珍珠 发表于 2022-06-01 22:35
if her ex husband is a high value man, then she should expect that he cheats. A high value man has options.. women here really really should listen to some of Kevin Samuels videos or any alpha male broadcasts... stop brainwashing yourself with modern feminism bullshit and beta males tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:12
如果这样的话,嫁给high value man 不如给high value man 当小三,起码小三有礼物,大奶只有脏碗,洗衣机还要付一半房贷,分一半自己的401k.
not just money, although money is the main issue in all of our lives.. being single, you don't build wealth as fast as being in a traditional family. it's without a relationship, with no companionship, there are a lot of small physical works that you cannot do alone, those are impractical to pay for someone to do it as soon as you need it.. tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:33
not just money, although money is the main issue in all of our lives.. being single, you don't build wealth as fast as being in a traditional family. it's without a relationship, with no companionship, there are a lot of small physical works that you cannot do alone, those are impractical to pay for someone to do it as soon as you need it.. tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:33
在华人网潜水很久啦,没想到有一天我又会回到单身,希望所有姐妹们都能乐观面对婚姻,更要乐观面对生活。 楼主今年36,有一个三岁的宝宝,前夫比我小2岁。我25岁就结婚了,对我前夫来说可能年轻人的生活刚要开始就步入家庭了,坚持了这么多年也不容易吧。具体的事情就不细说了,抱怨婚姻中那些琐碎的事情也很没意思。只是我年轻时对自己一直很有自信,没想到有一天也会因为他出轨而结束,又一个烂俗的故事啊。 调整了大半年,感觉现在可以重新开始back to the dating game啦。不管以后能不能找到自己下一个伴侣,都希望自己能幸福,活出自己的生活。 附上一张去年去旅游的照片吧,当时还不知道他出轨的事,感觉自己笑的好傻呀。但我会重新回到这种充满阳光的状态的。 (上来放张泳衣也是想让自己勇敢点,虽然不是20出头的小姑娘了,但心态上不能老嘛,谢谢大家的鼓励!) 一千颗珍珠 发表于 2022-06-01 22:35
"现代社会一个人生活也不错。" that's completely bullshit.. and I am speaking as someone who's always been on her own.. when you get to my age, you would realize that being single and no family, no children are the worst thing happening to a woman... discounting all the loneliness, doing everything by yourself gets harder and harder every year you age, and the most important thing is that your money... you don't have enough money to retire by your salary alone... tastybeef100 发表于 2022-06-02 01:18
that's completely bullshit.. and I am speaking as someone who's always been on her own..
when you get to my age, you would realize that being single and no family, no children are the worst thing happening to a woman...
discounting all the loneliness, doing everything by yourself gets harder and harder every year you age, and the most important thing is that your money... you don't have enough money to retire by your salary alone...
not just money, although money is the main issue in all of our lives.. being single, you don't build wealth as fast as being in a traditional family.
it's without a relationship, with no companionship, there are a lot of small physical works that you cannot do alone, those are impractical to pay for someone to do it as soon as you need it..
that is completely bs! 没有拖后腿的ex影响我心情,买房子炒股票都赚翻了。自己有钱就外包所有不愿意干的体力活,专业拿钱干活的人绝对干的比ex和过去所有的男朋友强10倍,还不会跟我抱怨,各种bb。 您赚钱少,干不了体力活,不代表别的女人赚不了钱,干不了活。
you have a handyman that''s on your beck and call? yes, you can hire someone, but you gonna call and hire someone every time you need to lift something?
let''s say you want or need to have some surgery done, who''s gonna pick you up afterwards? when most of your friends are busy at work?
如果这样的话,嫁给high value man 不如给high value man 当小三,起码小三有礼物,大奶只有脏碗,洗衣机还要付一半房贷,分一半自己的401k.
这位层主 有么有听说过
“你单身一个人过得不幸福 就别指望结了婚就会幸福”.
楼主积极乐观 勇于面对人生 勇于改变 一定会幸福的
作为女人,只要你不挑,有relationship绝对不是问题。但是男人和你在一起的目的可不是因为他爱对你奉献的。你要为了一些small physical job而结婚,那代价就是你愿意每天为他洗衣做饭打扫卫生。究竟是付现金让人做这些事便宜,还是每天用自己的劳动来换取这些偶尔的力气活的帮忙便宜,那就是你自己的决定了。
前夫23就结婚的确有点早。可能觉得还没玩够 楼主25结婚也稍微有点早了。 但是过去的就让它过去吧。希望以后日子都开心。
不好意思,你上面的话只适合薪水一般的女人,也同样适用于薪水一般的独身男人。所以“单身”, “女人”不是关键,关键是钱不够。真的挺残酷的,人们不应该追求金钱,但是确实没有一定足够的金钱步步维艰。
😄 板上除了歪哥,其他男人配不上这位阳光美女,说话很judgemental
我回头去查查哦。就是欧胡岛酒店区那边街上的一家店 还蛮大的