现在我倒是认为leadership也包括该怼就怼,绝不任人踩踏。当年希拉里的女儿给她妈拉票,当有人提到她妈不和她爸离婚时,她说了句its none of your business...对她的好感立时倍增。不为了拉票而放弃自己的尊严,这才是美国的下一代。你认为她bitchy, 是因为她不是软柿子仼你拿捏,她的底气和气场远在你之上。
现在我倒是认为leadership也包括该怼就怼,绝不任人踩踏。当年希拉里的女儿给她妈拉票,当有人提到她妈不和她爸离婚时,她说了句its none of your business...对她的好感立时倍增。不为了拉票而放弃自己的尊严,这才是美国的下一代。你认为她bitchy, 是因为她不是软柿子仼你拿捏,她的底气和气场远在你之上。 homenhome 发表于 2022-02-10 22:13
现在我倒是认为leadership也包括该怼就怼,绝不任人踩踏。当年希拉里的女儿给她妈拉票,当有人提到她妈不和她爸离婚时,她说了句its none of your business...对她的好感立时倍增。不为了拉票而放弃自己的尊严,这才是美国的下一代。你认为她bitchy, 是因为她不是软柿子仼你拿捏,她的底气和气场远在你之上。 homenhome 发表于 2022-02-10 22:13
Beijing 2022 Olympic champion Nathan Chen thanked coach Rafael Harutyunyan for his support throughout his career. “Mother had little money, we were poor. She scraped together the last dollars to pay for the lessons. Rafael got into the situation and, thanks to his kind heart, continued to work with me and take as much money as we could pay. He at some point said that there was no need to pay and that he really wanted to help me achieve my goals. I will be forever grateful to him for this support,” Chen said. American figure skater Nathan Chen commented on winning the gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing (China). “I never really thought that I could get this far in my career. Of course, I always dreamed of getting to the Olympics and winning gold, but then I thought: “It's hard. I don't know if I can make it." I followed the performance of other skaters. Their performances were shown on TV, which was in our hallway. Everyone rode well. In any case, I was focused on showing my maximum. Glad I was able to do what was required to win. Of course, I can't get that mistake out of my head. I was a bit rushed there and couldn't complete the triple flip combo. But I'm glad that after that I managed to cope with the triple axel. The rest of the program turned out pretty confident. A little tormented with salchow. I had problems with him in the last two weeks and even some minutes before the performance, so I was worried. But I'm glad I did it, and everything went well after that," Chen said after the performance.
Beijing 2022 Olympic champion Nathan Chen thanked coach Rafael Harutyunyan for his support throughout his career. “Mother had little money, we were poor. She scraped together the last dollars to pay for the lessons. Rafael got into the situation and, thanks to his kind heart, continued to work with me and take as much money as we could pay. He at some point said that there was no need to pay and that he really wanted to help me achieve my goals. I will be forever grateful to him for this support,” Chen said. American figure skater Nathan Chen commented on winning the gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing (China). “I never really thought that I could get this far in my career. Of course, I always dreamed of getting to the Olympics and winning gold, but then I thought: “It's hard. I don't know if I can make it." I followed the performance of other skaters. Their performances were shown on TV, which was in our hallway. Everyone rode well. In any case, I was focused on showing my maximum. Glad I was able to do what was required to win. Of course, I can't get that mistake out of my head. I was a bit rushed there and couldn't complete the triple flip combo. But I'm glad that after that I managed to cope with the triple axel. The rest of the program turned out pretty confident. A little tormented with salchow. I had problems with him in the last two weeks and even some minutes before the performance, so I was worried. But I'm glad I did it, and everything went well after that," Chen said after the performance. zhaoxiaoxi 发表于 2022-02-11 11:57
Beijing 2022 Olympic champion Nathan Chen thanked coach Rafael Harutyunyan for his support throughout his career. “Mother had little money, we were poor. She scraped together the last dollars to pay for the lessons. Rafael got into the situation and, thanks to his kind heart, continued to work with me and take as much money as we could pay. He at some point said that there was no need to pay and that he really wanted to help me achieve my goals. I will be forever grateful to him for this support,” Chen said. American figure skater Nathan Chen commented on winning the gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing (China). “I never really thought that I could get this far in my career. Of course, I always dreamed of getting to the Olympics and winning gold, but then I thought: “It's hard. I don't know if I can make it." I followed the performance of other skaters. Their performances were shown on TV, which was in our hallway. Everyone rode well. In any case, I was focused on showing my maximum. Glad I was able to do what was required to win. Of course, I can't get that mistake out of my head. I was a bit rushed there and couldn't complete the triple flip combo. But I'm glad that after that I managed to cope with the triple axel. The rest of the program turned out pretty confident. A little tormented with salchow. I had problems with him in the last two weeks and even some minutes before the performance, so I was worried. But I'm glad I did it, and everything went well after that," Chen said after the performance. zhaoxiaoxi 发表于 2022-02-11 11:57
Beijing 2022 Olympic champion Nathan Chen thanked coach Rafael Harutyunyan for his support throughout his career. “Mother had little money, we were poor. She scraped together the last dollars to pay for the lessons. Rafael got into the situation and, thanks to his kind heart, continued to work with me and take as much money as we could pay. He at some point said that there was no need to pay and that he really wanted to help me achieve my goals. I will be forever grateful to him for this support,” Chen said. American figure skater Nathan Chen commented on winning the gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing (China). “I never really thought that I could get this far in my career. Of course, I always dreamed of getting to the Olympics and winning gold, but then I thought: “It's hard. I don't know if I can make it." I followed the performance of other skaters. Their performances were shown on TV, which was in our hallway. Everyone rode well. In any case, I was focused on showing my maximum. Glad I was able to do what was required to win. Of course, I can't get that mistake out of my head. I was a bit rushed there and couldn't complete the triple flip combo. But I'm glad that after that I managed to cope with the triple axel. The rest of the program turned out pretty confident. A little tormented with salchow. I had problems with him in the last two weeks and even some minutes before the performance, so I was worried. But I'm glad I did it, and everything went well after that," Chen said after the performance. zhaoxiaoxi 发表于 2022-02-11 11:57
有时候会想他怎么这么幸运一路上总有人帮他。他3岁半视频里白色冰鞋是姐姐留下来的,后来家里有段时间经济不好,爸爸听说Weiss foundation 会赞助花滑选手就去申请,Weiss本人后来回复说Nathan年纪太小,不符合资格,但是他本人出钱给他买冰鞋。后来Nathan qualified Weiss后来办冰场什么的,Nathan不论多忙,都会飞过去表演
区别就是美华的最高学历基本是在美国读的。不像谷的滑雪training全是在美国完成的,练出来了就空降中国捞钱。 这行为本身也没什么,美国长大的选择represent其他国家的有的是,谷不是第一人。她的争议点更在1-说不清楚国籍问题 2-自己跳出来配合搞外宣。退一步讲她就算在国内搞弃暗投明人设闷头捞钱也就罢了,为啥自己跳出来在外网上说什么it’s literally free还有90%还有Peng is happy and healthy之类的言论。这话本来没人逼她说的,结果现在墙内墙外都offend一堆人,搞出争议怪谁呢?
没错 完全就是外交部那几个发言人的一贯口吻 难怪那么受追捧
现在我倒是认为leadership也包括该怼就怼,绝不任人踩踏。当年希拉里的女儿给她妈拉票,当有人提到她妈不和她爸离婚时,她说了句its none of your business...对她的好感立时倍增。不为了拉票而放弃自己的尊严,这才是美国的下一代。你认为她bitchy, 是因为她不是软柿子仼你拿捏,她的底气和气场远在你之上。
这,难道不是因为她有金牌实力? 不是说金牌就开始珍惜不许走了,而是反正不能在美国make team 进奥运的,比如冰球那些,为了进奥运换个地方是可以理解,逻辑上没毛病。
Karen 影响的?
abc说话普遍这样,直接英语翻汉语,语法都英语一样,比如他这句话就是I need to xxx
心里不习惯亚裔脸硬气呗…就像谷说的,不需要人人欣赏,但无法阻止老娘存在就好了。多少diva都这样,干嘛亚裔就要低眉顺眼。 推崇小孩乖,懂事,谦逊,95/00后的小孩在自己的主流社会里,早就不这样了。
连单身家庭都是错 这里的人真是uneducated
美国记者就是逼着他们站队 说体育和政治无关 美国这次奥运会哪哪都讲政治
你这个比喻偷换概念,如果记者问小谷你爸是谁,她那样回答我想没人会反感 问你国籍,这么战狼可能只有战狼才欣赏的了
手动赞你。 那帮白人记者太欺负人了,就该这么怼,一点情面都给他们不留
谷爱凌是中国人,Nathan是美国人, 谷爱凌和Nathan比什么中文呢? 是不是你也觉得谷爱凌是美国人?她都不敢在中国承认自己有美籍。
亲妈粉看到那一幕觉得这孩子好可爱呀啊啊 虽然害羞得一句话都说不出来,但所有合影都欢天喜地的照了
他2017年在俄国比赛,当时先用俄语报分数,他还一脸蒙逼,Raf已经激动得抱着他喊 we won!接着英语报分之后,他才回过神来。nbc 还特地把镜头扫向观众里哭哭啼啼的某粉丝。。。。
哈哈哈哈 我去找来看了 Raf好激动 把他抱的好紧
这女孩是谁啊?看赛后也是抱了Nathan 好多次
“Mother had little money, we were poor. She scraped together the last dollars to pay for the lessons. Rafael got into the situation and, thanks to his kind heart, continued to work with me and take as much money as we could pay. He at some point said that there was no need to pay and that he really wanted to help me achieve my goals. I will be forever grateful to him for this support,” Chen said.
American figure skater Nathan Chen commented on winning the gold medal at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing (China). “I never really thought that I could get this far in my career. Of course, I always dreamed of getting to the Olympics and winning gold, but then I thought: “It's hard. I don't know if I can make it."
I followed the performance of other skaters. Their performances were shown on TV, which was in our hallway. Everyone rode well. In any case, I was focused on showing my maximum. Glad I was able to do what was required to win. Of course, I can't get that mistake out of my head. I was a bit rushed there and couldn't complete the triple flip combo. But I'm glad that after that I managed to cope with the triple axel. The rest of the program turned out pretty confident. A little tormented with salchow. I had problems with him in the last two weeks and even some minutes before the performance, so I was worried. But I'm glad I did it, and everything went well after that," Chen said after the performance.
Mariah Bell, 花滑队的,
看到这边两边都decent的人互相成就最后达成目标 真是太爽快了
Nathan去年在一个采访里说过,他很幸运,他的教练们不是给他打折,就是有些课不收他的钱。他的启蒙教练,就是uploaded 他三岁半视频的那个,知道他家当时经济状况不是很好,就用meal的方式来代替学费。
她说她第一次教Nathan 就觉得这个天分超常,她有义务让他发挥特长。
Nathan 性格这么好我觉得一个原因是他家人教育的好,另一个原因是他的教练们人都特别的nice, 他们和教练们朝夕相处,受教练影响也很大。
他师姐。另一个是他师兄。他师兄说这次他去北京的一个mission就是去支持Nathan 夺金。他人缘很好,小半个美国花滑对都是他特别好的朋友
有时候会想他怎么这么幸运一路上总有人帮他。他3岁半视频里白色冰鞋是姐姐留下来的,后来家里有段时间经济不好,爸爸听说Weiss foundation 会赞助花滑选手就去申请,Weiss本人后来回复说Nathan年纪太小,不符合资格,但是他本人出钱给他买冰鞋。后来Nathan qualified
羽生最早是靠Jump打败一路走艺术路线或者jump不如他的。Orser 在19世锦Nathan获胜后采访还说道就是羽生缩小跟Patrick的差距的strategy 现在为4A节目节目也大受影响,只不过羽生做粉丝会宣传是挑战,别人做就是只顾跳跃
好可爱的一对儿,把红线牵上!陈巍就是咱邻家老留的孩子,谷嘛,如她自个儿说的,一个北京妞,listen up, I am the champ, you all losers .
两个我都喜欢,不要酱紫啥,都是我们华裔的好榜样。 有谦逊的,也要有厉害一点的我觉得,有些媒体也确实坑啊
坑啥了?不就是问个简单的国籍吗?就一个yes or no也三番五次躲避的,怕砸了桌子底下的交易?
这行为本身也没什么,美国长大的选择represent其他国家的有的是,谷不是第一人。她的争议点更在1-说不清楚国籍问题 2-自己跳出来配合搞外宣。退一步讲她就算在国内搞弃暗投明人设闷头捞钱也就罢了,为啥自己跳出来在外网上说什么it’s literally free还有90%还有Peng is happy and healthy之类的言论。这话本来没人逼她说的,结果现在墙内墙外都offend一堆人,搞出争议怪谁呢?
nyt想说明啥?墨裔政客还讲西班牙语拉票呢 真双标
媒体大多是无良。媒体无良也不代表小谷正直纯良啊,呵呵 都一样。