Maternal serum screening The maternal serum screening test (MSS) is a blood test, available to pregnant women, that helps to determine the risk of certain abnormalities that may affect their unborn child. The term ‘serum’ means the watery part of the blood.
Maternal serum screening can be done in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it is combined with ultrasound. This is called a combined first trimester screening test. It can also be done in the second trimester of pregnancy and is called the second trimester maternal serum screening test.
A range of disorders are screened for Maternal serum screening can help detect the risk of a range of disorders in the unborn child, including: Down syndrome – also known as trisomy 21, because the baby has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. Characteristics include intellectual impairment and physical defects such as heart abnormalities. Edward syndrome – also known as trisomy 18. Edward syndrome occurs when the baby has three copies of chromosome 18 instead of two. Characteristics may include malformations of the neural tube, hands and feet, and intellectual impairment. Neural tube defects – these are only screened for in the second trimester. Neural tube defects result in a failure of the brain or spinal cord to develop properly. For example, spina bifida is characterised by the incomplete closure of the spinal vertebrae. The spinal cord and nerves protrude through the gap, instead of growing down into the abdominal organs and legs, leading to paralysis of the legs. MSS should be offered to all pregnant women Maternal serum screening should be offered to all pregnant women. They will then have the choice of being screened or declining the test. The conditions that are screened for can occur to any pregnant woman of any age, although chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome occur more frequently in older mothers.
It is important to realise that both tests only indicate an increased or lesser risk of a particular condition. They do not detect whether that condition is definitely present. If the test suggests an increased risk, the pregnant woman can then decide whether to undertake further diagnostic tests such as an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
Combined first trimester screening Combined first trimester screening is a test that involves the pregnant woman having a maternal serum-screening test at around the 10th week of pregnancy, and a nuchal translucency ultrasound during the 12th week of pregnancy. The nuchal translucency is a pocket of fluid at the back of the baby’s neck, which can be best seen between 11 weeks and three days and 13 weeks and six days of pregnancy.
This test provides a risk for Down syndrome and trisomy 18, and identifies women who should be offered further testing. Your doctor or private obstetrician can order this test. Doctors working in public hospitals cannot order it.
Second trimester maternal serum screening Generally, the MSS test is performed between 15 and 18 weeks into the pregnancy. The closer the blood test is taken to 15 weeks, the earlier the results will be obtained. The test measures four chemicals in the blood and the results are combined with the woman’s age risk to give a final risk of Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and neural tube defect.
When MSS may be used A pregnant woman may consider undergoing MSS to give her information about her pregnancy and to determine the risk of certain conditions being present in her baby.
It is important to remember that a screening test does not diagnose these conditions. A ‘low risk’ result does not mean no risk, just that the chance of the particular condition being present is less likely.
If the test gives an increased risk result An ‘increased risk’ result does not necessarily mean the baby has the particular condition. It is important to remember that MSS only indicates an increased risk, not the presence of the disorder. This risk figure is used to help decide if a diagnostic test should be done. The diagnostic test detects whether the baby has the condition or not. The diagnostic tests are chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis and a detailed ultrasound scan looking for abnormalities such as spina bifida.
Genetic counselling In most cases, diagnostic testing will show that the unborn baby is healthy. Occasionally, the baby does have the particular condition for which it was tested, such as Down syndrome. Genetic counselling is available for parents to help them make informed decisions about the pregnancy. Information is also available through relevant support networks.
-- 作者:菜头
谢谢还记得我们娘两儿.嘿嘿...因为今天要照B超,昨晚激动一晚没睡好.虽然男女都喜欢,但是还是非常的期待又担心怕宝宝哪部分会不会没长好,自己会承受不住.还好各个方面都正常.照完之后,就给我们一个LAB去做要抽血检查关于AFP的. .接下来说说宝宝.BABY好可爱啊.我的宝宝是个带鸡蛋滴.MONTIOR看到那两个小鸡蛋好清楚哦.哈哈..好玩及了.做B超那会儿大概就20分钟左右吧.他动个不停,转来转去的.帮我们做B超的大叔都说他想玩HIDE AND SEEK哦.还说宝宝在妈妈肚子里爱动是好的.还有宝宝的脸越看越喜欢,好大个脑门.还是所有的宝宝在娘胎里都这样.还是自己的宝宝越看越可爱.嘿嘿..
AFP的结果今天出来了,1/109。医生问我做不做进一步检查,我说做,于是决定做羊水穿刺。 虽然知道出问题的机率很小,还是忍不住哭了。怕在我肚肚里呆了四个月的小生命真的会有问题,也怕抽羊水会引起流产或其它副作用。这一刻突然间体会到母亲对宝宝的担忧和爱比我原来想象的要深很多。 想问一下这里的姐妹,做羊穿一个人去可以吗?老公离我比较远,通常是周末见面。如果一个人能行我就自己去了。还有,羊穿后要休息多久呢? bless mm mm怎么知道这个比率要做羊穿呢, 我页是很担心,虽然知道可能应该不会有什么问题呢 我觉得MM还是找个朋友陪着,一个人做羊穿回来不好吧。 我在家小看过一个帖子说 要卧床休息2-3天。。
恭喜MM! 本来以为我要等四周做大B超,没想到AFP没过,要羊穿。这下至少可以提前知道男女了。苦笑ing. 怎么叫做AFP没有过呢。。。
bless mm mm怎么知道这个比率要做羊穿呢, 我页是很担心,虽然知道可能应该不会有什么问题呢 我觉得MM还是找个朋友陪着,一个人做羊穿回来不好吧。 我在家小看过一个帖子说 要卧床休息2-3天。。 刚才我查了半天,好象说如果机率大于1:250就算positive,但有人positive也不做进一步检查。“what to expect when you're expecting"上说当天休息一下就行,可是如果漏羊水,就要多卧床休息。 到这一步,也没别的办法了。
AFP的结果今天出来了,1/109。医生问我做不做进一步检查,我说做,于是决定做羊水穿刺。 虽然知道出问题的机率很小,还是忍不住哭了。怕在我肚肚里呆了四个月的小生命真的会有问题,也怕抽羊水会引起流产或其它副作用。这一刻突然间体会到母亲对宝宝的担忧和爱比我原来想象的要深很多。 想问一下这里的姐妹,做羊穿一个人去可以吗?老公离我比较远,通常是周末见面。如果一个人能行我就自己去了。还有,羊穿后要休息多久呢? mm别担心,结果一定没什么问题。就是听说做的时候有点恐怖,会有点疼。最好有朋友陪着,有人分担会觉得安全些。做完还是卧床休息两天,保险起见。
怎么叫做AFP没有过呢。。。 就是AFP结果positive. 具体我也不是很清楚,就是一个综合指数高出正常。查了一晚上,发现AFP的false positive机率还是挺高的,但既然positive了,只好做羊穿,求个心里踏实吧。
mm别担心,结果一定没什么问题。就是听说做的时候有点恐怖,会有点疼。最好有朋友陪着,有人分担会觉得安全些。做完还是卧床休息两天,保险起见。 谢谢MM。现在心情平静多了。
AFP的结果今天出来了,1/109。医生问我做不做进一步检查,我说做,于是决定做羊水穿刺。 虽然知道出问题的机率很小,还是忍不住哭了。怕在我肚肚里呆了四个月的小生命真的会有问题,也怕抽羊水会引起流产或其它副作用。这一刻突然间体会到母亲对宝宝的担忧和爱比我原来想象的要深很多。 想问一下这里的姐妹,做羊穿一个人去可以吗?老公离我比较远,通常是周末见面。如果一个人能行我就自己去了。还有,羊穿后要休息多久呢? bless mm,别担心,我听说亚洲mm false positive的概率很高,通常都会没事。
恭喜peavine 9月男女比例是不是1:2 谢谢哦..不过,听说B超也不一定准呢.有个朋友照B超还照了两次都说是女宝宝,生出来却是个男的.
我算清宫表看是女生,美国网站的那种表格算下来的结果是男生,也不知道结果是怎样,呵呵 不过怀孕后我都没怎么吐,肚子大的也好快,头皮变多,脸还会过敏脱皮,大家说说这样是怎样呢 清宫表我总是看的稀里糊涂的,我刚怀孕的时候,我姐姐帮我算过跟那个表好象是有关的一个方法.我也不太清楚.那会儿算也说是个男的.生男生女还真说不准哦.不过,我也没吐过,一口都没吐过
恭喜恭喜!!九月的小王子! bb的脸长得挺像画里的小男孩儿,(十字绣里常常有的那个,还经常有一个一对儿的小女孩儿),对吧? 不过那个……那个……脚趾头,好难数的样子,你lg真仔细,呵呵…… 谢谢..这个照片被箱机翻拍过了,有些不是太清楚.在医生那里从MONITOR看到的是非常清楚的.所以,我LG就数了数比较安心吧.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-11 1:56:44编辑过]
就是AFP结果positive. 具体我也不是很清楚,就是一个综合指数高出正常。查了一晚上,发现AFP的false positive机率还是挺高的,但既然positive了,只好做羊穿,求个心里踏实吧。 我今天也才刚抽过血做AFP的...看了MM的结果.我也开始担心了.哎...当个妈真是不易啊.不过,MM别太过担心哦. 一定没问题的.祝福MM跟宝宝....
被羊穿的事吓了一晚上,睡觉去了。最近睡觉不好,夜里总醒。希望今天晚上睡个好觉。 恩.好好休息.祝福.......
我还在等AFP screening 的结果。希望宝宝一切健康。 一定不会有事,9月宝宝都是健康的好宝宝。
一定不会有事,9月宝宝都是健康的好宝宝。 是啊是啊,glassceiling mm不要担心,不会有问题的!bless
9月妈妈晚安,去睡了。。 你竟然这么晚才睡觉?!不乖,打pp!
今天晚上吃白灼芥兰,烧茄子和煎golden thread golden thread是个什么东东??
算清宫表是女孩。。。 到现在一动都不动,急死娘了。。懒蛋一个。
是啊是啊,glassceiling mm不要担心,不会有问题的!bless
我也还感觉不到小宝宝的动静,嘿嘿,可能现在bb的力气还不够,还撑不动我的肚皮…… 我OB说第一胎通常要等到二十周。我肚皮上都是肥肉,估计小宝宝还要努力几周
golden thread是个什么东东??
今天上午给OB打电话,约了周五上午做羊穿。虽然老公会请假过来陪我去,还是觉得很stressed out, 今天晚上大吃了很多东西,又在面包上狠狠地涂了厚厚的一层黄油。 mm不要太紧张,我来陪你在这里聊天,心情放松对宝宝有好处的。
姐妹们现在体温是正常还是比平时高?我怀孕以来体温一直偏高,好象晚上总在37C以上。我的正常体温是在36。5以下。 这个时期体温偏高是正常的,不过我的基础体温表显示的是华氏,我的口腔温度在早上刚起床时测是在98.6度左右,以前我的体温是在97.4-97.9之间的。但是据说再过一段时间,体温就该下降一些了。
我的胎心是护士测的,倒是主动告诉我了,144。听的时候就是觉的挺好玩的。 我倒是医生量的,还是躺在之前的那个躺椅上,听了10多秒而已。。。不知她怎么算出来是150的 好想知道宝宝的性别,俺想买东西了。。。
我倒是医生量的,还是躺在之前的那个躺椅上,听了10多秒而已。。。不知她怎么算出来是150的 好想知道宝宝的性别,俺想买东西了。。。 那个听胎心的仪器有自动计算心跳的功能,能在液晶显示屏上直接显示。 我现在一点购物的欲望都没有。除了忙着上班上课,就是上网和睡觉。对吃喝玩乐的兴趣都大不如前。怎么也想不到我会沦落成这样。倒是有时看老公喝啤酒会馋了也想喝,可奇怪的是我以前不喜欢喝啤酒的。
我今天又忘记问医生关于电脑辐射的问题了。我这个记性啊~~! 问了一堆关于皮肤和头发,喝茶,大腿酸疼的问题,就是没问这个! 姐妹们的医生有没有讲到电脑辐射的问题呢 只要不是CRT显示屏就没问题。电脑辐射很小的,别担心。而且宝宝前三个月要特别小心,但现在已经比较皮实了,不会因为日常生活的辐射受什么影响的。
那个听胎心的仪器有自动计算心跳的功能,能在液晶显示屏上直接显示。 我现在一点购物的欲望都没有。除了忙着上班上课,就是上网和睡觉。对吃喝玩乐的兴趣都大不如前。怎么也想不到我会沦落成这样。倒是有时看老公喝啤酒会馋了也想喝,可奇怪的是我以前不喜欢喝啤酒的。 我看那个仪器好像没有液晶显示屏啊,就是一个小手柄,类似B超的?医生在肚子上抹点lotion然后在肚子上就开始听了,扩音器在墙上。 我现在也是很堕落啊,以前还常出门找朋友玩,现在哪里都不想去,除了周末和老公去散步,还有SHOPPING。前几天我们吃火锅,LG买了啤酒,让我好馋。我很生气的说为什么总挑我不能吃的来买。。。
只要不是CRT显示屏就没问题。电脑辐射很小的,别担心。而且宝宝前三个月要特别小心,但现在已经比较皮实了,不会因为日常生活的辐射受什么影响的。 我前三个月上网也很多。怎么办
以下是引用tobeygong在2007-4-11 20:31:00的发言:
要聊点啥?我基本没怎么测体温,所以也不知道是高还是低 我也只是偶尔量一下,但是体温还是很持续地偏高。 我知道我体温高因为我的心跳一直偏快,而我的心跳能很准地预测体温。以前只要心跳超过八十,就肯定是发烧了,特别准。 我怀孕的头三个月到是天天量,现在早就不量了。但是孕妇的心跳比常人的快,这是肯定的。我测过几次都在80以上。
以下是引用glassceiling在2007-4-11 21:03:00的发言:
只要不是CRT显示屏就没问题。电脑辐射很小的,别担心。而且宝宝前三个月要特别小心,但现在已经比较皮实了,不会因为日常生活的辐射受什么影响的。 我前三个月上网也很多。怎么办 mm别担心,天天对着电脑工作的怀孕的姐妹多了去了,没关系的。
我回来了。公交车颠得我好难受,差点都要吐了,中间好想下车,不过还是忍到了最后到家,拿起一个香蕉就上来报告了 我的大B超是5月9号。 今天就听了胎心,然后量血压和体重,尿。 我还跟医生要求做了AFP,抽了2管血就回来了。 mm好有敬业精神,赞一个!
我看那个仪器好像没有液晶显示屏啊,就是一个小手柄,类似B超的?医生在肚子上抹点lotion然后在肚子上就开始听了,扩音器在墙上。 我现在也是很堕落啊,以前还常出门找朋友玩,现在哪里都不想去,除了周末和老公去散步,还有SHOPPING。前几天我们吃火锅,LG买了啤酒,让我好馋。我很生气的说为什么总挑我不能吃的来买。。。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-11 21:28:02编辑过]
预告预告,明天是 pastor mm 是大 B超日子,大家等着啊。
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-11 20:41:00的发言:
我回来了。公交车颠得我好难受,差点都要吐了,中间好想下车,不过还是忍到了最后到家,拿起一个香蕉就上来报告了 我的大B超是5月9号。 今天就听了胎心,然后量血压和体重,尿。 我还跟医生要求做了AFP,抽了2管血就回来了。 mm好有敬业精神,赞一个! 这个叫做AFP的东东一般应该是什么时候做呀? 我的ob没提要做这个,我就没做。各个ob差别还挺大的。
我们楼的information 越来越多,系统已经不让都放在一个表格里了,只好把表格一分为二。
预告预告,明天是 pastor mm 是大 B超日子,大家等着啊。
一般是16周的时候做,等等看我把医生给我的一张纸拿出来哈 好,你慢慢拿,不着急。(你可以顺便再去拿个香蕉,嘿嘿
mm是在西边么?感觉时间好像跟我差好几个小时呢。我在差不多最东头了…… 是啊,我在最西头了。现在是6点半
我们楼的information 越来越多,系统已经不让都放在一个表格里了,只好把表格一分为二。
预告预告,明天是 pastor mm 是大 B超日子,大家等着啊。
应该说什么都挺馋的,别人不拿出来吃的话自己就想不起来吃,看到有人吃就好想吃啊 嗯,理解理解!现在是可以理直气壮馋的时候,宝宝的状态稳定,又是理论上讲体重增长应该最快的时期,此时不吃,更待何时?!
-- 作者:ygbh
我的ob没提要做这个,我就没做。各个ob差别还挺大的。 是我跟医生说这个上次有做吗,什么时候可以做啊,医生说如果你愿意的话这次就可以做,是可选择的测试来的
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-11 21:40:08编辑过]
啊……难怪…… 上次看见你是凌晨快3点(我这里的时间,你那里应该刚好12点)发的帖子我还批评你不乖呢,错怪了……
在吃蛋卷呢。嘻嘻 这个蛋卷是不是又是你自己做的呀?
怎么pastor mm做B超的时间比我早几乎一个月啊。
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-11 21:34:00的发言:
怎么pastor mm做B超的时间比我早几乎一个月啊。 她YCQ是什么时候啊,难道比我早一个月?? 什么是YCQ啊? 预产期的意思。
转载的哈-----孕期皮肤瘙痒不能轻视 妊娠期间,不管你的身体发生怎样细小的变化都不应该大意,而要及时请教医生。 我在怀孕到第33周的时候,腿和胳臂出现了莫名的瘙痒症状,同时肚皮也有些瘙痒。有过怀孕经验的女人告诉我说是正常现象,到了怀孕后期,大多数孕妇的肚皮都会痒,因为胎儿的长大使得皮肤产生妊娠纹而引起瘙痒。 可一个星期后,我感觉肚皮不痒了,腿和胳膊却越痒越厉害,尤其是晚上,我经常要把皮肤挠破了才能睡着觉。这时我的一位同学听说了我的情况后就告诉我要警惕,因为她的一位同事就是因为怀孕时皮肤瘙痒,胎儿死诟怪校罄床诺弥剂恕叭焉镄缘ㄖ倩酆现ⅰ薄#牐牎?lt;/p> 我听了虽然有些担心,但又抱着侥幸的心理。那位同学的同事在怀孕中期皮肤就开始瘙痒,而我已经到了怀孕的晚期,应该不会有事。 但做常规检查的时候,我还是告诉了医生最近皮肤瘙痒的情况。医生立刻叫我抽血化验,看会不会是“妊娠性胆汁淤积综合症”。我再一次听到这个医学词汇,不由得全身发抖。心情复杂地等来了化验结果,我被确诊为“妊娠性胆汁淤积综合症”,医生要求我立即住院,并要在37周前终止妊娠,不然孩子随时都可能因窒息而死于腹中。 医生说,这是一种妊娠突发症,只有等孩子生下来以后,皮肤瘙痒的症状才会自然消失。目前,孕妇患“妊娠性胆汁淤积综合症”的不少,发病的比例一般是3%,而我不幸成了这3%中的一位。幸亏我及时地住进了医院,在医院里经过两周的监测和保胎,第37周时,我顺利地生下了女儿。 不要吓我,我最近整天浑身痒得厉害。还有如果有这种症状应该怎么用英语描述呢?
Maternal serum screening can be done in the first trimester of pregnancy, when it is combined with ultrasound. This is called a combined first trimester screening test. It can also be done in the second trimester of pregnancy and is called the second trimester maternal serum screening test.
A range of disorders are screened for
Maternal serum screening can help detect the risk of a range of disorders in the unborn child, including: Down syndrome – also known as trisomy 21, because the baby has three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. Characteristics include intellectual impairment and physical defects such as heart abnormalities. Edward syndrome – also known as trisomy 18. Edward syndrome occurs when the baby has three copies of chromosome 18 instead of two. Characteristics may include malformations of the neural tube, hands and feet, and intellectual impairment. Neural tube defects – these are only screened for in the second trimester. Neural tube defects result in a failure of the brain or spinal cord to develop properly. For example, spina bifida is characterised by the incomplete closure of the spinal vertebrae. The spinal cord and nerves protrude through the gap, instead of growing down into the abdominal organs and legs, leading to paralysis of the legs. MSS should be offered to all pregnant women
Maternal serum screening should be offered to all pregnant women. They will then have the choice of being screened or declining the test. The conditions that are screened for can occur to any pregnant woman of any age, although chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome occur more frequently in older mothers.
It is important to realise that both tests only indicate an increased or lesser risk of a particular condition. They do not detect whether that condition is definitely present. If the test suggests an increased risk, the pregnant woman can then decide whether to undertake further diagnostic tests such as an amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).
Combined first trimester screening
Combined first trimester screening is a test that involves the pregnant woman having a maternal serum-screening test at around the 10th week of pregnancy, and a nuchal translucency ultrasound during the 12th week of pregnancy. The nuchal translucency is a pocket of fluid at the back of the baby’s neck, which can be best seen between 11 weeks and three days and 13 weeks and six days of pregnancy.
This test provides a risk for Down syndrome and trisomy 18, and identifies women who should be offered further testing. Your doctor or private obstetrician can order this test. Doctors working in public hospitals cannot order it.
Second trimester maternal serum screening
Generally, the MSS test is performed between 15 and 18 weeks into the pregnancy. The closer the blood test is taken to 15 weeks, the earlier the results will be obtained. The test measures four chemicals in the blood and the results are combined with the woman’s age risk to give a final risk of Down syndrome, trisomy 18 and neural tube defect.
When MSS may be used
A pregnant woman may consider undergoing MSS to give her information about her pregnancy and to determine the risk of certain conditions being present in her baby.
It is important to remember that a screening test does not diagnose these conditions. A ‘low risk’ result does not mean no risk, just that the chance of the particular condition being present is less likely.
If the test gives an increased risk result
An ‘increased risk’ result does not necessarily mean the baby has the particular condition. It is important to remember that MSS only indicates an increased risk, not the presence of the disorder. This risk figure is used to help decide if a diagnostic test should be done. The diagnostic test detects whether the baby has the condition or not. The diagnostic tests are chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis and a detailed ultrasound scan looking for abnormalities such as spina bifida.
Genetic counselling
In most cases, diagnostic testing will show that the unborn baby is healthy. Occasionally, the baby does have the particular condition for which it was tested, such as Down syndrome. Genetic counselling is available for parents to help them make informed decisions about the pregnancy. Information is also available through relevant support networks.
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-11 21:53:25编辑过]
什么是YCQ啊? YCQ就是预产期呀!呵呵,这些简写是不太好猜哈。 不过也是哦,mm的预产期不是9月20日吗?只比我早一周,怎么明天就可以做大B超了么?我还要等一个月呢。望眼欲穿哪……
pastor mm 记得明天要奔啊,要么奔宝宝,要么奔自己。
不要吓我,我最近整天浑身痒得厉害。还有如果有这种症状应该怎么用英语描述呢? 你就说itchy会不会有什么不好,是skin dry还是什么其他病症的表现 我的腿也是很痒,准备买很多人都说的那个palmer的itchy oil,还有防妊娠纹的lotion
YCQ就是预产期呀!呵呵,这些简写是不太好猜哈。 不过也是哦,mm的预产期不是9月20日吗?只比我早一周,怎么明天就可以做大B超了么?我还要等一个月呢。望眼欲穿哪……
YCQ就是预产期呀!呵呵,这些简写是不太好猜哈。 不过也是哦,mm的预产期不是9月20日吗?只比我早一周,怎么明天就可以做大B超了么?我还要等一个月呢。望眼欲穿哪……
是啊,好羡慕啊~~ 我今天一直问做B超吗,人家说下次。唉 我也要等一个月。5月9号啊。ygbh mm 你什么时候大B超 啊 我的大B超可能是九月妈妈里最晚的,要等到5月15日。我自己算了一下,那会儿应该19w左右了。也好,晚一点就晚一点吧,宝宝长大一点看得更清楚。只能这样安慰自己了。
各位妹妹见笑了。前面几位已经做过大B 超的mm预产期也都差不多吧,只比我早几天。这个日子的确比较难等。我一直很担心呢。因为上一次怀孕失败,bb没有胎心,所以这次一直提心吊胆的,希望明天不要出什么意外。 mm放宽心,肯定没什么问题的~ 我们都为你祈祷~~
各位妹妹见笑了。前面几位已经做过大B 超的mm预产期也都差不多吧,只比我早几天。这个日子的确比较难等。我一直很担心呢。因为上一次怀孕失败,bb没有胎心,所以这次一直提心吊胆的,希望明天不要出什么意外。 这次一定不会有问题的,猪宝宝可都是有着满满的福气的呢!mm别担心,明天大家都在这里等你的好消息!
嘎嘎嘎~~~ 占到888楼。一路发
近来,一些医学专家试验表明,孕妇因缺少阳光照射而造成维生素D缺乏,会影响胎儿的大脑发育,胎儿时期与婴儿出生后同样需要充足的阳光照射,以获得维生素D。 长期以来,人们在很大程度上忽视了维生素D对胎儿大脑健康的作用,直至最近一些医学研究人员作出结论:孕妇晒太阳,胎儿脑健康。 孕妇晒太阳,冬天每日一般不应少于一个小时,夏天需要半个小时左右,以获得足够的维生素D。特别是长期在室内工作的孕妇,晒太阳尤为重要。值得注意的是,皮肤黑的孕妇比皮肤肤色较浅的孕妇需要更多的光照。 深色不是对光线的吸收更强么?? 好在我的办公桌就在落地窗旁边,还能常常沐浴点儿和煦的阳光……(天气好的时候可以心情很好的唱歌:啦啦啦,啦啦啦……)
我刚才在前面的楼里面贴了有关AFP的东东,mm可以去看看,我把链接给你也可以。 临睡前再来瞄一眼…… mm前面贴的这个我看了,不过不知道原来这个就是那个AFP呀,为什么又叫MSS呢? 发现我的问题总是很多的样子…… 谢谢mm了,明天我再来看吧! 大家晚安!