以下是引用garfielddq在2007-6-20 13:14:00的发言: 测宫高的英语怎么讲? Fundal height. It should match with your baby's gestational age, for example, if you are in your 28th week pregnancy, your fundal height should be 28+/- 1 cm. No need to exactuly equals to the gestational age.
以下是引用゛糹帛ゞ花糖在2007-6-20 19:14:00的发言: 我们都进入最后一个trimester了,宝宝也开始最后的冲刺了,JM们是不是更爱吃了? 可是我有点拿不准要不要有点节制呢? Never go on a diet when you are pregnant, it would hurt the baby. The thing is, don't eat too much sugar or junk food because it also hurts the baby. I am quite enjoying my good appetite now
I am actually prefer "一饿就把自己喂饱" because our blood sugar level affect our babies' growth directly. You know, bigger baby is always easy to raise than smaller one. Also, too much blood sugar will cause some diseases of both the baby and mom. So, if you eat a lot fresh vegetable or lean meat, that would be fine. But do avoid the icecream, chocolate, soft-drink and junk food.
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-20 19:20:00的发言: Never go on a diet when you are pregnant, it would hurt the baby. The thing is, don't eat too much sugar or junk food because it also hurts the baby. I am quite enjoying my good appetite now 能吃是一件幸福的事情 我深深的体会到
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-20 13:20:00的发言: Fundal height. It should match with your baby's gestational age, for example, if you are in your 28th week pregnancy, your fundal height should be 28+/- 1 cm. No need to exactuly equals to the gestational age. 谢谢PROMISE MM,还讲得这么详细.
以下是引用garfielddq在2007-6-21 12:41:00的发言: 我PP昨天签证被拒了. PP都哭了.我也很难过.要是二签也不过的话,那就只能看我父母8月的签证情况了.真担心来不及呀.要是都没能过来的话.我和老公就真的是傻眼了. 签证是个运气的问题,很多人的经历都是一样,mm可能要多准备一些照片,说明你婆婆和国内的bond... bless and good luck
以下是引用garfielddq在2007-6-21 16:01:00的发言: 对了,我的OB让我做的血糖测试是NON-FASTING的.有啥区别吗? That means you don't need to fasting before take the glucose beverage. But you mustn't eat or drink any thing during the 1-hour-testing time.
My prenatal class has already started. It helps a little bit. Since almost everyone is goona use the Epidural during the childbirth, I feel like those breathing skills only can help at early stage of labor.
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-21 16:13:00的发言: That means you don't need to fasting before take the glucose beverage. But you mustn't eat or drink any thing during the 1-hour-testing time. PROMISE MM的回复总是好及时哟.
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-21 16:17:00的发言: My prenatal class has already started. It helps a little bit. Since almost everyone is goona use the Epidural during the childbirth, I feel like those breathing skills only can help at early stage of labor. MM上的UWMC的课吗??什么时段的呀?
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-6-21 17:45:00的发言: MM上的UWMC的课吗??什么时段的呀? We are taking the class on Monday! You must be in the Wednesday's! We acutally registered on Wed.'s courses but switched to the Monday's schedule because of my hubby's weekly soccer match. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 18:03:39编辑过]
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-21 18:03:00的发言: We are taking the class on Monday! You must be in the Wednesday's! We acutally registered on Wed.'s courses but switched to the Monday's schedule because of my hubby's weekly soccer match. 是滴,我们昨天晚上参加的第一次课。你上了几次了?也是第一次吗?我觉得感觉还行,没想像中那么有用呀
以下是引用shashade在2007-6-21 16:42:00的发言: 和我娘家人闹了很大的别扭,都是已经解不开的误会了 Don't be concerned about that too much since it is already a "解不开的误会". Try to make youself happy and that is the top priority Think about your baby and good luck!
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-6-21 18:08:00的发言: 是滴,我们昨天晚上参加的第一次课。你上了几次了?也是第一次吗?我觉得感觉还行,没想像中那么有用呀 Last time was also our first time in the prenatal class. Was there also an old-black-lady teacher in your class, who is really boring? You'r right, those skills they taught are not as useful as we thought, especially we are gonna use the epidural later. The ladies in the video seem didn't use amy pain control at all. They just went through all the natural childbrith, which is really breave, and that is the reason they had to learn the breathing and the relaxing skills. Anyway, we just want to be prepared, and little is better than nothing
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-21 18:20:00的发言: Last time was also our first time in the prenatal class. Was there also an old-black-lady teacher in your class, who is really boring? You'r right, those skills they taught are not as useful as we thought, especially we are gonna use the epidural later. The ladies in the video seem didn't use amy pain control at all. They just went through all the natural childbrith, which is really breave, and that is the reason they had to learn the breathing and the relaxing skills. Anyway, we just want to be prepared, and little is better than nothing Promise MM和蔷薇MM在一个地方啊? 真好!!羡慕!!
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-21 18:20:00的发言: Last time was also our first time in the prenatal class. Was there also an old-black-lady teacher in your class, who is really boring? You'r right, those skills they taught are not as useful as we thought, especially we are gonna use the epidural later. The ladies in the video seem didn't use amy pain control at all. They just went through all the natural childbrith, which is really breave, and that is the reason they had to learn the breathing and the relaxing skills. Anyway, we just want to be prepared, and little is better than nothing 是个白女的上课,好像是代课吧,她已经有2个宝宝了。 你说VEDIO里面的人都不是不用麻醉的呀?我的妈呀,太可怕了。我看了那个血淋淋的宝宝从下面出来的时候都哭了,一是害怕,二是感动。 有点怵啊
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-6-21 22:07:00的发言: 是个白女的上课,好像是代课吧,她已经有2个宝宝了。 你说VEDIO里面的人都不是不用麻醉的呀?我的妈呀,太可怕了。我看了那个血淋淋的宝宝从下面出来的时候都哭了,一是害怕,二是感动。 有点怵啊 Don't be afraid of the bloody scene. Everybody has to come through that Since you knew that, you wouldn't feel too bad about that when you are in labor.
Last time I chated with my OB about the Epidural and episiotomy (外阴切开术). Now the episiotomy is not a routine in US. and if the baby is doing OK, the OB will let the perineum (会阴)has some natural laceration (撕裂) which of course hurts but easy to recover. If the OB will do the episiotomy during the labor (maybe because of some complications (并发症)), the cut might be expanded at the flash of fetal head's out. So, you guys may check this with your OB and try to know as much as you can. That'll make you guys don't feel so confused about the labor. GOOD LUCK!
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-22 12:49:00的发言: Last time I chated with my OB about the Epidural and episiotomy (外阴切开术). Now the episiotomy is not a routine in US. and if the baby is doing OK, the OB will let the perineum (会阴)has some natural laceration (撕裂) which of course hurts but easy to recover. If the OB will do the episiotomy during the labor (maybe because of some complications (并发症)), the cut might be expanded at the flash of fetal head's out. So, you guys may check this with your OB and try to know as much as you can. That'll make you guys don't feel so confused about the labor. GOOD LUCK! 这个我也早问过了。我的OB跟我说是自然撕裂的,我很怕宝宝万一很大,我撕的很严重怎么办 对了,我想问问你知道不知道在耳朵那附近的腮帮的骨头疼是因为牙齿的原因吗? 我可能要去看牙医了,但是不知道怎么用英语清晰的表达清楚我的意思。咬牙的时候疼,怎么说呢
以下是引用Promise在2007-6-22 12:49:00的发言: Last time I chated with my OB about the Epidural and episiotomy (外阴切开术). Now the episiotomy is not a routine in US. and if the baby is doing OK, the OB will let the perineum (会阴)has some natural laceration (撕裂) which of course hurts but easy to recover. If the OB will do the episiotomy during the labor (maybe because of some complications (并发症)), the cut might be expanded at the flash of fetal head's out. So, you guys may check this with your OB and try to know as much as you can. That'll make you guys don't feel so confused about the labor. GOOD LUCK! PROMISE MM的的及时雨呀.我正在考虑要怎么和OB表达这个呢.谢谢了!
我这周四去看OB的时候差不多26周吧.不过这次检查是另一个OB.所以等下次再观察一下我那个OB. 他要是还不给你测,你就主动提出来
他要是还不给你测,你就主动提出来 测宫高的英语怎么讲?
我也还没有仔细看了 放上来大家可以研究研究 刚吃了个苹果,感觉无法消化,好像还在食道
JM们,我回来了。今天就量了体重、血压,测宫高,还有抽血测血糖。和OB谈了谈我的忧虑,因为上次的白点事件,一直想问清楚。好像大家都让我别担心,翻译也这么说,她说她见过这样的情况。上次AFP的结果都是negative,其中downs的是1比20900,另外两个也是1比一两万。都怪我太多虑了,心里一直惦记着有个数字是1比243,我说怎么那么大呢,OB说那个是标准来的,比这个大的才是危险。今天总算安心点了。 对了我体重已经142磅了
JM们,我回来了。今天就量了体重、血压,测宫高,还有抽血测血糖。和OB谈了谈我的忧虑,因为上次的白点事件,一直想问清楚。好像大家都让我别担心,翻译也这么说,她说她见过这样的情况。上次AFP的结果都是negative,其中downs的是1比20900,另外两个也是1比一两万。都怪我太多虑了,心里一直惦记着有个数字是1比243,我说怎么那么大呢,OB说那个是标准来的,比这个大的才是危险。今天总算安心点了。 对了我体重已经142磅了
Never go on a diet when you are pregnant, it would hurt the baby. The thing is, don't eat too much sugar or junk food because it also hurts the baby. I am quite enjoying my good appetite now
刚怀孕的时候就出现了牙龈出血的状况,一直没有在意。现在怀孕快7个月了,突然一下子牙龈肿得很大,而且现在还和牙齿脱落了,等了快一个月了也没有长回去,非常烦恼。今天在网上查了一下,居然说牙周病会使早产和胎儿发育迟缓的几率增大7倍。看了以后好害怕啊,明天打算去预约牙医了,不知道现在看牙医会不会不好? 我的牙龈肿得也很厉害 不过我没有看牙医 其他MM有这症状么?
Fundal height. It should match with your baby's gestational age, for example, if you are in your 28th week pregnancy, your fundal height should be 28+/- 1 cm. No need to exactuly equals to the gestational age.
我的牙龈肿得也很厉害 不过我没有看牙医 其他MM有这症状么? 我从怀孕开始就刷牙老出血.问过OB说正常. 也没去看过牙医.
希望你爸爸妈妈8月签证能过!! 还有祝福PP二签能顺利通过!!
刚怀孕的时候就出现了牙龈出血的状况,一直没有在意。现在怀孕快7个月了,突然一下子牙龈肿得很大,而且现在还和牙齿脱落了,等了快一个月了也没有长回去,非常烦恼。今天在网上查了一下,居然说牙周病会使早产和胎儿发育迟缓的几率增大7倍。看了以后好害怕啊,明天打算去预约牙医了,不知道现在看牙医会不会不好? 我的OB是说在孕期随时都可以看牙的,比如说root canal, deep cleaning, 只要是在做x-ray时有防护就好了,但是牙医的意思是说如果没有什么特别bother 你的话,就可以等到生完宝宝之后再说,如果已经影响到你的正常生活了,就要及时去看医生了
谢谢多桃MM. 二签过的机会大吗? 因为我PP昨天签的时候基本没问什么.就问了她是不是退休了,几个孩子,老伴去世. 这都是硬伤.我真的是伤心呀! 让我父母过来的理由如果只是旅游.我更没把握了.
JM们,我回来了。今天就量了体重、血压,测宫高,还有抽血测血糖。和OB谈了谈我的忧虑,因为上次的白点事件,一直想问清楚。好像大家都让我别担心,翻译也这么说,她说她见过这样的情况。上次AFP的结果都是negative,其中downs的是1比20900,另外两个也是1比一两万。都怪我太多虑了,心里一直惦记着有个数字是1比243,我说怎么那么大呢,OB说那个是标准来的,比这个大的才是危险。今天总算安心点了。 对了我体重已经142磅了
That means you don't need to fasting before take the glucose beverage. But you mustn't eat or drink any thing during the 1-hour-testing time. PROMISE MM的回复总是好及时哟.
不哭不哭,对身体不好的。 mm发生什么事情了? 和我娘家人闹了很大的别扭,都是已经解不开的误会了
别哭了. 我还想哭呢. PP签证被拒了,我父母的签证还不知道会如何.如果都不能过来.我真的是要抓狂了. 老公是不敢指望能照顾得了我.
唉,真是各家有各家的不幸。 祝福mm爸妈的签证顺利。 谢谢了.我昨夜也是一晚不能入睡.早上好不容易睡了会,恶梦连连. 心情好糟糕呀. 都有想回国生孩子的想法了.
谢谢了.我昨夜也是一晚不能入睡.早上好不容易睡了会,恶梦连连. 心情好糟糕呀. 都有想回国生孩子的想法了.
恭喜MM一次通过血糖测验。 我老公已经帮我报名prenatal class了,7月10号开始,要两个人一起去的。 我觉得现在已经差不多是时候了哦! 昨天我也测了血糖了,我觉得那饮料挺好喝的,嘿嘿 昨天晚上我已经开始上第一次的birth class了。和LG一起参加的,练习了阵痛时的放松呼吸
今天OB给我测了宫高.不过不是我那个OB,是ROTATE了另一个.具体多少她没说.就说很好很好. 我下周也要测血糖了. NURSE说我可以吃了早餐去.去到LAB他们给我喝一个糖水,之后一个小时就啥也别吃. 我的OB还没让我去PRENATAL CLASS.可能还没到时间吧. 我的是27CM~~OB说标准是26,不过她觉得27也很好
My prenatal class has already started. It helps a little bit
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-21 18:03:39编辑过]
We are taking the class on Monday! You must be in the Wednesday's!
Last time was also our first time in the prenatal class. Was there also an old-black-lady teacher in your class, who is really boring?
大家都说说准爸爸是怎么和BB沟通胎教的,我家的是个闷葫芦,不开窍,也没对着BB说多少话。 看见好多妈妈贴出来的爸爸和宝宝的帖子,好好笑,也蛮经典的。 我家的那个每天也会跟宝宝讲话 可惜得是,妈妈文笔太差,记性更差 笑过感动过都没有几个能写出来得 哎。。。
Last time was also our first time in the prenatal class. Was there also an old-black-lady teacher in your class, who is really boring?
Promise MM和蔷薇MM在一个地方啊? 真好!!羡慕!! 说不定还见过呢
大家都说说准爸爸是怎么和BB沟通胎教的,我家的是个闷葫芦,不开窍,也没对着BB说多少话。 看见好多妈妈贴出来的爸爸和宝宝的帖子,好好笑,也蛮经典的。 我家LD平时说话可唐了,可是对着肚皮就难以酝酿出什么语句了。希望宝宝出生以后可以改善
别哭了. 我还想哭呢. PP签证被拒了,我父母的签证还不知道会如何.如果都不能过来.我真的是要抓狂了. 老公是不敢指望能照顾得了我. 车到山前必有路,mm要相信自己,bless 你父母的签证。
我的牙龈肿得也很厉害 不过我没有看牙医 其他MM有这症状么? 我的牙龈也是一阵好一阵坏的,每天用牙线的时候,都出血,我都习惯了。等生下宝宝在去看牙医,说实话,我挺怕牙医的,每次洗牙都觉得很不舒服。
我本来什么都乱吃,觉得没什么的.还有久那么就才due,现在吃了偏凉的,BB还能现在就出来了不成? 可是最近公司一个同事,提前1.5个月就在家养胎了,据说就是乱吃东西. 所以最近节制了一点.其实每次吃完冰棍和凉性的水果,肚子也不怎么舒服.想想还是老实一点.大家也要多注意. 上次医生说她头在上面,脚在斜下方,斜不拉差的在那.还有时间转下去把.可是这样一天到晚头在下面,不是很不舒服吗. 我也发现以前好像吃什么都没事,现在吃了凉的东西,肚子会有不舒服的反应了。 我家宝宝还横在肚子里呢,每次动的时候我的肚子就左鼓一块,右鼓一坨。 到第几周转不下去就没可能再转下去了呢?
我的牙龈也是一阵好一阵坏的,每天用牙线的时候,都出血,我都习惯了。等生下宝宝在去看牙医,说实话,我挺怕牙医的,每次洗牙都觉得很不舒服。 我也打算生完了再说了。
这星期二又去见医生了,ob很风趣,说我上次血糖测试得了93分,笑死我了,然后就测了宫高,听了心跳。我的体重开始飚长了,四个星期长了7磅,都是甜点和冰淇淋惹得, 看来以后要少吃。我最近好像头晕了两回了,一次逛mall的时候,一次刚吃完中饭,医生说正常,六个月后的孕妇很容易这样,是胎儿太大压迫到脊柱的血管,虽然不会影响到动脉,但会影响静脉的血液回流,如果躺下来休息一下就好了。姐妹们,你们有这种情况吗? 我似乎还没有过这种经验。 那你平时自己要注意咯,一有晕的迹象就要注意休息,不要撑。
我也发现以前好像吃什么都没事,现在吃了凉的东西,肚子会有不舒服的反应了。 我家宝宝还横在肚子里呢,每次动的时候我的肚子就左鼓一块,右鼓一坨。 到第几周转不下去就没可能再转下去了呢? 这样说起来,我的宝宝也还没有换好位置
是个白女的上课,好像是代课吧,她已经有2个宝宝了。 你说VEDIO里面的人都不是不用麻醉的呀?我的妈呀,太可怕了。我看了那个血淋淋的宝宝从下面出来的时候都哭了,一是害怕,二是感动。 有点怵啊
我也发现以前好像吃什么都没事,现在吃了凉的东西,肚子会有不舒服的反应了。 我家宝宝还横在肚子里呢,每次动的时候我的肚子就左鼓一块,右鼓一坨。 到第几周转不下去就没可能再转下去了呢? 左鼓一块,右鼓一坨也许是宝宝的屁股和脚,所以mm别担心。 好像没有具体第几周的说法,一般是宝宝一进骨盆,位置就会定住,动不了了。
左鼓一块,右鼓一坨也许是宝宝的屁股和脚,所以mm别担心。 好像没有具体第几周的说法,一般是宝宝一进骨盆,位置就会定住,动不了了。 谢谢mm, 好像现在担心这个太早了点
左鼓一块,右鼓一坨也许是宝宝的屁股和脚,所以mm别担心。 好像没有具体第几周的说法,一般是宝宝一进骨盆,位置就会定住,动不了了。 你说我们BB们那样不头晕么,呵呵
20周的时候去洗牙,我问牙医是不是怀孕不能洗牙了啊。牙医跟我说怀孕期间牙齿会比平常更容易出问题,反而应该经常跟牙医check,有什么问题及时补救,不然以后花钱会更多。我8月的时候还会再去洗一次牙,再检查检查有没有什么问题。 MM这样坚持关照牙,肯定很好啊, 常规的洗牙是没关系的. 问题是要是要拍X光或深度洗牙什么的, 是不是就该等宝宝出来以后呢?
MM这样坚持关照牙,肯定很好啊, 常规的洗牙是没关系的. 问题是要是要拍X光或深度洗牙什么的, 是不是就该等宝宝出来以后呢? X-RAY最好是不要拍啦,深洗要打麻醉也不好。常规洗牙没什么问题,我估计牙周病什么的牙医那边也应该有办法可以防治。
我昨晚对着肚子上鼓出来的一个包,跟宝宝说话:“是头?屁股?肩?膝盖?........” 然后LD笑死了
Last time I chated with my OB about the Epidural and episiotomy (外阴切开术). Now the episiotomy is not a routine in US. and if the baby is doing OK, the OB will let the perineum (会阴)has some natural laceration (撕裂) which of course hurts but easy to recover. If the OB will do the episiotomy during the labor (maybe because of some complications (并发症)), the cut might be expanded at the flash of fetal head's out. So, you guys may check this with your OB and try to know as much as you can. That'll make you guys don't feel so confused about the labor. GOOD LUCK!
昨天晚上乳头上轻轻挤一下就出了液体了,开始是黄色的,后面变得有些透明,有些黏黏的。 JM们有这样的情况吗 没有诶 难道那就是传说中的初乳?
又到周末了,真开心,可以不用早起,白天还可以睡会觉。 公公婆婆下个星期就要来了,真是又开心又紧张。 他们这个星期刚签完证,挺顺利的,也祝大家的父母亲都能签过。
昨天晚上乳头上轻轻挤一下就出了液体了,开始是黄色的,后面变得有些透明,有些黏黏的。 JM们有这样的情况吗 初乳啊,羡慕ing,我的MM什么反应都没有, 我担心我可能没奶。
初乳啊,羡慕ing,我的MM什么反应都没有, 我担心我可能没奶。 没发现有这种现象。我也是,老担心以后没什么奶给宝宝吃。
Last time I chated with my OB about the Epidural and episiotomy (外阴切开术). Now the episiotomy is not a routine in US. and if the baby is doing OK, the OB will let the perineum (会阴)has some natural laceration (撕裂) which of course hurts but easy to recover. If the OB will do the episiotomy during the labor (maybe because of some complications (并发症)), the cut might be expanded at the flash of fetal head's out. So, you guys may check this with your OB and try to know as much as you can. That'll make you guys don't feel so confused about the labor. GOOD LUCK!