Recently I often feel my baby moves in a regular beat at the same location of my belly. The movement usually lasts 1 min or less and there is several seconds between two movements. I think maybe he gets hiccups. Anybody has the same experience?
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 16:26:00的发言: Recently I often feel my baby moves in a regular beat at the same location of my belly. The movement usually lasts 1 min or less and there is several seconds between two movements. I think maybe he gets hiccups. Anybody has the same experience? 时间上和mm差不多,一动起来大概一分钟的样子。只是我家的到处跑,这次踢我肚皮,下次踢我内脏
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 16:26:00的发言: Recently I often feel my baby moves in a regular beat at the same location of my belly. The movement usually lasts 1 min or less and there is several seconds between two movements. I think maybe he gets hiccups. Anybody has the same experience? I had the same experience about 2 weeks ago. But not sure if it was hiccups or not. Recently, my baby hasn't moved much, I hope she is doing alright.
以下是引用三只羊在2007-5-16 16:29:00的发言: 时间上和mm差不多,一动起来大概一分钟的样子。只是我家的到处跑,这次踢我肚皮,下次踢我内脏 Sometimes my little guy also does like yours, but at other times he only focuses on the same place I need to change my posture to make him feel better.
以下是引用MisWaterMelon在2007-5-16 16:33:00的发言: I had the same experience about 2 weeks ago. But not sure if it was hiccups or not. Recently, my baby hasn't moved much, I hope she is doing alright. Don't be concerned too much. I am sure the little baby is doing well in your uterus. Sometimes you can't feel evry clear of the fetus movement is partly because the baby changed it's posture. So, keep your happy mood.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 16:39:00的发言: Don't be concerned too much. I am sure the little baby is doing well in your uterus. Sometimes you can't feel evry clear of the fetus movement is partly because the baby changed it's posture. So, keep your happy mood. Thanks. We all should try to keep happy mood. When I get mad or sad, I kept telling myself to calm down and think about the baby. Most of the time, it works.
以下是引用MisWaterMelon在2007-5-16 16:46:00的发言: Nod nod. Makes me feel like going to bathroom........ 踢肚皮还好啦,我们家的闺女总往下往里踢,常常刚去过厕所又被踢的想再去 那是被踢到bladder了。 Not only bladder, even rectum~
以下是引用MisWaterMelon在2007-5-16 16:50:00的发言: Thanks. We all should try to keep happy mood. When I get mad or sad, I kept telling myself to calm down and think about the baby. Most of the time, it works. Sure. The baby is our top priority now
以下是引用多旧桃在2007-5-16 17:33:00的发言: 下午要做Presentation 我出发之前打算在老公面前rehearse一次 结果他老是打断我,给我提意见 把我要往下讲的心情都破坏了 突然觉得自己怎么那么没用 准备两个晚上到现在还有那么多毛病 而且很讨厌老公这么中途打断我 很伤我的积极性 不能等我全部讲完再提意见么? My hubby also did the same thing like MM's, and of course, I cried. After that I thought, he really wanted to help me. Also, my tear hurt him too. So, I apologized to him later and, finially, I did a good presentation in the annual lab meeting. You know what, I saw my hubby was every nervous when I was talking. He was even more nervous than I was. I was profoundly touched by him. That is because he loves me so much. So, MM please don't do that to your husband again. You may did not notice that you also hurt him.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 17:50:00的发言: My hubby also did the same thing like MM's, and of course, I cried. After that I thought, he really wanted to help me. Also, my tear hurt him too. So, I apologized to him later and, finially, I did a good presentation in the annual lab meeting. You know what, I saw my hubby was every nervous when I was talking. He was even more nervous than I was. I was profoundly touched by him. That is because he loves me so much. So, MM please don't do that to your husband again. You may did not notice that you also hurt him. Promise MM, from what you have decribed above, I can see you and your husband both loves each very much and you both are very mature.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 16:39:00的发言: Don't be concerned too much. I am sure the little baby is doing well in your uterus. Sometimes you can't feel evry clear of the fetus movement is partly because the baby changed it's posture. So, keep your happy mood. 说不担心,我担心啊。因为前天开始我肚子就不怎么摸到硬的地方了,都是软的,我在想,宝宝是不是在里面自动就没了。摸不到东西了啊
以下是引用MisWaterMelon在2007-5-16 19:14:00的发言: Promise MM, from what you have decribed above, I can see you and your husband both loves each very much and you both are very mature. We have been falling in love with each other more than 17 years and have been through a lot together. We both worked very hard to learn how to be considerate to each other, but till now, I am still working on it. BTW, we are still "pretty young" now. Don't imagine us like "old couple".
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-16 19:24:00的发言: 说不担心,我担心啊。因为前天开始我肚子就不怎么摸到硬的地方了,都是软的,我在想,宝宝是不是在里面自动就没了。摸不到东西了啊 Are u kidding? How could you touch the baby out of your belly? The baby is still very "small" and it's really hard to be touched. Sometimes you may feel a hard part of your uterus. That is more like a partial uterus contraction rather than a baby! You have a thick abdominal wall and a lot of amniotic fluid now, you could not touch the baby unless you push your belly every hard. Did you do that?
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 19:55:00的发言: We have been falling in love with each other more than 17 years and have been through a lot together. We both worked very hard to learn how to be considerate to each other, but till now, I am still working on it. BTW, we are still "pretty young" now. Don't imagine us like "old couple". 哈哈,青梅竹马 羡慕啊 不过我跟老公也11年了
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 19:55:00的发言: We have been falling in love with each other more than 17 years and have been through a lot together. We both worked very hard to learn how to be considerate to each other, but till now, I am still working on it. BTW, we are still "pretty young" now. Don't imagine us like "old couple". 哇,好羡慕啊。。。。。那么久了
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 20:01:00的发言: Are u kidding? How could you touch the baby out of your belly? The baby is still very "small" and it's really hard to be touched. Sometimes you may feel a hard part of your uterus. That is more like a partial uterus contraction rather than a baby! You have a thick abdominal wall and a lot of amniotic fluid now, you could not touch the baby unless you push your belly every hard. Did you do that? 我是说摸子宫,,不是摸宝宝。不过那天真的是很诡异啊,整个腹部的肉感觉都软了,好像里面什么都没有一样
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 17:50:00的发言: My hubby also did the same thing like MM's, and of course, I cried. After that I thought, he really wanted to help me. Also, my tear hurt him too. So, I apologized to him later and, finially, I did a good presentation in the annual lab meeting. You know what, I saw my hubby was every nervous when I was talking. He was even more nervous than I was. I was profoundly touched by him. That is because he loves me so much. So, MM please don't do that to your husband again. You may did not notice that you also hurt him. Promise MM 我也知道他是为我好 可是我现在总觉得自己特别脆弱,特别敏感 这不,本来都没什么事情的,后来我哭了半天,他也不知道怎么安慰我,一直在床边拍我的背,叫我别哭了。 我后来哭累了,就不哭了 吃饭的时候都没理他 现在已经和好了 我这个人的脾气,来得快,去的也快 我想他是不是该习惯了?
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 19:55:00的发言: We have been falling in love with each other more than 17 years and have been through a lot together. We both worked very hard to learn how to be considerate to each other, but till now, I am still working on it. BTW, we are still "pretty young" now. Don't imagine us like "old couple". wow.... 那就绝对是早恋 是不是初恋啊?
以下是引用多旧桃在2007-5-16 20:47:00的发言: Promise MM 我这个人的脾气,来得快,去的也快 我想他是不是该习惯了? You may ask him about this. Anyway, let him know that you really care about his feelings.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-16 20:52:00的发言: You may ask him about this. Anyway, let him know that you really care about his feelings. 我LG还说你怎么变那么奇怪,刚才还好好的,怎么一下就哭了!没说这话还好,一听到他那样说,我要气炸了哦,孕妇本来就是情绪波动很大啊,到现在了还说这样的话,那天我哭的难受死了,还说了离婚算了,
我一来美国在弯曲住了13,4年了. 我家在MILPITAS啊.现在跟LG住RENO.所以,比较熟悉.FREMONT好地方啊,我姐姐最近打算换房想要买MISSION学区了.好贵啊.看上眼的至少1.3个M啊.恐怖啊
心情不好 刚哭了一场
心情不好 刚哭了一场
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-16 16:26:36编辑过]
Recently I often feel my baby moves in a regular beat at the same location of my belly. The movement usually lasts 1 min or less and there is several seconds between two movements. I think maybe he gets hiccups.
Recently I often feel my baby moves in a regular beat at the same location of my belly. The movement usually lasts 1 min or less and there is several seconds between two movements. I think maybe he gets hiccups.
I had the same experience about 2 weeks ago. But not sure if it was hiccups or not. Recently, my baby hasn't moved much, I hope she is doing alright.
Don't be concerned too much. I am sure the little baby is doing well in your uterus.
Nod nod. Makes me feel like going to bathroom........ 踢肚皮还好啦,我们家的闺女总往下往里踢,常常刚去过厕所又被踢的想再去 那是被踢到bladder了。
Not only bladder, even rectum~
Thanks. We all should try to keep happy mood. When I get mad or sad, I kept telling myself to calm down and think about the baby. Most of the time, it works.
怎么了?抱抱。。。 下午要做Presentation 我出发之前打算在老公面前rehearse一次 结果他老是打断我,给我提意见 把我要往下讲的心情都破坏了 突然觉得自己怎么那么没用 准备两个晚上到现在还有那么多毛病 而且很讨厌老公这么中途打断我 很伤我的积极性 不能等我全部讲完再提意见么?
hug...hug..希望MM心情好点。 好巧,我也是浙江人。MM是浙江哪里啊?
我是宁波余姚的 很小一个城市 MM你是哪的?
下午要做Presentation 我出发之前打算在老公面前rehearse一次 结果他老是打断我,给我提意见 把我要往下讲的心情都破坏了 突然觉得自己怎么那么没用 准备两个晚上到现在还有那么多毛病 而且很讨厌老公这么中途打断我 很伤我的积极性 不能等我全部讲完再提意见么?
我是宁波余姚的 很小一个城市 MM你是哪的?
My hubby also did the same thing like MM's, and of course, I cried. After that I thought, he really wanted to help me. Also, my tear hurt him too. So, I apologized to him later and, finially, I did a good presentation in the annual lab meeting. You know what, I saw my hubby was every nervous when I was talking.
下午要做Presentation 我出发之前打算在老公面前rehearse一次 结果他老是打断我,给我提意见 把我要往下讲的心情都破坏了 突然觉得自己怎么那么没用 准备两个晚上到现在还有那么多毛病 而且很讨厌老公这么中途打断我 很伤我的积极性 不能等我全部讲完再提意见么?
我是宁波余姚的 很小一个城市 MM你是哪的? 浙江美女
Don't be concerned too much. I am sure the little baby is doing well in your uterus.
真佩服你的想像力 不要瞎担心啦,宝宝肯定好好的 这是真的,前天晚上洗澡完,仰卧在床上,腹部软软的,和以前根本不一样,以前起码都可以摸到子宫什么的,有个东西在里面,当时一摸,好像就全是脂肪了
大家准备买pump吗 breast pump吗? 还没有呢。到现在为止才买了2件宝宝的衣服跟一块blanket。人家送了baby carrier, 和bouncer.其它什么都还没有。公司人的会帮我开个baby shower。 朋友在家里也会帮我开个baby shower。2个baby shower 下来,我想到时候大多数的东西人家都送了。
MM的LG还有时间 ,偶家猪头这个学期好忙,这几天尤甚,回到家吃完饭都10点多了。。忙了半天我累了也不想去散步了 就想坐着 我们2个都已经在上班了,平常时间都比较空闲。那MM你就在家里来来回回走走吧。还是动一动比较好。对宝宝对你都好。
Promise MM, from what you have decribed above, I can see you and your husband both loves each very much and you both are very mature.
MM的LG还有时间 ,偶家猪头这个学期好忙,这几天尤甚,回到家吃完饭都10点多了。。忙了半天我累了也不想去散步了 就想坐着 mm白天自己在家附近走走啊 我还是尽量争取每天散步的,不过也需要老公的监督
Are u kidding? How could you touch the baby out of your belly? The baby is still very "small" and it's really hard to be touched. Sometimes you may feel a hard part of your uterus. That is more like a partial uterus contraction rather than a baby! You have a thick abdominal wall and a lot of amniotic fluid now, you could not touch the baby unless you push your belly every hard. Did you do that?
哈哈,青梅竹马 羡慕啊 不过我跟老公也11年了 你们也好久。。真幸福。 怎么到现在才要宝宝呀
呵呵,刚刚我在边吃西瓜边欣赏被宝宝踢的一股一股肚皮 真好玩 发现我们家是个馋猫,每次我吃东西后IT都有所反应 呵呵 我在吃哈密瓜和五香花生,宝宝也没反映,肚皮也软趴趴的
呵呵,刚刚我在边吃西瓜边欣赏被宝宝踢的一股一股肚皮 真好玩 发现我们家是个馋猫,每次我吃东西后IT都有所反应 跟我们BB一样
你们也好久。。真幸福。 怎么到现在才要宝宝呀
That is because we couldn't afford a baby when we were teenagers.
10月中的 别羡慕啊,这是怀孕后才搞成这样的,生完了就要打回原型了 胸型很美,粉集中。好想摸摸看,嘿嘿
10月中的 别羡慕啊,这是怀孕后才搞成这样的,生完了就要打回原型了 我怀孕了一样自卑
哈哈,青梅竹马 羡慕啊 不过我跟老公也11年了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-16 20:27:00编辑过]
我怀孕了一样自卑 你自卑啥,真是滴,我的上胸围大了,但是下胸围也大了,等于没大
我已经不YOUNG了,3张了 Me 2~
Me 2~
握爪 Tightly!
My hubby also did the same thing like MM's, and of course, I cried. After that I thought, he really wanted to help me. Also, my tear hurt him too. So, I apologized to him later and, finially, I did a good presentation in the annual lab meeting. You know what, I saw my hubby was every nervous when I was talking.
Promise MM 我也知道他是为我好 可是我现在总觉得自己特别脆弱,特别敏感 这不,本来都没什么事情的,后来我哭了半天,他也不知道怎么安慰我,一直在床边拍我的背,叫我别哭了。 我后来哭累了,就不哭了 吃饭的时候都没理他 现在已经和好了 我这个人的脾气,来得快,去的也快 我想他是不是该习惯了?
Promise MM 我这个人的脾气,来得快,去的也快 我想他是不是该习惯了?
你们也好久。。真幸福。 怎么到现在才要宝宝呀
wow.... 那就绝对是早恋
You may ask him about this.
桃子MM的老公还是很爱MM的呀,还会让你别哭。 我和你的脾气很像,来得快去的也快。 我前几天和LG拌嘴,忘记什么事情了。哭了,然后他都不理我,还说是我引起的,不是他的错,后来看我哭不停,才让步,我也是不理他,等我累了也就不哭了。你说男人是不是都傻子啊,哄一下都不会,还问我他该怎么做我才不会哭呢,又不是刚结婚,这个还要问我,气死我了。
You may ask him about this.
好羡慕是初恋就结婚的,我以前特幼稚啊,以为初恋就是要结婚的对象了,后来失恋后难过死了,还瘦了好多斤。现在想想好傻! me too
我跟我家猪头7年 一下子逊掉 都好久啊,我和我家猪和你们比都好逊了。。。。。 我们俩都属于老实巴交型。不过还好,在非常巧合的机缘下认识对方,现在回想起来,so sweet。要不然,不知道我还要多久才会结婚
me too 我那时候好多天不吃饭,平时可以搭在跨上的牛仔裤一穿都会掉下来,挂不上跨了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-16 20:57:52编辑过]
都好久啊,我和我家猪和你们比都好逊了。。。。。 我们俩都属于老实巴交型。不过还好,在非常巧合的机缘下认识对方,现在回想起来,so sweet。要不然,不知道我还要多久才会结婚
离婚可不能随便说哦 好伤心的
我想听你们甜蜜的故事!!! 强烈要求!!! 有没有人跟我一起要求的??? 我举双手
我想听你们甜蜜的故事!!! 强烈要求!!! 有没有人跟我一起要求的??? 其实也还好了。可能和大家的差不多。 只不过在经历过以前感情的波折之后遇到他,相处的很顺,两个人当时很合,他对我也很好。所以就觉得sweet呀~ 要不怎么就嫁给他了,现在还那么辛苦。
我想听你们甜蜜的故事!!! 强烈要求!!! 有没有人跟我一起要求的??? hands up here!
男人都是比较粗枝大叶的 有时候我生气,我老公一直道歉(也就会说对不起而已) 结果他看我气消了,就问我:老婆,你刚才为什么生气能不能告诉我? 晕倒!!!! 你LG还会道歉,我家猪有时候都不理我,就沉默,他觉得我是无理取闹,后来他看我难过的样子也会说道歉的话,,我当时就会不接受,因为我当时就觉得他态度不端正。不过他就是这样的人,他很讲道理,什么事情都要分清一二三。这样让现在的我更气愤,因为我觉得我都怀孕了,你还那么计较就不对。 他等我气消了不哭了他也会问我为什么难过,然后他该怎么做。我当时的泪马上又飙出来,怎么这种问题还要问啊
wow.... 那就绝对是早恋
握爪 伸爪去握你俩的
下午要做Presentation 我出发之前打算在老公面前rehearse一次 结果他老是打断我,给我提意见 把我要往下讲的心情都破坏了 突然觉得自己怎么那么没用 准备两个晚上到现在还有那么多毛病 而且很讨厌老公这么中途打断我 很伤我的积极性 不能等我全部讲完再提意见么?
我是宁波余姚的 很小一个城市 MM你是哪的? 我的初恋男友是余姚的,那时还邀我寒假去他家玩,我没去。后来分手了,很是颓废了一阵。现在想来,幸好分手了,根本不合适。我姐夫是宁波人。宁波话真难懂呀。
我好担心我宝宝有问题。已经快步入高龄产妇的队伍了。 美妈们大部分都很小吧~ 我昨天还做梦希望自己年轻几岁
Hint: 在念书的不一定都年纪小哦,嘿嘿
说到点儿上了。有时觉得我这么老了还要应付考试,很脸红。 我想老二2,3岁的时候我在读书好了。那个时候就三张了
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-16 21:44:47编辑过]
打算老大几岁的时候怀老二 我觉得差三岁比较好。我和我姐就差三岁。