以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-12 2:12:00的发言: 我不打算买changing table了,买个changing pad 在床上或者桌子上换。听说宝宝稍微大了一点在changing table上就不安分了,很容易掉下来的 really? maybe I should also forget about it....
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-14 1:34:00的发言: 还可以去农场啊,真好。 MM是在加州吗 我昨天在COSTCO买了草莓,巨好吃 I bought strawberry from Costco the day befroe yesterday too. BTW, I also bought a box of apricot, and it is so fresh and delicious!. My hubby said it was too sour, but I feel it is just OK.
I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up . BTW, we set it up inside the bed-room, so didn't need to pull done the door. Also, I plan to make a crib mobile by myself. My mom is gonna tailor all the bedding stuff for my baby. And we have an old futon mattress, which is really comfortable to lay on. I am gonna let my mom change it into the baby's crib mattress 'cause my hubby doesn't let me do it. It is kinda tricky and a lot of work for me. I really like to make baby's stuff by myself, hope I have enought time
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 14:29:00的发言: I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up . BTW, we set it up inside the bed-room, so didn't need to pull done the door. Also, I plan to make a crib mobile by myself. My mom is gonna tailor all the bedding stuff for my baby. And we have an old futon mattress, which is really comfortable to lay on. I am gonna let my mom change it into the baby's crib mattress 'cause my hubby doesn't let me do it. It is kinda tricky and a lot of work for me. I really like to make baby's stuff by myself, hope I have enought time 真能干.......
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 14:29:00的发言: I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up . BTW, we set it up inside the bed-room, so didn't need to pull done the door. Also, I plan to make a crib mobile by myself. My mom is gonna tailor all the bedding stuff for my baby. And we have an old futon mattress, which is really comfortable to lay on. I am gonna let my mom change it into the baby's crib mattress 'cause my hubby doesn't let me do it. It is kinda tricky and a lot of work for me. I really like to make baby's stuff by myself, hope I have enought time 你买的crib多少钱 有PP吗
I didn't eat anything special in the frist trimester. Just all kinds of vegetable, fruits, meat and cereal products. Now I add the millet porridge as dinner 'cause the millet is really good for the baby's growth. Cubilose is a good nourishment. But maybe don't need to eat it everyday. It's better to eat seafood and bean products 1-2 times everyweek. It's said "用燕窝来补充营养作用不大,它甚至还不如鸡蛋、鱼、牛奶、肉、猪蹄等。"
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 15:10:00的发言: I didn't eat anything special in the frist trimester. Just all kinds of vegetable, fruits, meat and cereal products. Now I add the millet porridge as dinner 'cause the millet is really good for the baby's growth. Cubilose is a good nourishment. But maybe don't need to eat it everyday. It's better to eat seafood and bean products 1-2 times everyweek. It's said "用燕窝来补充营养作用不大,它甚至还不如鸡蛋、鱼、牛奶、肉、猪蹄等。" millet 是国内的小米吗?在哪里可以买到比较好的? Cubilose是什么呢
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-14 15:26:00的发言: millet 是国内的小米吗?在哪里可以买到比较好的? Cubilose是什么呢 The crib that I bought from yard sale onle cost us $15. It is yard sale season now. If you pay attention, you may find some really good deal there. You can find millet in Ranch 99. Don't know if Trader Joes also has it. We may check it this weekend. BTW, cook the millet with red date (红枣) together is better.
for sleeping 1. crib (emily 3 in 1) or 我家的是买了只装3面,一面紧靠床 2. mattress (seally posturepedic) 3. fitted sheet (all around, 100% cotton bought 1) 4. quick zip (bought one set and one extra top, no need for sheet anymore) 5. mobile 6. receiving blanket (100% cotton, 4-5) and swaddleme, don’t know which one will work better.
for clothing 1. little bag to put on hands (for new born, carter) 2. new born cloth 3. hat (2) 4. sock 5. sleepwear (0-3 month, 3) 6. 和尚衫(baby's rus 有) 7. 衣服一定要买连脚裤. 买0-3months别买newborn. 多买几件. 8. 100% cotton blanket 9. cotton square sheets (for wrapping baby) – 4 or more
for food 1. medela electric pump 2. feeding bottles (glass, 6, 4oz) - avent的,还有奶瓶消毒的(avent有microwave款的) - playtex ventaire (has less air) 3. nipple clipper 4. milk warmer (depends) 5. burp cloth and sleepsack
for nursing 1. 泵奶器(medela advanced) 2. nursing pad 3. breastfriend的喂奶枕头. 刚生完孩子最好别抱(以后手臂会疼),有这个枕头可以让宝宝直接躺在上头吃 4. nursing bra or tank 5. receiving blanket:喂奶用的小布布, 象手绢大小 6. breast milk storage bags 7. lansinoh: cream for painful nipples 8. nursing clothes: motherwear.com
gear & toy 1. swing (fisher-price) 2. stroller: graco 家的travel system不错 3. car seat: graco的 + snap n' go (很轻,比travel system要轻多了) 4. bouncer 5. 推荐babybjorn的baby carrier... 两个月开始就知道了... 一直要抱, 手酸死了... 有了它非常轻松, 还可以干自己的事情 6. baby safe mirror 7. colorful baby toys
others 1. thermometer for baby 2. baby manicure set 3. pacifier 4. baby comb and brush 5. baby medicine set
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 16:06:00的发言: Too much stuff! Are you gonna buy every thing that post in this list? 不可能,非破产不可 目前我自己计划要买的大件物品就是crib、carseat、swing、bath盆 其它的小东西慢慢囤吧,而且朋友可能会送一些,所以不着急买
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 15:58:00的发言: The crib that I bought from yard sale onle cost us $15. It is yard sale season now. If you pay attention, you may find some really good deal there. You can find millet in Ranch 99. Don't know if Trader Joes also has it. We may check it this weekend. BTW, cook the millet with red date (红枣) together is better. 我不知道哪里有yard sale,而且老公周末的时间不多,去买菜逛街时间就用完了。:( Cubilose是什么你还没告诉我呢
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 15:58:00的发言: The crib that I bought from yard sale onle cost us $15. It is yard sale season now. If you pay attention, you may find some really good deal there. You can find millet in Ranch 99. Don't know if Trader Joes also has it. We may check it this weekend. BTW, cook the millet with red date (红枣) together is better. 这么好的deal啊!我们这yard sale的crib还要100刀 !我等!!
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-14 16:36:00的发言: 我不知道哪里有yard sale,而且老公周末的时间不多,去买菜逛街时间就用完了。:( Cubilose是什么你还没告诉我呢 Cubilose=燕窝 We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 17:39:00的发言: Cubilose=燕窝 We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information. 燕窝不会买,也没经验就算了 你买的小米多少钱一磅。 LG的时间真的太少了,难过死了
以下是引用dudu2007在2007-5-14 16:55:00的发言: 这么好的deal啊!我们这yard sale的crib还要100刀 !我等!!The crib I bought might not be as fancy as nowadays, but it is good for use. $100 for a secondhand crib is ridiculous. You may bargain with the dealer.
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-5-14 17:45:00的发言: 燕窝不会买,也没经验就算了 你买的小米多少钱一磅。 LG的时间真的太少了,难过死了 You can't buy the millet by pound here. It is already packaged, but not pricy. About $1 per package.
以下是引用Promise在2007-5-14 17:39:00的发言: Cubilose=燕窝 We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information. That is a really good deal. My hubby's co-worker gave us a used baby carrier and a bouncer。We need to sanitize them, but don't know what to use? Any sugguestions?
以下是引用MisWaterMelon在2007-5-14 18:46:00的发言: That is a really good deal. My hubby's co-worker gave us a used baby carrier and a bouncer。We need to sanitize them, but don't know what to use? Any sugguestions? That is a good question. Actually, I don't think we need to sanitize the wood by sepcial detergent because those detergent may do some harm to the baby or parents. What I did is just totally clean the crib by clean water and put all new bedding stuff on it. Also, put the crib under the sunshine is a good way to kill some bacteria. If you really want to sanitize it, I think the surgery ethanol probably is a good choice since the alcohol is easy to volatilize. For the old stuff, I only accept the woody or metallic furniture. Never use the second-hand bedding stuff.
That is a good question. Actually, I don't think we need to sanitize the wood by sepcial detergent because those detergent may do some harm to the baby or parents. What I did is just totally clean the crib by clean water and put all new bedding stuff on it. Also, put the crib under the sunshine is a good way to kill some bacteria. If you really want to sanitize it, I think the surgery ethanol probably is a good choice since the alcohol is easy to volatilize. For the old stuff, I only accept the woody or metallic furniture. Never use the second-hand bedding stuff. Thanks! It is a good idea to put the baby carrier and the bouncer under the sun for sometime. That's a good way to kill some bacteria. And I will buy detergent that made from natural ingredient from organic market. That's if I find a product like that. [此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-14 19:10:35编辑过]
here is a deal on changing table: http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?DeptID=2652&CatID=41972&CatTyp=DEP&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=10b6808&ProdSeq=10&Cat=bedroom&Dep=Online+Outlet+Store&PCat=furniture&PCatID=41674&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=21&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=CategoryAll.aspx&RefCatID=41674&RefDeptID=2652&Page=2&CmCatId=2652|41674|41972 我不打算买changing table了,买个changing pad 在床上或者桌子上换。听说宝宝稍微大了一点在changing table上就不安分了,很容易掉下来的
我不打算买changing table了,买个changing pad 在床上或者桌子上换。听说宝宝稍微大了一点在changing table上就不安分了,很容易掉下来的 really? maybe I should also forget about it....
B超做回来了,这个小家伙开始还装有礼貌,挥挥手,后来就不老实了,发坏用脚踢我,还踢得是膀胱的位置。揭示迷底吧,这个小坏蛋是个男孩。 恭喜恭喜
好象是怀孕副作用之一,除了防晒,没什么好办法,不过生了小孩之后应该会自动消失。我现在脸色也不好,又不敢瞎用增白的东西,也不想用粉底,只好当阿丑了。 当娘的牺牲真大,脸蛋,身材,体质。。。。。。
B超做回来了,这个小家伙开始还装有礼貌,挥挥手,后来就不老实了,发坏用脚踢我,还踢得是膀胱的位置。揭示迷底吧,这个小坏蛋是个男孩。 宝宝真可爱,我家宝宝B超的时候也使劲踢我就好了 MM可以开始为宝宝购物了,幸福的妈妈
养孩子好像好多钱啊。好烦恼啊。。。 那个产前课我最近也要报了 Promise mm 你报的是哪几个班?我的coupon可以上2个免费的,一个birth的,一个是babycare的 你上的是什么时间的? 这种coupon上哪里找啊,我这边医院的课程好贵
大家现在都喜欢吃什么菜啊,我怎么越来越对自己做的菜失去兴趣了,不想吃。 唉,我也是。偶尔上外面吃,偶尔去朋友家蹭饭,调剂调剂。
B超做回来了,这个小家伙开始还装有礼貌,挥挥手,后来就不老实了,发坏用脚踢我,还踢得是膀胱的位置。揭示迷底吧,这个小坏蛋是个男孩。 哈哈,我猜对了,中奖啦!
大家准备把宝宝的床放在自己的房间里吗(我是指大人的房间哦) 今天去了BABIESRUS,CRIB都好大啊,真发愁没地方放啊。 唉,难受死了 我昨天也去看了几个crib。我们准备把宝宝的床放在自己的房间里一直到她6个月大为止。放在自己房间里的话晚上起来照顾宝宝比较方便
大家准备把宝宝的床放在自己的房间里吗(我是指大人的房间哦) 今天去了BABIESRUS,CRIB都好大啊,真发愁没地方放啊。 唉,难受死了 我们也准备把宝宝放在master room到六个月,可能需要把一个dresser挪到客房去。我们也想生之前先把宝宝的房间腾出来,放一些宝宝的东西。
MM还是提早register吧。不然那些好的时间会满的。特别的weekend的course. 多谢提醒,这几天研究了一下附近几个提供class的地方,明天就打电话去register。 不爽的就是附近birth preparation都没有什么便宜的,都要150刀以上,上breastfeeding等其他课程还得另外交钱
大家准备把宝宝的床放在自己的房间里吗(我是指大人的房间哦) 今天去了BABIESRUS,CRIB都好大啊,真发愁没地方放啊。 唉,难受死了 我昨天也去BRU了,crib差不多都是那么大的,但我自己感觉好像有高、矮的区别。 我们是打算放卧室里面,挨着大床放,changing table什么的就免了,到时候在大床上铺个防水的垫子来代替。我家只有两个卧室,父母过来的话就没有baby的房间了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-13 16:14:59编辑过]
唉,我也是。偶尔上外面吃,偶尔去朋友家蹭饭,调剂调剂。 same here 不过不是到朋友家蹭饭,因为朋友都不喜欢做饭 所以一般都是一起到外面吃吃玩玩
大家准备把宝宝的床放在自己的房间里吗(我是指大人的房间哦) 今天去了BABIESRUS,CRIB都好大啊,真发愁没地方放啊。 唉,难受死了 我们把crib组装好了,暂时放我们master bedroom 等她将来长大一些再去小房间好了
呵呵,此刻的我好幸福啊 老公在劳动 妈妈的材料全部整理完毕 刚刚收到信,得知下次的B超定在了31号 我在吃着樱桃灌水
昨晚多喝了几杯茶,结果到睡觉时间我儿子还在肚子里面不停地动,害我都没办法睡觉,直到早上六点才迷迷糊糊地睡过去。 晚上睡不着最可怜了 抱抱MM 不睡个午觉补一补吗?
晚上睡不着最可怜了 抱抱MM 不睡个午觉补一补吗? 泪~我这是自作孽不可活,谁让我喝了太多茶呢 现在正在床上躺着呢,觉得很困很累,但是睡不著,很frustrated,干脆在网上研究crib。 昨天问了个朋友,说一定要买side drop的,不然等宝宝长重了以后能把腰给累断了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-13 22:26:13编辑过]
我昨天也去BRU了,crib差不多都是那么大的,但我自己感觉好像有高、矮的区别。 我们是打算放卧室里面,挨着大床放,changing table什么的就免了,到时候在大床上铺个防水的垫子来代替。我家只有两个卧室,父母过来的话就没有baby的房间了。
大家现在都喜欢吃什么菜啊,我怎么越来越对自己做的菜失去兴趣了,不想吃。 什么菜都喜欢吃,除了肉,呵呵 昨天去COSTCO买了草莓 菠萝和哈密瓜。草莓好好吃哦 不过隔了 一天有的都黑了 早知道昨天放冰箱了。不知道草莓可否放冰箱,我不确定了,我知道荔枝不能放,一放的话壳都硬掉了,不好吃了
MM还是提早register吧。不然那些好的时间会满的。特别的weekend的course. 你们那里周末的课程是一天的吗 我这里是这样的,我想了想一天要上6个小时太可怕了,我打算6月开始上,然后一个礼拜一节,每周一次,上6周
我们也准备把宝宝放在master room到六个月,可能需要把一个dresser挪到客房去。我们也想生之前先把宝宝的房间腾出来,放一些宝宝的东西。 那刚开始的时候要喂奶什么的,是不是还要跑到另外的房间去呢
多谢提醒,这几天研究了一下附近几个提供class的地方,明天就打电话去register。 不爽的就是附近birth preparation都没有什么便宜的,都要150刀以上,上breastfeeding等其他课程还得另外交钱
我昨天也去BRU了,crib差不多都是那么大的,但我自己感觉好像有高、矮的区别。 我们是打算放卧室里面,挨着大床放,changing table什么的就免了,到时候在大床上铺个防水的垫子来代替。我家只有两个卧室,父母过来的话就没有baby的房间了。
我们把crib组装好了,暂时放我们master bedroom 等她将来长大一些再去小房间好了 亲爱滴,你买的什么样子的CRIB呀,瞅瞅
呵呵,此刻的我好幸福啊 老公在劳动 妈妈的材料全部整理完毕 刚刚收到信,得知下次的B超定在了31号 我在吃着樱桃灌水
好幸福啊,羡慕死我了。 此刻的我: 爸爸妈妈的材料还没有整理完毕 下次的B超定在15号 明天summer school的书还有5个chapter没有来得及看 人已经昏昏欲睡
现在正在床上躺着呢,觉得很困很累,但是睡不著,很frustrated,干脆在网上研究crib。 昨天问了个朋友,说一定要买side drop的,不然等宝宝长重了以后能把腰给累断了。
昨晚多喝了几杯茶,结果到睡觉时间我儿子还在肚子里面不停地动,害我都没办法睡觉,直到早上六点才迷迷糊糊地睡过去。 我没喝茶,宝宝也动个不停,今天临晨还被IT踢醒了。真不知道一天到晚激动什么,踢我的时间比安静的时间都多 宝宝在肚子里是不是不要睡觉休息的啊?真怀疑有多动症。是不是胎动太多也不好啊?
dear,你还有B超啊?不是已经做过了吗? 是呀,多旧桃MM怎么还有B超啊? 我们这第二LEVEL的B超后如果没有特殊情况就没有B超了 刺激我们,可以多看一次宝宝
我没喝茶,宝宝也动个不停,今天临晨还被IT踢醒了。真不知道一天到晚激动什么,踢我的时间比安静的时间都多 宝宝在肚子里是不是不要睡觉休息的啊?真怀疑有多动症。是不是胎动太多也不好啊?
是呀,多旧桃MM怎么还有B超啊? 我们这第二LEVEL的B超后如果没有特殊情况就没有B超了 刺激我们,可以多看一次宝宝 是啊,羡慕呢~~ 我都没有3D的照片,想让LG 去实验室给我照,他说他不会操作
那刚开始的时候要喂奶什么的,是不是还要跑到另外的房间去呢 我想在宝宝断奶前一直和我们在一个房间,这样喂起来方便好多。
我没喝茶,宝宝也动个不停,今天临晨还被IT踢醒了。真不知道一天到晚激动什么,踢我的时间比安静的时间都多 宝宝在肚子里是不是不要睡觉休息的啊?真怀疑有多动症。是不是胎动太多也不好啊?
不可能24小时一直动的吧。 MM别担心,宝宝动表示健康呢 我现在好像白天也开始动了,不过我当时在外面,不能非常具体的感觉,就是觉得小腹有点感觉,应该是胎动 当然不是24小时,但最多2,3个小时就会感觉到好一阵胎动 真的特频繁
是啊,羡慕呢~~ 我都没有3D的照片,想让LG 去实验室给我照,他说他不会操作
买东西都让我郁闷坏了。 谁可以给我一个最齐全的LIST呀? BRU门口有很多宣传单,我拿了一张上面有齐全list的,好多东西啊,要都买了非破产不可。
MM打算买哪款 还没决定呢。你有中意的吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-13 22:20:39编辑过]
我没喝茶,宝宝也动个不停,今天临晨还被IT踢醒了。真不知道一天到晚激动什么,踢我的时间比安静的时间都多 宝宝在肚子里是不是不要睡觉休息的啊?真怀疑有多动症。是不是胎动太多也不好啊?
dear,你还有B超啊?不是已经做过了吗? 你看我真是昏了。。。 不是B超,是常规检查而已。
当然不是24小时,但最多2,3个小时就会感觉到好一阵胎动 真的特频繁 我家这个也特别爱动 我前天早上被她折腾醒过来的 而且她力气很大诶!!!!
呵呵,此刻的我好幸福啊 老公在劳动 妈妈的材料全部整理完毕 刚刚收到信,得知下次的B超定在了31号 我在吃着樱桃灌水
大家现在都喜欢吃什么菜啊,我怎么越来越对自己做的菜失去兴趣了,不想吃。 我时不时去文学 城私房小菜看看,胃口就有了,主意也有了,然后找两个简单的做。偶尔出去吃也行,换换口味。
我在IKEA买的白色的 还没来得及拍照呢 等我把它打扮好了给你看哦!
严重show off! 我在超市看到樱桃,居然要$4.99一磅,没舍得买。正惦记着呢,还被你来馋
我最近觉得生了孩子就是一个累赘呀,也不能随便出去玩,又要多花很多钱.房子又要换大,还要雇人照顾,自己的工作也受影响.有没有人这样的小depress呀. 可是看到LG那么喜欢小孩子,每次看到别人的孩子都眉开眼笑;虽然他工作超忙,没太多时间照顾,可是一定爱的不行. 我刚发现怀孕时经常觉得很沮丧,觉得以后好日子就到头了,现在反而好了,觉得反正总得过这一关。我刚买了房子,公司福利又不好,发现自己工资损失将不小,以后还有什么day care之类的要操心,总之真麻烦。
我最近觉得生了孩子就是一个累赘呀,也不能随便出去玩,又要多花很多钱.房子又要换大,还要雇人照顾,自己的工作也受影响.有没有人这样的小depress呀. 可是看到LG那么喜欢小孩子,每次看到别人的孩子都眉开眼笑;虽然他工作超忙,没太多时间照顾,可是一定爱的不行. 我最近也开始难受了,孩子是我想先要的,LG最近和我一起看宝宝的东西,现在开始都会说好可爱哦,真好,什么什么的。 可是我却在烦恼,孩子的床啊,车啊,还想赶紧能申请到学校的2房,这样也宽裕一些,可是我们现在的房子要到9月,lease才到期呢。我好矛盾啊,一边想赶紧申请到学校的房子,一边又在烦恼万一申请到了,现在的房子怎么办
你看我真是昏了。。。 不是B超,是常规检查而已。
没看到有樱桃,还没在美国吃过樱桃呢,嘿嘿,啥时候是樱桃的季节,这样樱桃可以 又好吃又不贵
好象樱桃旺季是夏天,还要再等三个月。我去农场摘过樱桃,真好吃呀。现在有了小猪,哪儿也去不了了。 还可以去农场啊,真好。 MM是在加州吗 我昨天在COSTCO买了草莓,巨好吃
还可以去农场啊,真好。 MM是在加州吗 我昨天在COSTCO买了草莓,巨好吃
大家吃燕窝了吗? 听说好多人怀孕前两三个月就开始吃了,对宝宝对妈妈都特别好。 我前两天才想起来,是不是太晚啦?买了那种小灌装的两大盒,先吃起来再说。 周末打算去买燕窝,自己回来炖,真材实料!! 没吃哎!宝宝该笨了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-14 13:44:15编辑过]
CRIB已经装好了。。。。。 是同学给的,木头的,很结实, 昨天晚上送到家里来,但是没有任何图纸,俺当然不怕, 怎么说也是实验室民工,多年senior engineer的经验。然后就开始和老公一起装,老公是个号称思维型人才,就没有打算他能帮上多少。后来,后来,装的过程中所有的疑惑,竟然竟然都是他解释并搞定的。。。。。最后他还问我一句:是不是你怀孕变笨了。。。。。我哭。。。。 后来我们打算放到bedroom里面,门是75cm, crib 是78cm。。。这时俺终于发挥出多年来实验室民工的经验,走到们后面, 把门闩一拆(只要对准, 撞拆很容易,3秒钟搞定),整个门懈下,crib就可以轻松推进房间了。然后再轻松装上门闩。。。。嘻嘻嘻嘻。。。。。。搞定!!!!!总算可以心理平衡一下了。。。 我们家的crib,需要 52inch * 27.25inch *6inch 的matress, 目前还没有,妹妹们都打算买么? 就算6inch, 我还是觉得太浅了,都是因为俺个头不高。。。。有没有考虑再用什么垫一下的? 希望赶快弄好,这样我就可以开始我的sewing project 给BB做crib bedding了,都有好多idea了。。。。。好期待阿。。。到时候设计一做,图纸一画,俺做外观美丽的部分,外包给我娘做内衬(因为国内都是好棉花)。。。。。。
Mm太能干了!连门都会拆!!今天刚看了个帖子有mm问crib般不进屋的问题。 上个pp吧
Mm太能干了!连门都会拆!!今天刚看了个帖子有mm问crib般不进屋的问题。 上个pp吧
9月妈妈们, 有没有兴趣开始给小朋友做sewing 啊,好想和大家交流阿,,然后自己设计自己做,,,,俺想成立BB sewing club,,,大家捧场阿。。。。。。要求似乎只要一个sewing machine.....然后就是热爱自己动手小制作。。。。。。
谢谢dudu 妹妹,晚上上片片, 昨天装好后,老公就照了好多了。。。。。。
9月妈妈们, 有没有兴趣开始给小朋友做sewing 啊,好想和大家交流阿,,然后自己设计自己做,,,,俺想成立BB sewing club,,,大家捧场阿。。。。。。要求似乎只要一个sewing machine.....然后就是热爱自己动手小制作。。。。。。
I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up
I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up
大家吃燕窝了吗? 听说好多人怀孕前两三个月就开始吃了,对宝宝对妈妈都特别好。 我前两天才想起来,是不是太晚啦?买了那种小灌装的两大盒,先吃起来再说。 周末打算去买燕窝,自己回来炖,真材实料!! 刚怀孕就吃,我吃的是我妈买回来干的那种,我妈觉的自己做的比较货真价实,营养成分也高,但是比较不好处理,必须把里面残留的毛毛给挑干净,还得泡水,比较麻烦.价格也都不便宜,我妈买的是1600一斤的.每次煮一大碗,大口大口的吃跟吃粉丝似的(好贵的粉丝!!!). 最近LG自己弄给我吃,他没处理好,有点腥.一闻那味儿就想吐.已经好几天没再吃了.也没见我的皮肤好到哪里去,仍旧是一脸的豆子,连我妈看到我也说我象个猪头,燕窝算是白吃了
大家吃燕窝了吗? 听说好多人怀孕前两三个月就开始吃了,对宝宝对妈妈都特别好。 我前两天才想起来,是不是太晚啦?买了那种小灌装的两大盒,先吃起来再说。 周末打算去买燕窝,自己回来炖,真材实料!! 我倒是想吃珍珠粉啊
I bought my baby's woody crib from yard sale and it was pretty easy to set up
I didn't eat anything special in the frist trimester. Just all kinds of vegetable, fruits, meat and cereal products. Now I add the millet porridge as dinner 'cause the millet is really good for the baby's growth. Cubilose is a good nourishment. But maybe don't need to eat it everyday. It's better to eat seafood and bean products 1-2 times everyweek. It's said "用燕窝来补充营养作用不大,它甚至还不如鸡蛋、鱼、牛奶、肉、猪蹄等。"
millet 是国内的小米吗?在哪里可以买到比较好的? Cubilose是什么呢
1. eurobath (0-24month)—baby r us
2. bath towels
3. cotton balls
4. cotton applicators
5. burt's bee's baby hair wash
6. nail clipper
7. wash cloth (4)
8. 小孩洗澡用品 - aveeno
9. q-tip+rubbing alcohol
10. 酒精用来给baby 擦脐带, 要用棉签沾. 棉签还可以用来沾baby oil 去baby 头上的硬痂.
11. 洗澡盆: 我们就在越南店买的7块钱的那种, 也挺好的...就原来小时候洗的就够
for pee & poo
1. diaper (pamper): 尿布 (pamper n号)diaper买pamper... huggies兜得不是特别好. 别买太多...
2. baby wipe
3. a+d (涂宝宝pp,治疗尿布rash的)
4. diaper genie (很有用)
5. aveeno diaper rash cream
6. 几盒wipes
7. changing table 及垫子(ikea的气垫子)
8. petroleum jelly 摸pp上1防尿布疹2new born baby's poopoo 很粘, 不好擦. 用了jelly不会粘在宝宝皮肤上
9. diaper bag (ask hospital for free sample)
10. baby changing pad
for sleeping
1. crib (emily 3 in 1) or 我家的是买了只装3面,一面紧靠床
2. mattress (seally posturepedic)
3. fitted sheet (all around, 100% cotton bought 1)
4. quick zip (bought one set and one extra top, no need for sheet anymore)
5. mobile
6. receiving blanket (100% cotton, 4-5) and swaddleme, don’t know which one will work better.
for clothing
1. little bag to put on hands (for new born, carter)
2. new born cloth
3. hat (2)
4. sock
5. sleepwear (0-3 month, 3)
6. 和尚衫(baby's rus 有)
7. 衣服一定要买连脚裤. 买0-3months别买newborn. 多买几件.
8. 100% cotton blanket
9. cotton square sheets (for wrapping baby) – 4 or more
for baby laundry
1. dreft cloth detergent
2. hangers
3. basket
for food
1. medela electric pump
2. feeding bottles (glass, 6, 4oz)
- avent的,还有奶瓶消毒的(avent有microwave款的)
- playtex ventaire (has less air)
3. nipple clipper
4. milk warmer (depends)
5. burp cloth and sleepsack
for nursing
1. 泵奶器(medela advanced)
2. nursing pad
3. breastfriend的喂奶枕头. 刚生完孩子最好别抱(以后手臂会疼),有这个枕头可以让宝宝直接躺在上头吃
4. nursing bra or tank
5. receiving blanket:喂奶用的小布布, 象手绢大小
6. breast milk storage bags
7. lansinoh: cream for painful nipples
8. nursing clothes: motherwear.com
gear & toy
1. swing (fisher-price)
2. stroller: graco 家的travel system不错
3. car seat: graco的 + snap n' go (很轻,比travel system要轻多了)
4. bouncer
5. 推荐babybjorn的baby carrier... 两个月开始就知道了... 一直要抱, 手酸死了... 有了它非常轻松, 还可以干自己的事情
6. baby safe mirror
7. colorful baby toys
1. thermometer for baby
2. baby manicure set
3. pacifier
4. baby comb and brush
5. baby medicine set
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-14 16:06:04编辑过]
谢谢dudu 妹妹,晚上上片片, 昨天装好后,老公就照了好多了。。。。。。
9月妈妈们, 有没有兴趣开始给小朋友做sewing 啊,好想和大家交流阿,,然后自己设计自己做,,,,俺想成立BB sewing club,,,大家捧场阿。。。。。。要求似乎只要一个sewing machine.....然后就是热爱自己动手小制作。。。。。。
mm真是巧手准妈妈。 我也想自己做来着,只是没有缝纫经验,而且对自己的灵巧程度完全没有信心,估计到最后会变成自己做比较浪费钱。 真羡慕能给自己baby做东西的妈妈们
The crib that I bought from yard sale onle cost us $15
The crib that I bought from yard sale onle cost us $15
我不知道哪里有yard sale,而且老公周末的时间不多,去买菜逛街时间就用完了。:( Cubilose是什么你还没告诉我呢 Cubilose=燕窝
We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information.
We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information.
这么好的deal啊!我们这yard sale的crib还要100刀
燕窝不会买,也没经验就算了 你买的小米多少钱一磅。 LG的时间真的太少了,难过死了
大家吃燕窝了吗? 听说好多人怀孕前两三个月就开始吃了,对宝宝对妈妈都特别好。 我前两天才想起来,是不是太晚啦?买了那种小灌装的两大盒,先吃起来再说。 周末打算去买燕窝,自己回来炖,真材实料!! 我没有吃。但是想吃又不知道去哪里买。MM是在哪里买的? 我有点担心会不会买到假的。
You can't buy the millet by pound here.
We didn't go to yard sale on porpuse. Just happened to see them on the way home. Also, if you would like, you may pay attention to the Friday's newspaper. The classified ads. item has some yard sale information.
That is a really good deal. My hubby's co-worker gave us a used baby carrier and a bouncer。We need to sanitize them, but don't know what to use? Any sugguestions?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-5-14 19:10:35编辑过]