以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 12:51:00的发言: My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy. a boy! the group has two boys until now. cong!!!!!!!
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 12:51:00的发言: My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy. 我们又有一个小王子, , 恭喜恭喜。强烈要 show 肚皮,及宝宝pp以示庆祝。
Thanks to you all! Actually I knew my baby's gender ONE month ago and my baby's ultrasonic photos were took also one month ago. Now, I am in my 22th week. BTW, my due day is Sep 4th.
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 14:50:00的发言: Thanks to you all! Actually I knew my baby's gender ONE month ago and my baby's ultrasonic photos were took also one month ago. Now, I am in my 22th week. BTW, my due day is Sep 4th. 我是Sep 5th,比MM晚一天。 麻烦灵妹妹帮我在第一页改一下哦,谢谢
我是Sep 5th,比MM晚一天。 麻烦灵妹妹帮我在第一页改一下哦,谢谢 Since we are all with boys, I think we might give birth to them by the end of August. You know, boy always comes before due day.
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-25 18:50:00的发言: 我猜是女儿? 我也是比较想要儿子呀,我觉得第一个宝宝是儿子的话可能好带一些。以前我是想女儿的,毕竟可以帮她打扮什么的,比较好玩。后来我PP说了一句要是第一个是男的,后面怎么生都没关系了,我越来越觉得对,是不是思想太守旧了啊 Don't mind what your morther-in-law has said. It's your child, you are gonna love the baby whoever the baby is--a boy or a girl!
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 12:51:00的发言: My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy. cong~~ show pp of ur belly 嘻嘻 什么时候检查出来的呀,也不上来报告一下!:( 惩罚你给大家奔PP啊~!
以下是引用菜头在2007-4-25 18:53:00的发言: 恭喜MM们 今天见医生听了个不好的消息,AFP检查通过了,却意外发现唐氏没通过。可我明明first trimester screening通过了的。医生叫我不要相信这次的,我也只能这样安慰自己了。现在只等下个星期BC的时候再确认下了 Take it easy. There is a lot of false positive in Down's Syndrom Screen. I did the amniocentesis finally and it turned out my baby is perfectly normal. Also, my baby's ultrasonic result was all right too.
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-25 18:57:00的发言: cong~~ show pp of ur belly 嘻嘻 什么时候检查出来的呀,也不上来报告一下!:( 惩罚你给大家奔PP啊~! ;-) I knew this one month ago and I just wanted to wait until everything was confirmed all right. I will show the PP but it takes time. Be a little bit patient.
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 18:55:00的发言: Don't mind what your morther-in-law has said. It's your child, you are gonna love the baby whoever the baby is--a boy or a girl! 说实话,我现在都不知道怎样好,觉得如果希望是男孩,万一这个是女孩的话就觉得对不起她~~ 但是内心还是希望男孩吧,男孩好带一些,花钱也许不比女孩多....
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 19:01:00的发言: Take it easy. There is a lot of false positive in Down's Syndrom Screen. I did the amniocentesis finally and it turned out my baby is perfectly normal. Also, my baby's ultrasonic result was all right too. 羊水穿刺疼不疼,我怕万一我也需要做这样的决定的话,到底是做还是不做,我对疼痛的忍耐度非常低
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 19:05:00的发言: ;-) I knew this one month ago and I just wanted to wait until everything was confirmed all right. I will show the PP but it takes time. Be a little bit patient. 嘿嘿,我会耐心等待的,一直等到pp出现为止... 想想再过几个月后就要见到我们的宝宝,心情有些小激动,到时候大家就不是讨论孕经了,而是养育宝宝了,呵呵
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-25 19:12:00的发言: 说实话,我现在都不知道怎样好,觉得如果希望是男孩,万一这个是女孩的话就觉得对不起她~~ 但是内心还是希望男孩吧,男孩好带一些,花钱也许不比女孩多.... I feel like, now, the only thing that we need to consider is the healthy growth of our babies. That is the most important thing.
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-25 19:16:00的发言: 羊水穿刺疼不疼,我怕万一我也需要做这样的决定的话,到底是做还是不做,我对疼痛的忍耐度非常低 It does hurt you more than a blood drawing. Just take it easy, and at that time, you would not care about your own pain. The only thing in your mind is to pray your baby be healthy.
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 19:18:00的发言: I feel like, now, the only thing that we need to consider is the healthy growth of our babies. That is the most important thing. yeah~!reply u in english~~hiahia~~
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 19:22:00的发言: It does hurt you more than a blood drawing. Just take it easy, and at that time, you would not care about your own pain. The only thing in your mind is to pray your baby be healthy. 不比抽血疼是吗?那就好。
以下是引用Promise在2007-4-25 18:51:00的发言: Since we are all with boys, I think we might give birth to them by the end of August. You know, boy always comes before due day. 我的是妹妹啦
You can choose activities and diet to avoid constipation
Exercise regularlyDrink plenty of liquidsIncrease your fiber intake.
Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber cereals. Use fiber supplements like Metamucil® or Citrucel®. Even with a healthy, balanced diet, the fiber content may not be adequate. Although you may think of Metamucil and Citrucel as laxatives, they are simply a concentrated source of fiber, and therefore safely serve a useful purpose. The powder forms work better than tablets for most people. Be sure to drink a lot of liquids! Fiber supplements are safe even if taken on a daily basis.
Pick a time of day to routinely try to move your bowels. Many people find that trying to have a BM after breakfast or after a cup of coffee is better than waiting until they feel the urge. Rushing around all day ignoring the mild signals you get from your body is not conducive to normal bowel function!" <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-8389396664477854"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel = ""; google_color_border = "FFFFFF"; google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; google_color_link = "0000FF"; google_color_text = "000000"; google_color_url = "008000"; //--></script> [此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-26 0:02:10编辑过]
You can choose activities and diet to avoid constipation
Exercise regularlyDrink plenty of liquidsIncrease your fiber intake.
Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and high-fiber cereals. Use fiber supplements like Metamucil® or Citrucel®. Even with a healthy, balanced diet, the fiber content may not be adequate. Although you may think of Metamucil and Citrucel as laxatives, they are simply a concentrated source of fiber, and therefore safely serve a useful purpose. The powder forms work better than tablets for most people. Be sure to drink a lot of liquids! Fiber supplements are safe even if taken on a daily basis.
Pick a time of day to routinely try to move your bowels. Many people find that trying to have a BM after breakfast or after a cup of coffee is better than waiting until they feel the urge. Rushing around all day ignoring the mild signals you get from your body is not conducive to normal bowel function!"<script type="text/javascript"></script>
呵呵, 是女孩,跟我估计得一样。technician说,女孩子那里通常可以看到很清楚的3根小骨头,我们家的那位就是如此,如果是男生的话,中间会有一根凸起的骨头超过并列的那两根,我们家的没有。
又研究了一遍,还是没有看懂 算了,不管怎么样,恭喜灵妹妹的小公主 我们的公主团队又壮大了!!
呵呵, 我也稍稍有一点失望,因为劳工很想要男孩。没关系,只要是健健康康的就好,看到她的小心脏在很有力的跳动,莫名其妙的就想哭。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-24 16:38:44编辑过]
以下是引用灵妹妹在2007-4-24 16:35:00的发言:
呵呵, 我也稍稍有一点失望,因为劳工很想要男孩。没关系,只要是健健康康的就好,看到她的小心脏在很有力的跳动,莫名其妙的就想哭。
以下是引用灵妹妹在2007-4-24 16:29:00的发言:
呵呵, 是女孩,跟我估计得一样。technician说,女孩子那里通常可以看到很清楚的3根小骨头,我们家的那位就是如此,如果是男生的话,中间会有一根凸起的骨头超过并列的那两根,我们家的没有。
又研究了一遍,还是没有看懂 算了,不管怎么样,恭喜灵妹妹的小公主 我们的公主团队又壮大了!! technician 先说女生就可以很清楚看到3根骨头,我仔细一看还真是,在我看得过程中她说怎么看男生,我可能miss了一点东西,等我再听时,她说到那个突起,我猜测,如果是小男生,会不会多于3根骨头?
对了,我今天问了ヅ痰奈恢煤貌缓茫蛩徊还唬ΡΧ嘀氐任侍猓劣诟鞲銎鞴俚那榭觯?医生会一边看一边跟你说。 我发现我是一个十分不称职的老妈 我当时激动的啥都没问
明后天,又有三位mm 要做B 超了,luckpig,Zxcc,dudu2007 ,等着你们的好消息。对了,我今天问了胎盘的位置好不好,羊水够不够,宝宝多重等问题,至于各个器官的情况, 医生会一边看一边跟你说。 恭喜灵mm! 我把你问的问题都抄下来了,后天也去问!
恭喜灵mm! 我把你问的问题都抄下来了,后天也去问!
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-24 22:12:12编辑过]
等mm回来报告哈!呵呵 说说你的怀孕特征,让俺们猜猜~~
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-24 20:40:00的发言:
等mm回来报告哈!呵呵 说说你的怀孕特征,让俺们猜猜~~ 嗯,特征,好像不太明显。。。 前三个月吐得厉害,但睡眠很差,一点不嗜睡。现在好了,每天睡8-9个小时。喜欢吃icecream和watermelon(这个有关系吗?)。至今也没有胎动。 lg一心想要个女儿,我以前想要儿子,看他那么热心,而且想想女儿毕竟贴心,现在倒无所谓了。明天就要揭晓啦,可要等到下午。。。 没关系,多晚都没关系,我们等。。。。。
以下是引用蔷薇香气在2007-4-24 22:13:00的发言:
不大不大,俺们的差不多^_^ 蔷薇MM觉得睡觉的时候有负担了吗? 我平躺时间要长一些的时候,已经开始觉得呼吸困难了。 晚上睡觉什么姿势都觉得不舒服。 我好像没有这种感觉,有可能我的肚子的确比mm小。昨天我问ob睡觉姿势的问题,我习惯朝右睡,可书上说朝左睡比较好。 ob 说只要是侧睡就没问题,现在我睡觉醒来时,如果发现是右睡的,就换左睡,如果是左睡的, 就换右睡,老是一种姿势睡觉很难受。
以下是引用灵妹妹在2007-4-24 22:25:00的发言:
不大不大,mm皮肤好白,好羡慕。我觉得我现在的肚子和你差不多,不过不太像三角形,倒有点像驼峰。 驼峰?是不是胃和肚子中间有一点凹进去? 我觉得是我的胃被撑太大,和肚子连为一体了,呵呵 呵呵,我是从上往下看,觉得肚子凸起的样子像驼峰。
My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy.
My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy.
My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy. 我们又有一个小王子,
刚做完B超回来,是个BOY!!哈哈哈,让我大笑三声先 其实俺今天做的不是大B超,而是上次B超发现俺卵巢有个小囊肿,OB要求我今天再做一次看看有没有变大。 做的时候才搞笑来,医生操作的时候老公一直闷不作声的看,看到小鸡鸡时突然大喊一声:“MALE!”把俺和医生都吓了一跳。结果那个纯种洋医生居然说:“没有?WHAT没有”原来她能听懂一点中文,汗死 明天见了OB才能预约啥时候做大B超,郁闷,看来下个月才能知道宝宝的发育情况了 恭喜恭喜,有三位小王子了,我还奇怪为什么我们都是小公主呢,没准以后的都是小王子了。
-- 作者:suppersunnny
刚做完B超回来,是个BOY!!哈哈哈,让我大笑三声先 其实俺今天做的不是大B超,而是上次B超发现俺卵巢有个小囊肿,OB要求我今天再做一次看看有没有变大。 做的时候才搞笑来,医生操作的时候老公一直闷不作声的看,看到小鸡鸡时突然大喊一声:“MALE!”把俺和医生都吓了一跳。结果那个纯种洋医生居然说:“没有?WHAT没有”原来她能听懂一点中文,汗死 明天见了OB才能预约啥时候做大B超,郁闷,看来下个月才能知道宝宝的发育情况了 恭喜恭喜,有三位小王子了,我还奇怪为什么我们都是小公主呢,没准以后的都是小王子了。
Thanks to you all!
我是Sep 5th,比MM晚一天。 麻烦灵妹妹帮我在第一页改一下哦,谢谢
-- 作者:suppersunnny
刚做完B超回来,是个BOY!!哈哈哈,让我大笑三声先 其实俺今天做的不是大B超,而是上次B超发现俺卵巢有个小囊肿,OB要求我今天再做一次看看有没有变大。 做的时候才搞笑来,医生操作的时候老公一直闷不作声的看,看到小鸡鸡时突然大喊一声:“MALE!”把俺和医生都吓了一跳。结果那个纯种洋医生居然说:“没有?WHAT没有”原来她能听懂一点中文,汗死 明天见了OB才能预约啥时候做大B超,郁闷,看来下个月才能知道宝宝的发育情况了 恭喜恭喜,有三位小王子了,我还奇怪为什么我们都是小公主呢,没准以后的都是小王子了。
我是Sep 5th,比MM晚一天。 麻烦灵妹妹帮我在第一页改一下哦,谢谢
是不是怀男宝宝的妈妈的肚皮真的比较尖? 等着看MM来秀秀,嘿嘿
蔷薇MM觉得睡觉的时候有负担了吗? 我平躺时间要长一些的时候,已经开始觉得呼吸困难了。 晚上睡觉什么姿势都觉得不舒服。 有啊,觉得怎么睡都不舒服了,不知道是不是床垫太软的缘故,可是以前也不觉得床垫软啊。现在是右侧稍微舒服一点,但是睡右侧又不好,我一般都是可以左侧睡,然后后面就不自觉的往中间翻,到醒了的时候就是右侧了。是不是要买一个那种大枕头(好贵啊,50多刀),有mm买了的吗
我猜是女儿? 我也是比较想要儿子呀,我觉得第一个宝宝是儿子的话可能好带一些。以前我是想女儿的,毕竟可以帮她打扮什么的,比较好玩。后来我PP说了一句要是第一个是男的,后面怎么生都没关系了,我越来越觉得对,是不是思想太守旧了啊
My parents got the visa yesterday! I am so happy! They will come and take care of my little boy.
恭喜MM们 今天见医生听了个不好的消息,AFP检查通过了,却意外发现唐氏没通过。可我明明first trimester screening通过了的。医生叫我不要相信这次的,我也只能这样安慰自己了。现在只等下个星期BC的时候再确认下了 Take it easy. There is a lot of false positive in Down's Syndrom Screen. I did the amniocentesis finally and it turned out my baby is perfectly normal. Also, my baby's ultrasonic result was all right too.
anybody wanna more than one baby? I want 3 babies,if I can raise them.
cong~~ show pp of ur belly 嘻嘻 什么时候检查出来的呀,也不上来报告一下!:( 惩罚你给大家奔PP啊~!
回来汇报。我家的是个妹妹。刚从医院回来的路上我就想好了小名叫:楚楚。好像做妈的能感应到似的,从怀孕开始,别人问我,我就说可能是妹妹。 我家妹妹手脚动的很厉害,护士还问我是否能感觉到胎动,我说没有,她就说很快就有了。其实我在想,有的时候即使她动,我可能也不知道那就是胎动的感觉。 楚楚动人啊~~ 恭喜 zxcc MM~~
恭喜MM们 今天见医生听了个不好的消息,AFP检查通过了,却意外发现唐氏没通过。可我明明first trimester screening通过了的。医生叫我不要相信这次的,我也只能这样安慰自己了。现在只等下个星期BC的时候再确认下了 菜头mm不要担心,一定没事的! 我连电话都不想打,其实是不敢打,到下个月检查那天再知道也一样,豁出去了!
Don't mind what your morther-in-law has said. It's your child, you are gonna love the baby whoever the baby is--a boy or a girl!
说真的,大家想要男孩还是女孩啊 我都不知道自己想要男要女 我也不知道,就希望ta能健康可爱! 在这里祈祷一下,不管ta是男孩女孩,只要健康就好~~~~!
Take it easy. There is a lot of false positive in Down's Syndrom Screen. I did the amniocentesis finally and it turned out my baby is perfectly normal. Also, my baby's ultrasonic result was all right too.
;-) I knew this one month ago and I just wanted to wait until everything was confirmed all right. I will show the PP but it takes time. Be a little bit patient.
说实话,我现在都不知道怎样好,觉得如果希望是男孩,万一这个是女孩的话就觉得对不起她~~ 但是内心还是希望男孩吧,男孩好带一些,花钱也许不比女孩多....
I feel like, now, the only thing that we need to consider is the healthy growth of our babies. That is the most important thing.
It does hurt you more than a blood drawing. Just take it easy, and at that time, you would not care about your own pain. The only thing in your mind is to pray your baby be healthy.
说真的,大家想要男孩还是女孩啊 我都不知道自己想要男要女 都想要,
恭喜MM们 今天见医生听了个不好的消息,AFP检查通过了,却意外发现唐氏没通过。可我明明first trimester screening通过了的。医生叫我不要相信这次的,我也只能这样安慰自己了。现在只等下个星期BC的时候再确认下了 mm 别担心,宝宝一定健康。
anybody wanna more than one baby? 呵呵, 我也希望要三个。
呵呵, 我也希望要三个。 时间表如何,老大几岁的时候要老二呀
我的也是个妹妹~~ 恭喜恭喜,有了贴心小棉袄。 我们以后一起讨论怎么打扮我们的小公主。
以下是引用灵妹妹在2007-4-25 19:49:00的发言:
呵呵, 我也希望要三个。 时间表如何,老大几岁的时候要老二呀 想下胎生只小老虎。
回来汇报。我家的是个妹妹。刚从医院回来的路上我就想好了小名叫:楚楚。好像做妈的能感应到似的,从怀孕开始,别人问我,我就说可能是妹妹。 我家妹妹手脚动的很厉害,护士还问我是否能感觉到胎动,我说没有,她就说很快就有了。其实我在想,有的时候即使她动,我可能也不知道那就是胎动的感觉。 好好听的名字,楚楚动人,以后一定是个小美女。
-- 作者:蔷薇香气
我是Sep 5th,比MM晚一天。 麻烦灵妹妹帮我在第一页改一下哦,谢谢 已经改了,大家看看还有什么要改的,要加的,尽管说啊,别客气。
我想问问孕妇胸罩哪里买比较好。我胸部大了一些了,可能过些日子就非要换不可了。我想买3个好一些的,换着穿就好了 我在target 买的,那里好像size 和样式比较多一点, 而且不是很贵。
- 作者:蔷薇香气
我想问问孕妇胸罩哪里买比较好。我胸部大了一些了,可能过些日子就非要换不可了。我想买3个好一些的,换着穿就好了 我在target 买的,那里好像size 和样式比较多一点, 而且不是很贵。 是孕妇胸罩吗?还是哺乳胸罩?我都分不清
菜头mm不要担心,一定没事的! 我连电话都不想打,其实是不敢打,到下个月检查那天再知道也一样,豁出去了!
- 作者:蔷薇香气
我想问问孕妇胸罩哪里买比较好。我胸部大了一些了,可能过些日子就非要换不可了。我想买3个好一些的,换着穿就好了 我在target 买的,那里好像size 和样式比较多一点, 而且不是很贵。 是孕妇胸罩吗?还是哺乳胸罩?我都分不清 哦,我就是买的普通的胸罩,只是大一点size, 哺乳胸罩很不一样的,前面可以打开直接喂奶的。
Since we are all with boys, I think we might give birth to them by the end of August. You know, boy always comes before due day.
anybody wanna more than one baby? me! If everything goes well with the first one :)
I want 3 babies,if I can raise them.
哦,我就是买的普通的胸罩,只是大一点size, 哺乳胸罩很不一样的,前面可以打开直接喂奶的。 我只大了一点点,只有一个罩杯。而且因为以前超级小,现在也只有A 好羡慕大家变大那么明显哦!! 我还指望靠怀孕再度发育呢
以下是引用灵妹妹在2007-4-25 20:51:00的发言:我只大了一点点,只有一个罩杯。而且因为以前超级小,现在也只有A 好羡慕大家变大那么明显哦!! 我还指望靠怀孕再度发育呢 Pat, pat, 据说到快生之前还会长得很大,我也只长大了半个cup, size 大了一号
"Non-medical treatments:
You can choose activities and diet to avoid constipation
Exercise regularlyDrink plenty of liquidsIncrease
your fiber intake.
Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and
high-fiber cereals. Use fiber supplements like Metamucil® or Citrucel®.
Even with a healthy, balanced diet, the fiber content may not be
adequate. Although you may think of Metamucil and Citrucel as
laxatives, they are simply a concentrated source of fiber, and
therefore safely serve a useful purpose. The powder forms work better
than tablets for most people. Be sure to drink a lot of liquids! Fiber
supplements are safe even if taken on a daily basis.
Pick a
time of day to routinely try to move your bowels. Many people find that
trying to have a BM after breakfast or after a cup of coffee is better
than waiting until they feel the urge. Rushing around all day ignoring
the mild signals you get from your body is not conducive to normal
bowel function!"
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[此贴子已经被作者于2007-4-26 0:02:10编辑过]
求助: 我便秘两天了~怎么办? 以前一天一次很正常的,现在好难受啊 不知道matamucil可以吃么?姐妹们有什么办法帮帮我。
求助: 我便秘两天了~怎么办? 以前一天一次很正常的,现在好难受啊 不知道matamucil可以吃么?姐妹们有什么办法帮帮我。
mm别急, 看看这个网址, http://www.drspock.com/article/0,1510,4403,00.html.
"Non-medical treatments:
You can choose activities and diet to avoid constipation
Exercise regularlyDrink plenty of liquidsIncrease
your fiber intake.
Eat fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and
high-fiber cereals. Use fiber supplements like Metamucil® or Citrucel®.
Even with a healthy, balanced diet, the fiber content may not be
adequate. Although you may think of Metamucil and Citrucel as
laxatives, they are simply a concentrated source of fiber, and
therefore safely serve a useful purpose. The powder forms work better
than tablets for most people. Be sure to drink a lot of liquids! Fiber
supplements are safe even if taken on a daily basis.
Pick a
time of day to routinely try to move your bowels. Many people find that
trying to have a BM after breakfast or after a cup of coffee is better
than waiting until they feel the urge. Rushing around all day ignoring
the mild signals you get from your body is not conducive to normal
bowel function!"<script type="text/javascript"></script>
谢谢灵妹妹 我家里正好有metamucil,我现在去喝一杯,然后散步去,希望到晚上就见效!