以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-11 11:36:00的发言: 我打算等19.99再买一件平仓 平仓is not as good as getting one at the lowest price ah. you don't need so many clothes of the same style. I haven't bought anything from jcrew since december 26th
以下是引用jessicag在2007-1-11 11:40:00的发言: 平仓is not as good as getting one at the lowest price ah. you don't need so many clothes of the same style. I haven't bought anything from jcrew since december 26th 算了我都买了。实在不行就去换班把
以下是引用cosmo在2007-1-11 7:22:00的发言: 幸好我今天睡不着,在网上乱转,结果看到更新。拔了sherpa-lined hoodie的草。sale的怎么有两款,除了item number不一样,其他描述都一样。你说的好几个大衣我都没看到。估计就一件,都卖完了。不过我们这里反正也不太需要穿大衣。 我上次在店里试了一件double cloth的,是比较短款的,两边口袋斜插,还可以用扣子合起来的,样子比较可爱。我挺喜欢,不过店里就一件2号的,我穿太大了。也不知道那一款叫什么名字。我在网上sale以来好像没见过。主要我没有特别留意大衣。那个peacoat 号倒是很全。不过还是嫌贵,而且double breast的穿着容易显的bulky。要是很便宜的话,随便买一件穿穿还差不多。100多还是不舍得。 featherweight turtleneck 我$24.99买了一件,$24.99*0.75又买了一件,都还没穿过呢。太伤心了 I see. That's why I feel weird with my charlie coat.. Double breast is a problem for me. Sigh, too bulky.
其实算不上更新,就是加了几样东西进去而已,然后就是以前就在sale里面的东西降价. 我第一页贴的好多都是从别的link进去看到的价格什么的,但是从别的link进去买就没有25%off 我打电话去订emily, 那个人问我要不要25% off 说要了就是final sale, 我反问她那我不要不也是final sale么,她说对,不要也是final sale, 妈的, 那当然要了
以下是引用neonc在2007-1-11 11:53:00的发言: I see. That's why I feel weird with my charlie coat.. Double breast is a problem for me. Sigh, too bulky. Charlie isn't a fitted style ah, may not be the problem of double breast
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 12:06:00的发言: 其实算不上更新,就是加了几样东西进去而已,然后就是以前就在sale里面的东西降价. 我第一页贴的好多都是从别的link进去看到的价格什么的,但是从别的link进去买就没有25%off 我打电话去订emily, 那个人问我要不要25% off 说要了就是final sale, 我反问她那我不要不也是final sale么,她说对,不要也是final sale, 妈的, 那当然要了 haha her question is silly
以下是引用Wish2008在2007-1-11 12:07:00的发言: Charlie isn't a fitted style ah, may not be the problem of double breast Oh.. pea coat is a fitted style? I never try it and don't know.
以下是引用Rambaldi在2007-1-11 12:09:00的发言: 如果平时XS, S都能穿, 这件是不是要ORDER S? 因为要套很多衣服在里面 I have no idea about the size but I think the hoodie is perfect for spring season, you only need one thin sweater inside then
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 12:48:00的发言: 可以的 but they don't give me free shipping (if I order from the red phone, grab some regular price item, then it's possible to get both fs and 10% off) i don't think so.. some CS is so stubborn that they insist only 1 coupon each time. last time, i ordered from the red phone, i wanted to use the fs and 20 off 100 together but got refused
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 12:48:00的发言: 可以的 but they don't give me free shipping (if I order from the red phone, grab some regular price item, then it's possible to get both fs and 10% off) same here
以下是引用jessicag在2007-1-11 12:52:00的发言: i don't think so.. some CS is so stubborn that they insist only 1 coupon each time. last time, i ordered from the red phone, i wanted to use the fs and 20 off 100 together but got refused 嗯,看当时遇到的是谁.我上次打电话那个人说可以,但是我后来不想要那个衣服也没有下订单. 好久以前, 他们waitlist还给fs offer的时候,我有一两次同时用了fs+20 off 100的(从家里打电话订而且全是on sale items) 昨天不是还有人说买30多块钱东西也要到了fs吗
以下是引用charge在2007-1-11 13:35:00的发言: emily或者lady coat加上25%off和shipping最后要大概多少啊?final sale的东西太痛苦了。 u r lazy ah (price *0.75 *0.9 + shipping ) *(1+tax) en...maybe wrong, it might be.... (price*0.75+shipping)*(1+tax)-price*0.075 for my emily, the total is about $160 (the emily is $199.99 before 25%, but chocolate emily is $229.99) lady day is $209.99 shipping $12.95 for $100-150 order, higher if the order is above $150, $14.95 or $16.95??? [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 13:42:24编辑过]
I bought a ladyday coat in dark kelly and really love it after trying black, purple,mountain pine, and navy. Among theleft colors I think black is the best. Anyone got a dark kelly too?
以下是引用Wish2008在2007-1-11 14:14:00的发言: I bought a ladyday coat in dark kelly and really love it after trying black, purple,mountain pine, and navy. Among theleft colors I think black is the best. Anyone got a dark kelly too? dark kelly 是比较亮的绿色吧?
since nobody went to the store, i finally went.. we only have 25% off as always, tnnd nothing to buy..the store is nearly empty finally, bought this in white.. 鉴于下周没法买贼苦,将就先买一个屯着。没有别针的,有别针是老款,7字打头的,电力没有影子。 还给我爸爸买了一件V-NECK MERINO毛衣,不爽。。
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 12:48:00的发言: 可以的 but they don't give me free shipping (if I order from the red phone, grab some regular price item, then it's possible to get both fs and 10% off) 打电话的话, 是不是要使用JCREW的CREDIT CARD才能使用这些coupon啊?
以下是引用charge在2007-1-11 14:32:00的发言: 那个山松绿的很好看。不知道为什么买的人不多。 I bought it and returned it, because the color does not look good on me and does not fit into the color collection in my closet
以下是引用charge在2007-1-11 18:18:00的发言: 那个颜色我穿很好看的,嘻嘻。紫色的我穿反而很老气。黑色大衣太多了。 yeah, because u have lots of coat, but it was going to be my first coat so I can't go with a very picky color well, the purple is also kinda picky, but way better than green, for me I think I was desperate, otherwise I would still wait for black
以下是引用huatian在2007-1-11 19:52:00的发言: 这个裙子只要20多了? $39.99-25%off - 10% off =$27 since I added it into my first order, the extra shipping ($1) can be neglected
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 20:12:00的发言: the so-called secret link has it, but no 25% off if u add it into shopping cart so I placed the order through phone http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054451&catId=cat120130乐乐, how about the size of this dress? normal? run small? the green color is so attractive
以下是引用spicyshrimp在2007-1-11 20:16:00的发言: 乐乐, how about the size of this dress? normal? run small? the green color is so attractive 应该是偏小的,我买了同款黑白点那个 不过恍惚记得有个mm说她买了觉得绿色比黑白点的那个肥一些(即使这样也只是normal size而已)
以下是引用jackboot在2007-1-11 20:24:00的发言: can I use the 10% off code and 4.95 shipping code together? Thanks a lot!! or they ask for 13.95 shipping for my order I was refused, so I paid $13.95 shipping but it's still OK, 10% off is better than flat shipping plus consider the 25% off...... and anyway it's final sale you cannot return it, so no chance to lose the shipping fee
我订了这个dress黑点点的P0.有点BT,不过考虑到29.99还是定了. 其实我也应该订这个绿色的.黑点点和navy点点的太相似了. u got the black polka-dot? nice return the navy P2 then (But I personally think navy is softer than black) damn huaren, cannot input Chinese if I use the quote function
以下是引用bbcat在2007-1-11 20:26:00的发言: you have many similar dotted dresses I will have 3 sophia dress (after I returned the chocolate one) considering returning the silk one, it's kinda big, not as fitted as the chiffon one
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 20:22:00的发言: 应该是偏小的,我买了同款黑白点那个 不过恍惚记得有个mm说她买了觉得绿色比黑白点的那个肥一些(即使这样也只是normal size而已) got one already, thanx.I also like the boy jeans, only has P26 left, too small for me.
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 20:29:00的发言: u got the black polka-dot? nice return the navy P2 then (But I personally think navy is softer than black) damn huaren, cannot input Chinese if I use the quote function I like navy a lot, just the waist is a little loose so it is not perfect. I was thinking of saving it for later in case I gain more weight.
以下是引用多旧乐在2007-1-11 20:12:00的发言: the so-called secret link has it, but no 25% off if u add it into shopping cart so I placed the order through phone http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054451&catId=cat120130 so we can only place the order through phone to make stuffs in the secret link have 25%off, right? I like some suits, but I think it's better to try them first, because this is final sale... Another question about men's coat... My husband is not fat, 174cm, 60kg, he normally wears size L, so should I order the jcrew coat "L" for him? some Jms said the size of jcrew men is bigger...
以下是引用jackboot在2007-1-11 20:42:00的发言: so we can only place the order through phone to make stuffs in the secret link have 25%off, right? I like some suits, but I think it's better to try them first, because this is final sale... Another question about men's coat... My husband is not fat, 174cm, 60kg, he normally wears size L, so should I order the jcrew coat "L" for him? some Jms said the size of jcrew men is bigger... 对阿,secret link的只能打电话拿到折扣.但是如果直接在网上买,没有25%off那种,很有可能不是final sale到时候还可以退.反正以前大家试验都是这样的,不敢保证哈 男的不太熟悉,因为我们家那个号码不一样. 不过我觉得他们号码不大啊 [此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 20:49:17编辑过]
平仓is not as good as getting one at the lowest price ah. you don't need so many clothes of the same style. I haven't bought anything from jcrew since december 26th
幸好我今天睡不着,在网上乱转,结果看到更新。拔了sherpa-lined hoodie的草。sale的怎么有两款,除了item number不一样,其他描述都一样。你说的好几个大衣我都没看到。估计就一件,都卖完了。不过我们这里反正也不太需要穿大衣。 我上次在店里试了一件double cloth的,是比较短款的,两边口袋斜插,还可以用扣子合起来的,样子比较可爱。我挺喜欢,不过店里就一件2号的,我穿太大了。也不知道那一款叫什么名字。我在网上sale以来好像没见过。主要我没有特别留意大衣。那个peacoat 号倒是很全。不过还是嫌贵,而且double breast的穿着容易显的bulky。要是很便宜的话,随便买一件穿穿还差不多。100多还是不舍得。 featherweight turtleneck 我$24.99买了一件,$24.99*0.75又买了一件,都还没穿过呢。太伤心了 I see. That's why I feel weird with my charlie coat.. Double breast is a problem for me. Sigh, too bulky.
I see. That's why I feel weird with my charlie coat.. Double breast is a problem for me. Sigh, too bulky.
幸好我今天睡不着,在网上乱转,结果看到更新。拔了sherpa-lined hoodie的草。sale的怎么有两款,除了item number不一样,其他描述都一样。你说的好几个大衣我都没看到。估计就一件,都卖完了。不过我们这里反正也不太需要穿大衣。 我上次在店里试了一件double cloth的,是比较短款的,两边口袋斜插,还可以用扣子合起来的,样子比较可爱。我挺喜欢,不过店里就一件2号的,我穿太大了。也不知道那一款叫什么名字。我在网上sale以来好像没见过。主要我没有特别留意大衣。那个peacoat 号倒是很全。不过还是嫌贵,而且double breast的穿着容易显的bulky。要是很便宜的话,随便买一件穿穿还差不多。100多还是不舍得。 featherweight turtleneck 我$24.99买了一件,$24.99*0.75又买了一件,都还没穿过呢。太伤心了
你说的大扣子那个就是camille coat, item # 79999了, 有navy跟白色 我还巴巴的从外地邮购了一件0号,结果还是大了
其实算不上更新,就是加了几样东西进去而已,然后就是以前就在sale里面的东西降价. 我第一页贴的好多都是从别的link进去看到的价格什么的,但是从别的link进去买就没有25%off 我打电话去订emily, 那个人问我要不要25% off 说要了就是final sale, 我反问她那我不要不也是final sale么,她说对,不要也是final sale, 妈的, 那当然要了
Sherpa-lined vintage fleece hoodie marked down to $39.99
如果平时XS, S都能穿, 这件是不是要ORDER S? 因为要套很多衣服在里面
Charlie isn't a fitted style ah, may not be the problem of double breast Oh.. pea coat is a fitted style? I never try it and don't know.
I think the difference is not big.
如果平时XS, S都能穿, 这件是不是要ORDER S? 因为要套很多衣服在里面 I have no idea about the size but I think the hoodie is perfect for spring season, you only need one thin sweater inside then
这个颜色是nautica blue吧,难道还有dutch blue?
velvet charlie降了么?昨天刚买的,降了俺得吐血。 没降,我一看到帖子就立马打电话过去问。
nautica blue是今年的蓝色吧, dutch blue早几年就有了, 去年那个腰带大衣好象就是dutch blue的.
lady day coat? congratulations
ic..爱不过现在没啥好买的。不晓得0好的emily或者lady day coat有没有。 多打电话, 我觉得他们肯定有库存.
i don't think so.. some CS is so stubborn that they insist only 1 coupon each time. last time, i ordered from the red phone, i wanted to use the fs and 20 off 100 together but got refused
emily或者lady coat加上25%off和shipping最后要大概多少啊?final sale的东西太痛苦了。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 13:42:24编辑过]
emily或者lady coat加上25%off和shipping最后要大概多少啊?final sale的东西太痛苦了。
不过这样也不能便宜多少啊!我那件emily好像是179买的。lady coat也是200多点。不值得再折腾。继续等进一步降价。
我先前的一件大小不太合适, 一件颜色不合适. 好容易等到个大小颜色都合适的, 赶紧买下来. 付运费也认了.
I bought a ladyday coat in dark kelly and really love it after trying black, purple,mountain pine, and navy
这个款我也最喜欢黑色的. 试过咖啡, 山松绿. 其实山松绿很好看啊, 我要是再白点就留它了.
是啊!我原先买的很合身,颜色也是自己想要的。所以如果不是进一步降价,不想折腾了。 这样的话, 就等着, 如果以后能便宜买到固然好, 买不到也不用懊恼.
那个山松绿的很好看。不知道为什么买的人不多。 山松绿拿在手上, 颜色很漂亮, 很能衬得出doule-cloth的质地. 皮肤稍微白净的mm穿了肯定非常吸引人.
买紫色的好象很多. 应该是雨花秀的紫色太好看了, 大家都种了草.
我来贡献给SHIPPING CODE,只要4.95,突然在邮箱里面找到的,希望有用哈! FLS-EP4 谢谢MM, 有过期日期吗?
大家给点意见,蓝色的好看还是黑色的好看呢?谢谢 我不白,感觉黑色的容易搭配,但是显得皮肤暗。蓝色的颜色很嫩,但是搭配应该不如黑色容易,谢谢:) 两个都不错. 主要看你自己喜欢那个, 或者哪个颜色没有就选哪个.
has anybody gone to the store yet? I am too lazy to go
谢谢MM, 有过期日期吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 16:02:43编辑过]
你说的大扣子那个就是camille coat, item # 79999了, 有navy跟白色 我还巴巴的从外地邮购了一件0号,结果还是大了
打电话的话, 是不是要使用JCREW的CREDIT CARD才能使用这些coupon啊? 不需要
那个山松绿的很好看。不知道为什么买的人不多。 I bought it and returned it, because the color does not look good on me and does not fit into the color collection in my closet
dark kelly 是比较亮的绿色吧?
这个款我也最喜欢黑色的. 试过咖啡, 山松绿. 其实山松绿很好看啊, 我要是再白点就留它了.
是的。 山松绿唯一就是给黑扣子破坏了,还有就是那个绿太邮差了,是那种老绿。Dark Kelly的扣子是浅褐色的,显得洋气,和衣服也很和谐
i wanna those full skirts BAOBAO DA WANG showed.
they may have sth similar this summer
拿到felted wool skirt了,黑色P0,形状很好,长短也很好,但是面料跟现在BR 15刀那个大扣子裙一样的,有点毡的感觉, 而且可惜我订的时候只有黑色还没有折扣
$39.99-25%off - 10% off =$27 since I added it into my first order, the extra shipping ($1) can be neglected
真划算,网上没看到 the so-called secret link has it, but no 25% off if u add it into shopping cart so I placed the order through phone http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054451&catId=cat120130
the so-called secret link has it, but no 25% off if u add it into shopping cart so I placed the order through phone http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054451&catId=cat120130 乐乐, how about the size of this dress? normal? run small? the green color is so attractive
乐乐, how about the size of this dress? normal? run small? the green color is so attractive
拿到felted wool skirt了,黑色P0,形状很好,长短也很好,但是面料跟现在BR 15刀那个大扣子裙一样的,有点毡的感觉, 而且可惜我订的时候只有黑色还没有折扣
我订了这个dress黑点点的P0.有点BT,不过考虑到29.99还是定了. 其实我也应该订这个绿色的.黑点点和navy点点的太相似了.
我订了这个dress黑点点的P0.有点BT,不过考虑到29.99还是定了. 其实我也应该订这个绿色的.黑点点和navy点点的太相似了.
can I use the 10% off code and 4.95 shipping code together? Thanks a lot!! or they ask for 13.95 shipping for my order
you have many similar dotted dresses
是啊。3 including this one.
我订了这个dress黑点点的P0.有点BT,不过考虑到29.99还是定了. 其实我也应该订这个绿色的.黑点点和navy点点的太相似了.
you have many similar dotted dresses
no bah, 4 including this one 有吗?还有哪件呢?
应该是偏小的,我买了同款黑白点那个 不过恍惚记得有个mm说她买了觉得绿色比黑白点的那个肥一些(即使这样也只是normal size而已)
u got the black polka-dot? nice return the navy P2 then (But I personally think navy is softer than black)
the so-called secret link has it, but no 25% off if u add it into shopping cart so I placed the order through phone http://www.jcrew.com/catalog/product.jhtml?id=prod78054451&catId=cat120130 so we can only place the order through phone to make stuffs in the secret link have 25%off, right? I like some suits, but I think it's better to try them first, because this is final sale... Another question about men's coat... My husband is not fat, 174cm, 60kg, he normally wears size L, so should I order the jcrew coat "L" for him? some Jms said the size of jcrew men is bigger...
so we can only place the order through phone to make stuffs in the secret link have 25%off, right? I like some suits, but I think it's better to try them first, because this is final sale... Another question about men's coat... My husband is not fat, 174cm, 60kg, he normally wears size L, so should I order the jcrew coat "L" for him? some Jms said the size of jcrew men is bigger... 对阿,secret link的只能打电话拿到折扣.但是如果直接在网上买,没有25%off那种,很有可能不是final sale到时候还可以退.反正以前大家试验都是这样的,不敢保证哈 男的不太熟悉,因为我们家那个号码不一样. 不过我觉得他们号码不大啊
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 20:49:17编辑过]
1 black, 1 navy, 1 chocoate, 1 black strapless
u have the item number? 我不记得了,已经穿过了,tag给扔了。需要翻catalog找。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-11 21:03:44编辑过]