Do this: 1. go to WHO site VigiAccess.org2. agree to terms3. search "covid-19 vaccine"4. select adverse reactions5. buckle up 有没有副作用, 什么样子的副作用自己看看吧。这是世界卫生组织的网站。
Do this: 1. go to WHO site VigiAccess.org2. agree to terms3. search "covid-19 vaccine"4. select adverse reactions5. buckle up 有没有副作用, 什么样子的副作用自己看看吧。这是世界卫生组织的网站。 ztootz 发表于 2021-09-25 06:13
Do this: 1. go to WHO site VigiAccess.org2. agree to terms3. search "covid-19 vaccine"4. select adverse reactions5. buckle up 有没有副作用, 什么样子的副作用自己看看吧。这是世界卫生组织的网站。 ztootz 发表于 2021-09-25 06:13
Do this: 1. go to WHO site VigiAccess.org2. agree to terms3. search "covid-19 vaccine"4. select adverse reactions5. buckle up 有没有副作用, 什么样子的副作用自己看看吧。这是世界卫生组织的网站。 ztootz 发表于 2021-09-25 06:13
The vaccine either had spike proteins in it (Pfizer and Moderna) or causes your cells to begin producing spike proteins via mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, Astrazeneca, all of them but Novavax). This causes your body to have an immediate immune response and begin producing antibodies against the spike proteins. This does make your body effectively immune to COVID if it worked properly. But it doesn’t for 1 reason. The S1 spike proteins being eaten by your Classical Monocytes are being turned into Non-Classical monocytes (which should die in 1 week or less normally) that are not undergoing apoptosis, and therefore never dying. These S1 presenting monocytes are going throughout the body and causing serious damage, and hurting your immune system. These monocytes with the S1 protein can pass through the blood-brain barrier, and go anywhere in your body. They are causing vasodilation (increased size of blood vessels) throughout peoples body, inflammation of blood vessels, and nano clotting, especially in the capillaries. These nano clots and inflammation can cause heart attacks, fatigue, and all sorts of other problems.
A monocyte should only live for 1 day to 1 week, but the Non-Classical Monocytes with the S1 protein in them are not dying for up to 15 months or more. Dr. Bruce Patterson is leading the research on this and he suggests using several drugs in his protocol to achieve the goals. Ivermectin kills the virus, Statins prevent the S1 protein presenting Monocytes from attaching to your cells, and several drugs (including nicotine) can induce monocyte apoptosis. When the S1 presenting Non-Classical monocytes undergo apoptosis, the S1 protein is destroyed, and the nano clotting, inflammation, etc. go away.
搞得好像你很懂一样 如果你也是一个对免疫学什么都不懂的人 就不要这么盲目自信的好
不是,在那群待了大概一年了,之前这个群是稍微偏右的,后来因为经常吵,群主走了~~~ 新群主前段时间把一个推疫苗的人设为群管,然后又公告说因为谁也说服不了谁,让大家别讨论疫苗了,之后就只有支持疫苗的声音能发了,我看到还有其它质疑的人有理有据地发言后信息被删然后被踢,呵呵
70% of all deaths with the Delta variant have now been in those with one or both injections.
63% of all deaths with the Delta variant have now been in the “fully vaccinated” i.e. 14 days post the second dose
Link to the report here:
我也无法接受这个 早期治疗那么关键 坚决不给治 在家自己扛 扛过去就拉倒 扛不过去就来医院挤爆医疗资源 医生护士们哭嚎着喊太累压力太大 来支援我们!
我是国内医生同学给我邮寄的 早早的备上了
有没有副作用, 什么样子的副作用自己看看吧。这是世界卫生组织的网站。
这个 “不重视任何其它早期防治手段”真的是匪夷所思,感觉美国联邦政府,health department, CDC, 州政府,民众都有不少麻木不仁失智的,那么多病例都不长记性
不同时期不一样吧 要求有的时候很严 我用的海运 那会儿早 国内邮寄到海运快递那里再到我这 着急的话多问问空运
adverse reaction是不良反应,side effect才是副作用,前者是不可预知的,后者是可预知的。前者是罕见,后者是常见。讨论前起码要把这两点区分开。
建议打疫苗前和打疫苗后感觉有严重不良反应的去测一下 D Dimer
健檢時做D-Dimer檢查,可以避免肺部血栓的死亡風險! - Heho健康 “
But it doesn’t for 1 reason. The S1 spike proteins being eaten by your Classical Monocytes are being turned into Non-Classical monocytes (which should die in 1 week or less normally) that are not undergoing apoptosis, and therefore never dying. These S1 presenting monocytes are going throughout the body and causing serious damage, and hurting your immune system. These monocytes with the S1 protein can pass through the blood-brain barrier, and go anywhere in your body. They are causing vasodilation (increased size of blood vessels) throughout peoples body, inflammation of blood vessels, and nano clotting, especially in the capillaries. These nano clots and inflammation can cause heart attacks, fatigue, and all sorts of other problems.
When the S1 presenting Non-Classical monocytes undergo apoptosis, the S1 protein is destroyed, and the nano clotting, inflammation, etc. go away.
好的,非常感謝MM的贴子,我周二去问问家庭医生. 死亡数据可以参考这个网站
CDC有自己的网页可以汇报疫苗副作用, 一般是医护人员上报。 但是数据库搞得非常复杂去查, 这个视频是帮忙解释CDC数据的。