
楼主 (北美华人网)
我决定使用国际程序,“他们不是强大 ,是邪恶,残暴。” 请转发。

"They" are not powerful or strong. They are evil and brutal. Are  "they" committing what I allege,  terror , psychological torture, and MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada? https://ibb.co/LZfvcxN https://ibb.co/LZfvcxN "They" are hacking and remotely controlling everything they can and everything I am using , my phones, my smart watchs for heart rate. UN ICCPR UN Human Rights UN Human Rights Council Amnesty International International Bar Association International Criminal Court International Court of Justice Canadian Government UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer CC : [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Contact : [email protected] Temporary  email : [email protected] I decided to  launch   international (legal  ) proceedings against "them" for breaking international law, committing terror , psychological torture, and MK Ultra in Ontario of Canada for nearly 20 years , and sent you all related evidence recently. 1. Email 1/2 for launching international (legal  ) proceedings against them. https://netlog.yooco.org/events/event.720629-email_12_for_launching_international_legal__proceedings_against_them.html Or, https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZHjV0ZEgqGaqfoDz81FJtjxSMR3V9l5evV 2. Email 2/2 for  launching international (legal  ) proceedings against "them". https://netlog.yooco.org/events/event.720626-email_22_for_launching_international_legal__proceedings_against_them.html Or, https://e.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZRVV0ZvoPsgPNr800lYjyPaCBuqQhr8jbX After that,  they attack madly and remotely control madly  my heart, my hearing, my head and my body by psychological torture, and MK Ultra with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons when in my home and in my work place. UN Human Rights Council Forty-third session 24 February - 20 March 2020 Agenda item 3 Please see the photo and the video regarding my heart rates. Whose heart beats like that in his home? photo [url]https://ibb.co/wcwvYKx[/url] https://ibb.co/wcwvYKx video (If you can't open it, UN Human Rights Office and UN Human Rights Council have it.) https://ulozto.net/file/mBGWZsNXslwm/already-uploaded-mp4#!ZJR5AmR2ZzZkAQZkLJRkLzL2MQxmZz13oUAnZHIXBJSlq2ZkBN== Canadian Government and the Supreme Court of Canada "can not" stop their ongoing terror, psychological torture and MK Ultra no matter what you and we are doing;  and although Canadian Government and the Supreme Court of Canada promised to protect human rights and victims of torture. All Canadian lawyers  refused  my request and stated 15 years ago : " You have no where to go if want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors."  And,  all Canadian media stated first and  then blocked me : "This is not where you talk about human rights." They do  commit what I allege: [url]https://ibb.co/LZfvcxN[/url] https://ibb.co/LZfvcxN They do  commit what I allege: [url]https://ibb.co/k6RTpBW[/url] https://ibb.co/k6RTpBW They are now  hacking anyone no matter who you are, UN, International Human Rights Community, International Bar Association, International Criminal Court, and everything I am using, hacking my phone's SMS after I gave you my phone number!  However , here are our emails  between UN Human Rights Office and me: a. https://netlog.yooco.org/events/event.713363-email_letters_from_un_cat_.html b. https://netlog.yooco.org/events/event.713366-my_email_letters_to_un_cat_.html Fight  for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror, poison, death threats and attempted murder by every possible means and with all possible Non-Lethal Weapons. I am not alone and I need your help. Thanks. Robin Yan Canadian victim of torture 24/07/2021 Please transfer to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office , UN Human Rights Council by fax  and [email protected].