回复 1楼公用马甲6的帖子 July 20, 2021 CMSE assistant professor Min Chen being remembered An assistant professor in the Michigan State University College of Engineering is being remembered after passing away on July 18, 2021. In remembrance of Assistant Professor Min Chen Min Chen joined MSU in 2017 in joint appointments to the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Engineering Dean Leo Kempel said her passing is a great sadness for the college. “Min was a promising faculty member who devoted much of her time to her students - both in courses and individually,” Kempel said. “She was seen as one of our rising stars. She had an exceptional ability to model complex wave dynamics and exploit emerging techniques in data science to discover results that prior to her contributions were opaque.” Chen was a computational seismologist. Her research focused on developing and applying numerical tools harnessing the power of high-performance computing for seismic full waveform inversion, imaging, and interpretation. One of her goals was to better understand plate tectonic processes and earthquake ruptures using high-resolution seismic images. She received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. She then was a postdoctoral research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Rice University. “She has left us too soon, and all of us who knew her will miss her deeply,” Kempel added.
回复 1楼公用马甲6的帖子 July 20, 2021 CMSE assistant professor Min Chen being remembered An assistant professor in the Michigan State University College of Engineering is being remembered after passing away on July 18, 2021. In remembrance of Assistant Professor Min Chen Min Chen joined MSU in 2017 in joint appointments to the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Engineering Dean Leo Kempel said her passing is a great sadness for the college. “Min was a promising faculty member who devoted much of her time to her students - both in courses and individually,” Kempel said. “She was seen as one of our rising stars. She had an exceptional ability to model complex wave dynamics and exploit emerging techniques in data science to discover results that prior to her contributions were opaque.” Chen was a computational seismologist. Her research focused on developing and applying numerical tools harnessing the power of high-performance computing for seismic full waveform inversion, imaging, and interpretation. One of her goals was to better understand plate tectonic processes and earthquake ruptures using high-resolution seismic images. She received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. She then was a postdoctoral research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Rice University. “She has left us too soon, and all of us who knew her will miss her deeply,” Kempel added. Lucymay 发表于 2021-07-25 12:13
回复 1楼公用马甲6的帖子 July 20, 2021 CMSE assistant professor Min Chen being remembered An assistant professor in the Michigan State University College of Engineering is being remembered after passing away on July 18, 2021. In remembrance of Assistant Professor Min Chen Min Chen joined MSU in 2017 in joint appointments to the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Engineering Dean Leo Kempel said her passing is a great sadness for the college. “Min was a promising faculty member who devoted much of her time to her students - both in courses and individually,” Kempel said. “She was seen as one of our rising stars. She had an exceptional ability to model complex wave dynamics and exploit emerging techniques in data science to discover results that prior to her contributions were opaque.” Chen was a computational seismologist. Her research focused on developing and applying numerical tools harnessing the power of high-performance computing for seismic full waveform inversion, imaging, and interpretation. One of her goals was to better understand plate tectonic processes and earthquake ruptures using high-resolution seismic images. She received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. She then was a postdoctoral research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Rice University. “She has left us too soon, and all of us who knew her will miss her deeply,” Kempel added. Lucymay 发表于 2021-07-25 12:13
她老公不是在MSU做postdoc吗,至少到去年底都是。 https://trustees.msu.edu/meetings/documents/2020/Personnel%20Actions.pdf 两人去年十月才在Michigan买的房子,她老公Twitter和ins最近的照片都在Michigan,吃瓜也吃的敬业点啊 Ceriotti Rona, Gabriel AN Academic Staff Research Associate-Fixed Term MECHANICAL ENGINEERING $60,000.00 100.0% 11/26/2019 11/25/2020
不知道是不是同一个,小红书也推送了,1月下旬走的,去年六月底查出来的,很漂亮的一个妹子,id是smile 😄。孩子还很小,很可惜
还好老公是老美。要是国男,华人上哪批女的贱嘴又不知道该说些啥了。是老美,那些 女人就只能说想不开自杀了
July 20, 2021 CMSE assistant professor Min Chen being remembered An assistant professor in the Michigan State University College of Engineering is being remembered after passing away on July 18, 2021. In remembrance of Assistant Professor Min Chen Min Chen joined MSU in 2017 in joint appointments to the Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering and Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. Engineering Dean Leo Kempel said her passing is a great sadness for the college. “Min was a promising faculty member who devoted much of her time to her students - both in courses and individually,” Kempel said. “She was seen as one of our rising stars. She had an exceptional ability to model complex wave dynamics and exploit emerging techniques in data science to discover results that prior to her contributions were opaque.” Chen was a computational seismologist. Her research focused on developing and applying numerical tools harnessing the power of high-performance computing for seismic full waveform inversion, imaging, and interpretation. One of her goals was to better understand plate tectonic processes and earthquake ruptures using high-resolution seismic images. She received her Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology. She then was a postdoctoral research associate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and at Rice University. “She has left us too soon, and all of us who knew her will miss her deeply,” Kempel added.
exactly 这里连福原爱这种婚内出轨的都能洗成对方渣男,实在让人不得不佩服
被老公逼的。 不要问我怎么知道的,别人的隐私,她们不想公开我也不能多说。 她其实已经提前拿到tenure了,事业上非常优秀。
发信人: Gessner (失去意义了), 信区: Military 标 题: Re: 密苏里那个是白老公杀的,密歇根这个为啥不能是白老公杀的? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 25 13:18:52 2021, 美东)
因为她那个傻逼意大利种美国小老公一直留在休斯顿,没去东蓝星 白老公失业了就混在休斯顿当地社区学院教课,骗了新的国女,尼玛逼这个都内卷
刘媛,北大物理金牌,在加州理工被三流学校出身的斯拉夫女PI Tatyana Sharpee打压,转行计算机得癌英年早逝。刘媛postdoc时期被Tatyana Sharpee严重打压,癌细胞就是在这段时间出现。
于韬的导师的是东欧男(最坏最坏的了)。于教授找不到牛推,在国内高校又没有 任何人脉,在没有老婆的情况下独自去north dakota当教授,打疫苗后没人照应副作用死亡。
张首晟是非常幸运的人,一路以来跟华人教授杨振宁混,没有被白男折 磨和坑过,不知道白男的奸诈和阴险。白男会用尽一切方法把你拉下台。
姜文华,姜博士能海龟复旦还挑三嫌四,抱怨工资低。姜博士运气好,在美国没有被白人折磨过。你要知道,一旦被白人陷害你连nih博士后都找不到,推荐信都没有。白人 还会永远 跟踪你压制你保证你不能成功,要留在美国就只有转码或者去icc。姜的导师是华人( 之后还靠关系推荐他到复旦),系里朋友和室友都是华人 ,留美期间还能交上中国女友。他在美国没有受过白人的折磨,就像生活在保护区唐人街。姜能够 海归复旦这种top school还去杀人,那是因为他这辈子太幸运所致。
有病 你真是不正常了
看看人家男人怎么过的!别管什么种族的男的,都特别尊重自己的心情,感受,享受 ,懂得怎么enjoy the moment. 想不开的女人千万别结婚
不知道是哪个女生,希望她RIP 也希望大家都珍爱生命,健健康康地活着
看她FB的照片, https://www.facebook.com/mchen.duoduo
标 题: Re: 陈敏自拍的一张照吓到我 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 25 13:54:27 2021, 美东)
是啊,母亲节的时候还是很开心的样子。 估计真是被老公逼的,突然一下想不开了
【 在 nwleaf (My, you are a tall one!) 的大作中提到: 】 : 裏面還有其他很多照片 : 還上去像是以前太順利了, 遇到挫折,想不開。 : 可惜
过不下去离婚就行了,至于自杀吗。 到底是自杀还是他杀?
胡扯 一个女人首先是自己的感受,你要感谢这个女的,她没想不开到把孩子一起带走。 国女就是太爱给自己立牌坊,立KPI,又要儿女双全,又要职场风云,又要扶植老公,自己独立带娃,活活把自己往死里逼
有一说一,一个女人有未成年的孩子,的确自杀是件很自私的事情 死容易,孩子从此成了没妈的最可怜的人,在最需要母亲的年纪。
放P! 还感谢她对孩子的不杀之恩么? 虽然这么说对死者不敬,但是死都不怕,还怕什么?先把财产给孩子留好,给孩子找好领养家庭,杀了出轨男再自杀也比现在的选择好啊。 现在老公,娃,钱全部是小三的了,真让人痛心!
她老公gabriel ceriotti一直在lone star college。
第一个可能性是已经离婚了,白老公为了争抚养权而毒杀陈敏,(和missouri joseph elledge一样)。 另一个可能性是没有离婚但陈敏出轨,陈敏是。。。。,在caltech就参加了著名的。。。,在facebook的自拍也得到无数白男的赞好。虽然白老公自己也。。。,但戴绿帽子这事真的不能忍,结果愤而杀之。
发信人: Gessner (失去意义了), 信区: Military 标 题: Re: 密苏里那个是白老公杀的,密歇根这个为啥不能是白老公杀的? 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jul 25 13:18:52 2021, 美东)
因为她那个傻逼意大利种美国小老公一直留在休斯顿,没去东蓝星 白老公失业了就混在休斯顿当地社区学院教课,骗了新的国女,尼玛逼这个都内卷
原来有一个捐款的链接也被删了,据说是她老公弄的捐款。 真的是要物尽其用啊……恐怖
她老公不是在MSU做postdoc吗,至少到去年底都是。 https://trustees.msu.edu/meetings/documents/2020/Personnel%20Actions.pdf
Ceriotti Rona, Gabriel AN Academic Staff Research Associate-Fixed Term MECHANICAL ENGINEERING $60,000.00 100.0% 11/26/2019 11/25/2020