出全新 意大利 ron white heels 超级舒服

楼主 (北美华人网)
第一次 这里发帖。希望没搞错规矩。 全新,都是6码。一双带 rose , 一双是 all day heel. all day heel 我有两双。第一双穿的太舒服了。 高跟高的没压力,就又买了。但是疫情之后,我感觉我以后没有机会穿了。所以就转让了吧。这个牌子我从 nordstrom 买到的,都是 made in italy , 皮子我觉得很好。做工也舒服 原件标签都还在, 都是$400-$600 的鞋子。主要是穿过真的好。
全新, 没有盒子。 $80 一双 包邮,或者妹妹觉得什么价格合适,可以私信。

Ron White’s All Day Heels® technology is a world’s first. Ron re-engineered the world of designer shoes by incorporating cutting edge technology, including NASA created PORON, and paired this with luxurious materials and unique constructions to make elegant, sophisticated shoes that feel wonderful – all day. NASA created Poron is a revolutionary material that under a microscope looks like 1000 little air bubbles per square inch and even after years of wear it amazingly keeps 98% of it resiliency. It is like walking on a cloud all day long. Many styles also incorporate Superflex construction that can easily be flexed in half with two fingers and Platform heels are made with specially sourced material to absorb shock out of every step.
这双原价应该590 以上