
楼主 (北美华人网)
Immunoglobulin 有好几种。 Mucosal (呼吸道,消化道里面)那种有igA. Immunoglobulin 可以survive digestion. 还有igG igM 比较常见的。

我没有研究过大人喝了自己的母乳会有多少immunoglobulin survive gastric digestion. 或者相对infant 比例有什么差别。 但是很多immunoglobulin 在娃身体里可以survive digestion and be absorbed.

Human milk provides immunoglobulins (Igs) that supplement the passive immune system of neonates; however, the extent of survival of these Igs during gastric digestion and whether this differs between preterm and term infants remains unknown. Human milk, and infant gastric samples at 2 h post-ingestion were collected from 15 preterm (23–32 week gestational age (GA)) mother-infant pairs and from 8 term (38–40 week of GA) mother-infant pairs within 7–98 days postnatal age. Samples were analyzed via ELISA for concentration of total IgA (secretory IgA (SIgA)/IgA), total secretory component (SC/SIgA/SIgM), total IgM (SIgM/IgM), and IgG as well as peptidomics. Total IgA concentration decreased by 60% from human milk to the preterm infant stomach and decreased by 48% in the term infant stomach. Total IgM and IgG concentrations decreased by 33% and 77%, respectively, from human milk to the term infant stomach but were stable in the preterm infant stomach. Release of peptides from all Ig isotypes in the term infant stomach was higher than in the preterm stomach. Overall, the stability of human milk Igs during gastric digestion is higher in preterm infant than in term infants, which could be beneficial for assisting the preterm infants’ immature immune system.
Immunoglobulin 有好几种。 Mucosal (呼吸道,消化道里面)那种有igA. Immunoglobulin 可以survive digestion. 还有igG igM 比较常见的。

我没有研究过大人喝了自己的母乳会有多少immunoglobulin survive gastric digestion. 或者相对infant 比例有什么差别。 但是很多immunoglobulin 在娃身体里可以survive digestion and be absorbed.

Human milk provides immunoglobulins (Igs) that supplement the passive immune system of neonates; however, the extent of survival of these Igs during gastric digestion and whether this differs between preterm and term infants remains unknown. Human milk, and infant gastric samples at 2 h post-ingestion were collected from 15 preterm (23–32 week gestational age (GA)) mother-infant pairs and from 8 term (38–40 week of GA) mother-infant pairs within 7–98 days postnatal age. Samples were analyzed via ELISA for concentration of total IgA (secretory IgA (SIgA)/IgA), total secretory component (SC/SIgA/SIgM), total IgM (SIgM/IgM), and IgG as well as peptidomics. Total IgA concentration decreased by 60% from human milk to the preterm infant stomach and decreased by 48% in the term infant stomach. Total IgM and IgG concentrations decreased by 33% and 77%, respectively, from human milk to the term infant stomach but were stable in the preterm infant stomach. Release of peptides from all Ig isotypes in the term infant stomach was higher than in the preterm stomach. Overall, the stability of human milk Igs during gastric digestion is higher in preterm infant than in term infants, which could be beneficial for assisting the preterm infants’ immature immune system.
sweatyarmpit007 发表于 2021-07-10 23:35

回复 5楼的帖子
抗体有宝自己制的,跟妈妈给的。 自己造的可以不停的造一辈子(除非有相关疾病) 妈妈给的抗体大部分是通过胎盘血液传递的。(passive immunity)。母乳里的整体比例不是那么多。
母亲给的抗体一般能维持六个月左右。 很多病比如,hiv, 在小宝宝里是不 查抗体的,要查viral load,因为抗体是母亲的。 有的免疫类疾病要晚一点才会明显,因为一开始有母亲给的passive immunity。
具体igA igM igG每种多久我不知道。 具体母乳抗体在不同的年纪可以吸收多少没有很具体的研究。足月的娃吸收的少一些,同时也不是那么需要。早产娃更需要。
在医院早产娃如果你没有奶,会有捐献的母乳。因为母乳对于早产娃的益处更pronounced. 捐献的奶都是优先早产娃。