4/26/2021: One of my friends collegues - A San Ramon resident Srinivasa Muniswamy passed away yesterday due to COVID-19 complications in india. He went to India to see his father. He got vaccinated before leaving. He got infected in India but tests were negative (apparently the latest strain only shows up on the CT scan) so he was caught unaware. Suddenly his oxygen level dropped to 70 and he had to be taken to the hospital. He was in a critical condition and then he passed away due to liver failure. He was a very healthy person. Some friends know this family in San Ramon. So looks like the vaccination might not be that effective for this new variant. Please be careful visiting India even after vaccinated. Take care and stay safe.
4/26/2021: One of my friends collegues - A San Ramon resident Srinivasa Muniswamy passed away yesterday due to COVID-19 complications in india. He went to India to see his father. He got vaccinated before leaving. He got infected in India but tests were negative (apparently the latest strain only shows up on the CT scan) so he was caught unaware. Suddenly his oxygen level dropped to 70 and he had to be taken to the hospital. He was in a critical condition and then he passed away due to liver failure. He was a very healthy person. Some friends know this family in San Ramon. So looks like the vaccination might not be that effective for this new variant. Please be careful visiting India even after vaccinated. Take care and stay safe. esprit88 发表于 2021-04-29 15:26
我觉得国内不是当绝症啊。。。毕竟死亡率摆着呢,不可能是绝症。。。你说绝症也没人信啊 国内就是当传染度很高的传染病,因为国内事实就是人口密度大,医疗设施一般,医院也是人挤人本身就容易传染,所有的措施都是针对于,不能爆,因为一旦爆了就守不住,全玩儿完 我们这边刚开始SIP的时候也是说flatten the curve,不要同一时间爆
WARNING: COVID19 new mutation is giving false negatives in Nasal swaps. The virus is now hitting straight into the lungs. It is carrying no symptoms like fever or cough. Just body ache, weakness, loss of appetite. Patients go from mild condition to extreme life and death situation within 8 to 10 hours. Patients that have previous recovered from COVID19 in last year or so are at higher risk as their respiratory system is still not fully recovered . When they get the new mutation their fatality rate is much higher. We are receiving data from across India and it is not just alarming, it is an absolute disaster of historical proportions. We suspect Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will all now be experiencing the new mutations of virus and face a dire situation just like India. Our colleagues in small towns across India especially North Eastern regions are saying it is a battle we have already lost. It is now damage control and save as many lives as possible. We have seen 400 plus children just in our district die within 10 to 12 hours. Intitial period they showed no symptoms and within hours their oxygen levels dropped and deceased. We have also attended to several patients who traveled into Mumbai from overseas and had received their jabs and ended up contracting the virus and 17 out of 28 have died. Health services both in public and private hospitals have collapsed. Rich, middle class and poor all are affected and it is spreading fast, very fast. Any further mutation or variants will potentially be a doomsday scenario. This is a WARNING go to extreme precautionsfor everyone in your household. From children to elders. This virus is no longer containable in India. Our government and systems have failed. No one could have ever anticipated this. For all other developing countries with weak healthcare systems please note this is beyond all our capacities. Let’s work towards trying to stop the spread even if it means an ironclad lockdown or else the only thing we will have left is a body count statistic that would make the Spanish flu look like a non event. Message from Dr Pradeep Senha Sassoon General Hospital Maharashtra
WARNING: COVID19 new mutation is giving false negatives in Nasal swaps. The virus is now hitting straight into the lungs. It is carrying no symptoms like fever or cough. Just body ache, weakness, loss of appetite. Patients go from mild condition to extreme life and death situation within 8 to 10 hours. Patients that have previous recovered from COVID19 in last year or so are at higher risk as their respiratory system is still not fully recovered . When they get the new mutation their fatality rate is much higher. We are receiving data from across India and it is not just alarming, it is an absolute disaster of historical proportions. We suspect Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will all now be experiencing the new mutations of virus and face a dire situation just like India. Our colleagues in small towns across India especially North Eastern regions are saying it is a battle we have already lost. It is now damage control and save as many lives as possible. We have seen 400 plus children just in our district die within 10 to 12 hours. Intitial period they showed no symptoms and within hours their oxygen levels dropped and deceased. We have also attended to several patients who traveled into Mumbai from overseas and had received their jabs and ended up contracting the virus and 17 out of 28 have died. Health services both in public and private hospitals have collapsed. Rich, middle class and poor all are affected and it is spreading fast, very fast. Any further mutation or variants will potentially be a doomsday scenario. This is a WARNING go to extreme precautionsfor everyone in your household. From children to elders. This virus is no longer containable in India. Our government and systems have failed. No one could have ever anticipated this. For all other developing countries with weak healthcare systems please note this is beyond all our capacities. Let’s work towards trying to stop the spread even if it means an ironclad lockdown or else the only thing we will have left is a body count statistic that would make the Spanish flu look like a non event. Message from Dr Pradeep Senha Sassoon General Hospital Maharashtra esprit88 发表于 2021-04-29 22:06
17 out of 28 have died。这60%的死亡率,不符合新冠。 大灾大难的时候谣言满天飞。
简单过过脑子都能明白怎么回事,睿大妈又来装傻了。 [url]https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html[/url] COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC as of April 20 As of April 20, 2021, more than 87 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. During the same time, CDC received reports of vaccine breakthrough infections from 45 U.S. states and territories. Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC7,157Females4,580 (64%)People aged ≥60 years3,265 (46%)Asymptomatic infections2,078 (31%)Hospitalizations*498 (7%)Deaths†88 (1%) *167 (34%) of the 498 hospitalizations were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. †11 (13%) of the 88 fatal cases were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. 你截图的上面写的清清楚楚美国有87million的人完成了疫苗的接种,fully vaccinated,现在统计到的是498人又得了新冠住院,死了77个,现在的数据是打过疫苗的人里面一百万才有不到一个死了。考虑到有些case没有统计,实际breakthrough的比例应该更高一些,但是已经是非常非常低了。 然后睿大妈得出的结论是: “在美国打过疫苗的住院死亡率还是非常高的。” 只能让我相信:或者睿大妈特别傻,或者睿大妈故意在这带风向。
简单过过脑子都能明白怎么回事,睿大妈又来装傻了。 [url]https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/health-departments/breakthrough-cases.html[/url] COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC as of April 20 As of April 20, 2021, more than 87 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. During the same time, CDC received reports of vaccine breakthrough infections from 45 U.S. states and territories. Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC7,157Females4,580 (64%)People aged ≥60 years3,265 (46%)Asymptomatic infections2,078 (31%)Hospitalizations*498 (7%)Deaths†88 (1%) *167 (34%) of the 498 hospitalizations were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. †11 (13%) of the 88 fatal cases were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. 你截图的上面写的清清楚楚美国有87million的人完成了疫苗的接种,fully vaccinated,现在统计到的是498人又得了新冠住院,死了77个,现在的数据是打过疫苗的人里面一百万才有不到一个死了。考虑到有些case没有统计,实际breakthrough的比例应该更高一些,但是已经是非常非常低了。 然后睿大妈得出的结论是: “在美国打过疫苗的住院死亡率还是非常高的。” 只能让我相信:或者睿大妈特别傻,或者睿大妈故意在这带风向。 ray_golden 发表于 2021-04-30 03:08
🔥 最新回帖
你愿意自己吓自己不要混淆视听,我只是给旁观者澄清这个事实,当然你有不打疫苗的自由,我赞同不同人的认知和信仰不同, 我对嘲笑你的智商表示道歉。
你写的是“打过疫苗”的住院死亡率,美国整体统计7天的住院率和死亡率是这个链接 [url]https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/covid-data/covidview/index.html[/url]
确实很有道理,👍 就是的,那印度的数据哪里测出来的
🛋️ 沙发板凳
这种没source的信息,说PCR test查不出来。那么印度每天30多万怎么查出来的? 还有CT,感觉很浓的中国味。欧美查covid一般不查CT。 这儿有个新闻说indian variant不会让PCR查不出。 https://www.deccanherald.com/science-and-environment/mutant-covid-19-variants-do-not-produce-false-negative-rt-pcr-test-result-expert-says-978015.html
这个情况下还有必要考虑PCR的准确度么 = =
我们这边刚开始SIP的时候也是说flatten the curve,不要同一时间爆
hey 我和你是一个科系出来的吧?
是不是印度查的CT? 论坛看到印度人说家人症状明显,去测了是negative,去查CT才看出来的
我是3月10号打的第二针,我自己是大学里的researcher,我打的时候大学雇员已经放开了,我属于大学雇员里打的比较晚的,因为想跟我队友打针的时间错开。在我排队的时候遇到一个gym coach,她说gym,餐馆,跟人接触的职业都可以打的。childcare各种职业也在三月底就能打了。目前旧金山城里的接种率已经超过了70%,整个湾区大概完成两针的比例是50%左右。
嗯 我也听说了
肯定不是核酸检测都差不出来, 但是也不是都查得出来。 这个在变种之前就知道了吧, false negatives很多
新闻里的这个人不是San Ramon居民吗? 我以为就是北湾啊。我没有一叶障目的意思,而是说新闻本身存疑。
新冠后遗症的比例很高的,还有个专门的名词叫long COVID, NIH最近刚刚批了个十几亿的funding,专门研究相关项目 https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-launches-new-initiative-study-long-covid
我建議以後不要再叫印度人烙印 實在不好聽 尤其在此時此刻
WARNING: COVID19 new mutation is giving false negatives in Nasal swaps. The virus is now hitting straight into the lungs. It is carrying no symptoms like fever or cough. Just body ache, weakness, loss of appetite. Patients go from mild condition to extreme life and death situation within 8 to 10 hours. Patients that have previous recovered from COVID19 in last year or so are at higher risk as their respiratory system is still not fully recovered . When they get the new mutation their fatality rate is much higher. We are receiving data from across India and it is not just alarming, it is an absolute disaster of historical proportions. We suspect Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will all now be experiencing the new mutations of virus and face a dire situation just like India. Our colleagues in small towns across India especially North Eastern regions are saying it is a battle we have already lost. It is now damage control and save as many lives as possible. We have seen 400 plus children just in our district die within 10 to 12 hours. Intitial period they showed no symptoms and within hours their oxygen levels dropped and deceased. We have also attended to several patients who traveled into Mumbai from overseas and had received their jabs and ended up contracting the virus and 17 out of 28 have died. Health services both in public and private hospitals have collapsed. Rich, middle class and poor all are affected and it is spreading fast, very fast. Any further mutation or variants will potentially be a doomsday scenario. This is a WARNING go to extreme precautionsfor everyone in your household. From children to elders. This virus is no longer containable in India. Our government and systems have failed. No one could have ever anticipated this. For all other developing countries with weak healthcare systems please note this is beyond all our capacities. Let’s work towards trying to stop the spread even if it means an ironclad lockdown or else the only thing we will have left is a body count statistic that would make the Spanish flu look like a non event.
Message from Dr Pradeep Senha Sassoon General Hospital Maharashtra
Hold on, 1st said it was due to ‘complication’, then said he was a very healthy person
国内很多城市 没人戴口罩
另外,看了一下这个id, 所有的发帖都是疫苗的负面造谣帖,不是拿钱带任务的,就是有病得治。
17 out of 28 have died。这60%的死亡率,不符合新冠。 大灾大难的时候谣言满天飞。
你这才是张口就造谣呢。 小人之心!
本人就是对这次的疫苗存疑,发帖是本着分享和讨论的科学精神。 人的身体是革命的本钱,小心驶得万年船。
这个帖子很奇怪,我点了那个印度论坛的链接,里面是半英文半印度话,有个人发了楼主贴的那帖,第二页还说他不直接认识他,但和他一个hiking club什么的,看得又像是假的又像是真的,不懂。
但是知道很多老印老中都加塞打完了,比如老印同事,我们 director (老印)还传授加塞技巧。我认识的不少老中也是发现人家都打完了,不像我老老实实排到了再想着去打的。
re 耳鸣 疲劳
COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC as of April 20 As of April 20, 2021, more than 87 million people in the United States had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. During the same time, CDC received reports of vaccine breakthrough infections from 45 U.S. states and territories. Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC Total number of vaccine breakthrough infections reported to CDC7,157Females4,580 (64%)People aged ≥60 years3,265 (46%)Asymptomatic infections2,078 (31%)Hospitalizations*498 (7%)Deaths†88 (1%) *167 (34%) of the 498 hospitalizations were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19. †11 (13%) of the 88 fatal cases were reported as asymptomatic or not related to COVID-19.
你截图的上面写的清清楚楚美国有87million的人完成了疫苗的接种,fully vaccinated,现在统计到的是498人又得了新冠住院,死了77个,现在的数据是打过疫苗的人里面一百万才有不到一个死了。考虑到有些case没有统计,实际breakthrough的比例应该更高一些,但是已经是非常非常低了。
然后睿大妈得出的结论是: “在美国打过疫苗的住院死亡率还是非常高的。”
恩恩 你都对, 看看印度在做什么 全面禁中国公司 APP, 中国政府给救援 不要, 偏要找其他国家, 只能私人公司从我们伟大的中国买, 全世界供应他们要的东西 最快 最多的 在哪里 在中国。 对自己人民死了那么多 一个政府都这样, 也没见你 BB 一句。 看美国多好, 禁中国。 开放印度。 好牛 好棒, 想起以前禁中国, 开放欧洲, 然后欧洲变种传来。 你们伟大的美国人 都好聪明。 你不要看我们国内的视频, 我们天天正常生活 出口生意飞起, 很多地上不用口罩 自由生活 你不要去了解 不要看, 像青蛙一样 坐井观天。