亲历!妈妈持绿卡国内超过一年,东航被拦, 美国顺利入境

回复 195楼purpledee的帖子

越南美国大使馆都说的那么清楚, 一切要依据USCIS,你打开USCIS网站,敲黑板,划重点 ‘ If you remain outside of the United States for more than 2 years, any reentry permit granted before your departure from the United States will have expired. In this case, it is advisable to consider applying for a returning resident visa (SB-1) at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.’
看清楚, 2年以上!

What if my trip abroad will last longer than 1 year? If you plan on being absent from the United States for longer than a year, it is advisable to first apply for a reentry permit on Form I-131. Obtaining a reentry permit prior to leaving the United States allows a permanent or conditional permanent resident to apply for admission into the United States during the permit’s validity without the need to obtain a returning resident visa from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Please note that it does not guarantee entry into the United States upon your return as you must first be determined to be admissible; however, it will assist you in establishing your intention to permanently reside in the United States. For more information, see the Travel Documents page. If you remain outside of the United States for more than 2 years, any reentry permit granted before your departure from the United States will have expired. In this case, it is advisable to consider applying for a returning resident visa (SB-1) at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. An SB-1 applicant will be required to establish eligibility for an immigrant visa and will need a medical exam. There is an exception to this process for the spouse or child of either a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or civilian employee of the U.S. Government stationed abroad on official orders. For more information on obtaining a returning resident visa, see the Department of State’s webpage on returning resident visas. Additionally, absences from the United States of six months or more may disrupt the continuous residency required for naturalization. If your absence is one year or longer and you wish to preserve your continuous residency in the United States for naturalization purposes, you may file an Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes on Form N-470. For more information, please see the Continuous Residence and Physical Presence Requirements page.

回复 195楼purpledee的帖子

越南美国大使馆都说的那么清楚, 一切要依据USCIS,你打开USCIS网站,敲黑板,划重点 ‘ If you remain outside of the United States for more than 2 years, any reentry permit granted before your departure from the United States will have expired. In this case, it is advisable to consider applying for a returning resident visa (SB-1) at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate.’
看清楚, 2年以上!

What if my trip abroad will last longer than 1 year? If you plan on being absent from the United States for longer than a year, it is advisable to first apply for a reentry permit on Form I-131. Obtaining a reentry permit prior to leaving the United States allows a permanent or conditional permanent resident to apply for admission into the United States during the permit’s validity without the need to obtain a returning resident visa from a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Please note that it does not guarantee entry into the United States upon your return as you must first be determined to be admissible; however, it will assist you in establishing your intention to permanently reside in the United States. For more information, see the Travel Documents page. If you remain outside of the United States for more than 2 years, any reentry permit granted before your departure from the United States will have expired. In this case, it is advisable to consider applying for a returning resident visa (SB-1) at the nearest U.S. Embassy or Consulate. An SB-1 applicant will be required to establish eligibility for an immigrant visa and will need a medical exam. There is an exception to this process for the spouse or child of either a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or civilian employee of the U.S. Government stationed abroad on official orders. For more information on obtaining a returning resident visa, see the Department of State’s webpage on returning resident visas. Additionally, absences from the United States of six months or more may disrupt the continuous residency required for naturalization. If your absence is one year or longer and you wish to preserve your continuous residency in the United States for naturalization purposes, you may file an Application to Preserve Residence for Naturalization Purposes on Form N-470. For more information, please see the Continuous Residence and Physical Presence Requirements page.

morelove 发表于 2021-04-10 00:48

你这个USCIS的我读过,通篇都是planned trip lasting more than 1 or 2 year的政策, 没有写你这样unplanned trip lasting more than 1 year的政策, 但没写不代表没有相关的政策。我相信越南大使馆的就是unplanned trip lasting more than 1 year的政策
你如果想要用这个uscis的条文来cover你自己,那你就需要提前申请re-entry permit, 但是你没有因为你是unplanned。这也许就是大家和你辩论的关键的点。
回复 198楼purpledee的帖子
你到底有没有看我之间写的? unplanned情况我都有说,你没看到而已。 至于东航如何和我妈说的, 我至少写了三次, 你自己去翻, 我没必要为你再打一次,浪费我时间。 而且我估计你家里也没有人有绿卡有效预期滞留的问题, 所以我不知道你讨论争论半天, 要给大家什么有效建议?
我再说最后一次,关于你的链接, 越南美国大使馆写的非常清楚, 一切按照USCIS的规定来。就算越南美国大使馆提到unplanned情况,你要东航和旅客说, 看到越南的美国大使馆的规章, 所有不能放行中国旅客? 你在搞笑吗?驻北京美国大使馆同意吗? USCIS同意吗?

回复 198楼purpledee的帖子
你到底有没有看我之间写的? unplanned情况我都有说,你没看到而已。 至于东航如何和我妈说的, 我至少写了三次, 你自己去翻, 我没必要为你再打一次,浪费我时间。 而且我估计你家里也没有人有绿卡有效预期滞留的问题, 所以我不知道你讨论争论半天, 要给大家什么有效建议?
我再说最后一次,关于你的链接, 越南美国大使馆写的非常清楚, 一切按照USCIS的规定来。就算越南美国大使馆提到unplanned情况,你要东航和旅客说, 看到越南的美国大使馆的规章, 所有不能放行中国旅客? 你在搞笑吗?驻北京美国大使馆同意吗? USCIS同意吗?

morelove 发表于 2021-04-10 01:24

我用只看楼主功能,用关键字”plan”还有“计划”搜索了你在这个楼里面的所有帖子,没有见过你任何planned vs unplanned的讨论。不过,我欢迎你打脸
immigrants who hold permanent resident status and reside outside of the United States for more than 12 months without prior approval from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) must obtain a new immigrant visa to return to the United States.
回复 154楼Silverwing的帖子
絕大多數人都是守法的 守法是應該的 沒錯 但另一方面 有各種情況無法在1年內回美國的 這種情況只要好好解釋(很多時候第一次而且不是好幾年不回來的根本都不太需要解釋)大多數海關就放進來了 這也是事實 但這確實不是心存僥倖違法的理由

回复 200楼purpledee的帖子
你回复的所有的,给我的感觉就是抓不到重点,你把全世界的美国大使馆网站都贴过来都没问题,我尊重你的行为艺术,你还可以另开一贴,名字都帮你想好啦“各国美领馆关于绿卡逾期一年cov19政策总结” 但都注明遵循uscis的规则这一事实。你觉东航和海关会用uscis还是各国美使馆的政策?
发的越南美领馆链接,各国政策对比,各国机场差异,如何办返美证,教育我们如何维护好绿卡,赞美东航按章办事,签证买单程机票会被海关拦.... 所有这些,能帮助我们逾期一年多,不到2年的家人顺利回美吗?

小气蔻蔻 发表于 2021-04-10 00:42
