Not everyone lives in shinny California. In cold weather battery performance degrades. Heat bump helps but... Saving gas? Depends on what area in the U.S. It certainly does not save much gas money for me, for an example.
Not everyone lives in shinny California. In cold weather battery performance degrades. Heat bump helps but... Saving gas? Depends on what area in the U.S. It certainly does not save much gas money for me, for an example. yolandos 发表于 2021-04-02 20:05
Even in California, last time I was in Irvine, my friend drove me to three supercharger sites, all full. I think that''s all they had in Irvine at that time. Can you image it was in highway, the nearest one is 150 miles away....
why not.. I have only tesla's now..
我的记得特斯拉的承诺是四年>80%的可充电量 。所以你还要查查或者问特斯拉是否正常 如果保修范围内让他们弄
有何不可。 都2021年了,高速路到处都是超充。 超充旁边超市逛一圈 喝被咖啡搞定了, 省了油钱跑一趟多划算,高速自动驾驶长途不要太轻松
Not everyone lives in shinny California. In cold weather battery performance degrades. Heat bump helps but...
Saving gas? Depends on what area in the U.S. It certainly does not save much gas money for me, for an example.
Even in California, last time I was in Irvine, my friend drove me to three supercharger sites, all full. I think that''s all they had in Irvine at that time. Can you image it was in highway, the nearest one is 150 miles away....
十有八九是你的limit没调到100%吧? 而且充电根据停留的时间掌握, 没必要每次都冲到80%。
想当初整个湾区就一弗利芒厂区超充, 叔南加北加来回N次。那时候开长途,大家每个超充都是必停的, 否则到不了下一站。 充电时碰到的早期车主,有些是平时不太会见到的。。。
后来西岸东岸转了一圈, 除了一桶洗窗水, 没花一分油钱。
而且吧 一般家庭电车一个油车一个至少现在是 而多数电车都是车库隔夜在家充满了 没什么不方便。 偶尔长途加上自动驾驶真的很省很方便
自动驾驶还没哪家local 能用的吧
高速情况那么简单都不完美 local情况那么复杂不是一个级别的难度