这是他的原话。字面上的解读是美国不会再向除美国三家外的其他药厂订购新的疫苗。 Fauci said that "If you look at the numbers (of doses) that we're going to be getting, the amount that you can get from J&J, from Novavax, from Moderna if we contract for more, it is likely that we can handle any boost that we need, but I can't say definitely for sure." 辉瑞已经订购的3亿剂会继续使用。他昨天在辉瑞宣布对南非变种效果好的时候说其他疫苗(mRNA)如果实验的话,效果也不会差。他代表的NIH和Moderna是一家,所以力挺Moderna可以理解。
美国定了3亿剂阿斯利康。目前情况看来美国确实不需要阿斯利康疫苗。 容我腹黑一下,美国估计想退单,但是不好意思开口毁约。正好现在阿斯利康负面新闻缠身,需要美国FDA批准来背书。于是这关口Fauci出来暗示一下,看阿斯利康会不会心领神会了。
他说的是 Moderna(3亿),强生(2亿)和 Novavax (1亿)。
脑补过度。 Fauci的意思是,已经跟Pfizer加了合同了,所以只提了其他三个。没有Pfizer的研发参与,这只疫苗够呛。复兴拿到的株型,做了两期实验,结果没法看。
Fauci said that "If you look at the numbers (of doses) that we're going to be getting, the amount that you can get from J&J, from Novavax, from Moderna if we contract for more, it is likely that we can handle any boost that we need, but I can't say definitely for sure."