
楼主 (北美华人网)
“I don’t want them here at all,” former Donald Trump administration official Sery Kim said on Wednesday night, during a Republican congressional candidate forum in Arlington. “They steal our intellectual property, they give us coronavirus, they don’t hold themselves accountable.” Kim, who is from South Korea, told the applauding crowd that it was safe for her to criticize the Chinese. “And quite frankly I can say that because I’m Korean,” Kim said.
“我一点也不想他们(美华)在这呆着”前政府官员Sery Kim周三晚上在艾灵顿的共和党议员选举讨论会上如是说道:“他们偷窃我们的高科技知识,他们给我们传播新冠病毒,他们毫无担当。” Kim来自南朝鲜,对掌声不断地听众们说道批评中国对她来说是安全的。她说道:“老实说我们韩国人可以这么说。”