你这个就是不明真相瞎出主意的典范了。先看看详细报道 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/washington-multiple-shooting-congress-heights/2021/03/31/391f4da0-9249-11eb-a74e-1f4cf89fd948_story.html This is the way of life in the hood! 华盛顿可是美国控枪最严格的地方之一,良民很难很难合法买到或拥有枪支。 就算最严格的禁枪法律通过,这些黑帮手里的枪不派军队去大规模清剿是收不回来的。能收缴的枪都是良民(愿意守法的老实人)手里的。一旦执行美国就能变成墨西哥今天的样子,你愿意看到吗? 从行文就能猜出来这个是少数民族社区内部矛盾(帮派之间或家庭内部/之间的仇杀)。这个可是左派喉舌华盛顿邮报的报道: The shootings come as District officials face a fourth consecutive year of rising homicides, along with a surge in carjackings. Before Wednesday’s killings in Congress Heights, the District had recorded 42 homicides this year, up nearly 17 percent from the 36 at this time in 2020. That year ended with a 16-year high in killings. Two hours after the shooting, the block where it occurred was damp and quiet. A few residents stood on a street corner with umbrellas, and one neighbor peeked out of his doorway to see police officers and yellow caution tape overtake his street. None would speak with a reporter. D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8), who said he knew most of the victims and had spoken to their families, paced along Congress Street. A playground across the street was empty. White said the shootings were most likely “over nothing” and that the violence “hurts my heart.” He added, “I think, as a community, we have to do better.” Officials say 41 percent of gun-related crimes occur on just 2 percent, or 151, blocks of the District. Authorities confirmed that Wednesday’s shooting was on one of those blocks, singled out as a “building block” for close attention and services.
你这个就是不明真相瞎出主意的典范了。先看看详细报道 https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/washington-multiple-shooting-congress-heights/2021/03/31/391f4da0-9249-11eb-a74e-1f4cf89fd948_story.html This is the way of life in the hood! 华盛顿可是美国控枪最严格的地方之一,良民很难很难合法买到或拥有枪支。 就算最严格的禁枪法律通过,这些黑帮手里的枪不派军队去大规模清剿是收不回来的。能收缴的枪都是良民(愿意守法的老实人)手里的。一旦执行美国就能变成墨西哥今天的样子,你愿意看到吗? 从行文就能猜出来这个是少数民族社区内部矛盾(帮派之间或家庭内部/之间的仇杀)。这个可是左派喉舌华盛顿邮报的报道: The shootings come as District officials face a fourth consecutive year of rising homicides, along with a surge in carjackings. Before Wednesday’s killings in Congress Heights, the District had recorded 42 homicides this year, up nearly 17 percent from the 36 at this time in 2020. That year ended with a 16-year high in killings. Two hours after the shooting, the block where it occurred was damp and quiet. A few residents stood on a street corner with umbrellas, and one neighbor peeked out of his doorway to see police officers and yellow caution tape overtake his street. None would speak with a reporter. D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8), who said he knew most of the victims and had spoken to their families, paced along Congress Street. A playground across the street was empty. White said the shootings were most likely “over nothing” and that the violence “hurts my heart.” He added, “I think, as a community, we have to do better.” Officials say 41 percent of gun-related crimes occur on just 2 percent, or 151, blocks of the District. Authorities confirmed that Wednesday’s shooting was on one of those blocks, singled out as a “building block” for close attention and services. changheruhailiu 发表于 2021-04-01 03:16
所以这人就不能流动?在哪买枪就只能待在哪儿? We need national gun control ! 以你的智商可能很难理解。
That is why they make drunk driving (DUI)felony or misdemeanor you moron ,what a f moron diandianmama 发表于 2021-04-01 18:52
Right back at you, as you are too stupid to distinguish malum prohibitum and malum in se. A drunk driver who is impaired AND drives on a public road intentionally endangers others who are on the same road, but a lawful gun owner minding his own business endangers no one.
看下统计数据 https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/
This is the way of life in the hood!
The shootings come as District officials face a fourth consecutive year of rising homicides, along with a surge in carjackings. Before Wednesday’s killings in Congress Heights, the District had recorded 42 homicides this year, up nearly 17 percent from the 36 at this time in 2020. That year ended with a 16-year high in killings.
Two hours after the shooting, the block where it occurred was damp and quiet. A few residents stood on a street corner with umbrellas, and one neighbor peeked out of his doorway to see police officers and yellow caution tape overtake his street. None would speak with a reporter. D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8), who said he knew most of the victims and had spoken to their families, paced along Congress Street. A playground across the street was empty. White said the shootings were most likely “over nothing” and that the violence “hurts my heart.” He added, “I think, as a community, we have to do better.”
Officials say 41 percent of gun-related crimes occur on just 2 percent, or 151, blocks of the District. Authorities confirmed that Wednesday’s shooting was on one of those blocks, singled out as a “building block” for close attention and services.
所以这人就不能流动?在哪买枪就只能待在哪儿? We need national gun control ! 以你的智商可能很难理解。
说错莫怪,您大概率没有去过这种不好的社区吧。要不看看美剧,听听gangsta rap,接一点地气吧
在没有defund police, antifa没上街之前,大部分城市对付这种问题的策略是发钱把他们养起来(这也是为什么很多hood里14岁少女就当妈,30岁就当姥姥,8个孩子有8个不同的爹,管生不管养)但是限制他们的生活范围。在他们的hood或者project里,生活确实很绝望,黑帮之间直接杀来杀去,只要不出来作案,警察只负责收尸。案子是永远破不了的(破了也没有用,双方都认命了)。但是他们一般只在自己的生活圈作案,外面毕竟不熟。
现在开始defund police, 警察也先求自保,懒得或者不敢管了,所以大城市里劫车案大大增加(很多是青少年作案,男女都有),所以他们开始流窜作案了。你这时候禁枪,用脚趾头想都能想得出能不能禁到他们手里的枪。
禁枪是绝对不行,看看现在 缅甸 的情况就知道了。
太幼稚了。 2,3年前,缅甸军政府杀了几万罗兴亚人,上百万罗兴亚人出逃成为国际难民。 缅甸军政府打了各地少数民族武装几十年,死了几十万人有了吧。 好像1988年有个 8888 民主运动,你去查一下,缅甸军政府在美国大使馆门前就一次打死 游行群众500多人。
就是这样。一有mass shooting就叫嚣控枪。非法持枪的才是大问题
然而很多死伤惨重的mass shooting用的都是合法枪支。比如Las Vegas死伤近千那次,没有一支是黑枪。
因为很多mass murderer/shooter都没有前科(或者有前科,FBI,警察知道但也不管不问,类似Boulder, Parkland...),background check没有屁用,所以你的解决方案是禁所有合法持枪的喽。看13楼。
太可怕了,这么直白的racism! 只要是黑人就是暴力的? 看看mass shooting 的恶人,是不是都是你亲爱的白爹?
是的,不明白为什么总有人故意混淆概念,禁枪和控枪根本是两个概念,assaulted weapon是mass shooting 的标配,好人谁会拿它去公共场合,坏人拿了它去公共场合扫射又有谁有能力并来得及阻止。 为什么总是拿不可能收掉坏人手里的枪做借口,试都不试怎么知道行不行,如果做不到是不是要做证公共场合比如超市,mall里,酒吧都要有严格的保安系统。
更准确一点说, 控制垃圾人口,提高人口素质才能根本解决问题。
提示一下, 某贵人族裔只占美国13%人口
我也很奇怪这回复里面呢对于AR的评价不像是家里有枪的吧。能合法买到的武器看起来再牛也真的就是只能家防,碰到黑帮和暴乱根本就没用。 而且,正常人类不会没事开枪的。因为只要开火了不管是什么理由家防,就要有心理准备没有5位数的开销这事情平不下来。
每次mass shooting 有黑人吗? 最近这几起,不都是你崇拜的白人变态?控枪就是为了控制这些变态深井冰或者有暴力倾向持大规模杀伤性武器,最起码不能拥有AR15之类的。好人拿枪但为什么需要ar15?
That is why they make drunk driving (DUI)felony or misdemeanor you moron ,what a f moron
Right back at you, as you are too stupid to distinguish malum prohibitum and malum in se.
A drunk driver who is impaired AND drives on a public road intentionally endangers others who are on the same road, but a lawful gun owner minding his own business endangers no one.
颠倒黑白, 你