大洞洞又在挖坑, US News就第一个不同意 https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings Here are the 20 best countries for Quality of Life in 2020 Canada Denmark Sweden Norway Australia Netherlands Switzerland New Zealand Finland Germany Austria United Kingdom Luxembourg Japan United States France Portugal Spain China Singapore
Q https://pix11.com/news/local-news/city-council-votes-to-end-qualified-immunity-for-nypd-officers/City Council votes to end qualified immunity for NYPD officers LOWER MANHATTAN — New York City Council voted to pass a resolution effectively ending qualified immunity for police officers accused of civil rights violations, lawmakers announced Thursday. The rule is meant “to ensure that officers who violate Constitutional rights in the course of a search and seizure or by the use of excessive force are not entitled to qualified immunity,” legislators said. --- The police reform resolution has five goals: The Decriminalization of Poverty.Recognition and Continual Examination of Historical and Modern-Day Racialized Policing in New York City.Transparency and Accountability to the People of New York City.Community Representation and Partnership.A Diverse, Resilient, and Supported NYPD. UQ
Q https://pix11.com/news/local-news/city-council-votes-to-end-qualified-immunity-for-nypd-officers/City Council votes to end qualified immunity for NYPD officers LOWER MANHATTAN — New York City Council voted to pass a resolution effectively ending qualified immunity for police officers accused of civil rights violations, lawmakers announced Thursday. The rule is meant “to ensure that officers who violate Constitutional rights in the course of a search and seizure or by the use of excessive force are not entitled to qualified immunity,” legislators said. --- The police reform resolution has five goals: The Decriminalization of Poverty.Recognition and Continual Examination of Historical and Modern-Day Racialized Policing in New York City.Transparency and Accountability to the People of New York City.Community Representation and Partnership.A Diverse, Resilient, and Supported NYPD. UQ EvenOdd 发表于 2021-03-26 09:08
Rooted in our nation’s history of systemic racism ... deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades. Q Council Speaker Corey Johnson said New York City is now the first city in the nation to end qualified immunity. “Qualified immunity was established in 1967 in Mississippi to prevent Freedom Riders from holding public officials liable even when they broke the law,” he said in a tweet. “Rooted in our nation’s history of systemic racism, qualified immunity denied Freedom Riders justice and has been used to deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades. It should never have been allowed, but I’m proud that we took action today to end it here in NYC.” The Legal Aid Society applauded the move, but said more needs to be done. UQ https://www.elitetrader.com/et/threads/nyc-ends-qualified-immunity-for-nypd-officers.357238/
5年之内 我同意
ok 10年吧
我相信人类社会的发展会是democracy win, 而不是autocracy, 因为人们都会向往自由。
大洞洞又在挖坑, US News就第一个不同意 https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/quality-of-life-rankings
Here are the 20 best countries for Quality of Life in 2020 Canada Denmark Sweden Norway Australia Netherlands Switzerland New Zealand Finland Germany Austria United Kingdom Luxembourg Japan United States France Portugal Spain China Singapore
你大嘴一张就来,欧洲大部分人生活比美国好?东欧,南欧是一大块,你举出哪个国家生活质量超过美国? 就算西欧最发达的德国瑞士,北欧最发达的挪威丹麦,假期医疗福利的确超出,华人有选择的话,有多少愿意在那里就业安家的?
BTW, one needs to assume that the US should be a free world lighthouse, promoting and respecting free competition!
不要种族歧视,觉得还是意识形态决定,无论什么种族什么地域什么宗教信仰的移民, 来到美国如果能尊崇美国的价值观,从此当美国人,美国还将是美国。 如果把原有烂国家的那些烂规矩也带过来,只想着来沾好处,用恶习来改变美国, 那也难怪美国人要把这些人赶回去,既然喜欢原有国就回去吧,别在这儿祸害美国。
I don"t like that saying.
Do you actually mean <美国和中国是西东半球最好的>?
LOWER MANHATTAN — New York City Council voted to pass a resolution effectively ending qualified immunity for police officers accused of civil rights violations, lawmakers announced Thursday.
The rule is meant “to ensure that officers who violate Constitutional rights in the course of a search and seizure or by the use of excessive force are not entitled to qualified immunity,” legislators said.
The police reform resolution has five goals: The Decriminalization of Poverty. Recognition and Continual Examination of Historical and Modern-Day Racialized Policing in New York City. Transparency and Accountability to the People of New York City. Community Representation and Partnership. A Diverse, Resilient, and Supported NYPD.
Rooted in our nation’s history of systemic racism ... deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades.
Q Council Speaker Corey Johnson said New York City is now the first city in the nation to end qualified immunity.
“Qualified immunity was established in 1967 in Mississippi to prevent Freedom Riders from holding public officials liable even when they broke the law,” he said in a tweet. “Rooted in our nation’s history of systemic racism, qualified immunity denied Freedom Riders justice and has been used to deny justice to victims of police abuse for decades. It should never have been allowed, but I’m proud that we took action today to end it here in NYC.”
The Legal Aid Society applauded the move, but said more needs to be done. UQ
哪里来的迷之自信? 欧洲一些国家你了解吗?还世界呢。
大胆点,10年内还行。 但最完美不敢说,比美国好的,不要太多,只不过对第一代技术移民可能美国算岐视最小的
首先,比较制度: 那些政府防民之口甚于防川的地方,比起言论控制较少的地方,"根基"不好,言论自由度大的地方胜出。
其次: 胜出地方,看是对谁/哪个族裔较好。显然,由于人性利已,任何一个地方,都是对其主要人口好,对少数族裔人口不好。
<贪财是万恶之源。财富的诱惑让人不惜践踏生命。 世界上,只有生命才是真正的财富。为了资本而践踏生命的,是个奴性的国度,人不过是资本的奴役,是贪欲的奴役。所谓精致利己主义,其实不过是奴役而已 >
对啊 大家都用脚投票的
Q Australia slides from world’s greatest country to pariah – in just ten years
By Alan Austin | 22 February 2021
A decade ago, Australia was lauded worldwide for its accomplishments and today it is condemned for its racism, selfishness and corruption, says Alan Austin.
THERE WAS NO question which the world’s most admired country in 2011. Australia’s achievements included:
Fast forward one decade and Australia is now condemned globally for its abject failures on more than ten substantial issues.
有病吧。你用的电脑,网络,几乎所有现代重要发明,是美国和西方繁荣的基础,难道这是你的痛苦吗。 别天天胡扯土共洗脑颠倒是非的所谓 “建立在其他国家痛苦贫穷死亡的代价上“,这些逻辑混乱的话语啦。
这个不一定,autocracy肯定不赢是对的,但democracy 也就是人类历史的一阶段而已。