from a practical standpoint investors often pay back their 401(k) loans with aftertax dollars, in contrast with my example above. Say, for example, I borrow $25,000 from my 401(k) to buy a car. The money I've borrowed tax-free from my 401(k) is sunk in my car and I can't get it out to pay myself back; to pay back my 401(k) loan, I have to use aftertax dollars. But I took the initial $25,000 out tax-free, so it's a wash from a tax perspective; I got a tax break on the amount I borrowed, but that break is effectively negated by the fact that I'm paying it back with aftertax dollars. Only the interest part that I'm paying on my loan is truly taxed twice.
from a practical standpoint investors often pay back their 401(k) loans with aftertax dollars, in contrast with my example above. Say, for example, I borrow $25,000 from my 401(k) to buy a car. The money I've borrowed tax-free from my 401(k) is sunk in my car and I can't get it out to pay myself back; to pay back my 401(k) loan, I have to use aftertax dollars. But I took the initial $25,000 out tax-free, so it's a wash from a tax perspective; I got a tax break on the amount I borrowed, but that break is effectively negated by the fact that I'm paying it back with aftertax dollars. Only the interest part that I'm paying on my loan is truly taxed twice.
我以为是和employer 交涉呢。。。
401k借钱借的时候会告诉如何还吧?一般是设个期限,比如3年,然后每张pay check里面扣。你也可以提前还,从银行里付。
确实是离职了,没办法从paycheck 理扣钱了。 如果不还回去,干脆交税是不是简单点儿?
你本来就是401k loan,不就是税后对税后吗?
401k 里面的钱是没交过税的啊,我知道由于借款而产生的利息是要用税后的钱还回去,但是借款本身应该用税前的钱还吧? 不行了, 糊涂了
例如你离职后还欠5万, 不仅仅要交税, 然后10%罚金不是开玩笑的:那是白花花的5千大洋。 我建议你跟401K公司沟通一下看看下一步怎么走对你比较有利。 401K是退休用的钱。
谢谢MM, 我是在cares act 条件下拿出的钱, 所以没有10% 的罚款。 如果用税后的钱还回去, 那还不如不还, 直接算在income 理交税简单点儿。 如果把钱还回去,始终搞不明白为什么要用税后的钱还? 等60岁再拿出来的时候还要交一次税,岂不是交了2 次税。。。。
如果本金用税后的钱还回去, 等60岁再拿出来的时候还要交一次税,岂不是交了2 次税。。。。 我知道利息是用税后的钱还回去, 但是借出来的本金不应该交2 次税啊。。。
你拿出来的钱没有交税啊 所以并不算你付了两次tax
我说的是如果我现在用税后的钱还回去 (等于这些存入401k 的钱是交过税了), 等到60岁再拿出来时还要再交一次税, 这不就是2 次吗?
from a practical standpoint investors often pay back their 401(k) loans with aftertax dollars, in contrast with my example above. Say, for example, I borrow $25,000 from my 401(k) to buy a car. The money I've borrowed tax-free from my 401(k) is sunk in my car and I can't get it out to pay myself back; to pay back my 401(k) loan, I have to use aftertax dollars. But I took the initial $25,000 out tax-free, so it's a wash from a tax perspective; I got a tax break on the amount I borrowed, but that break is effectively negated by the fact that I'm paying it back with aftertax dollars. Only the interest part that I'm paying on my loan is truly taxed twice.
如果没有罚金,如果你现在不还,今年的欠款就成了你的收入,如何你不在乎Income增加的话,也是可行的。 你借的钱是从401K出来的(你以前放进401K的钱是从工资里面扣进去的,本来所有的工资领取当年就应该交税,可是你放进去401K那笔钱就变成Tax deferred,当年就没有交那笔钱的税)。例如你借10万出来,你借的时候就没有缴税啊,还上去了10万也应该是你之前借的10万啊。不算Tax 两次。你不还的话就变成deamed loan distribution, 就需要缴税了。
奥,谢谢啊, 我好好琢磨一下。。。
假设你明年就退休。你今年还欠401k十万。 你不还,这十万就会加到今年收入上交税。然后可能付10%罚金。明年退休了,你也没有这十万。 你今年还了,今年就不用加这十万交税。明年你退休了可以把十万取出来,就加到明年收入上交税。