今天看到youtube的推送,才知道又有mass shooting了。 但是我很不理解的是,之前Atlanta的mass shooting为什么没有上 Breaking news? 这两者的关注度到底相差了多少?于是做了一下比较。 这是搜索Colorado Shooting,今天上传,按View count排序的前几个。 这是搜索Atlanta shooting,本月上传,按View count排序的前几个。 也就是说,射杀8名亚裔的关注量6天加起来,跟Colorado枪杀10人后 6小时的关注量差不多。 当然,一个原因可能是,这个案件死者多了两个人,可能这对触发youtube的breaking news有了点帮助。 这也很好地反驳了“不要用力把凶手往Hate Crime上靠、也许对方就是想靠这个出名”之类的狗屁说法。这样不好出名?那再多杀四五个不就好出名了吗?所有媒体都在全力报道哦,死的人越多越出名哦。还嫌不够吗? 而另一个原因可能是,袭击亚裔的案件也许只有亚裔在关注。6小时/6天=1/24,大概4%的比例,比亚裔在美国的比例还少。真的关心这个事情的,大多都是亚裔吧。对比George floyd的案件,不知第一周有多少关注度。我之前一直以为非裔的美国人有很多,最近查了一下才知道只有13.4%。但这个事情的影响力,绝不仅有13.4%的人。 再想象一下如果有哪个警官在Colorado这个案子上敢来一句 “He had a bad day and that''s what he did” 会有什么后果吧。什么时候亚裔在美国的地位能达到同样的水平? 改变亚裔整体的处境需要时间和努力,现在能做的除了游行,也许还应该把所有历史上的hate crime against Asian记录、整理下来,并设立一个纪念日,每年在这个日子宣传,提醒那些亲历的人不要忘记,也让那些未曾听说过这些事情的人了解这段历史。
美国的政治制度真适合小团体。 亚裔只要民主党有一个参议员,在2党50-50的时候,就能做很多事情了,block很多议案。 Illinois的参议员Duckworth和夏威夷参议员Mazie Hirono 正准备这么做。 Sens. Duckworth, Hirono Will Block Biden Nominees Over Lack Of AAPI Representation : NPR Outraged by the lack of Asian American representation in President Biden's administration, Democratic Sens. Tammy Duckworth and Mazie Hirono have pledged to vote "no" on any White House nominees that aren't diverse candidates. "There's no AAPI representation in the Cabinet," the Illinois Democrat told Capitol Hill reporters Tuesday afternoon. "There's not a single AAPI in a Cabinet position. That's unacceptable." Duckworth, who is Thai American, said she had been talking to the White House for months over concerns over the lack of AAPI representation, even giving them names of "well qualified AAPI" candidates "who never even got a phone call." Biden pledged to build the most diverse cabinet in history, and about half of his cabinet picks have been non-white. Speaking about Duckworth's decision on Tuesday, Biden said: "We have the most diverse cabinet in history. We have a lot of Asian Americans that are in the Cabinet and in sub-Cabinet levels." There are no Asian Americans in Biden's Cabinet and just a handful in top positions like U.S. trade representative and surgeon general.
这是搜索Colorado Shooting,今天上传,按View count排序的前几个。
这是搜索Atlanta shooting,本月上传,按View count排序的前几个。
也就是说,射杀8名亚裔的关注量6天加起来,跟Colorado枪杀10人后 6小时的关注量差不多。 当然,一个原因可能是,这个案件死者多了两个人,可能这对触发youtube的breaking news有了点帮助。 这也很好地反驳了“不要用力把凶手往Hate Crime上靠、也许对方就是想靠这个出名”之类的狗屁说法。这样不好出名?那再多杀四五个不就好出名了吗?所有媒体都在全力报道哦,死的人越多越出名哦。还嫌不够吗? 而另一个原因可能是,袭击亚裔的案件也许只有亚裔在关注。6小时/6天=1/24,大概4%的比例,比亚裔在美国的比例还少。真的关心这个事情的,大多都是亚裔吧。对比George floyd的案件,不知第一周有多少关注度。我之前一直以为非裔的美国人有很多,最近查了一下才知道只有13.4%。但这个事情的影响力,绝不仅有13.4%的人。 再想象一下如果有哪个警官在Colorado这个案子上敢来一句 “He had a bad day and that''s what he did” 会有什么后果吧。什么时候亚裔在美国的地位能达到同样的水平?
改变亚裔整体的处境需要时间和努力,现在能做的除了游行,也许还应该把所有历史上的hate crime against Asian记录、整理下来,并设立一个纪念日,每年在这个日子宣传,提醒那些亲历的人不要忘记,也让那些未曾听说过这些事情的人了解这段历史。
但是黑人被杀。德国媒体天天报道 德国各地游行示威
华人啊 麻木不仁的很多
周末我出门参加stop Asian hate之前给村朋友发了条团购信息,她立马很兴奋的要我帮忙买这买那买这买那列了不少。我随手又发了一下hate活动,邀请她同去,立马不作声。
差距远不止楼主说的那样 新闻嘛,也就前12小时 差几百倍到几千倍。
是太弱势了, 没有人在意吧
在黄鼬们看来他们是人尖 精神白人 除了白人谁都歧视
Atlanta shooting花了几个小时才上Twitter trending,Colorado shooting马上就上了
This is truly disturbing and disgusting!
这到底是真糊涂还是装糊涂 lz说的是对比流量!那么多数字是看不见还是看不懂?
Sad, just sad!
川粉反正怎样都是对的,媒体大肆报道吧,说左媒带节奏,媒体不报道把,说你看吧,游行啥用,你们左媒都不把你放眼里,不是真心帮你。 反正他们还真把自己当回事了……
Illinois的参议员Duckworth和夏威夷参议员Mazie Hirono 正准备这么做。
Sens. Duckworth, Hirono Will Block Biden Nominees Over Lack Of AAPI Representation : NPR
Outraged by the lack of Asian American representation in President Biden's administration, Democratic Sens. Tammy Duckworth and Mazie Hirono have pledged to vote "no" on any White House nominees that aren't diverse candidates. "There's no AAPI representation in the Cabinet," the Illinois Democrat told Capitol Hill reporters Tuesday afternoon. "There's not a single AAPI in a Cabinet position. That's unacceptable." Duckworth, who is Thai American, said she had been talking to the White House for months over concerns over the lack of AAPI representation, even giving them names of "well qualified AAPI" candidates "who never even got a phone call." Biden pledged to build the most diverse cabinet in history, and about half of his cabinet picks have been non-white. Speaking about Duckworth's decision on Tuesday, Biden said: "We have the most diverse cabinet in history. We have a lot of Asian Americans that are in the Cabinet and in sub-Cabinet levels." There are no Asian Americans in Biden's Cabinet and just a handful in top positions like U.S. trade representative and surgeon general.
亚裔不多, 互相之间还要内讧,不敢说别的种族的话可以轻松拿来骂同样的亚裔
did she report to police? what is the following?