qq新闻。。。引用breitbart。。。咋不直接引用QAnon呢? 看看原文是如何被断章取义的,阴谋论也就哄哄不懂英文的人好吗? https://www.google.com/amp/s/time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/%3famp=true The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted. For more than a year, a loosely organized coalition of operatives scrambled to shore up America’s institutions as they came under simultaneous attack from a remorseless pandemic and an autocratically inclined President. Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors. The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding. 爱与自由 发表于 2021-03-23 22:49
FREE SPEECH - This defamation lawsuit is yet another attempt to silence critics and citizens who want to investigate voter fraud. The statements Dominion claims are defamatory are actually protected speech under the First Amendment because they deal with matters of public concern, i.e., election integrity. The Fake News media and their allies are spinning meritless claims because their arguments have neither the facts nor the law needed to hold up in a courtroom. - The statements complained of are also protected because Dominion is a public figure and must prove that Ms. Powell acted with malice. This is impossible, as Ms. Powell’s lawyer has explained, because Ms. Powell’s statements were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. She presented this evidence for all to see in four court filings and on her website. FAKE NEWS - Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. - Dominion claims that the evidence Ms. Powell relied upon to assert her claims concerning the lack of election integrity is incredible and not believable. Ms. Powell responded by pointing out that her assertions were her legal opinions based on the evidence she presented to four different courts. Accordingly, her statements are not subject to challenge under defamation law.
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
她所有的努力都是为了能够打开选举机器看看怎么回事,所以当然她说的是猜测和观点 直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举 strawberrykiwi 发表于 2021-03-24 15:34
就是只要我的目标是好的 撒谎是可以接受,这叫善意的谎言,正义的谎言,引蛇出洞的谎言 对吗? 然而,老鸨说,non reasonable people would believe..... 就是“家人们啊,白嫖下哈,别激动”
没有兴趣跟这个事,当时现在看个新闻都要去证实一下是常识了。只有WSJ全文引用了她的原话,CNN等都是断章取义的。她这是很标准的对诽谤罪的应对。居然被说成是认罪了。 In its Monday motion, Ms. Powell’s legal team argued that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process."
选举本来就应该是公开透明的,根本不需要公民要求,整个过程就不应该有任何不透明的地方。这个和一般刑事案民事案burden of proof不一样,那些案子的原则是宁可错放一千,不可冤枉一个,你希望我们的大选也用同样的标准吗?稀里糊涂就过去了? 这次几个摇摆州用疫情做借口,违法修改程序,事后又不允许检查,全国至少一半人质疑结果,让美国在全世界面前丢脸,到现在拜登还躲着不敢直接面对公众,这就是不正常遗臭万年的选举
没有兴趣跟这个事,当时现在看个新闻都要去证实一下是常识了。只有WSJ全文引用了她的原话,CNN等都是断章取义的。她这是很标准的对诽谤罪的应对。居然被说成是认罪了。 In its Monday motion, Ms. Powell’s legal team argued that “reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact but view them only as claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process." mary的小绵羊 发表于 2021-03-24 19:52
hahaha mm说得太好笑了
哎呀 这可戳到川粉的痛处了
如果川粉要救女神, 那就只有一种办法: 出门游行:高举牌子, “我们自愿被骗!不怪女神!”
想起台湾慰安妇权益事件, 绿绿小伙急的直喊“我阿麻是自愿的!”
- This defamation lawsuit is yet another attempt to silence critics and citizens who want to investigate voter fraud. The statements Dominion claims are defamatory are actually protected speech under the First Amendment because they deal with matters of public concern, i.e., election integrity. The Fake News media and their allies are spinning meritless claims because their arguments have neither the facts nor the law needed to hold up in a courtroom.
- The statements complained of are also protected because Dominion is a public figure and must prove that Ms. Powell acted with malice. This is impossible, as Ms. Powell’s lawyer has explained, because Ms. Powell’s statements were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence. She presented this evidence for all to see in four court filings and on her website.
- Contrary to what the Fake News is pushing, Sidney did NOT claim in court that ‘no reasonable person would believe her claims’. The press is using twisted legalese and manipulating the legal standard to confuse the issue, as they have done before in other high-profile cases. Ms. Powell’s statements were legal opinions that she stands behind, as they were based on sworn affidavits, declarations, expert reports and documentary evidence.
- Dominion claims that the evidence Ms. Powell relied upon to assert her claims concerning the lack of election integrity is incredible and not believable. Ms. Powell responded by pointing out that her assertions were her legal opinions based on the evidence she presented to four different courts. Accordingly, her statements are not subject to challenge under defamation law.
NM 湾湾真有这种人?
直到现在选举的过程都是不透明的,很多有争议的地方chain of custody is broken and not accounted for。没人能够否认这是一场有很大争议和很多问题的选举
称:选举投票机舞弊 问:有何证据,秀秀? 答:选举过程不透明,有争议,民主党不让没办法找证据 没证据你叫个毛?脑补吗
就是只要我的目标是好的 撒谎是可以接受,这叫善意的谎言,正义的谎言,引蛇出洞的谎言 对吗?
然而,老鸨说,non reasonable people would believe..... 就是“家人们啊,白嫖下哈,别激动”
时事版就有,那时不是有id每天报道何时公布证据么?还啥美国军队和德国军队火拼拿服务器,各种军事活动她都了如指掌。。。咋现在说不给她看证据了呢?谁质疑 谁举证。
难道 law and order 不是讲究 innocent until guilty“”?
嚷嚷 "舞弊",又不给证据, 那你嚷嚷啥? 想白嫖吗?
这样吧 我说你strawberrykiwi 昨晚杀了全家并藏尸体, 请你现在自己证明下你没有,你不证明就是杀了, 就是这个逻辑对吧
只有在明知道事实是A,却说是B的时候才是撒谎。 SP应该是真诚地相信选举舞弊,怀疑选举机器有被操纵的可能,即使她的观点是错的,指责她说谎也是没有根据的 在你们左派嘴里,只要观点跟你们不一样就是在撒谎,真是头脑简单,逻辑粗暴,搞不清事实跟观点的界限,动不动就扣帽子
她说的几个机器舞弊,人家根本就没有用它家的机器。用它家机器的几个郡县是trump赢了。 https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.mcall.com/news/pennsylvania/mc-nws-spotlight-pa-dominion-voting-machines-20201130-nv6nn575lbfi5pxmog2ewnjmca-story.html%3foutputType=amp Pa. counties reported no major issues with Dominion voting machines, a target of Trump and his campaign
https://www.google.com/amp/s/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN27S2Z9 Fact check: Dominion software was not used only in states where Trump is filing lawsuits
只要我坚定信念手里的白纸是美元 我用白纸去买东西,就不是撒谎! 我的认知里面这张白纸明明就是美元, 我有什么错? 你没有办法证明我认为白纸是白纸,对吧? 你们这些人不讲武德啊,真是的 不可理喻
pillow guy说他有100%的证据,建议他出来提供证据(哦,他也被告了,正好,公布一下他的证据,帮人帮己)
看得出来你还真诚地相信鲍大律。good luck!
Powell根本就知道她忽悠的可不就是那群unreasonable person吗。效果貌似不错。
现在想装糊涂,说这些不着边际的话,是不可能逃脱的! 她这次完蛋了!
“居然被说成是认罪了。” 不是你写的么? 除了你写的,还有谁说她认罪了呢?
至于你说只有wsj引用了她的原话,其他媒体都断章取义了,如果没有跟新闻的话可以看看下面几个再下定论: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/03/22/politics/sidney-powell-dominion-lawsuit-election-fraud/index.html https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vox.com/platform/amp/2021/3/23/22346333/sidney-powell-dominion-defamation-lawsuit-trump 截屏方便你找