Well, Parents have a fundamental liberty interest in reading and raising their children. You have to prove the children’s father is a serious danger to the children to deprive his right to custody.
Well, Parents have a fundamental liberty interest in reading and raising their children. You have to prove the children’s father is a serious danger to the children to deprive his right to custody. bluejasmin 发表于 2021-03-23 20:41
True.. quickly spent a few of minutes to google “Colorado adoption laws”. Below is the potential involuntary adoption: Pursuant to C.R.S. 19-5-105(3.1), the court may terminate a birth parent’s parental rights when it finds that (1) it is in the best interests of the child; and (2) there is clear and convincing evidence of one of the following: The parent is unfit. To make this determination, the court considers things which render the parent with an inability to care for the needs of the child such as: Emotional/mental illness; The occurrence of a life-threatening or serious bodily injury/disfigurement to the child; Physical or sexual abuse towards a minor child; A history of violence including incidents defined in section 19-1-103(96.5) regarding sexual assault; Excessive use of alcohol and/or use of controlled substances; Neglect of the child; Injury of death of another minor child directly due to abuse or neglect; Two or more adjudications of the minor child through a dependency or neglect case; and/or Another state’s termination of parental rights.
True.. quickly spent a few of minutes to google “Colorado adoption laws”. Below is the potential involuntary adoption: Pursuant to C.R.S. 19-5-105(3.1), the court may terminate a birth parent’s parental rights when it finds that (1) it is in the best interests of the child; and (2) there is clear and convincing evidence of one of the following: The parent is unfit. To make this determination, the court considers things which render the parent with an inability to care for the needs of the child such as: Emotional/mental illness; The occurrence of a life-threatening or serious bodily injury/disfigurement to the child; Physical or sexual abuse towards a minor child; A history of violence including incidents defined in section 19-1-103(96.5) regarding sexual assault; Excessive use of alcohol and/or use of controlled substances; Neglect of the child; Injury of death of another minor child directly due to abuse or neglect; Two or more adjudications of the minor child through a dependency or neglect case; and/or Another state’s termination of parental rights.
这个同意,是独立的案子。 刚刚看到一下科州的法律,这样未婚的情况比较复杂,就如下2个,相对对女性有利。 By law, an unwed father has no parental rights without proof of paternity。 Termination of parental rights is done voluntarily when an expectant mother makes an adoption plan for her baby with an adoption agency and offers her official consent to the adoption after the birth of her child.
这个同意,是独立的案子。 刚刚看到一下科州的法律,这样未婚的情况比较复杂,就如下2个,相对对女性有利。 By law, an unwed father has no parental rights without proof of paternity。 Termination of parental rights is done voluntarily when an expectant mother makes an adoption plan for her baby with an adoption agency and offers her official consent to the adoption after the birth of her child. ocmom 发表于 2021-03-23 21:48
这个同意,是独立的案子。 刚刚看到一下科州的法律,这样未婚的情况比较复杂,就如下2个,相对对女性有利。 By law, an unwed father has no parental rights without proof of paternity。 Termination of parental rights is done voluntarily when an expectant mother makes an adoption plan for her baby with an adoption agency and offers her official consent to the adoption after the birth of her child. ocmom 发表于 2021-03-23 21:48
科州是美国的仅有的几个承认common law marriage 的州,不知道这两公婆是否满足比如如下的(但不是全部的)要求: The parties lived together for about 5 years. The parties shared a joint bank account for shared expenses (but separate accounts for their own incomes). They signed a document with the woman’s employer claiming to be married so the man could get a ski pass. They signed a statement claiming to have a common law marriage with the man’s employer so the woman could be on his health insurance.
科州是美国的仅有的几个承认common law marriage 的州,不知道这两公婆是否满足比如如下的(但不是全部的)要求: The parties lived together for about 5 years. The parties shared a joint bank account for shared expenses (but separate accounts for their own incomes). They signed a document with the woman’s employer claiming to be married so the man could get a ski pass. They signed a statement claiming to have a common law marriage with the man’s employer so the woman could be on his health insurance.
这个同意,是独立的案子。 刚刚看到一下科州的法律,这样未婚的情况比较复杂,就如下2个,相对对女性有利。 By law, an unwed father has no parental rights without proof of paternity。 Termination of parental rights is done voluntarily when an expectant mother makes an adoption plan for her baby with an adoption agency and offers her official consent to the adoption after the birth of her child. ocmom 发表于 2021-03-23 21:48
问题是张恒可以offer proof of paternity. DNA鉴定他是孩子的生物学父亲他一定做过了。 另外,他不但事实上可以有paternity的proof,还有physical custody一年多了。
在科罗拉多如何避免被控诉事实婚姻 How to Avoid A Common Law Marriage Claim Use common sense, and don’t commit fraud. As long you never intend to be married, never claim to be married, and you avoid the trappings of marriage, you’ll be fine. It’s okay to live together, but avoid the following: No joint tax returns Don’t sign an affidavit of common law marriage (e.g. to obtain health insurance) Don’t refer to each other as “husband”, “wife” or “spouse”. Even if you think you’re joking, your partner, or others, may not. Your Facebook and other social media status should be single, in a relationship, or “it’s complicated”, but not “married.” Don’t start using a shared family name Avoid joint bank accounts to the extent possible Don’t go through anything that even vaguely resembles a wedding ceremony, even if you think it’s only an expression of love or commitment. That sunrise ceremony at Garden of the Gods may seem harmless, but if you invite guests, have an officiant and a best man/maid of honor, and it’s looking more like a wedding No exchange of rings, or wearing a wedding band
科州是美国的仅有的几个承认common law marriage 的州,不知道这两公婆是否满足比如如下的(但不是全部的)要求: The parties lived together for about 5 years. The parties shared a joint bank account for shared expenses (but separate accounts for their own incomes). They signed a document with the woman’s employer claiming to be married so the man could get a ski pass. They signed a statement claiming to have a common law marriage with the man’s employer so the woman could be on his health insurance.
看上去张恒很靠谱啊,那些还在各种贬低张要让孩子被领养的人到底要干嘛啊,你们自己老公有做的比他好吗。 郑没有责任心没有能力带小,给抚养费不是很正常嘛,为啥给了抚养费就是张吃软饭?单亲妈妈那抚养费的多了去了
领养有那么可怕吗?我孩子小的时候,我和我老公都立过trust &will, 防止天有不测风云,特别交代过如果父母不在,孩子被领养的细节。。
Re, 郑爽完全就是渣男的做法,对孩子不负责,让孩子没母爱,并且还要继续让孩子见不到爸爸,还有人把自己带入她。
自己打嘴炮打的过瘾,建议别人养了一年多的小孩送人, 一被类比到自己,就跳的这么高。 既然都是打嘴炮,你打的,别人怎么打不得?说好的善良和同理心呢😄
又转移话题了,连话都说不清楚了。果然是物以类聚,人以群分。 一边说一锅水端平,一边一个劲的渣男,打嘴炮多过瘾反正不爽了还可以人肉😄 奉劝一句,做人善良点吧,天道好轮回,苍天饶过谁~
什么样的网友这么敬业啊。 郑爽那边是铁粉。张恒那边也有这么敬业的死忠粉吗。 虽然只是片段,你觉得仅在这段录像里郑爽听着有精神疾病吗? https://3g.163.com/ent/article/G5PKN3QV00037VVK.html?spss=adap_pc#adaptation=pc
不给地址的说法是怎么被砸扁的? 庭审时说的7月份ZS收到张恒的信第一次知道孩子信息,开始寻求法律帮助,8月起诉。除非法庭证实ZS撒谎。 https://3g.163.com/ent/article/G5PKN3QV00037VVK.html?spss=adap_pc#adaptation=pc
你几百年不变?你小时候尿裤子哭鼻子,要糖吃打滚,长大了还这样? 你今天想吃菜明天想吃肉就不正常?26岁想单身一辈子,30岁想结婚不行?
Well, Parents have a fundamental liberty interest in reading and raising their children. You have to prove the children’s father is a serious danger to the children to deprive his right to custody.
争孩子的官司好ugly. 张恒努力的想让法官相信郑爽精神状况有问题,提供了各种照片,明确提出不能让郑爽抚养孩子。一月份他全网发文也许有打击郑爽让她精神崩溃的目的。 不管如何,争孩子的官司本身足以解除郑爽不要孩子的说法。张恒把孩子出生前的吵架要打胎送人的录音提供给法庭当证据了么? 郑爽应该雇个私家侦探查查张恒的过去。作为一个经纪人赞成代孕并且成功有了孩子,又要和提供卵子的母亲划分界限独自拥有孩子 -这要是个骗婚骗卵子骗孩子的故事,也不是完全没可能。
True.. quickly spent a few of minutes to google “Colorado adoption laws”. Below is the potential involuntary adoption:
Pursuant to C.R.S. 19-5-105(3.1), the court may terminate a birth parent’s parental rights when it finds that (1) it is in the best interests of the child; and (2) there is clear and convincing evidence of one of the following: The parent is unfit. To make this determination, the court considers things which render the parent with an inability to care for the needs of the child such as: Emotional/mental illness; The occurrence of a life-threatening or serious bodily injury/disfigurement to the child; Physical or sexual abuse towards a minor child; A history of violence including incidents defined in section 19-1-103(96.5) regarding sexual assault; Excessive use of alcohol and/or use of controlled substances; Neglect of the child; Injury of death of another minor child directly due to abuse or neglect; Two or more adjudications of the minor child through a dependency or neglect case; and/or Another state’s termination of parental rights.
你说郑爽在法庭上“前言不搭后语,情绪化” 是LZ发的张恒说的?自己听听录音就知道了,张恒方提供的录音也能听出来,耳听为实。
“可打官司的时候就说 跟郑爽同居 是属于事实婚姻 要分她的钱 还把她收入多少都统统曝光” -这点有录音吗? 如果张恒真的以事实婚姻为由要分郑爽财产,那真是大开眼界。
你吃错药了?!我家孩子上大学了,不用你这样的渣男水军操心。 要不要involuntary adoption, 不是你我说了算,要看法庭决断。。长点脑子,学习学习各州的法律。。
是啊,就是独立的,所以那个经济问题 钱怎么弄, 和这个孩子抚养权归属没有必然关系。
这个同意,是独立的案子。 刚刚看到一下科州的法律,这样未婚的情况比较复杂,就如下2个,相对对女性有利。 By law, an unwed father has no parental rights without proof of paternity。
Termination of parental rights is done voluntarily when an expectant mother makes an adoption plan for her baby with an adoption agency and offers her official consent to the adoption after the birth of her child.
你们都不听庭审记录读几个张恒卖个营销号的文章? 昨天张衡所有卖给新闻媒体的全都是没有音频证据的,然后郑爽粉丝发布的全都是有音频证据的,包括那个头发。张衡说是郑爽要出家,但是那一部分根本没有音频证据,然后郑爽的粉丝说是他想要重新开始分手以后,然后那一段有完整的音频记录。
话说这种可能性大吗?可怜的孩子 哎
张恒有proof of paternity 啊
你们看料不仔细。2000万没亏掉。亏掉的是之前的1000万,没被追。追的2000万,男方认为是辞职当经纪人10年的报酬,虽然只当了一年,没被法庭采信,判他还钱。1300万在股票里被冻结,700万说是给女方买东西花了。没还的就是这700万吧。 那个“事实婚姻分钱”以前没见过,也许是新料。如果是真的,叹为观止。张恒可以写在教科书了。
抚养权官司一定会争取单方抚养权,而不是共同抚养权。 拿到抚养权官司后,一定会接着打官司索取远超一般人概念的孩子抚养费
“张恒方律师认为郑爽张恒恋爱是系“事实婚姻”,想将同居财产纠纷转为“夫妻”共同财产来处理,简单说,即便张恒可以把这2000万还给郑爽,但是他应该也有权利去分配郑爽的巨额财产。” 如果这新闻是真的,张恒太low了。
她怎么抹粪的,证据呢? 你在粪堆看什么都是粪吧,ZH更象攒粪的屎壳郎,和你挺登对的。
科州是美国的仅有的几个承认common law marriage 的州,不知道这两公婆是否满足比如如下的(但不是全部的)要求:
The parties lived together for about 5 years. The parties shared a joint bank account for shared expenses (but separate accounts for their own incomes). They signed a document with the woman’s employer claiming to be married so the man could get a ski pass. They signed a statement claiming to have a common law marriage with the man’s employer so the woman could be on his health insurance.
我站Z S就被打成水军,垃圾,按你逻辑你这种就是偏执狂,CCP走狗奉行盖帽子无中生有,不允许不同意见
他要钱的官司在国内吧。美国只是争孩子抚养权。 这第一条不满足,他们一共才三年? 赞张恒的效率!
如果是这样,张的事实婚姻在科州可能不成立。。那他是unwed father的状况,这样对他的抚养权诉求可能不利
问题是张恒可以offer proof of paternity. DNA鉴定他是孩子的生物学父亲他一定做过了。 另外,他不但事实上可以有paternity的proof,还有physical custody一年多了。
抛开国内经济官司,你觉得colorado的法律,现在怎么establish 张恒unfit吧?
这要看zs的律师怎么打这个官司,我上面有贴,好像吸毒酗酒都可以是unfit... 我就一吃瓜的,没空帮她律师做研究。她家如果聪明就找专门打这类官司的专业律师事务所,不限于中文律师。
有吗?如果有marriage certificate,那情况就很不一样了。
对啊,所以根据已知信息,至少primafacie无法证明张恒unfit。我觉得要根据unfit来involuntary terminate生物学父亲抚养权,直接让俩孩子被领养,burden of proof 还是相当重的
张还有一个未婚的(unwed father)问题会增加案情复杂性,当然如果他们有marriage certificate 就是不同的情况了。
民事案件的burden of proof 有些不同。这个case,谁是原告,谁是被告呀?到底诉求是什么🤔
应该是没有结婚 要是结婚了 那男的在国内的官司里就不会只是强调同居期间要算事实婚姻来分人家财产了 直接说婚内财产了 而且会直接给法官出示结婚证了 因为官司是在一个办理离婚的法院进行的 所以男方水军误导让人以为他们是在办理离婚
No joint tax returns Don’t sign an affidavit of common law marriage (e.g. to obtain health insurance) Don’t refer to each other as “husband”, “wife” or “spouse”. Even if you think you’re joking, your partner, or others, may not. Your Facebook and other social media status should be single, in a relationship, or “it’s complicated”, but not “married.” Don’t start using a shared family name Avoid joint bank accounts to the extent possible Don’t go through anything that even vaguely resembles a wedding ceremony, even if you think it’s only an expression of love or commitment. That sunrise ceremony at Garden of the Gods may seem harmless, but if you invite guests, have an officiant and a best man/maid of honor, and it’s looking more like a wedding No exchange of rings, or wearing a wedding band
我觉得他们这个case很特殊,传统法律对unwed father要求严格,要证明很多东西因为孩子是从母亲肚子里出来的,理所当然的,谁是生物学母亲很straightforward。 而他们是代孕,孩子实际surrogate mother生的,不是血缘关系的母亲生的,也不是血缘关系的父亲生的,这时生物学mother的地位和father也无异了。
同居算事实婚姻要分财产, 这是多少gold digger的梦想啊。郑爽真是傻缺找这么一个吃软饭吃的这么理直气壮的。
只有8个州承认common law marriage。其实我真的奇怪,他们竟然没有找加州的代孕,为什么到科州?这男的一直在科州吗? Colorado Iowa Kansas Montana Rhode Island South Carolina Texas (calls it "informal marriage") Utah
没有结婚,这是到现在为止,很多方都出面证实的了。 水军别再扯了,郑爽号称娱乐圈百草枯,凡是和她有过关系的男友们全是“渣男”的下场。现在有各种铁锤的证据下,还能硬洗成白莲花,这邪教水平,简直是刚刚的。
他俩又没住在一起很久,而且大部分时间肯定是在国内,怎么可能是common law呢,想分财产也太恶心了,这吃相
不一定,看这个新闻 sinoustimes.com/contents/323/22237.html 美国法庭的民事方面的判决,可以到国内法院申请执行,已经有先例了。
美国很多州没有对方同意的阴私录影不能作为证据。 ZH那渣男无所不用其极,他能用会不用?