Perhaps consider 1Country4Systems - A true democracy! Probably everybody becomes living better and happier, in a potentially continuous/ perpetual peace world on earth! Yin and yang symbol
Perhaps consider 1Country4Systems - A true democracy! Probably everybody becomes living better and happier, in a potentially continuous/ perpetual peace world on earth! Yin and yang symbol EvenOdd 发表于 2021-03-22 07:25
<1Country4Systems - A true democracy!> By now, I firmly recognise Deng was quite right for deciding 1C2S! Q <Forrester characterizes normal debate and discussion as being dominated by inexact mental models: The mental model is fuzzy. It is incomplete. It is imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within one individual, a mental model changes with time and even during the flow of a single conversation.The human mind assembles a few relationships to fit the context of a discussion.> This statement further clarifies, why a conventional 2-party demoncracy administration based on politicains selected purely by majority voters, is not necessarily better than a 1-party elitism/meritocracy admiistration. One way to improve the 2-party demoncracy would be to provide special training of system dynamics thinking and analysis to individual politicians and their staffers. However, the reality is some or many people, including some politicians, do not really like the kind of complexity and dynamics of systems thinking, by nature or by capability. But sometimes these politicians, when without systems thinking, could be the ones who decide the long lasting policies/fate impacting their beloved nation for long long long time, possibly. Constructive? Healthy? Mindful? Fire prevention, or Fire fighting? Only God knows! UQ
去过德州开会7天就碰到一次 纽约就算同事心理这么想也不敢说因为是会丢工作的
我同事是路易斯安那出来的,那里人非常穷。她老家是lake Charles. 她童年最好的朋友现在已经60多岁了,在那里做social worker,算个政府的小白领,一辈子住在trailer home里。我同事和我说,那里的生活是没有希望的。你说那里的人看到电视上移民的幸福生活是怎么想的?深红州和深红州真的不一样。一个州里不同阶层也不一样。
Perhaps consider 1Country4Systems - A true democracy!
Probably everybody becomes living better and happier, in a potentially continuous/ perpetual peace world on earth!
Yin and yang symbol
<1Country4Systems - A true democracy!>
By now, I firmly recognise Deng was quite right for deciding 1C2S!
Q <Forrester characterizes normal debate and discussion as being dominated by inexact mental models: The mental model is fuzzy. It is incomplete. It is imprecisely stated. Furthermore, within one individual, a mental model changes with time and even during the flow of a single conversation. The human mind assembles a few relationships to fit the context of a discussion.>
This statement further clarifies, why a conventional 2-party demoncracy administration based on politicains selected purely by majority voters, is not necessarily better than a 1-party elitism/meritocracy admiistration.
One way to improve the 2-party demoncracy would be to provide special training of system dynamics thinking and analysis to individual politicians and their staffers.
However, the reality is some or many people, including some politicians, do not really like the kind of complexity and dynamics of systems thinking, by nature or by capability.
But sometimes these politicians, when without systems thinking, could be the ones who decide the long lasting policies/fate impacting their beloved nation for long long long time, possibly.
Constructive? Healthy? Mindful? Fire prevention, or Fire fighting? Only God knows! UQ
德州大部分时间都在自家车上,哪像纽约你到哪都在public transportation上,人与人之间的距离也近。
这就是 暴力种族歧视 最严重的 在 民主党人的州 和城市????
如果没有 民主党人 的挑拨离间, 搬弄是非 种族关系 会那么紧张吗