隔壁有人贴了这个报道,简直是一层一层包庇上去 Jay Baker 说凶手 had a bad day Jay Baker 的上司 Reynolds 说 Jay Baker had a difficult task “In as much as his words were taken or construed as insensitive or inappropriate, they were not intended to disrespect any of the victims, the gravity of this tragedy, or express empathy or sympathy for the suspect,” Reynolds said in a statement. “Captain Baker had a difficult task before him, and this was one of the hardest in his twenty-eight years in law enforcement.” 然后 county commission chair 再出来帮忙说话: The sheriff’s office received support online from Cherokee County Commission Chair Harry Johnston, who posted on Facebook that people have “misconstrued” Baker’s comments. “Some people incorrectly took his comments as ‘excusing’ the shooter’s actions. I know that wasn’t and would never have been what he meant. My prayers are with the victims and their families,” according to Johnston’s post. 链接: https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/cherokee-official-faces-calls-to-resign-after-spa-shooting-remarks/BV3WOABGABC65J2XMYMSZD7Y64/ 所以county commission再上面是哪个机构?
警察的上司说,Bake just had a bad day! 是真的吗? 要是真的话,这个是故意挑事吧 squirrel40 发表于 2021-03-22 11:41
来源: https://abcnews.go.com/US/georgia-sheriffs-department-fire-official-spa-shootings-suspect/story?id=76533598 Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds in a statement on Thursday defended Baker, saying his comments were "taken or construed as insensitive or inappropriate" but that they “... "Captain Baker had a difficult task before him, and this was one of the hardest in his twenty-eight years in law enforcement," Reynolds said.
与此同时,那个德州的议员在 明目张胆的 鼓动大家 lynching 有理! 他们这些人的言传身教,使得这个国家越来越分裂,亚裔总是被认为是外国人,
警察的上司居然也在说,Bake just had a bad day! 警察必须下台! 凶手必须付出代价!
图片来自 TeresD 的帖子。 我改动了一下。
谢谢。 现在fed investigation 还是说没有证据表明是hate crime. are you kidding? ? ? 枪手是有备而去,针对亚裔商店SPA, 然后前往佛罗里达继续作案。 被拦截之后 给出借口,说是sex addict, wipe out temptation... 这是什么卑劣的借口啊,你杀害的人年龄在50-60岁!
这究竟是不是那个警察临时给他出的主意??? 这个事情没完! 我们不能做沉默的哑巴!
谢谢 完全同意
很好奇,记得之前说有韩文报纸报道,一个witness说听到凶手开枪前喊 I will kill all asians 刚刚搜了一下,也有几个英文网站引述这个报道 但是为什么没有英文主流媒体采访这个witness呢 也没看到这个witness出来说话发声(可能人家有安全顾虑?)
我也一直在好奇这个事情。 都是推特上提到说是韩国报纸报道了,可是如果没有这边的正式消息,可信度就被怀疑了。 该不会是 媒体此时选择装聋作哑?没有理由如此啊……
Jay Baker 说凶手 had a bad day
Jay Baker 的上司 Reynolds 说 Jay Baker had a difficult task
“In as much as his words were taken or construed as insensitive or inappropriate, they were not intended to disrespect any of the victims, the gravity of this tragedy, or express empathy or sympathy for the suspect,” Reynolds said in a statement. “Captain Baker had a difficult task before him, and this was one of the hardest in his twenty-eight years in law enforcement.”
然后 county commission chair 再出来帮忙说话:
The sheriff’s office received support online from Cherokee County Commission Chair Harry Johnston, who posted on Facebook that people have “misconstrued” Baker’s comments. “Some people incorrectly took his comments as ‘excusing’ the shooter’s actions. I know that wasn’t and would never have been what he meant. My prayers are with the victims and their families,” according to Johnston’s post.
链接: https://www.ajc.com/news/atlanta-news/cherokee-official-faces-calls-to-resign-after-spa-shooting-remarks/BV3WOABGABC65J2XMYMSZD7Y64/
所以county commission再上面是哪个机构?
来源: https://abcnews.go.com/US/georgia-sheriffs-department-fire-official-spa-shootings-suspect/story?id=76533598
Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Reynolds in a statement on Thursday defended Baker, saying his comments were "taken or construed as insensitive or inappropriate" but that they “... "Captain Baker had a difficult task before him, and this was one of the hardest in his twenty-eight years in law enforcement," Reynolds said.
还有这个 Baker 在卖T-shirt, 是当地警察自己做的 “Place your order while they last,” Baker wrote with a smiley face on a March 30 photo that included the racist T-shirts. “Love my shirt,” Baker wrote in another post in April 2020. “Get yours while they last.'” The shirts appear to be printed by Deadline Appeal, owned by a former deputy sheriff from Cherokee County, and sold for $22.
搅浑水? 他就是因为种族歧视,顾8个保镖在门口也不会改变这些人专门挑亚洲人的事实。
social media上有些人的脑回路简直了,你把事实罗列给这些人看。瞎子也能看出前因后果他们就是说我不觉得。难道racist要大喊我是racist才算?不说他就不是?
有点逻辑吧。 有保镖早就干翻了,还连去三个店。
赞! 我的思路都差点被带歪了
FBI director出来说亚特兰大"不象是"hate crime. 都是一丘之貉! 根源是根本就不觉得亚裔是属于美国的。
回过头来看看那个警察的话:那个小伙子是去铲除诱惑的…… 骨子里和那个德州的议员同样的心理:你不属于这里,你出现在我面前就是你不对,后面的任何手段,任何结果,都是合情合理了! 当初的排华法案,MLK之前黑人的遭遇,都是如此啊。 不能再吃哑巴亏了 要发出自己的声音!