In the early hours of February 4, 1999, an unarmed 23-year-old Guinean immigrant named Amadou Diallo (born September 2, 1975) was fatally shot by four New York City Police Department plainclothes officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon, and Kenneth Boss. Carroll would later claim to have mistaken him for a rape suspect from one year earlier. 认错人了? 打了41枪后说认错人了?
41 shots, and we'll take that ride 'Cross the bloody river to the other side 41 shots, cut through the night You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule Praying for his life Is it a gun, is it a knife Is it a wallet, this is your life It ain't no secret (it ain't no secret) It ain't no secret (it ain't no secret) No secret my friend You can get killed just for living in your American skin
BLM, stopasianhate,本质上都是focuses on who allegedly prosecutes these groups. No one really cares about the targeted groups. It's by pure luck and/or other agenda that certain groups get picked and pushed to the front stage at certain points. Still, it's beneficial to take advantage of these opportunities but don't ever over-simply politics.
BLM, stopasianhate,本质上都是focuses on who allegedly prosecutes these groups. No one really cares about the targeted groups. It''s by pure luck and/or other agenda that certain groups get picked and pushed to the front stage at certain points. Still, it''s beneficial to take advantage of these opportunities but don''t ever over-simply politics. saynomore 发表于 2021-03-22 13:11
不同意你的观点。有很多人确实care about social justice。 另外,估计你想说的是persecute (迫害),不是prosecute (起诉)
抢你的是歹徒,不是BLM, 就好比杀你全家的是共产党,不是中国人。
我就想说一句 警察杀了人,police report是可以随便瞎写的吗?
哦, 好像是的。 我再看看到他们袍子开叉很高, 里面应该是白色裤子。
越南人好像对中国人的感情蛮复杂的。 记得去年3月的时候他们最早歧视中国人, 当时有美甲店爆出歧视华人。我个人感觉,日本人和韩国人对中国人更友好。
正常的警察执法protocol已经给了他们保命的第一选择。不知道压着Floyd脖子的八分钟,那个警察是受到了什么样的生命危险。承认警察也是普通人,所以他们有很多也像普通人一样有偏见不尽职。因为他们作为国家机器面对的是生死,这些不合格的警察就应该被清理掉,让有资格的人来当警察。比如像Atlanta那个请proud boy吃饭兼职辩护律师的警长,上行下效维护white supremacy,就应该滚蛋。
可是他们好像也羡慕中国血统的。 可能被中原叫“蛮夷” 太久被汰脑子了。
反抗啊 承认啊 和黑人有啥关系 不住黑人区是全美非黑人的选择 必须和黑人站在一起对抗白人就是正确的平权努力吗 黑人犯罪率高是不争的实施
In the early hours of February 4, 1999, an unarmed 23-year-old Guinean immigrant named Amadou Diallo (born September 2, 1975) was fatally shot by four New York City Police Department plainclothes officers: Sean Carroll, Richard Murphy, Edward McMellon, and Kenneth Boss. Carroll would later claim to have mistaken him for a rape suspect from one year earlier. 认错人了? 打了41枪后说认错人了?
Is it a gun, is it a knife Is it a wallet, this is your life It ain't no secret (it ain't no secret) It ain't no secret (it ain't no secret) No secret my friend You can get killed just for living in your American skin
和黑人太有关系了。华人现在地位也不怎么样,但是如果没有60年代美国黑人的平权运动华人今天地位会低得多。 黑人犯罪率是高,但是黑人和其他族裔一样有好人有坏人。这次有很多黑人站出来支持StopAsianHate 没人让你住黑人区,更没人让你对抗白人。亚裔应该做的是和所有被歧视被仇恨的少数族裔站在一起对抗种族主义者。
不同意你的观点。有很多人确实care about social justice。 另外,估计你想说的是persecute (迫害),不是prosecute (起诉)
Being cynical accomplishes nothing.