回复 68楼nanan的帖子 https://adage.com/article/media/verizon-commits-15-million-donations-and-ad-inventory-aapi-community/2323046 The telecommunications giant is committing to giving $10 million to organizations advancing social justice for the AAPI community, including $5 million to leading organizations on the front lines of the issue, such as Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans and the Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship. Verizon is also donating $5 million in ad inventory through Verizon Media for media that advocates for Asian rights and mental health or promotes Asian-owned and run small businesses.
同样,湾区药厂。昨天CEO也发信也谴责暴力行为。同时公司其他的各个团体也纷纷发信支持asian community.
The telecommunications giant is committing to giving $10 million to organizations advancing social justice for the AAPI community, including $5 million to leading organizations on the front lines of the issue, such as Asian Americans Advancing Justice, the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans and the Asian/Pacific Islander American Chamber of Commerce and Entrepreneurship.
Verizon is also donating $5 million in ad inventory through Verizon Media for media that advocates for Asian rights and mental health or promotes Asian-owned and run small businesses.